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Show EVENING NEWS. FALL SEASON house tops along which the procesSPKCIAIi NOTICKS. TO-DATELEGRAMS LAKE THEATRE. sions passed. The whole distance from King Humbert's palace of the PubUtked Daily, SttMv Excepted, . uirinal to the rope's palace of the u. rjclawsox; 1 at rou O'CLOCK. Manager. atlcan, was thickly lined on both Steve Brodte Jumps from a Hud For Herrman Kanmereth's Piano, sides by Italian soldiers. For more Car at have taken which place is f wasf and son River Bridge a gbk.vt 1:ve5T i than four hoars all traffic was stopped der's tomorrow, v?illi)o postponed till PRINTED AND PUILItNEO BY THE I f. 1st. Badly Injured. . throughout the long range of streets December Nights Only, and piaeze, comprised within the mili DESERET NEWS COMPANY. was held with such AXB SATlKpAV,3IATIJ(Ir. tary cordon, wnicn NOTlGEl that even foot passengers The Mysterious Murderer of. Lon severity on our On and after this date were not permitted to cross from one prices don Add s Another Victim to all grades of Flour will raise 25 cents sidewalk to another, and doctors on CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDIT(BU JUDGE THUBHAN. 10 cents and ; hundred Bran Sborts per their way to visit their patients were bis List. Euas Mohris, per hundred. would hardly be fair to permit compelled to make a circuit of two er It BIG BURLESQUE COMPANY. lfoll-Miu ri.)ntT I'iteut r Salt Lake November , I8SS- - contemplation of the great election to three miles in order to reach their ' Friday, dlvv Nov; .", over City, destination the It way. maybe cease without making some reference that this display was in the nature of a The Result of the Election in West 'Sagr to Judge Tburman. Perhaps in no precautionary measure, to insure the. Tiittconaciouicesa cI haviiu &.rmc Virginia ia Still in 1HE DIVINK HAND. dy at hand for croup, pneumouia, sore safety, fears having been public act of his life has he ever more Emperor's Doubt. entertained tbat emissaries of the' throat, aad sudden coins, is very con; ! fully deserved the title of the "Old anarchists might doling to a parent.: WUh a boWie nl attempt bis life In the A singular bumu trait bees Roman" than In his reception of the very streets oi or it be house, Pecturalin frotirtfu Cherry Ayer's lMrcct tome; TheafrcTlicTC D. S.' Alexander, of New York, to one leels m uca cas s, a sense ot ba""0 i!a:voil demon a been have weeks to as strongly exhibited daring the last few people's verdict. "They have de may llioy Of tnls InsUtattoB Is now replete with all the latest novelties In Di s have ever becu Italv'a military cower - , C!ts notbins else can tivo. . l:r. be days. We refer to a disposition cided," said he, "that a tariff is not a stration of JIarrisou's.lV:iI'reat. tn "Fabrics and Trimmings suitable for the season. that Thtatre. to guard the" King's to resist the truth .when it is un tax, and no one will acquiesce in their asserting itsvuu rigit " o"uku Secretary. F. Anorbach & Bro. are closing very saws ui me va-iAll over the country decision more cheerfully than I." It guest-upalatable. can. As to the Inter viow bet ween the j'J We raat mbracos toch ;n tUt as their Mather IvJd Gloves at fl.OOand deception elf tiV.O. H. HltUlir.l'AVTEM I'tETO.M, is sometimes the "case that a Emperor and the Pontiff It was arpeople practiced this $1.25, former ptlce l.7."and $1 W. in relation to tbe presidential man's deathbed furnishes a com ranged previously to abstain from all Speculations as to the Coming Cab Kdw.ard Morris, reference to political matters. t.oo. A. fioltiller, i.ei-- . K. KujUcuc, ct all kicds for Hlsbcst rrice' paid e'lectien. They insisted that Graver prehensive view Not in Blaine . inet. of bis what V;il in S. I'ai r, eto. .ins. 1.. MaMit,The rope received tne Emperor sur C. B. Durst's. K'ati-'nproduce at Cleveland was elected when conclu-niv- e life has often in rounded by his whole court. His Maj land from the c;uu-rbeen; retij.nctfeO. promptly WiU befonnd aa aaeqaatUd Mac of farmenta of all alaaa In Clot a aa4 Viiv. ilix;t:iu liu;.' Nori;. evidence asserted his defeat. advanced and bent tne Knee to C. ii. ln'RST. to. defeat the vanquished shows his su ety V t Mr. and liico in ; jarih.'illuf, Ills Holiness as a mark of venera'ioa, Plash, I'lala, Dsaded and Fancy TTimmea. There are but few, comparatively, periority to the circumstances Mr. i'i.)wm Iklvu uiucJ not to increase Em invited the the Tope K13CEIVJ&I! wbereupou to tfce Kkws.1 JUST By Telegraph ;iml leave liiuui at l!ie w who have so suaC.ed themselves to a blru by gracefully accepting peror to a seat beside him. After arris . for txith nishts S1 S- -l 10-- 1 which enables the inevitable, and a to led the the rigid way ami Pope ISuftlncks. apart private while Flii;incl that Uasgeroni showing Du in uuee. no aa whoment had where interview at them to exact the grasp be could not control the fates be could e l'OUGHKEKPSIE, N. Y., NOV. 9 ti.c s"s.its Emperor lasting twenty-thretroth of every matter without allowla? do more, by deserving such power the was pres- in a Brodie from No minutes. other person bildge jumped Wool ItHttiie, lilmtkcts, their efforts 1 1 be stultified by preja Qenerat Grant at Appomatoz was not ent,ou, wnen tae tmperor reappeared the course of construction aver the SALT LAKE THEATRE. Include Ladles', M aad OhiWwa'i Mrlao, Cathawr aad Uows- core ton. dice or predilection. Yet that should one whit a traces emo' blMace oi.aeeo ol" con tuis as Hudson o'clock