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Show THK PACE FOUR TIMKS-N'EWS- Zoo - Social I Mis Alice llaasim was tn CKy Monday on business. Mrs. M. E. Jennings a visitor Friday at the directhicjs Lloyd Hobbs. Salt of Lev an was home of Mrs. Miss Melba Jenkins is In Salt the house City this week, Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dele Paxman, 7 j. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan of Idaho Falls are visiting with relatives in Nephl during the Christmas tioliday season. First National Bank First National Co. Geo. C. Whitmore Co. Miss Ruth Chri&tison returned to home in this city Tuesday, after her spending the past three weeks In Salt Lake City at the home of her brother-in-laand sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baldwin. w Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. Forrest and children Bryan, Virginia and Jeanne, left this morning, (Thursday) for a motor trip to California where they will spend the Christmas holidays In San Diego and Los . Mrs. Harry Deagley Is visiting in James Andrews was in Salt Lake Salt Lake City for a few days dur- City Monday transacting business, ing the latter part of this week. Miss Bertha McPherson made a an business trip to Salt Lake City on Miss Irene Olpin underwent operation for appendicitis Saturday Saturday. morning at the L. D. 8. Hospital. Miss Elda Ostler, freshman stuMr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett were dent at the U. 8. A. C. Logan, is among the visitors' in Salt Lake spending the holiday season in this City Tuesday. city, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ostler. and Mrs. Oean Worthlngton Mrs. Itha Parkes spent the small son Don Lee were Salt Lake City visitors during the forepart of visiting relatives In Nephl rethis week. turning to her home In Provo morning. Oowers Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Miss Donna Oarbett arrived home spent Wednesday In Moroni visiting with Mrs. Oowers' mother, Mrs. today (Thursday) from the Utah Olive Anderson. State Agricultural College at Logan, to spend the Christmas vacation Following a month's visit In Price with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. with relatives. Mr. and Mm. L E. L. Oarbett. Beck and little daughter Betty Joan Mrs. W. 8. Winn of Preston. arrived home this week. Idaho, is visiting in Nephl during and Bert Miller of 3alt Lake City was the holidays with relatives a guest during the past week at the friends. While here Mrs. Winn is the house guest of her mother Mrs. home of his aunt, Mrs. George E. WHAT OTHERS 1J.! 21. lh-o- . Local -- Social Local and Social Angeles. THE LEADER CAN ACCOMPLISH Tllliwbv. .VF.I'III. UTAH. li:cIi!i.6'i:.'V "' 1 m-,-- i - ' r H r Nephi Drug Co. Tanner. DARE NOT TRY tiiri'Vn (5 reclines. casoug ill. t'.V.Hll a 1952 BAILEYGROCERY CY'S MARKET mm mm RJ1 IV UU T 1 iNepni Caf e ELIAS WORWOOD, Prop ' leiisafianul Value ! Longer Larger Faster Smoother New in Styling EVlore Economical And Featuring Fisher Ventilation No-Dra- Chevrolet Week throughout America. millions have been watching and waiting for the latest product of the is now on world's leading builder of automobiles display: the New Chevrolet Six at a new scale of low prices. Front, side, rear inside, outside everything about this new car is advanced, improved, exciting. Longer wheelbase makes it the biggest automobile in e field. The latest principle of car design, today's " styling, gives it a totally different, appearance. The new Fisher bodies are larger, wider faultlessly streamlined swung lower to the road and offer the first basic improvement in travel comfort in over ten years: Fisher Ventilation. Chevrolet performance in every gear is faster, d flashier, more brilliant. The is low-pric- ultra-mode- No-Dra- ft time-prove- CHEVROLET MOTOR m gear-shif- t. 8.t complete victory over vibration: The Cushion-Balance- d Engine Mounting. And as far as prices are concerned, several models now sell at the lowest figures in Chevrolet history. Chevrolet is able to do all this because Chevrolet has the advantage of being the world's largest builder of cars for 4 out of the past 6 years. Chevrolet builds cars in greater volume Luys materials in greater quantities does everything on a bigger, more economical scale. Hence, Chevrolet is in a position to provide a better car at a better price than could possibly issue from any other source. The leader can accomplish what others dare not try! a 1 f R1 1 1 i i!&ISrii- - ' v.. I Complete Twin Speakers MICHIGAN COACH $515 COUPE $495 SPORT ROADSTER $485 CABRIOLET $565 SEDAN $565 SPORT COUPE $535 PHAETON $515 NOW ON DISPLAY Special equipment extra. Low deliver. J jl rices AT J3ifF A GENERAL MOTORS d essy G. M. A. C. terma Superheterodyne ,A Wonder! Hand rubbed Cabinet in American Black Walnut with pilaster panels in diagonal Wood and instrument panel in figured Butt Walnut capped with a genuine Rosewood Inlay. Automatic Volume Control. Tone Control. Illumin-late- d Station Recording Dial. Seven New Philco Tubes, including Four Pentodes. I win bpeakers. A leader at this price. Ori-jent- al i 'High-Efficien- YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S VALUE City Motor Co. m i Highboy ModcK second" Syncro-MesChevrolet engineers have developed a remarkable new invention that wins COMPANY, DETROIT. mam in engine is more powerful as well as mora economical. Improved Free Wheeling is combined with a "silent h h il AT A NEW SCALE OF LOW PRICES All prices I. o. b. Flint, Michigan. I 1 ft THIS the new car that "Aer-Stream- IP cy Easiest Terms! sFREE Nephi Free Trial! installation to your ground and aerial Other IcceJj Srcm Dixon-Taylor-Russ- ell $,!9.5t $31 Co. |