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Show EVENING NEWS; Frldy. "e-etabe- r IiOST. i AST KVSJnNG. A PAIR Or T JLi Mounted: Spectacles, inclosed GOLD in an inJUU Morris Visits the Sugar enamel case witn pearl laid. Return to this OSes for the owner. Wotks at. Fort Scott and with Highly Favorable WANTED. The bars mention of politics now Report, . Corroborating that OIX OB EldHT GOOD BRICKLAYERS, who Made Mr. to have many IC7 immediately, by a gooa long job bccosesgpanseatlng Stayaer. Garden. The ' Smoke Clesjln 'ATvBy.-X- f-i fecU or tn Struggle, j 1S8S. . THE SUGAR INDUSTRY." LiTicAL; t-TO- FBAUMENT8. forget-me-no- t, Be-tar- ns Jte-for- at the Theatre this "EVakgkuxk evening. J. V7.v7jU.kaR was fined 3 in the Police Court this- - morning for- having been drank last night. Waller was released from Jail yesterday, his term for yetit larceny having nst ended.; Misses. L.S. Ronisoif and E. J. Ward, of Pleasant Grove, - Utah County, are in Salt Lake arranging for the purchase of a steam roller flour mill. It is the intention to locate the mill at Pleasant Grove. , Gkok'ok Showell was arraigned in the Police pbort today on acnartce of having deposited 'flams' rubbish In the to the city ordinance streets, coatr-arupon, the subject.- lie pleaded snot guilty, and the trial' Was postponed till the witnesses could be obtained. A kotick" int another part of, the paperAnnoBoceTJ tae sad. fact that the infant son $t,A. J. aqd Mary A..IIlggs died at the residence of the. parents, m the Tenth Ward, last nlht. X cir. enmstanco that makes the bereavement more than ordinarily distressing is that the father of the little one is absent froia S&me, bfikg on a mission to the ifoatberu t..eu. The patents have the syopahy of many friiadj, Akxa, the daughter of Captain Willard Young, died p. m. yesterday at the residence of Mr. T. W. Jennings. The cause of death was membraneous croapwtttk wSloh -- the child ha been afll oUKl two days On. Wednesday Capt Yoang was called to Portland, Oregon,an4 left for bis post. He Has been telegraphed to, and will probably return at once. We sympa-thlzi9fc44 Mi?Yptin; in the death, of their little one. '.. Jescrn Youxaj tb.3 Indian xrho ws tried bere before Justice Lay ton some time agOftlJror: 'snooting Cainaman "Charley," was shot and killed at Moab, Utah, while trying to draw a gun on Young had the name of be i aft oho of the worst char actera In tho west. Ho shet and killed a cattleman near Range!? some months aga, for which wo understood he was under bonds. The cowboy who shot him was acquitted by thd coroner's jury, who rendered a verdict of .. Justifiable killing, lie' was also under bonds to appear a- our next term of court, and his untimely taktag off wUl probably,save the county many hundreds of Mollars of expense. Grand Junction Actsa. - y - two-year-o- id at-1- 0 to - . ( - The Vote for Delegate. The retjeurnajraja the .Territorial election are slowly (being reported, lie tarns received by theNcWaup to today, and ern&ra?ing.preclncts repres of the vote in the senting Territory, give the following totals : John T. Uune .... 37S ..:4i .... It. N. Baakin.. 26l S. U. Thurmaa............ 317 two-fifth- First District Coort. Proceedings before Judge Jadd, ajt Provo, yesterday : People v. fedJones et ai.': rape ; ;oa motion of conned for def endant an order for a separate trial was entered. Menry Alen, now of Mt. Pleasant, but formerly of Norway, was admitted to citizenship. Ruth KSoeey vs. Wm. Ward ; demur rer sustained; Bpringvillo vs. Dykes 4. Dsmll; selling spirituous liquor contrary to ordinance-demurrer argued ami overruled; twenty days to nswer.' SpnntfvlUe vs. John DjuII; defendant paidfoets and the forfeiture of bonds was. set aside. vs. Grov Pleasant John Whitt&ker; selling rhjaor; forfeiture of bonds sec on aside payment tt costs by the defendant. People vs. W. Pherson; appeal at the cost of defendant. ' - ': - ' . ' ' :: dij-ruiss- ; ed . ,,.1 . . . . ; Apresfs in Utah County. On Smaday morning peputy Marshal Norrell Arrested Wm. Grant, the music dealer oL. American Fork, on a chirglnahjai with unlawful cohabitation.