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Show '! Iiurs'hu Dt-c- . . TIIK I'J.U 11. Linton arfrom Salt have tweti Mrs. A R. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel rived home Saturday Lake City where they vlsKitig with Mr. nnd Paxmun. Miss Rosemary ISelHston and Allen students at Wasatch Academy at Mount Pleasimt are quests of their mother Mrs. J L. Belliston, during the holiday vacation Mrs. W. C. Andrews was hostess to members of the Ladies Literary Club at her home Monday evening. Each member present answered roll call with a donation of clothing for the needy. Retold Christmas stories were Riven by Bertha and Mrs J M Christen sen. Those present were: Mrs. Roht Winn Mrs P n Cowan. Mrs. J M Christensn. Mrs I. M. Petty. Miss Mabel Sperry Miss Bertha Mrs. Wilton Glazier. Mrs, T. H. Burton Mrs. Dennis Wood. Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Mrs. Oeorfre A. Sperry. Mrs. William Bailey, nnd the hostesss, Mrs. W. C. Andrews. KENDALL BROS. . N'Kl'lll. UTAH. Levari News Local and Social 'nlo title Jot, io All pI4W hub TIMKS-XKWS- n. PACIJ FIVF. Ft. Green News Funeral services for Mrs Phoebe Livingston, who died at the afie of 76 Dei-17. or old age. were held at h.nr Cheer Week. Fun- - primrams Ward Chapel on Difembei 20. Music ' Tursday v as furnished by the ward choir are prepared, were: James F. Robertson, night, Dec. 27, with a Chris' mas Speakers pauoant by the Jurii r tlirls of the Niels AE, Mikkelsen and Ole A. Allied vocal solo "In the garden of 28 M. I A. Vednesdav. I i. the meaner Girls ntnl tin- - M Men Tomorrow." was rendered by Mrs. "No Night wdl rtrespnt a proi". Thursday, Hula Christiansen andCliri.rilun.scn. !,ih! loachers There" by Randal L;l, the officers will present- a play: !': : : Di e. 30 Opening prayer was offered by J C Jensen and closing by priiver a mus'cal program v.::: presi'ii-teui.'.i r the direr; um of Mrs Willani Collard. Mrs, Livingston's husband J C. Pulcie Franeom, Livingston, died 8 years ago. She t 10 30 Next Snndav mon-inwill is survived by the following childthe Levari Ward Suivi iy r. ram in ren: Claude and Arthur Livingston present a Christina- ot Spanish Fork. Mrs. Peter Olson. 'he meet in T house. Olson and Ray Tuesday, December '.'ii, th. Pri- Mrs Lawrence of Fountain Green two mary childn n gave u very inter- Livingston issters. Mrs. Walter Cox and Mrs. est 'tv im)"iini insti ii! t.f their regLouis Everett of Suit Lake City, two ular lass work, Anthony Chapman Of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arlhur Br.wn and brothers, infant of Grand Canyon are visit Ogden, and Sam Chapman of two half sifters. Mrs. U'K relitnes and frii r is m I.evun Mant i, and this week. They are tin- cysls of Nellie Collard of Fountain Green, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Slicihenl, par- and Mrs. Francis Draper of Moroni. Many relatives from out of town ents of Mrs, Brown Mrs. Thela B. Wanki. r as host- were present. Ren Longston announces the ess Monday afi'.Tiioo:! t a lew lady iriends. The occasi"i Imiut her marriage of ofhis son Lionel, to EunMt. Pleasant, at NebirthriV.y anniversary, 1 viicioiw re- ice Draper phi on December 16. A shower will freshments were served. Wm. Sorbe left Saturday nU;ht be given in their olmor on Wedfor Chicago, 111., where he was cal- nesday evening. Mrs. Luvina Aagard with her son, led on account of the death of his Arvard, and daughter Reva, also mother. The officers and teachers of the Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jensen are Levan Primary association gave a leaving Monday. Dec. 26 for a trip social Monday evenint; at the home to California where they will visit Conard Aagard who is laboring as Vera M. of Superintendent It was in honor of the out an L. D. S. Missionary. They expect be gone about two weeks. toing officers Christ enu Stephen-se- to Mi.ss Laurel Aagard spent last and Mary Supt.. Eva Maiw-lsoA. Anderson, assistants. The even- week end with friends in Provo. The Gloom Busters club were ening was spent in social clmting The hih tertained last week at the home of and porcessive cootie. score prize was won hy Josephine Mrs. Ruby Ivory where the afterin sewing and a Stephenson. Luncheon was served noon was siient was served. Mr?. to Vinnie Christensrn, Olive Taylor, delicious dinner Ivy Seager was a special guest. Jospehine Stephenson. Ruby Averil Larson is back to work, in Virginia Winter, Jessie Norma Winters. Zella Fran-cor- his barber shop after a five weeks Nina Morgan Ruby Christen-sen- . illness. The ward choir will present their Norma Geneva Rosequist, Gardner, Effie Sherwood. Christina Xmas Cantata on December 23rd. this program a dance will Taylor, Ruby Winters and Vera M. Following be enjoyed where a beautiful organChristensen. The Gleaner Girls enjoyed a die bedspread will be given away the one having the lucky numparty Tuesday night after Mutual to in the school house. The evening ber. o was spent in playing bunco. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wankier reBeautiful "Pronghorn" turned home Tuesday following an The pronghorn antelope Is graceextended visit in Los Angeles, at keen-eyeand fleet. It attains ful, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter a height of 40 Inches at the shoulWankier Jr. ders and Is tan with the exception Merle McPherson is spending the of the white "target" on the rump a natural badge for enemies. week in Mills. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson and The antelope travels In herds, usuchildren and John R. Hanson vis- ally moving In single file, and the ited in Nephi Tuesday. sight of a column of the animals o against the western sky Is a thrill r men. for all Pass Through Vacuum The bureau of standards says that an ordinary radio program or message can be received if It has to pass through a vacuum. Electric waves pass thrmigh'a vacuum even more freely than through space filled with some material. it v c.mmit-- t M I A prop t am ! r ("hiiM-m- a The community e of the ' ""! Ward vi-in- . ! ; !. l '. -- Ord & Mangelson - DRUGGISTS v ANDERSON An interesting social event of the week was given Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Esther O Edmunds when members of the local FUNERAL HOME Business and Professional Wowen's Club enjoyed their annual Christmas party. The entertaining rooms were prettily decorated in season's colors, harmonizing with the artistically trimmed Christmas tree. Gifts were exchanged, each person receiving a present from one other member. A declicious hot supper was served. A variety of entertaining games were played during the remainder of the evening. Prizes were awarded. FOR THOSE WHO CARE UNEXCELLED SERVICE QUALITY PRICE AMBULANCE SERVICE 94 West Third North Phone Nephi, Utah 168 MILLS NEWS Chris-tense- I.njuy (jlvtisffnoS n. l i 9 MfXjf Meadowbrook Dairy "Farm" Farm was a community, organized In 1841 near West Rox-bnrMass. It was noted as an experiment la organization of society !n accordance with the principles of The association was dissolved In 1847. Brook y, Off They Got Cometh now a scientist who says age is betrayed by the eyebrows and we can see husbands' shaves being Interrupted by wives rushing In to grab their safety razors to shave off the mean old tattletales. Cincinnati Enquirer. the Mrs. J. II. Waters Pres. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH n, bit v?- - " r Em Ttin-brldg- e. n, d at visits NEWHOUSE HOTEL Mor-tens- Mr. and Mrs. Claries Williams are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born December 17. Floyd McPherson was taken to Nephi last Thursday for medical attention. Dean Howard and Merle McPherson spent Sunday afternoon visiting at Nephi. George McCune and Thoral Howell were at Mills on business Wednesday. George E. Howard and daughters Jennie and Minnie and grandson Jack were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard. Mrs. Floyd McPherson and daughter Bonnie returned home Sunday evening after spending the week end in Nephi visiting with her husband who is there for medical attention. Mrs. Maude Williams and daughter Virnta are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Embro and Edhart Bendixon were in- Nephi on business Friday. Joseph A. Orgill was in Nephi on business Monday. your mm KJC9 '. At these special Rates US: , ,"'1 V- i. 13, Two persons, outside room with bath $2.50 Family Room, Four or Five persons, Sells Furniture Co. $5.00 RATES. $2 to $4. SINGLE Two members In family-Singl- e rate plus 50c. W. E. Sutton. C. W. West Asst. Gen. Mgr. Gen. Mgr. Aid for the Deaf The first school for the hard of hearing was opened In 1817 In Hnvtford. Conn. out-doo- DESERET MORTUARY Why pay more for less IMA1 THOMAS BAILEY, MANAGER Telephone Nephi 55 "SERVICE ABOVE ALL" (BUnsttims Bakery For Young Gooka! JbOWiel Dolly Ann Juletide Sustains W i 2500 lbs.! itelien Set I fiLf V Spoon, cake turner, egg beater, roiling pin, pastry board, mixing bowl, flour can, measuring frying pant cup and Other Sets from 39o up I GARTERS ... rncmica and har or knife; or bow tie marbles and bag! delighted Hell S5 Dill Fold e Steerhide-bordere- d gram leather with extra pockets oty SOCKS look smart I wear weltl and cost only Hti mtan hi Ji Hinrhwrnei h caoo-isne- d c- m- Otliers 69c - . 3mm a?d up I Men's Colorful Juab Co. I 1 Set made, good ; Other Styles 49c and 98q Men's 4Piece Bxrtisfi t Gift Box Men's Fancy 2 Brake! 1 For Him! A New HSU toy 33" x 15" With be Lett Be PracticaU Rayon-and-Lisl- Steel Wagon Bow tie, handkerchief, extra quality I Single-o- r doable-gri- p . . . wide-we- b fa holiday gift box I Peoney iarage Sets Gilt for Younger Boys Always Appreciated! What Fun! 9 Pieces t TEXACO SERVICE Mill. & That Exprea Genuine Yule Spirit! bcit-- tt (' Hand Made! Silk Lined I Gift Boxed I You'll enjoy giving him one ol ' these smart looking tiesl New patterns and colors 1 Elevator Company U'lilctiajc. by Gut Bonneville Lumber Company |