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Show THE PAGE EIGHT Local News If K V ' &5H - 1 Mr and Mn. Lester H. Belliston entertained at an attractively arranged dinner party at their home STORE ALLEN'S CASH SPECIALS DEC. 23&24 29c GRAPE JUICE, QUART BOTTLE Chocolates Powdered Sugar CHOICE ASSORTMENT LOOSE 2 35c POUNDS 15c POUNDS 2 Wednesday evening In honor of Mr. A decorative Bclliston's family. Christmas color scheme was used, tnd beautiful potted plants were arranged about the room. Progress-lv- e Rook was the Interesting diversion of the evenmi?. Mrs. Ronald Belliston winning the prize. Dinner was served ut 9 o'clock, covers being laid for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Belliston. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Belliston Mr. and Mrs. Thorr.I Howell, Miss Minnie Belliston, Ftanlc Greenhalgh. Miss Beth Lunt. Thomas Belliston. Ver-r.oOarth. and Eunlece Belliston. The host and hostess were by Mrs. Peter B. Peterson. n, CLASSIFIED GOOD MILL RUN, $11.50 PEP TON. Smaller quantities 55c sack OUR POULTRY FKEDH ARE OP THE BEST QUALITY !k PRICE RIOHT Juab County Mill it Ele. C PLUM PUDDING, CAN 20c SHRIMPS, REGULAR S IZE CAN 10c FOR RENT APPLE BUTTER, QUA RT JAR 23c WANTED Clean Cotton Rags STEAM HEATED APARTMENT FORREST HOTEL Mixed Candy PEEL CITRON AND ORANGE Extra Choice 1 25 c POUND STUFFED OLIVES 15c 1 1 i n 1 IOC FOR No lace curtains or overalls THE TIME3- - NEWS. o GOOD COAL AT $6.50 PER TON delivered, at Nephi or Levan Frank Philllpson. Trucking als done Phone 3fi0. Christmas 10c SHOULDER Although many miles may separate members of your ing the holiday season, the family or close friends will carry your greeting and bring theirs, with all the joy and sincerity that only voices can give. Surprise them with a call it will brighten your day and their as well. BeefPotRoast Veal Roast CHOICE YOUNG BEEF 1 9c POUND 8c 7c LAMB FRONT QUARTER POUND VEAL CUTLETS OR LOIN LAMB CHOPS lb. 12c The Long Distance oper- ator will be glad to tell the rates to any points you you wish to call. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company K." By Mable Howby. Reporter TWO MORE SHOPPING DAYS The girls asgembv iriven each month by the Home Economics Club of the school, was held last Thursday afternoon In the study hall. The program under the direction of Donna M. Belliston, a senior, was presented as foilows-Prayer- , Miss Brown; Retold stories Manna Howard and Nelda Cowan; Selections. Girls' Chorus. of Marlon Christensen, Marjorie Reva Vlckers, Annabel Pace, riorence Belliston and Aline Elli-'oRetold story, Margaret The girls chorus sang three Crapo. numbers while the students enjoyed uencious refreshments. SEE CUR TOYS Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Wedding Rings struct t sites Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty HAWKINS Agent Texaco SHIRTS, TIES, GIFTS n; The T. F. A. under thi dlrM-Mnof President Elmo Miller, sponsored a program In the gymnasium Thursday. Number on the nrnvram In cluded the following: Prayer. Mr. Talk. Mr. Memmott; Beairlev: Reading. Ned Hiecinson: "Rival" Coach Isaacson; Boxing match. Ned Higginson and Lawrence Memmott. CANDIES NUTS, USEFUL CHWSTMAS SCARF, SOX JUST THE THINGS TO OUR MANY The Speech Department nresent- - FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS an excellent program for the Mothers, Monday afternoon In the WE EXTEND iugn scnooi auutiorium. Light refreshments were served follovtfnu the program. The program was re peated Wednesday afternoon before SEASON'S GREETINGS 'the student bodv and ran as fol lows: Retold story, Thelma Reld; Selection. Girls chorus. Reva Chris tensen Melba Fowkes, Mabel Sow-b- y, Marjorie Lomax, Reva Vlckers. A two act play was staged, under the direction of Miss Elva Wright, Instructor In speech. The cast of characters Included Catherine Bow ies Enid Brough, Dona B. Belliston. Class work will be discontinued Richard Oarbett, Dorothy Mahe, A Kekh Kendall, Helen Chase, Mar- Friday noon for the Christmas vacgaret Crapo. Douglas Jones, Paul ation. On Friday afternoon the will be in Downs. Beth Hobos, and Alice Ord. Alumni Association charge of the home-comiproThe "Dixie Fliers" will play a fast gram in the auditorium. The public is invited ta attend the afternoon basketball game with the Juab "Wasps" Thursday December 22. events, YOU NEED ed ng Notice Is hereby given that on the 89th day of December, 1932. at 7.30 p. m. a public meeting will be held by the City Council of NeDhi City In the city hall, at which will be proposed a budget to govern the expenditures of Nephl City for the year 1933 and a budget ordinance in conformity therewith, will be proposed and adoption, and the public thereto invited. By order of the City Council Bessie HigRinson. City Recorder Straw Vot The dictionary says that a straw, besides !e!ng a stalk or stem of grain, may be "a thing of smallest