- lie appeared before the commissioner yesterday, and waived examination. Bonds were fixed at $1300. jThe alleged 'plural wife was hunted fpr, but could not be found. The same day John 11 art was arrest ed on the old charge, of unlawful cocom-pUl- at . found themselves on the losing side, and where . prominent individuals, notably office holders, were anxious to be Interviewed a few days ago, that they might air their politic! prognostications, a bare bint at the contest Just ended will start them across the street as' though their business was so urgent that they bad scarcely time to breathe. During the past three days republicans have increased In numto .induce bers . so i rapidly as the belief that "the woods were full of 'em," but nobody knew of it till it was apparent that Harrison, bad been elected ; while of the democrats! even the gallant & who voted the straight democratic ticket on Tuesday, there seems to be hardly a shadow left 4 this shadow is ' visible nly In the shape of Harrison democrats, i. e., those who have donned a Harrison badge ffaice election day. f During the few we Its preceding the 4th of November many were the wagers made on the resultrof the Presidential contest, and the winners are! now hastening about, to collect! the stakes. Not the least anxious of these is the . Wasatch bootblack. Marshal Dyer is absent at, 'ew York, and the bootblack proposes to be the first to greet him here and receive a new silk Ha-- ft result of the marshal's gambling proclivities. Tomorrow at nooh wager between Deputy Marshal lianch and B. bs settled.. The loser, Mr.'lte'ncb, will draw a" cart, la which lr. Whlttemore will be seated,! from the Dkskrut News corner down to the CUt House. They will be accom panied by Pederson's anfi Kent's bands,wbich are to play alternately f n neral4irges an quicksteps While the procession la passing down the street, contributions will be solicited ; from the stores '.and people for ' the Orphans' Home and Day Nursery. The articles received will be placed in two boxes, and the contents of one examined ajtd counted at the Union Bank, and the other at T. B. Jones' tank, at the conclusion of the parade. '.Captain Bailey won from Gallagher, of the Arcade restaurant, an oyster stew dallytor one year. X DEMONSTRATION. . Now is the opportunity of the republicans to Jubilate. Four years ago tomorrow evening there was a grand time on the part of the democrats, when, for the first time In twenty four years - they bad captured the cblef magistracy of the nation, and balled Orover Cleveland as the chieftain who bad led the democratic hosts to victory. But the years have brought a change. I There are probably 40 or 50 "stalwarts" la this city ; In the day of their prosper- Tty, however, they nave several nun dred followers. Tomorrow evening they propose to have a grand Jolllftca tlon. Bands, bonfires, rockets, squibs, buncombe all that wild enthusiasm can inspire or party fealty suggest-wi- ll be there. Today the committee on illumina tlons, J. B. Glass and B. F. Wbitte-more, obtained the consent lot the Mayor, provided the property bolders In the vicinity were agreeable, to build bonfires In the streets. There; are to be four, as stated by Mr. Glass, one each at the intersection of East Tem ple and First South, Bast Temple and Second South, West Temple and First South, and West T mple and Second South streets. These bonfires' are all to be blazing at once, being kept sup plied with tar barrels, and the effect. when the illuminations Willi be ac companled by the tumult that will be associated with an assemblage such as Is anticipated, will be simply Inde ' scnbable. a be to There is .torchlight fproces 8ioD. ana lor tnis purpose me torcnes of the firemen have been borrowed The route to be traveled is not flnallj, determined, but It will probably fol low the square marked by the bonfires -- up East Temple Street from the Wasatch corner to the Deaeret Bank; thin along First South to the Contl nental; then one block south, and east to the Opera House. ; j: v The proceedings will close witn a meeting in the Opera Honse. . . , . T-n- habitation by Deputy--; fforrell. ' This individual had already been found gailtv of this oft11trsre, and promised to is said to have vioobey the law. his promise, and inconsequence lated is under arrest. Ills examination Was postponed, pendiog which bait was He ilxedat .12,OUO. is still in custody of an officer, not Hi Yias been able to secure bondsmen. , . Tae examination of Mrs. Fannie Whiting for pniUT, alleged to have Deen committed in testifying ia the case against her husbandfalsely for un lawful cohabitation, takes piace be tor a iuuiujiFomuci Lin 0 uu,.. oafcuruay. . 