a here liiver IuinienKe sis at Mlasee' aad Clttiaraa's uiovaa aaa autiaa. U. 11. ilAAUKB. Vitriely ULAWS'.Ci", grander figure nude Hosiery. The eucces fal bringing together of morning, lie broke ; three rios, and be the aim of every intelligent person queror than was General Leeas the con Jtmperor, Knit Good and Vnderwsar. ana Shawls, Woot Kur. Goods, to to extend kiiiz rope when he reached shore, blood was I There are others who exprea v a f INlzrlitw querod chieftain; and Hannibal will each other a friendly greeting Is con ruunisg from his month and ears. VOMMKXOISi talistic propeuilty, by ascribing every always occupy the highest niche In the sidered in Europe as a master diplo- Brodie sfiortlv afterwards took tne oa the part of NUVtJlBER Italy's train for New York, where he arrived great event to Divine providence. A temple of fame, notwithstanding his macy Minister Siguor Francesco at o'clock. InTltcd is tVoolcn Agent genuine faith of that kind is good, be- disastrous defeat and complete over- Prime Clai-iu aa-- . tukea i'ieaui Manager Crispi Indeed few men have been The from the bridge to toe two of the v.nh Ofercottan ii!)u;uii!ir ing in unison with ,the statement of throw by Scipio Afrlcanus. So will so generally popular, as is this eater- - wator distance Cloths, was made Wills, is 21 leet. The ou incciit. i f th lcadiuK artists and staunch patriot, for a wager cf statesman revelation to the effect that G Ml is nls present me a prising Jal and $300 u actor we Ar.u tlio .gnld uii take voruile :t iosl it, K.iST TKMi'LE S'i Iiv.jik. inlf., partisans and, tne wnoie Italian roninsu ipreat ' tKo;tlie worm me same amount, mouie i angry with none save those who do the people ox au shades 01 opinion a tnrongQout la. Tnls popularity is not so much serious!" islured and die. may most,Trinwnlnfirs. tho not acknowledge Ills band in all few e'eaau is lKiis Soap EV1 ;ia of bi3 MEw ioRK. Nov. t.- - Steve uroaie, toilet years hence, hold Allen G. Tbur duel to his clvernt ss as to oih adjunct, some When of ol cut the attributes. Ul3 great things. things nothing who iumutid irom Pouzhkeensie bridge man. tie could scarcely have been Au'd tlie iedniiiiit'ttd'KrttteV(ihicnt way for an Italian to be talented ; but moment happen. It is not harmonious i; morning,: arrived at lO O'ciocjt. Looji in success than he is in defeat; it is unusual that be should be verse thin i( tbiks re':u'es jtciv2AC greater 1I VBAtt praminoil 9 hv rirtptrtl--hi with the genuine spirit of. faith i'. ikfiK Kta hoVf Cue Cbryaaiithtuio What has awakened foe Is not a verinsr ai well. 4 tbafe-- " alter greatness for, all, tbrEerTby'brwiClrnl1 feui-ts1m C'ou oi-iOTia:Tisrcto express confidence in the ovtr creature of circumstances, but a Johnsoo, ' lrttt t kept ud his and a hurt. The lb part aad 3-iouly at Window, begtantng 'on Monday,'-- No.- admiration for him is his sustained doctor sboukter ra'.Inz hand of Heaven aad at the and A-rco I not not aid say in Is present of Individual. the It veitmer parcel tji. o! inexhaustible energy, power appll same time feel and indicate deep re herent and nit Das sustained- au mternai li ..b ff nnuAual exftel-- . .Sap Sale of 'plautd IromU.Vi to 4. IrAate, er it does not exist cation, and unappeasible appetite for waetner GOODS AN1 coi;viy iiinries.- 8, lie lnanugemeiil ol Mr. F,.1CK. . Sujrteil t. ; gret at the occurrence involved. If at all. irin't, mler hard work, xoe Italians are essen - i AVH MOkTIMKlt. ',J (il'Sf there Is true faith in the Divine raanl tlally an indolent people. No wonder Anwtuef VleUiu. Kill SALK CHEAP ! who Is never happy uaiess Hitiriay , 'vriuber I311i. testation f the greater events that ANOTHER LONDON TRAGEDY. that a man auvl Bulis ..Two Tborouirhbred Qnalites. Is tlend Jersey Minister who not Prime murder Splendid line ol Carpets in all Grades LoNovXev. only busy: occur in human affairs, then; wlll.be a most tne two can lm holds drive one likewise but Work 11s. of victim. Mare; any lady to ..lxiiiis has bis Virifinius added another lameg '.. of been have London patient acceptance of them an they The population portant portfolios in his cabinet, those At 11 o'clock this rnornrag the body of. Hay taken as part pay mt nt. Call or VirKinia '...Main; tV r ara Bala A avals tor tar ia No. ill s Mnin foreign and home affairs, should.be a woman cat in two take place, no matter how materially electrified by another shock of horror of address, lOlli. l'1'lili..y, Aoftnler uis waj s re & Dec A.NDUEWS 1W IvEIXaiMAU ted. re d of the mutilated by the discovery In a house on lorset Street, iorbiddlngln their actual aspect. S:gnor Crispi much resembles uon. coveed HEATERS. etideavor-in- g MONITOR & CHARTER OAK STOKES, RANGES Ileal confidence In God sees through mains of one more victim of the Geo O Cannon in appearance. lie Splttalilelcls. The police are Marfc WfvJritright CU.tL ! COAL1! C4AL!S! to tracik the murderer wltii blooJ- Oil i imlo Tbislatest Is orooablv six's years ol age. with ho ends. tho foj? of the present, and beholds Wfaitechapel murderer. J. C. & H. Watsoo hsX'e hair aud mustache, a round and or in- tragic performance, is similar to its gray the punabine of the future. Coal Ollke in Ty-otbeir were in Bw. uorl Tlie the remains mutilated a flruily-swell balianced ivii'iiarii ittfrifiau Keal Estate Ullloe. llycts & Writ as those ol tlie Cave's Salat can not in predecessors, showing that all the mauth. and a vair head, stance, a Latter-da- y of keen,iu;ck eyes. pane norrtble manner , nud S.lre.