worth : a mere trifle" or "a fact Indication." as an considered "Straws show which way the wind blows," lueordlng to the proverb, and a straw vote Is an unofficial poll which, of no value in Itself, may give an Indication as to how the real vote will go. tt it was, nearly two thousand years ego, that tlie angel of tha Lord speke one night to the rJ'IiU3 shepherds on the hills in the Holy Land and the "tidings" was the "news" of the coming of a Savior. Down through the ages since that time these same "tidings" or "news" have been repeated at this time of the year which we call Christmas. G. W. Moreland, Jeweler Hawkins BIdg. Nephi, U. Products Down through the ages the function of bringing "tidings" has devolved upon that institution known as the newspaper. And no newspaper performs that function more faitlifully than does the Home Town Newspaper in a community of homes and home-lovinpeople. And in that community none is so humble but that his or her name is written in its columns not once but many times throughout the years. So what better messenger, then, than the Home Town Papa to say to you at this time of year "Behold, I bring you good tidings" tidings of love and faith and hope, tidings of peace and prosperity that is yet to be? A.id with these tidings, come the wish for a Merry Christmas to you from THE FUBLISHERS Plenty of Time There's still plenty of time to secure every Christmas food need. Our stocks are complete. Come early and avoid the Our store will remain open until 9 o'clock Saturday rush. nite. Here are a few of the good things we have for Christmas and a sample of our low prices, g 10 lbs. Sugar Our store will sell 10 lb. sacks of Sugar for the low Today price of 47c, Because of the unusually low price there will be a limit of one sack to a custsomer. Chocolates Give Chocolates as Christmas presents. Today we will sell 1 lb. boxes of Cherry Chocolates or Comtessa Assorted Chocolates for 29c a pound; and 1 lb. boxes of Home Style Assorted Chocolates for 25c. Also 5 lb. boxes of Candlelight Christmas R. 1932 ne OR PORK ROAST POUND Ring True . . 22. IXc. Thurs.kiw o That Are Spoken 8c POUND UTAH. . PUBLIC NOTICE Greetings Loose Lard PACKAGE -- 15c POUND SIZE, Rolled Oats 55 OZ. Assortment XI-Pill- S, J. H.S. NEWS Announcement is made of the birth of a daughter on Tuesday December 20. to Mr. and Mn ri c. vf-- . Thompson of Saint (Wmae was formerly Miss Joe- Thompson niiii- - DieiJiienaoii 01 mis City. ssi TIMES-XEW- Chocolates for CopyrlgM 1931 85c. Stalled Popcorn The children are getting the Popcorn poppers ready for Christmas. Our store has the popcorn ready. 2 lb. cellophane bags of Black Beauty Popcorn for 10c. This corn "pops" lignt and fluffy. It will fill the popper full. K f A; MVc I Candy and Nuts N6W tJDI A IUI Ctt- - U5EP vt-u- u Today our store will sell 5 lbs. bags of Mixed Nuts for 59c. This is a very wonderful mix and the price is low. 4 lb. bags of Christmas Mixed Candy will sell for 45c. Be sure to see these. Pancake Flour Germade FRIDAY ALL KOMEDY DIME NIGHT lb. Today we will have a very unusual offering for you. 3 Pancake Flour for only 15c, and bags of Pike's Peak You'll appreciate the conven4 lb. bags of Germade for 10c. ience of the sizes of these bags. self-risi- SATURDAY "Rider of the Purple Sage' SUN. Matinee Soap MON Sunday 2.30 P. M. Constance Bennett jadciixnq Our Chrif maiWliejr in Oranges Rockaby We are just finishing our 9th sucessful business year and cannot let it pass without giving thanks to our many customers and friends for their loyal patronage which has made our suc- TUES in GIRL CRAZY We will enter the new year determined to give every customer full value for his dollar expended. Quality merchandise and experienced labor. Wishing you all a Merry New Year. WED Wheeler and Woolsey cess possible. TIIURS Admission Christmas and a More Prosperous FRI ..10c and 15c in Silver Maple Service E. R. and Clyde Shaw, Props. 6 BADMAN Coming Soon Hours to Live Tess of the Storm Country Call Her Savage Conquerors Christmas wouldn't be complete without lots of Oranges. We'll have them In all the popular sizes. Medium sized Oranges Ic each, Large size 2c each and Extra large 3c each. Bring in your big shopping list, to day or Saturday. Turkeys and Chickens Our market Is prepared to supply you with Turkeys and Chickens for your Christmas Dinner. These birds sell at prices you can afford. We also have fresh Oysters in stock. TOM MIX TEXAS Here are the large sized bars of Sunbeam Toilet Soap for 5c a bar. Also Creme Oil Soap for 5c a bar. Include several bars on your shopping list. You'll readily appreciate this saving. Pot Roasts Beef Pot Roasts cut from 'our regular fancy beef will sell for Look 8c per pound. Boiling Beef will sell for 5c per pound. our our displays. " : YOU AND YOURS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR OJ SttAGGS "A SURETY OF PURITY" ; s y p y . |