'ft F.Whlt-temore.wi- U. ELECTION DAY IX OAKLEY. Peculiar Proceedings on the Part of the Judges. Oakley, Idaho, Nor. EdUor Deaeret JVcics ,7, 18S3. : anti-Mormo- ns Tragedy andComedy. James and Marie walnwrlght, is in the city. , .Mr. James and his talented wife were in this city last with Law rence Barrett, wnose leadiBg support taey were.' Since they began starring ior- inemseives tneir success has been most marked, and Mr, James now holds the placo of tho leading tragedian in America, excepting Mr. Boothv alone. He has been leadman for all the great 'actors ing 01 tfcS. vday, and ; tie training has bea. most thorough. Added to this are his brilliant talents, which have brought him thencowlttms of critics whereverjie has appeared. The repertoire f orthe appearance of this company at the Theatre next week is Thursday events?, V Virginias; Fri It,H and Saturdayi day, "acaootjo acajaaai." in the pro duction of these bills, the utmost at tention will be given to details, and the manager promises . that tha cos tuming wlllbe in very; respect equal to that of the Booth and Barratt com ' bination. - if V VA.S-YooXt- , From Elder Uaifey. Elder John Qaigley, of Payson, who nas Dten on t mission to England, re turned with the last cerapany of imm! and granU. Ue left Utah Jury 7, labored in the Manchester Conference for sixteen months after reaching England. He was then appointed to pre side over the Leeds Conference, where t he remained until rekased. In those two conferences therprinci pal methods of prosecuflnsthe work Is Dy scattering tracts and outdoor preaching. The work ia the Leeds Conference has revived considerably nnder : Elder . Quigley's presidency, there hiving been forty-on- e baptisms and la it daring 4he- - pst year. Elder Qalgley returns in good health, and wjll go hpme today. .., The Company ot which fildf Qalg-le- y bad" charge, numbered 123, and they" had a very pleasant trip on the whole. Witbthe exception ot having ben side? tracked at " Chpyenne for .fourteen ' hours, they wee well' treated" by the railroad people.! Tbe. cornpin In eluded nine returning missionaries, V The Norfolk &. Western, liast Ten" nessce" janfl ' fempbl? 4. Charleston roads treated tbe company with . -- marked conslderaUouV , ' f-- fellow-townsma- to i i - J. W. M. y ' , roneral Sunday at 1 fCni. at the Twisty-firs- t house. Fries da Vordi. ' j f"ally invited. MWemalol Star, plesse efip. . .( A LEFT IT S. R. MARKS & CO., .10. 12, Mill S. 5-- 5 onsnnTA- - III non. o - Extra Cjvality Huck Towels at 51.'J0 iMeacliecl lamat-- t i inKcil Doylicx t ream iiiimaHK iica lioraeruti city.. tlQivlUlssts rt. Custer. Boise City. Washakie. Wia'sWeea Bawltasw. 8 -- 4 -- t K!8 iLigbi ,'Clear- Pari City:. Provo...... ... t jUa-n- DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, AN JLTTD Light X!lear: aiM m. Gtrfleid.. Lake rart Brighton's. Salt Lake Cfty, Barometer S0.42. V. U. FirzMAtiucB. Bergt Simal Corps, D.8.A t s a Quilts b t $i.ii aud '.' JBJEtCD a. Klllll1lSsMIMll2 ! , 3 OZJQII11X0, ALL IIS BXADTJTKSS FOB THE FAIR & OONFERBNOB. X 'gt y'j' "1 i1,"1";, j F.AUERBAGH&BRO Comliination Fence Call Special Attention to the Many Attractions We offered Jence & HacWnes. Oi in all of our Department OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS, 101 & 103 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET. FACTORY AND YARD, CORNER 'EIGHTH SOUTH AND STATE ROAD the Largest ! Oup Assortment Being OUR STYLES AM) QUALITIES THE LATEST AND BEST AND lie Lowest One Price Our for DearaWe Goods PossiWe If aaagor. OS. H. Tartar ! r. IniitT, H. Tarlor. AaatoUat Manaoosv . Momauj, at O. D. Eoaaaey. Amutroaf. Secretary and Treaoarar. - ltTts la the Interest ef Kvrr Pureliswcr tt aBilM Oar floods M Prieos before rmrung 1tt us bom. LUMBER DEPART3IENT OUR. DRESS GOODS AND-- Is Overcrowded. Wears Consoollosl to Bednes Stock aiod Offer STEAM PLANING MIIiLTXl Our two leading "qualities of pure Silk Surahs at 76 and 85 t cts per yard. Our two crade8 of Black Satin Hhodame at 85 cts and $1.10. Our two grades of Colored Gros Faille at CO cts and $1.25. Our three grades of Silk Plush, choice colors, at 90 cts, $1.05, nil - TAYLOR, ter One " .west. . , Our line of all wool Henriettas 60 cts per yard ; cheap at 7 5 cts. Our line of Drap de Sebastdpql, 10 shades at 65cts worth 90 cts. . , NO SUCH . TEMPTING OFFERS HAVE EVER BEEN MADE IN THIS CITY. EABL.Y COMCkVI