-t-li i BaiWirsr'. 11 MUt in and womennardcred have cut been his mind consistently separate the great victims thus far iiOK conveying the impression tnat tneir Marie to loruish'tbeir olt l.adv Teazle was are now right rue appearance ol Whltecaapel. tte remains Charles b.irraeo ;.. i event of last Tuesday from the econo carved by the skilful hand of the same owner has keut them ODeu to a good frightful foui Jimei ;.. new kinds customers all and friends was. even and umtUation the a is tus far many year purpose past, ferocious human brute. my of Him who holds in His hand the greater than in the previous cases of Screeued (!oh?, at the lynVrs a watcbf ul. earnest.lenergetlc face, the The All the eostunie?1 Are new, am! ar Prices. JFailweight guaranteed head hid been severed and placed Some time since what purported to tension destinies of men and nations'. uFcl liythi company at tlio of its clear-cu- t features being ears one and of the tha beneata arms; Mttii Avruno i iieatrn, Now i o k. i ny arc be his writing was discovered noon a now and then relaxed by a peculiarly want to buy t'fie rihf. kind of matt.? II you nose bad had been cut the off, body iioin oriiliai debirriM in the Dresden at riiut prices, go to;Auer- - Art (Jallei window shutter. It stated that he in kind look and pleasant smile. been disemboweled and the flash torn goods y, by Guns: ituvt ihoi ne", of New & a oue b&ch Bro'd establishment irom Wftue visit is price Italy receiving TOO MUCH NATIONALITY. GLASS, qUEESS MD OTQER WIRE. York. tended to g?t away with twenty vie the from the thigbs. The womb and other Hun William, Austria, Emperor had Ttte are beTIME.-skid organs tlms before TAKE IT IX through. Appear gary and Koumelia are rejolctnc la a been torn of! missing. 'o ember Itli. neeUHVi head and the cheeks, Wuia the eminent American tragedian ances favgr . thegutexpectation want of a nail, a shoe was lost; be visit irom tne rrtnee oi waies. v leuna and one handthehad "For that been crushed into Edwin Forrest paid his first visit to will bo successful, as he bafll-is attired in ner gala dress, toe Moun for.waiit of a shoe, a horse was lost the tains f boaa, Caaala stomach. Booft oi the Tyrol resound with the for want a horse.' a rider wa-- losW We make a apaelalty ol Hm- ..... England, which was, if we remember Skill of the most expert detectives.! of sffial! The first Durk Never fehavrla, merrymaking royal parties: bunting things. ucgiect West Vlrg-lutMill fu Doubt. correctly, In 1843, he met with a recep . an Now the novel expedient of tracking and fetes and banquets are the topic fisres of Dfteurooiiia and consumption ana enUTtraiia. Ovatcoata tion many degrees removed from bulta. the time. ,VVubei.ixg, W, Va., Nov, 0. ;Goff, can positirshj.be checked by Dr Acker's the fiend incarnate with bloodhounds of In London the statue of General rep , has carried the district by a nar Ansusa liemeny lo." consu:ivpuoa. thusiasm. This was attributable to ia resorted to. That it will be sue Gordon was quietly unveiled on the row 0 Z V. 31. I. Iruic Dept. two or three causes. The asperities cesstalina . margip. The electoral ticket is like London may be 16th of Octooer. It was welt, for 'i.-'.-'-engendered at NewOrleans In 1813 may doubted. Itcity h '. silence was mora eloquent than that a still in doubl. Atkiudon, rep., baa as iVKRIiK t'O.lL 1'LKKfT 'J appears impracticable Rnnl. not have been entirely smoothed out, as tew dls speakers saouia at plurality ia the nrst congresi-lona- l Faraacva and D'i-- Burner banting a titmouse in Epplng For tempthap.nazira to pay inadequate tribute ta the trict; Wilson, dem.. Is eltcted in the ForGratts. and the English doctrine of once a & Sfovt-at Fr.nk Footk Cn'f.1T" means be dis memory of this great man. To do second ; the third and fourth are 1111 ' citizen always a subject naturally had est. Should he by any Tclevhr-n150 S. Maiu. (tlicf, some care court notn and to in in claimed donbt born. the and the covered between ' the good world, by trip Orders taken at Stars & L'ddellV its full weight with our relatives ;"1 ov or i life w. for ease, uin money lng compared va'., ciUKLisTON', d across the Atlantic, causing them to the hangman will be a short one for wi ntae taitnini aiscaarze oi amy tttate 31 E , First Son ill. cial received information the at such were hi aspirations and ideas. nouse savis Jbleming, democrat. Is olala ol look on Americans generally as so him. It was once pupuostd that - or a ., .&.Since the era of the common wealth, no elected. Is is now believed the re could not pe eraoicated froiii the sys ir.many prodigal sons whose wayward tt tf-ever out ol went Into battle elected four British soldier three ; tat the icirtfloui rrxult IN pablicans TOPICS CURRENT EUROPE. ness and stubbornness should, be who aeemed mure c nsciona 1 1 congressmen with the lourth In d.o.ubt Uy 'the use of Afer's Sarca-pariiaDd precicct toe re Thi heaven's In chastened by indifference if it could Lutheran Conservatism. this tfct'Oiy. Tfcf every guidance. gentler county r f l lit ciproverocciiclre Bympa Cromwell was incapable oi ua cruel publicans gained. Tne legislature is is tae raoet is. ile not be by force. These, we sky, may Russia. fdr Visit t'ea Emperor's be thy ties that marked the older rurittn doubtful. It uiiy boil will pawerlul tiwi i uri!ir ' ever dis or may not have had their effect; bat It No massacre of Irish garrlsonr, with Carr,screnbicker, having the d Kaiser and Pontiff. eoverwl. Slgnor of the