WILL GET THE HEaVX CHOICE I rmwn, ST R 0 1 J G CO., AR $1.75. Our complete line of Black Gros Grains at 85 cts, 00 cts, $1.10, $1.20, $1.40, $1.50 and upward. A large lot of Silk Brwade, Velvet and Silk Plush RemI , nants almost half price. . j ; newest and Black Silk Our English colors, Wrap Henriettas, at 90 cts; sells at $1.25 in all the leading houses east and Block Ea$t of V. Depot. BavidJsimes (Do, d its Our Cloak Department has already excelled by we to sales this Because time. last year's Why? up i . A, SMITH, A8St CasaiKB. have a full line QT Tailor made Jackets, Newmarkets, HAS STEAU FITTERS, Short Wraps, Modjeskas, Coats and Ulsters of, latest Styles and best Materials, at ONE PRICE, and that price V. hiim Sepssiis Pajitls os Imii UaM BB r ,. ..?,;...' the very lowest.- ' TUOnge, Dn.t unil fll. nxr.h&nira oil New York. A lady, after fitting herself or her little or big Misses, fteed 8an rraaclaco, Chicago, St." LoniaOmafca, a no cviiesmari ior oskidit reuuutiou. in j&vcry lose time al Loadon, and all the principal in every department will politely say, "We have but 9U4HH Jlnting Supplies, Tin and Iron Roofing, Oat i .; ?Vcities. V rim rvricfi madame.,, and state the truth. iwmUirpnCQrtf(eiChi forbids which lack of space j.H BAcos.rrest. r. l. HoitAHD,cairv. Besides many other extra val" GARDEN HOSE. AND LAWN SPRINKLERS. mentioning, to our Coat. who Plush Ladies $23.00 We call attention have compared it with their $30.00 Coats admit with reSALTLAKE ; , , gret that ours is every bit as- good, Our Children's Clothing and Blanket department' offers ' W. . BASJIBS, ' : s. Urwis. a. r BASJiaS, aw BamnBs. General Banking Business special Low Prices on Colored and White Blankets and , one-thir- ani PLOlBMSf '' - coRli-erA- r : BAMu no. ot. " . ' 2 . Mm QuiltS.- Transacted. Time Deposits .Iaterest paid Kxohaace Boorht and Bold. r warm and comfortable. and! Children' and Ladies lines Our of Jerseys j ca REAL EST1T1 i A the eeremosv one iirperioriauia to furnish them with.' - .... Mm . ' Underwear - cts for Ladies' Vests, y7 J Childs' Hoods, in Knit, Plush and Silk, from 15, 25 and 50 : cts to $3.60 each. ;: Our Bargain aind Remnant Counters are1 full of jtuipting "buys" and it will pay you, to come tor" r :s t L ftMC 1WMPMT rAlirnnAPU'Q aw 1 ;, PRIfr wai iiiwa ,4 PRIARI BOt iinvi ' j. v, T9. wii a tw Wtioleonlo Bwyovn win Cayd PHets te f nuiMStock nwiiyiM frXaJsasnoUi Kt Omr w , or ayef wWs tiso gau boebIi rmoamxY fillko. w mail . . SO TKOCBLB T MOW 3OOJ0..U , , uf--- Conoplete 1 I r asm Wert. "etkk'crbersolj). abi SST4U49BEO 8d . ' . SO. AT OPESED . OUT, " I for a mlrrtaga lleenae beina issued ridina: !7-- the Clerk of the Probate Oovrt of th rountv which tha intended bride resides before a marriajre can be legally performed, th.M h.a hMn (..nail rmm Lha nraaa ak tllia 1 office a upply of liwnses of .approved rorm, which Probaie Clerka will do wen to avail tbiamaelvM of. The law also require that tbe person porformiBf tho ceremony retora iwath tho liceese, within thirty ' daya after theovert his own aigna- . vtuirriare. . a eertiscato . i or two-ouwrt litre ana countersigned wiitneaaes oresent at tbe ceremony taunt tho data and vlaeo of tho saarrlajro. Tber ceTtincatea, suitable for either a civil oOoei or an Klder of tbe Church to nse. eaa be bad at this office in any quantity, ana rro hate Clerks ought te keep some of then os band also, so that if necessary they could supply the person applylns; for a -marnaxe hcense wl ui a eeruncato auvwv wno s aeatnst tho noBSibililv of we person yruvuio YlnK ; ;;- ,50, AcUvs Aceonnta 8ollelted. from OasUFivs Tears iUa. ,;" - Colored Blankets, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, $3.50 and upwardi; White Blankets, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $10,00 $11.00, v i i and $15.50. $14.00 $12.50, Batting Quilts, 90 cts, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75: $2.00; $2.25, $2.50,$2.75. $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. HATE Eider Down Quilts, $6.50 to $12.00 each, very light and very n fclenj - Houey-cora- COH2sT STOCK A WUE AllJnr OP i Slroal Semee report takes at 11 a. a. 8. L. City.. IS e Liabt Clear 33 H ILiant Clear Ogden .... 'Calm (Clear 8 lock to a .. 31 -- 3 0 Calt (Clear Bteabam .. 38 o GROCERIES. MEET THK RBQCIBSMXXTS OF mo I lh latelvKactd Territorial Lai, or - ; CLOTHING, w AKUaill UCKHSBA . ! ; BOOTS AND SH0E8 W. W. R1TER, s Clear Clear !ssw! S Clear 23S.B Light SSi Calm Clear GQc Wc offer, two numbeis of Extra Heavy fall sU regular prices 1.2J and $1.50. OOME IN AND SEE J. Ri BABNES, ' as n w! 50. ; attXK-'-. ; Mi: Tl iDIEBCTOBB:- 3 8. L. w ill 2Sri'- T APKI3STS. TO W ELS per J do.. reduced from ft at reuuetid troui HM worm l.uo. .. at Duniask Nupkins reduced from 7ic. ST THE FOUR STORES 1 MONET to LEND si vodnood from -- . r Li.cn or f I V. Lot of Odds and lCnd of Corsets, embracing Jl.50, Jl. 75 and J2.uddlialiticn, which will be cleared out at $1.00. Blenched a wnro. fro cU Pk ICK. 1AI.V s j rs - Our iteiruiar $1.25 Poster 3 Hook and Kotter 7 Hook Kid Glovo (in plain backs oulybe cleared out at 65c. and Jl 00; they arc oar rcrulur 11.25 aud J2.U0 Gloves. 20 Pisces Feather Trimming and 10 piecos Astrachau Trimming arc oils red at yard ; reduced (roin i5c. and 75c. one-hal- . r o Procestf Steam Carpet Cleaning, Feather an4 Jtfattresa Renovating, 3IIEIS e-- $3.C0; ,t 3. T, LITTLE, CTJTLEB, JAMS 8HAKP, HKSHY DlSWOODtii, J. A. 6ROK8BKCK, D. 13. PKEBV, T. W. JENNINGS, GKOEGE EOMSEY, L. S. HILLS, Casuier. ' ca-h- Clean Beds, Pillows and Carpets, APFLT TO S. m. tHITKHEAD' 4 THEKMOM- KTBn. . Gtntb' Knglisli Tun Colored Merino Half Hose at i5o. ; worth ."(. Gouts' uk Scarfs and Boys' Windsor Tic ut 2.V. o Gents' Lulaundried Shirts at jcc. createHi iiarfain oflercl. J r Ladles' Natural Mixed Wool Veu and Panis at 11.23 each ; toUu. Ladies' While Vests and I'auU at 50c. Indies' Scarlet All Wool Vests and Pants at 75o. each. ...... TO HAVE I; J. C ut r uut ECESSAttY AS XIFE ! nxxss niHTIK PEEK ueserei - 40o. Ladies' CoUred Derby Ribbed Fashioned Wool Hoso, very bct vsliir, at Black English Cash mere Huso at Me. ; price 'jr. Misses' All Weill heavy Ribbed Hoee, bed we ever sold, fer-lV- SOMETHING NEW AHD AS . ii TTiainsniisra- aooDS. A. 3STXD -- Ladles' Black Cashmere Husc nt 25c. ; worth r. day-lab- or is City,1 Nov. Y. 1889, .V2- - ffe stow Uore Hats than any Hons ein Utali. hs gage-maste- at ll:20i.m.. Alpha Jeddc, son of A. J. and Mary A. JUttW ; born July SL 1888 .The funeral will take place s Sunday Kov. ll. at 11:30 a.m.. at tbe residence of Ilodnev Billam. 161 a. Seventh East S treeU I'rtehds or tbe family are invited. to attend. Tiums. In the 21SI ward of this city, Xovember 7, 1888, of cancer, Mary, Timma, wife Of Wm. Timms, bora May 2&, lail, near: Xarthfield, worceaterabire, Sag- land, aged 67 years, B months' and 13 dayaV- Deceased was baptized and confirmed member of "the Cbureb ,of Jesus Christ of Latter-daeamu at- tari's common, Wor cestershire, England, Cecember SOtb, U44(.by Elder David Moss, and emigrated from the Conference House, Birmingham ;u-ln- HOSIERY ' three-fourt- DE3US8 QOODS. Spretdid quality cf Ilenrfetta, gooil winter welKht, ail coljrti ami black, reduced Irom J0c. to Double width Drap I Alma, all colors, at 1'.c. wrth ibc. A Line ot All Wool inch Ladles' Cloth at (Wo ; regular trice KC. ;4 Y, ST.-T- ., n Ward'-meetln- ss s 1 theo-Fof- y, ' 1 t - r IS 1873. ONCY EXCLUSIVE HATTERS. TH r7 A - . . t 8t Lake H-w- H-M- ' ' & COMFY. north-wes- y UiMs.-I- n i OBLE - Dry-Doc- One-perso- "WI4.TsTAririD CLOAKS. f. . la New aid Heaonale floos. Ladlesr Seal Plush Walklntc Jackets at $15.00; Tednced from frf) oo. Ladles' Plush Wraps, with Pom-po- n Satin lined, at f 10 00; worth 20 w. Fringe, - o-Ladles' Seal Plash Modleska Wraps, Bell Sleeves, goad utilltcd Satin lining, at .00. $18.00; reduced from o Seal Plush Sacques, marie by one of the leading New York manufacEnglish 00 ; ?M to worth $27.50-turers, sizes Si 42, st Ladles' Striped Heavy Weight Waiklnic Jackets, very Kood value, ior Clearing out a lot ol last season's Ladies' Newmarkets, all In Kod Stvlfis; the lot consists ol Karmeots cold last winter Iroin t;w to $10 0U; We have placed them on a bargain counter in our Cloak room aud they w ill be cleared out at . (, Ladles' Black Beaver Walking Jackets reduced frdin tti.uo to 14 M. well-kno- w te eSer dallyflxtraordlaary Bargsls m , It was announced by the News some two weeks since that our A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOC8B- XV. work. Apply 83 West Bixta south St. n. and enterprising d tf Silas Morris, bad gone east, and that to examine Into the progress made in T.irr. the manufacture of sugar from sorH1TE HOU8E, SECOND HOUSK east of Eagle Gate. Apply ghum at Fort Scott, Kansas, was the W. ' A. EOS3ITER. principal reason for bis trip- - Mr. dtf President's Offlce. 