late Civil Tlio decisive is certain that there was another and they were t'aptsu, stains elding vole on joiat t.allot. Xiie re exinl-i- t on on oat Wnr Crisp!. Prince of Wales in Aus because ot G Fixturea Its- his name. Tne poorest Chinaman, the pnoncans claim everytmcg. more potent reason.. America, or the Latest Stl Tcuiie ttieivt. crnili from NKVK &, CHILD have decided to make a chaage in their builnesal Gordon's General Statue. trla. A btuar.ccK 9, of tae meanest the negro lUtCH Arab, largest United States, was then to England add offer their entire Una of man to be a was Souih St. Dr. bis Parker's Ktc. Soadan ,4 ia dli eyes Kirt 1 Rebuke, 1 . California The Tnl ApMbllcan what au of the country west of tne OpAi Irani It n. m. Nil wUn Justice, 11 possi treated always ' Cue. ble with kindness. No sweeter, pure Mississippi once was to the eastern Editor Descret Jvewf : On Sitorday, Xoremtwr lOtb, at 1 cf. San Fnixcisco, Nov. The count The murder of Alexander II of Rus nobler nature ever animated an Eng portion of the Republic. - The older o'clock ra., ail the laUHii.i'TTr s'.oc'i of p. lish heart. lUt 170 In of Qf out the precincts city and more settled divisions naturally sia, and the cancer of Frederick III KOi W. KiT8 Mrs. tciKl CT.ntoo.-aIn reference to those terrible Last "Until all U closed oat. Call early and Secure Bargalna, and m t cf dam- .look upon the younger and fresher of Prussia, placed two inexperienced End murders, the liev. Dr. Parker in give Harriion S4.9S0, Cleveland 2?,.l. Soatb, wtll be sold on rprove that wo are in earnest. crc. a:o aze claim state away committee rjy vi:j giye communities as incapable and "green" youths at the heads of the two great his last discourse at City Temple The republican c he !aie. dood3 tats florin dan makes soma pertinent remarks. He the state by 10,000 to The demin proportion to their age, and are dls northern empires. Hence the interest said : "The pulpit has lost its hold on day cf pale ocratic state committer conctdj the will t retailed up to theAottionetr. to at lies hid what to feltla guess receive trying of contributions life of posed and a tne the to tae with but state Impetuous tragic repablicans den In the secret recesses of the minds world. The outcasts of society turn imall malaruy. The latest fiUKres Ic- waatever natnre from such sources of ABMMiV TER1UBLE two young monarcas pernapa des away from tne mcdei preacher, as dicate the election of lour republican : with suspicion and even disfavor. tined w. Fiwe S to reign xor many a year, an in- from a man who talks in an unknown Pnnrti ia th! tnor'-l"'liarfid or Street, Warket dis- The cgrcssiona! "d'Ulcuit Taas it was tbat our artistic lepreaea terest all tb greater from the youth tongue, and troubles binisetf about trict$ are veij cK?ae. pb rtisi'g j tilZtKncc in the o': i'l,1Uiliv i of both. i Utlve was looked askant upon by all. and inexperience antiquities and metaphysics forofwhich TUB TEST CASK. ic'tVe ewnicf; ot sweats at me cblljloess . the and IiKNTAU WiKOTltlt! V1HHATOII, maddened heart abd iodutttiaory pontics the sad and with actual contempt by some. oi vmese iniax.-- ar w lorThe nistit, &U or any of the young Emperor are wholl? world cares notninsr. Away witn euca l lie l'.iiatcMS Kvtr.ijcuuti of Xceli,.i a BltV;es Circuit United Judga Sawyer Dr. of stamen He was the idol of the stage here, but opposite so loose ox aia iamer. Toe machines and such machinery. first A huudj-eitceti- consumption. 'Xrv, it. What rendered m decision lu tne test cases of Acker's Enxllfb Remedy for I'onrotnp- - Brand SIX WCCkS. I tie DKUlialrthat simply secured him an appear- young xmperor is a strictly orinoaox is wanted are men Who know the two Chinese, in wcica he holds tiiin toill cure ther.e fearfal symptom?, Oltit-e- , Sonfli St., West, N.Murt ance and a hearing abroad, not an en Lutheran. xat tolerance oi Amert country they live in, the sorrows which inasmuch ias, thty were born. in the tand is sold ander a podttce, guarantee. West of iicra Man sue. us from surge in billows around taeir very United Stiates tuey are citizens and customs forbids can 7.. . 91 I. Drnr Ufpli dorsement, not a preconceived ap- - forming a clear conception of the homes, the poverty that ends In hope not aaienaiblo to the act ct Congress provai to us thrown down if the sub customs, the passions, and we might lessness, and the menial, unrest tnat excluding Chinese laborers. Customers our business. At rapid inorease fOX A 81HOSS, mat unaerue tne cannot be touched by ancient contro uWASHB iect were found unworthy; all doubts say tne superstitious We ana tne concenirauve moae oi versies or living pedagogues." something; Axllatto lbtbifratbcrs flooklng to us dally. and all prejudices were ia opposition to silence JLoehloc Alieati. U. W. "a day passes thought of these men of the North J. reoeive .Not to show Styles you. 6 believed Nov. him, and these had to be overcome With. Frederick the Great, trne rellz- is It FI1TEST Wasuixgtok, Europe, October 22d, 1888. or express. Our immense floors mgoo Uelore.be could make a fair showing lous tolerance died. He was succeeded freight secre by ison's General Ilati that private Cibiaet fhclcjraph Frederick William. A uooas 10 and under proper circumstances. As if to by hisofnephew oojeed tary, will be D. L. Alexander, now a and patches took the shreds king tlwr opljrab. Notes. tmo-and roast ?ilD3t and see for possess Come do not iroHs, Literary make matters worse, he made his first place of a sublime hero. Intolerance Sa.Xt Laic. resident of Buffalo. N.Y. Alexander is thrf-- v Warrnjitrd to stand .Jn Mil description ttmra. xaox AsK CtiKi'ffwxmi. roar .1rli'rffflr he all ol an of salesmen :l.mt. in I'm cossessed. the American routine checked appearance corps obliglnr spirit progress, We WILIj sell cheaper than aDt ACN & HEAL7. IC2 STATE SlnttT. CHICAoO. yourseli. play, that The Novf?JSer number of Belford's niont's caution and shrewdness, tne place oi new laeas, ana dog Matiaxine we Is.