4Morris aavlnsr returned he was called upon at his residence, sick (he having STBAYKD OR 8TOLKS. SPRINGS NINE MILES caught cold Immediately before bis TTIXOsf THE t of Lehi. last SDrlnjr. I' return home) but well enouzh to hold chestnut sorrel HARE, with blase face and conversation on business.of her hind lees etiS Said Hare is 13 Mr. Morris said that he had KOne to one and has no brapds visible. Infor years Fort Scott at the request of eome gen- mationordthat will lead to of same, tlemen of the Territory, who, being given to Angqn M. Cannon,recovery Lalt Lake City, A wtf d Impressed with representations made will be rewarsed. by Mr; Arthur Stayner in favor of the and profl'. of sugar industry ! feasibility here, deemed ft advisable to have NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC some disinterested person visit the works Itnd see kWhetber or not the T WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE AFTER ttaisdaterfor any debts contracted in glowing statements made by Mr. Staj- thout my written order or pcrner wouia ne corroooiatea. Mr. Ames my name Uowe, of Davis, How & Co., was first sonyy consent. thereto. EDWARD BRAIN. ' d3 requested to make the visit, but hap- - Salt Lake CSty, Nov. 9, penlng to fall sick at the time and it to start being absolutely necessary STRAYED. from here in order to see the works in FIRST SOUTH EMU till I OV the Invitation to operation, accepted N Htreet, a bay6, FROM HOUE with halter on, go In his stead. Yes, sir, I made the visit and found branded H W left shoulder, and star in everything as Mr. Stayner claimed for forehead, wish small white strip In face. as and the successful it, industry Just of where he is will be reAny information as he represented. warded at 90 e. First Seuth Street, ly No, I do not think Mr. Stayner any J. W. JONK8. dlw more enthusiastic than the interest FOR SALR which he naa manifested in the indus 6 A WHOLE OR IN LOTS TO SUIT try heretofore wonld warrant.I should The .corner on North say he was not enthusiastic, but aim-pl- y 1 em purchasers:. pie and Second Went Streets. Also the "solid" on the question. Cedar Post Corner, corner Third South and or two story brica ies, 1 have brought information ob neat, consisting tained oa the spot from my own ob Sixth 6 and 8 rooms each, with City water servation and from Prof. Swenson, house, Terms easy. Apply on 2 lots. and atabjes a. n ib jz, a, who h&s charge of the Parkinson to 443 West Temple Ktreet. dlw sugar works and under whose patent tne sugar is. made, tie, with the greatest kindness and courtesy, answered FAMM 110 ACMJSTERM all my inquiries, showed me the workOF THREE LEASE rOE ings of tne. factory and the flattering TO years. Situated four miles frsra Park reeults of their season's run, and I City, on road to Ileber City. Known as the can assure you when I saw a stack of "Hailstone Farm." Enquire of W.Petersen. Batcher. J J W. First Soath St.. Salt Lake about 1500 barrels of sujrar, each con- CUv. dAstf taining 300 pounds, I tbouxat this more man theory ; this is practice indeed. Mr. Stayner furnished me written in a book a aumbCr of questions with a blank page to each, opon which to write the answers obtained. Without repeating the questions asked as you write, a concise l win give ofyour summary the information obtained. I found the Parkinson snzar works located about a mile out of the town of Fort 8cot, on the Kansas City, HpringlMd & Memphis Hallway. The works are erected on a tract of COO acres of land, 200 of which were 'donated, together with water privilege t as a benns, Scett people, by A-.- I at a cost of $8,000. The building is 180x54. three stories, and has a full set Ism last mrwtw Of Palmyra, of machinery, consisting of diffusion A vacuum WltH battery, deflcators, pumps, pans, centrifugals and other apparatus OP TBOBOlflHBBED CiBLOiD necessary for receiving the raw cane at one end of the mill and piling up the MERISO RAMS and EWES, have bought and worked tip this year about 0,000 tons of field cane, Mostly Straight Atwood Blood, Large and each ten of which makes about Vigorous, and well wooled. Call and exwest of Tribune of a ton of cell cane; that amine mv acock. M block Second South, or enquire for J. W. is, after the , leaves and sheatns and Office, n v seed are taken away. This field cane li&ruy aitse uuncn. has cost two dollars per ton gross in cluding the seed, which the farmers cut on in tne neio ana afterwards naul RIVER PARK ! of the fac separated. The capacity tory is about 150 tons every twenty four hours, and the pa roll & Tuesday, Noy. 12 & 13 amounts to $11 per day, exclusive of Mnday now a which is bnt tnel, coal, simple To khe citizens of Salt Lake: arrangement lately introduced for the will of furnish a I will furnish Three Days Attractions such drying the bagasse luei. as never wcie shown in Salt Lake before, large proportion ot tne from each ton The product realized Attraction Ersr Seen On a ot cell cane has been 1C0 pounds of Newest, Most Korsl Baee Tract. 10 of and Their sugar syrup. gallons sugar bas polarized from 99 to 98 dextj grees of sweetness and is worth cents in their warehouse. Their syrup sold last year in bulk at 24 cents per gallon. The seed, which is as good as corn for feeding pork or RUNHfHG COMBINATION ! stock, they sold last year at H lu per bushel. They Will realize this year a 6 RACES EACH DAY proUt of from $500 to $000 per ton besides the bounty given by Kansas State 10 Thoroughbred Running Horses. of 2 cents per pound on the sugar, an amount of profit which the people Trottins and Running Races, Iady Riders are very highly delighted with. and Drivers. MISS PEEK in the Greatest There is no longer any doubt with Race eveii witnessed, riding ickuai aarainst Horse LONG IKW, the people there of the permanent suc- the $5,000; lUderlcsrt in a race with her the same as cess ot the process and they regard the competing; no maaes naa ne to nioi. ariaer guiae sugar problem solved, and new fac thougn a race of It and at the finish of tho race he tories are already oeiog inaugurated. comes back to the Judge's and turns aronnd I conversed with some farmers there Stand and stops perfectly still and looks up as much and found they were well satisfied with ia the Judge's Stand at the M1H.-I'KKIv'8 the resales to them; they claimed that as to sv. did I win. AloJndges two on horses Daring Feat of Standing up they could make more money in sop- with one foot an each horse's back while any other plying cane at 2 than with Minute Gait. Two than better u running to 12 tons MISS PEEK rode crop. Thejfraise from and ui.le ghost per acre. on K. May- 30tb, I., Providence, Some samples of Utah cane which STRING 18S8, one mile in 1 :47 M, and at Pawling, N. were takes down by Mr. Stayner when Y., August 30th, W87, f mils in be visited the factory in September, seconds; this is the fastest time,. this way of were analyzed by the Professor, and be goiing, ever accompiisnea oy any numan sing. These races will ue given each aay. told me they exceeded in sweetness TfJESIjJAT, NOV. I3th, a match race for the Fort Scott cane, the Kansas cane Pive Dollar a side, half mile averaging 15 per cent, the Utah cane, heats,Hundred in three, to 60 pound skeleton one sample 15S per cent, and another wagons.twoMISS PEEK will drire GHOST uu per ctns. and ED1") IE SMITH against REGAL and bv I also was informed that the very ATHOL driven the Great and Only JOHN same macWnery.with but little change, 8PLAN. This will be a race worth miles to nee. ; will work beets as well as cane. NOV. 13th. bv sneeiai reuaest, Tuesday. In the short season of 80 davs thev MISS will ride s Five Mile Change had produced 440,000 pounds of sngsr, tuc. PEEK horses to heat Ten Minutes, ehana-in100,000 gallons ot syrup, and bad a at the end of each mile in front of the erand considerable quantity of melada stand without touching the ground. to run through the Centrifugals. Races called each day at 2 p. m. The sugar was not refined and 60 cts. ; Children 2) cu. Admission had a slight color, but it was Mica Peek was one of thespecial attractions the meet agreeable sngsr that at the Grand Circuit rtaces tnts season. I ever tasted. The seal of the Kansas 189 XTBT1C PEEa, Prsarlstrew. state insnectorjnarked noon each bar rel gave no less than 90 and up to 09, while 00 was the dezree required by BANKS, the state law to earn the bonus. I took pleasure In enouirinK of some of the business men of Fort Scott and 1 i I found their opinions uniformly fa n i vorable and they were- well pleased with the enterprise. and what they bad wiw iven as a bonus was ' well returned to fbem. Yes. sir. I found everything; Quite as SALT UKE CITY, UTAH. favorable as I had been led to believe by Mr. Stayner. PAID UP