- - exception ally nood one. house aad stock to town, in hthor wiLiJj show is, one written by an American the took you you pleased re and mas marred tne progress or. tne na The DilQcIoal feature is a complete but is 'less austere all our work. Jiemember guarantee "Gladiator." The performance fell tion. not. or to . .f a desire ; and is lie. jourpurchase lawyer lt1 addrese Just bouta ol Clilt aiiriaui uuuucii uj uuai served,and liv- d in ludianipoiis till a oaroew flat, but the press graciensly attribu As the Catholic looks- - back to the n ivei the only Gallery la the city on SOUTH JORDAN CANAL CO: Tnls, we are inclined to nalist, House, fifth wnen he became few ago, ted this to the play, saying .for the middle aces for bis ideal, so the ortbo Fawcett. years "Ground Floor" and contains tha is the most powerful work tbat auditor would draw the world think, of tne treasury, which he re- the actor that be .was a "finely propor dox German,, from that giftedn iarsceat lot of accessories necessary for Principal has yet- proceeded was K H r. Cleveland elected, to of Luther. the back To when botta jilee of Business, Siilt Lute City m. 1,1a Ariistifi work. Call on U3 when you days signed tioned man, with a voice like rolling the last three centuries have been two or three chapters, by certain affec lie has beien with General l.lurrison in want Fine Photographs and the Cheap than three centuries of tations of stvle Decullar to the author a confidential capacity since the open est in bait L.aRe. thunder," and that he would donbt- - nothing battererror. TITKRB ARK DELIK0UKXT The one salvation Mo atrnn? and realistic is it. that one ing Ot the campaign and won tne XOTICK the follow ice described tock on less appear to better advantage in a ignominious confidence. n nonea xor. in mis woria. is a re and esteem to FA.nlI.IES Account of aricsKmeni levied September 15. the belief that many of better piece, and so on. He next gave turn to the cast, with the autocrats on can hardly avoid tiie. several amonnUtct The iSun's NVaaninirtou says, in spec besirlog Fina Winter Apples.free from, oeen nave irom aerivsa the incidents them "Metamora," not only by aad the people in the dust. o.tnl life. The last cbanter.-ito the Harrison Caoluet, theA worms, at a verv. iow price, ebeald names of the respective shareholder, as the thrones a$ ulation par iciytrs-incoi noia American aathor but a decidedly As an- instance, taey it conlaeraiion wi'h Trovo's Grwcer, K. lollows is one of the most beautiful main u No.' of an Harrison will correspond as to whether praseui be intolerable tyranny ticnlar. can give yon Just what the be American in literature: American subject, the scenes being to pic thinaa Bdsbard: Name. Braver shall be offered for the tnre of Miriam Kolns ont into: the call or not call Blalue to the head of yottlvant. that located in New England and tho hero Parliament, especially for the popular nlarht on is her mission of enblime sell- - his Cabinet, as tooitnis poin inere a native Indian. Worse and worse. branch, wnicn owes i s existence to sacrifl'-.- deserves FOR MALKI opinion among to live forever In the great diversity Rcckitead T. Wesley 1 ne engagement promised to be a flat the suffrage of the people and the ad A Rood Farrtf in Summit County for Brown Kviert.w . J.. A coup'e ot interesting ana the reputalisans here, but. the almost memory. auu uuv vance of ideas. modern tuan is oir gunanimous wisn lor city property "wire Blainefailure. sale, or exchanite aloqe.-KveEnglish hospitality and Now as regards foreign politics, both srrju Kirinaoners." bv Louts Pendle may be let severely new o or 10 acre p;at. in the land natural friendliness' were new the orthodox Lutheran and the Cat be bis admirers tay the W. W, Ritkk, and "Captain Trevolt's Guide," Apply to F0RMEN8 BOYS would have a better taxed to their utmost f or, al lle took toward Kusala with the warm ton, de the S. bv Fourth East Btret-t- . Jndson. Jennie Kcomplete J Uuttrfipld see with than lam There Blaine what est without rhunr.c they sympathy. Hose of fiction. Cytinge, .though they did not like Forrest appears to them the most perfect of partment a (dozen cabinet slates have liuckleu'M Aroic.t Kalvo.. the actress, in a Dritcnt lfniiv personally or artistically, it would human institutions. Hence the svm- - and ttee.a oromn&ated here today. Taken ;; of account auDreciative 'The Thk Bkst Salvr in the world for r.ennion Samuel II., never do to permit him to have slen of the two young moaarchs, and Women of the West," shows that the tecether. they contain pretty nearly Sathy Bruiae9, Sores, Ulcere, Salt policy of the German Em pen cornea as natural to her as do the every repnblican name 01 prominence Outs,. der audiences or to break; off his conTfchGum. Fever Sores. Ttter. Chapped i -ii.one him has which gained only A evidently peror. Perhaps in the country.' sock and buskin; and Dr. Montrose all sum Egbert, Joseph..