CAPITAL, f 200.OOO. A well-le- d person wltb aggrefstve SURPLUS, 4280,000. whiskers called at the offlce of tbe of tbe New York Central president rauroaa. wnat can Mr. Deoew. JOHN SUAEP. PBKSIDBirr, t inoalred tbe arbane laoioryonr" "Sir" said the stranger. "I admire MOSIS TUATCIIEK, - non-Mormo- ns, J. JACKSON. i Oar election yesterday passed 0 UV. tUA VBrj MUICUTI There are now factor introduced. four well defined divisions of Idaho and these four are Mormons society, -- cannot be citizens In the foil sense and ex Mormeos. The latter are tnose Who concluded the rishts and immunities of citizenship were only to be gained by severing their connection wits tae sect known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, and noti fled their presiding oiucers tnat taey i nave hencef ortn done so. When sons of tnese parties oseavi their ballots to the eltction Judges bt this nlace the latter appeared to be lor some time Ijoatttut dinnerspteAesTerh.,, taenbyinrpriseand were at a Toss what kind of a test to I v 1'ca.nb von. air.' said Mr. Ilenew. applicant blushing modestlv. "I. sir." continued apply, bdt passed tbeto first mo neciur i tbe stranger, "am tbe proprietor of Dy nis saoocriDiDK k hotel, and I have called oath with the addition of "withdrawn tbe from the Chorea of Jesas Cbrlst of to invite foa to dine at mv tablea everr wouldn't charge you cent, i La'ter-daday. Baints.". and besides I wonld give yonr seemed neces Others appearing,-:lwide publicity. I would aaver sary for some other sort of an oath to name -D6 applied, so tney maauiacwrea one Use like this: 'Qo to the Dry Dock to tbe effect that the voter was not a hotel for tbe best dollar dinner m tne including a speech by Cnauricey member ot the Mormon Church, that city, hn had withdrawn tneref rom - ana sx. ifepew.' mow, to snow tons i mean business, I have brought alone some would not at any time in the future mt can tell yon, reunite himself with sola Mormon- aa si tickets. Nobody,!more man my- mires real eloquence Ctrarch. This caused snch denanciotlons that they concluded to moairy siz. won't ao it. ear weu, bnt I'd Mayor Hewitt, then, the matter, so another was maoniac and tackle rather have yon. uood-dasir." tnred which Is about as follows: I do solemnly swt-a- that i am not a memoer of tad church of Jesas Christ The typical railroad man who "runs Saints and swear to for on tbe road" is described bv B. B. of Latter-da- v ever, uphold tbe constitution and laws Adams, Jr. in his article on "The Life of Railroad Men" In nt tna united States, tbe teaohlue of Every-da- y acn oner m ior aovemoer. uraEernen any sect to tbe contrary notwithstandcondnctors, station agents, and bac ing, so help me God. will and in this article requested tbe Judges to account apply tbe elector's oath, bnt they firm an accurate and, appreciative ne so cauea w oi tneir naraanips ana pleasures, a. witnesses ly mused, had to sin B. Frost has illustrated It with eigh testify to the refusal the home made one. jdThe mode ot teen realistic drawings. operation was. the applicant eave his Wide Awake issues a very tempting nome, mentioned time of registering and, being challenged by one of the prospectus ior the coming year. Ac what is promised that mag Judges, was questioned as to tbe time cording to be more valuable and inter of severing bis connection witb the azine will Church of Jesus Christ ol Latter-da- y esting next year than ever before. Saints. Evervbodv was challenged and Price, $2.40; D. Lothrop Co , Boston, Aiass. judges, badne got settled down to busi ness oid understand tne' nature oi War Departnemt, Sicsal Berries, u. n. Amy. . the taat oath? The political pot is simmering bnt DAIJjT WKATIXKB BUIXBTDt. the boiling part may bsve to come jet. UtUortlosioml Report Beotkni of Hatt rourr respecuaiiy. , Snooks. mt 9 o. a, local Nm. y G. A. Mortimer, manager for Louis School, We .eeattan A FULL AUD "COMPLETE ; 16 MAIN LINK OF K .DK,X GOODS, m SBBSBBsasBsp w- . Groceries; Boots. Shoes, Hats, All tt. Bed KockPrices, ; and Kotall.' AVIio Cot W offer mUrf lot of MIsmm' and CMldrWi V awtirket, to.; m mm Imraenso Baeriflc. Th above moat be sold recrdles of cost MB CHOICE BUTTER ; E6GS UViAYS 0!1 HARD. , , by looking Coat ereaco VIsUotb will cobsuU their own Intowta Jsewbere. fttocV our 5 pnWhatiai iltroogb , KAUEMiLGffiiRb STREET, BARNES-:,L.EWi' 1 ' ; & S Unrinoaa XaWerly;rltv 1 i s Ac , CO.. Dhvl. : |