-.tract irom snch a cause. So the home the affections of a large 'aad Hands. Chilblain?. Corn's, In found to be of names the certain is nf the part an vai 1'lH Fallen contributes I. cures a, famticl extremely and was filled nightly, and thus it was German oeoDle. positive! Howard, Eruptions, and interesting. tbongh some t.n tinal Hist, that is the name ot Col or .i .. It is goaranU'ect statement made a few days ago able C. New, ol Indianapolis, wjjo,.is to no pay required. on John "Prevent " gre actor .Drought out InThe or what paper egotistical, ion, monej give perfect patlslact the Independence Beln that Uelglnm ableDeato." in which he incident retarded as the coming oecteiary i refunded. box. bnaaspeare's "King Lear ' The mo. Frice 25 cents per making a German loan ally endeavors to show tbat the deaths tie l'reasiury almost without doubt. U Co. , C. Smith 'A. saie For pie were prepared for a desecration of contemplates by for the purpose of buying iup the of Napoleon III., E If. Koe, Aaeia oe tae immortal Bard by what had "ore lines of Belgian railways, which Neilson. and others mleht have been All blnrUnf flmsa Seeds at ceded it, but were determined to "grin at present are mortgaged or leased Drevented. Uf the poetry the beet Bailky & Sons. llarman, Benjamin. : TELEGRAMS. BRIEF to French companies, has caused pieces are 'The Answer of the Garaua.oearn." it was the most com- - considerable apprenension in political COAL TOO SALE I "The Holt, Matthew ...... by Sarah M. Piatt, and Man-villplete and electrifying disappointment circles. The fact that' the Belgian dener." 8. Ueinrlca Von a. Vierinaov. Marloii of by Death hundred the Cleopatra,'? weight. By ever witnessed anywhere.. The cheers government desires to possess the th distinguished pbybician, is dtt The editorial department is ex 05 & 67 East, Third South St. ' "S on its own territory is in no dead. and other acclamations of approval railways Doan Piatt and full able, ceptionally m;i remarkable. wav But when trans the to ' were at tin: es deafening and ao pro- f er is to be made by the help of Ger- - discussing on "The Keal Danger Seed Rye and Winter Wheat Nov. 0. The St. hi; Liverpool, t & Sons. the Republic," "Civil service .R- waa Albeit.... won ihy Tuscxro. The great Lan- ' Huj.ey longed as to interrupt the action of the many, it points to aa understanding at eform." liHl 60 in "Morals Lex'islation," cashire handicap was won by Lisbon. t, variance witn seigiunva treaty . and "Our piay. iorrest waa axaln and the for "Books People," one SO tbat may bring: about Fever for Titles." in his usual keen . Wabhigtox, Not. 8. Senator Gqr Manufacturer Of Fine Havana aad called before the curtain and nothing tne Cigars . neuxne ; Wnlie at called the gravest complications, of Tae lnclaive stvle. man, Baltimore, and customary 171 & 173 a. Main Htrfvet. waa left undone to show him trality ol Belgium Is one of the chief to John,... ' Book Re House today and had an interview with and Events" "Paestoe 50 Of the peace that hi, triumph was com- guarantees for Europe; the President; , ; ; 50 Heil and Tonng Has la alwara flUed to IU fullaai apttoltjr Omt a Belgian alliance with either views' complete the number, - c o Fpr . lesi . plete. One of the papers next and btivfesl cerwould or most AllWovl Balta, at $10.00 aad $16.00, oa wafch wa bad aack France Germany Kaneaafcity, Noy.'aTj3. overcom ' Popular for Another t practical step the Timet we believe the catastrophe of a Inx the housewife's morning snowstorm ever known at thia seasons T IIAVE IS MY rdSSESSION: ' 3 precipitate lo ImxnesYM tainly difficulties been aalar w bar axala rapleaiabed. For want of apaes wo aro has Hnic.hin'sohvA Ulian) war, under tbe dread made in Table Talk. In the November of the year began at three o'clock tai 0 3 00 pronounced it a 'perfect' perform Franco-Germii to nnabl so Into drtalla of Our 'Great Variety la. BuiU tbey com liigKins ' iienry.. ' toIs xAtl" been 50 and brand has with which Europe stilt raging.1 bnckskia HOHSE," " t., " II".'. living for issue ot this bright and belpf al maga- rnorninf? no; One ance," and, while undoubtedly among of SO ,. makes aad deslges, from the lowest GradM to 1 alt the ... tne ..The violence. ten storm " is general abated leading years. By expendiprise past Korer inrnisnes very carethe greatest dramatic achievements of the 1 CO ....... na5 11 Cloti-lnf- , over all ture of fabulous snms tne German ainai state. Jinnn. the iixnsFn IXlcb tbe Art flOOO, in ranging In prlcs as.OO, menus for every v 40 day fully arranged Jelta.Klias it . ... any age. It was scarcely faultless, since frontier of France baa been so forti- the and white face. , 60 so tbat the housewife, If S20 OO, S2S.OO, ST GO, S30.00. . A.n of f571., ' S1S.OO, 918.0O, ta mot month, S12.00, described animal above II of fied the the la as, or even competent opinion ten years later It was twenty 1 00, bur 83C ; . 2 is desirous to be relieved of one claimed and taken away on or before Nov. to be almost Impregnable. she Popular High Price Qalta ara welt known by nil aad Kqual to 1 80 MARKETS AMD MTOCUS. wc 3 the perplexing duties of her lot, greatly improved. The transition from authorities, 2Znd. 1888, it will be sold at public auction. Is only on - the Belgian f ren- of eo Merchant Tailor Make. 2 It 986 i but follow them wholly or In at the Oltr Eetrav i'ouad. WaeiunKton 1 something they did not like and only tier that France offers the possi-bilitl- need and HEW T0&K STOCKS. to at table her the bidder, be assured that responsible highest Square, 1 60 864 of ingress. This being the part, endured through coartesy to some- 1 00 because of Ita New York, Jfoy. 9. Joo ' - V C 3S a German-Belgia- n Samuel alliance will be most appetizing, Jaekmm, cast and the thing they did like was so 'gratifying, case, that '.. 2 00 93V Sortbwstera ..11 'tf palatable variety, Bar purer.;.. . City l'oundkeeper. ; would be an act, the meaning of wnicn may be lessened, because tbat wbich Mone7.....r... 10 40 514 that in their tceneroeity they overstated it .'2&m York eatral Jr. 6, d&s Salt J.iko City, Nov. 6, 1x88. Jonc,,Iavid, would be impossible to misunder- is "left can ehow you an Klegant Us la Our 27J one 2 40 We nver forget: from meal , NaviRatioa.. 5 over" ,6S1'. is COSflUJU..... daintily the case and were too good to repay stand. The advantage offered, to both -1 60 Transcontinental 30 All the lata shade 1st Jersey Suits, Children's ClotblBg-oepartment- . always " .. .... loot 33 conpotw.... ,.. ESTKAY NQTICH France and Germany, in such an al- prepared for succeeding one. 1 50 for not having been good enough. Pdilo6'8.i...... a 15.'....... John Stock ot Kilts. Norfolk and Kidd, Overcoats, Complete Salts, , f ' arouse eo 3 HRock Island. . 7 liance would 73" I suspicion " ' HAVB5 Mr. Gaorge Edgar Montgomery con- Central Papinc. 10;i!8t.L. MT POSSESSION. This Incident Is characteristic- aad throughout Europe. oo A 8. F...V. 27 . vf i ''; l .V Burlington. England can tributes Ii! ' to t e November number of Rio Grande. ... I9i !U Faul Omaha S8 ,'k'lC 'i ' 50 7 . . . J. V.. ensen to for looked the be , i enforcement alone at Mary jm this time. J apropos jj White cfiW.bxr.ckle back England has f the absolute red and line One most valuable nierican CO the . 1 rexas raosno. ii' Magazine n ages of 15 to 18 yeara cao ba fitted la abandaoao Prinoa Albert, ...... 731 3. " Jeraev Central " neutrality of Belgium never been a hater of the United faced, white on belly, lirand, "reseirtbllug Mayne. Thomas..;... ... 50 or ibree Batton and interesting article, profusely illus- Miseoari Pacinc. Union Pacific r. 65 .1 which we hare jastaaaea io tne tnat oa Bat fJutawy Prockot Suits, . great mp. question W 2 S 87 ngnt 50 wnich 3 tneattes. tne Fauflo. M5 have Northern 26','Fanro x)rcsa our present handsome States, her opposition to us and onr raoatly engrossed public attention dn trated, upon Boy'a Hobby Baits. Parent take If tbe above dcsovibcd animal is. hot- Marsden, Chas.T..i--. ... display 60 ...... M. .60.' d. Mr. A. Palmer. W been Pf conducted by .i. arm In having tbelr boys well dressed. Come aad get your supply of methods being always tempered with rlnc the oast fortnicht has been the This is tne first article of a series on rliinted and taken a. wav. on or before Nt60 pride exi .. i generally at about fins verober t4tb, 1S83. it Steady be sold ot public v you.- 711 T 3 60 these goods, as we are beadquarteft and cao pi sorrow, even if embittered with anger. Emperor William's visit to Borne, bo similar topics. A Albert.'.....' Blabey, pora priceSv tne viiy rouno, aneiion 1 60 853 ' said by the dally press trait of Mr. Palmer will appear as the Tne political campaign recently closed nnch aaa beenfeatures to reeiMmstble the bigheot SKI .2 00 axe well known the chief at 2 p. in. Tne charming article by H. Pembroke, 72 Main Street, has bidder exhibited a disposition among some that 61 ::4 " 1 to the publics German sympathy for frontispiece. -- Al. i It "A Drive 1 Stttl.Jli.UlUM!., Mr 50 Through Jehu c Cbapin, Almaoac and Raphael's'Fro-phetiZadkicl's few been has marked very Italy, I'oundkeever. professional alwaya City 3 00 this politicians to 0 tbe Connecticut Valley," begun In the law irradee lo (he sjtialH lea, trans tha 7 rlty, eotaprtslag allUsstrwaw 1S89. Xov. Lake well ' f or Salt all ol and Mesaensier City, create acerbities oat of international among grades society, 4 2 03 forelaa 2SJ'"' a4 aa. AO aad 7 eeata. Wo rarrr a nnmoer, is continued, and, Haii awkss. ,Maynard,.Jos;$ ara'l . , o Informed Germans October well aad 1 11 mm at NUfl aad Matt Hata, 60 4M aha heateel Btetaeei Uaa. will exESTRAY A'OXlcrr. larlaaiag questions and array the American apead their holidays more- among the both 1 t"Xt and illustration, 50 A 745 atastei aewaei aiiaea wa ewrr the beat aaakea at la gUmtsea of the ro. delightful whicn voter - against the British . subject. art treasures of Italian, cities, than hibit . Olc.-i..4.'a Peterson .$00 VARIOUS LINtS, Helps to make sister Just arrived from New EDland: IIIAVE IN MY IPOSSESSION? l1 ro .Iff !4:'CA1.L Am IHSPICT aV'sj How far this was successful we do not anywhere else. This art sympathy has mantic scenery ; I, . land of steady habits." "the 672 po poetical TT.ilth. xrh.at rTt rein aided the nnnpralanrl brand "Nn. dark STKKlt, One red developing greatly pollti. 1 tK) know, and It matters not now- - But 60 I onyearling are here for? " left fcidc, vliiie spots on .. sembling sympathy which exists between 1 60 "Ont With Mosoy'a Men," is a spir- ton after all the scare , and bugaboo, the cal ; wild ear in both eidesUt the two countries, ilence the words ited 0&i and Miss Edith right 1 yes, (promptly) 60 10W account by Mrs.Jeanie Gould Linclaimed not and talen away if Which, are: of me sure true. offldal find be mast German mamma the told I to and organ blaster 00 laII. perslflige Inseparable from of a woman's courage and deat 10 Pearijoii, Lawrence. Monday, November CO 1 heart: beata coln th s and every campaign, we am en' "Every German patriot'a which will appear in tbe some one tbe first season, lor Bessie Is O'clock a.il.. Will be sold to the highest retermination, i'. . 1 t reand festal next the at ...... the Area'! to year. quicker young pome grand nnmoer of Peter$on' Mag' December sponsible bidder. . 60 abled to obtain a view mt the situation 1 accorded the Kaiser Wilhelm azinc J. M. F13H1LU. Jr., , 'the heroine of this adventure men reported In liradstreet'at 350 as It is, not as it has been represented. ception in the Italian caDltal Tha dav ba was a famous .. found Precinct keeper. belle NisllSouthern shut um up 'IittUa "Mamma, I wish you'd J2st Mill Creek, Halt. Lke- Coanty, Nov. prm tb Emperor's rlaft a drenching In Richmond during the eivll war. She And what do wa find thU T. 33 60 47 a .novel, basic Minks bas tjlS-' rain visited the city a if to prepare it twice crosses the Union lines,: and let me read 1 09 521 ' the principal concern 'EnglandT has In ror a irot soch lovely novel, and tnq imperial visit, by settling the every article she vowed to procure, 8 00 flWI IB of read "What?! ti?.' any the outcome is the regret she feels in dnst and alleviating the complex amell yon 5 50 fll jid U for herself, to a pair of CO ti to the Eternal City a smell from dresses "Ooly tne last line. ' It said : ' 'And i 3 'M ' ' having to part company with so excel pecnll&rseems ' her boots MY 1'OSSESSlOXl consln, (or dashing were IS HAVK and cavalry 3 ,10 go 1017. married, a to be which they gat :.' happy combination of lent a gentleman as Mr. ' Phelps, the stable-yarla in triumph to Kichmond. eferafteft" 1 00 atrongiineat, roasted gar- Thecarried of hairithrit Ifsv or 1iro'n full Is sketch admirable,jln a Don American representative at the Conrt lic and decayed Smith O...... "'That isn't it's nvel "Oil cheese. was dear; not the Itmerelv old,, left bind foot white, saddle-an- ' breadth escapes as dramatic as they years And iu accordance vitli law, so many ' of St. James! . Bmneror and bis saite that are fairy atary' no brands vis lb)". iA hiniMi mrkirt vivid pictures - of lara-ee- t giving iiaveci of sucti btock as may amusing, Borne. The ' visited number of t yellow MA'RE, shares of eachwiU old One t a- in One touch of nature makes the whole new to Mlflatreaa rirll What in under and bear noted Mosbv's be sold a the tompanr's band, nnfohfiarv. that the every line aa impress orreponenta " r mean aun son and . tldredKe- HlocV, which. of the all do truth 1 by sitting . Idly world kin, and it la time such .slUy newspaper on I fiui;e. left thijrlr. world has ever seen together were also bjranQed -v a ( . woen 1 ara paying . v.' Iakd, City, on. vv. ftita, ImsS. at. One cim-Ueday in tn kitcnenWew complete the eoaxm; from distinctions as nationalities should be there, gathered every : dchnnnflnt wdl tn eoK. " svcMIk p.m: til If .not clamed,. Uiey-Ulrl (recent you Ha week? country - and nationality an-dact aside In onr contemplation of Kiami. 2i,l3ts,-fl- t irnmlr-rmum. Ihu Snri A fall ot slate at ithe Wiltaw Grove the sun; while photograph-er- a, JAMES It." MlLF.Ii, ..l .; ai Castle Garden v.'.: measures and men, except , where ' i ' rr VwHKlkeeper. Atm.oT. draaghtsmetl ' aqd carlcst ar- coal mines this morning crushed to told usl(; we coatracUd to work. " ' j , Involvedis such issue . . South Gottonvood,Octolcr "lh, ista were visible from a hundred death Jules Lees and an unknown boy. '.. . i directly f There arc good, bad and indifferent people in every nation and every com inanity; aad It Is lost as well tbat we cultivate one class and deprecate tho misdeeds of the - ether, no matter where or who they may be, as that we observe any other line of propriety aid good behavior. SU,T Y'S rt fciMi alOtb, ) r . - -- the EYAJJQELINE hs 15l-Jvl- ty " r-- . vte - DRY GOODS DEP'T -- : IN: THE CLOAK AND WRAP DEPT - s y t!i-.- eur-ronnd- ins -- 5c. and self-discipli- ne - St-jv- e and au '.' . :3Syi-IHVK-St- Prro !' Ladl' .. Onlv Tliroo at A', Attention tion of ciijr.-ircie- iu-a- nK-if- so. , in i - . - LOUSS J A ' - - - DEFT OUR NOTION AND STAPLE . nintsntv ES Suitable to a large importa and Canslniere Tweeds, variety for Oentlemen'ij War, with further . ia tte-na- fellow-countryme- ck, n's - -- R GHT W - MAT FVRNI8HING I vi and 1 li.-,- Tae aunt-righ- rh t pif-ce- s larai4 t . . i et b- jrii.-.-.n- SCI lOOf.SCANlJ prt-Dare- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. ' SOOTS, SHOES and RUItBBHR. . Mar-fee- t CMI, , 1 te s - 7-..(r- -- or T. r WEBBER, e II - -- CLOSING OUT SALE - Gettsburpv F ti - pro-doe- la Battle of uriit . ii. keysok; UI Ell TTLTRB I ITXJItlVITtJIlE at COST? acc-irtn- : - . IK'-fctttM- - s rltM anJ70 . I-- brtmfr, ti:P, ein-ccs- tat - WE l , - 111 . 1 In New of the I.- - Ilw. Sn(h new have always New hut we are three xesiraoie witn iew always st jive will it justice. will of Our always our whether through ccn-.-- rt ti V. L lat-r.A- r'8 IHf-.s- , n :. - e 3- . rT - love-storie- s, well-writt- en k - - : ; ; -- maMfiMl CLOTHING well-kno- m ns -- : - rwV 'a. - V -- . 6am-bure- h. - Our Suit .Department oou-gatiea- as-si- ... .... '. J - an -- . : Hp " . 970, - - i ; es TiUNCJ 10-2- , I 5 .. I . - , : - . ' FOLKS . . XME NOIIDY YOUNG BOYS ; ; . ! . - 4 . . finely-engrav- ed , to-d- 1 - - oou -- ; ' . . , lt ' ...... - be-for- o ta " . . . " - U :. estkay Notice. I d, j . - .... - " , , -- 'sway-batked- -' " - No.4v-41ojor- - - - . , d- njch.-dav.to(.- er -- ; - ' a - - W! S8utdT-,.NoTemiw- - . , MifiiiisiiiiiG goods; :m$mm& ' tiaf. - r ; v . -- rtn irin t4 |