OCR Text |
Show - - 1 w. - . . . , ., . , , .. .. ... .. . ... .... , ..., , .. ... .. ,.. ME., DESERET 'NEWS SALT LAKE CITY .- THURSDAY- , - APRIL 21' '. .1933 . ...... ..., .....,.. . , - .' .. - , FLORISTS- .404.- d..'. endm tali Projects ' - e .d .A-1They.h- ave lpjj - - , 223,000 Bid. , 43,000 14,000 19.000 , . 4.000 17,000 3.000 25.000 khool Imprnnnt School Schools 21.000 223,000 Vat) Tai- Item, ,"Iteillyarood Orebeatea. aed Ted fosamor p fiAloss Mom. Mani 10-- 21 -J- oke Smuric mieresoadoom aa a Edition 40c 12 PAIL - - 13 OYU -- - t lametar 21$1-.- -n lad Stott .p46.cit8..61,eming. nab, . aad Marge. kt4 Ball,. :- - , - not Paws K Boess4" Joanasa. coadcr. 1146...lifinc,-Irrasanitad- Solth . . ' Ado.), 1110tiAlr,-rifi,. , ft 6 SONS MIDVALE 277 WASHINGTON Ayr. OGDDI "Vilwris Your Dollar Burg Mars" - - STO tin MY. , 'SUGARHOUSE LUMBER CI HARDWARE CO. EAST 21ST SOUTH. , ,,, HT. SSS t r , ' , , i i Ploth Mate 1700A EOM 1asers000 Oily Was. 73 ?roper'', Manaseme03 Home SW 'din Sabt Lek SYNOPSIS OP ,THE ANNUAL STATE-REN- op Providence Washington Insurance Company n Home Mine. 21) Market Square, Providence. Rhode Island. Showing condition' on Deeetnber 314. 111ri. made to the Commumsoner ot In-suranee ot tkut Slats ot Utah, pursuant Legal---Notice , TO CONTRACTORI le law: Real Estate xontic Sealed N.. I i Mr. WiiI Nev.. Nov. 5, lede. Foe the past tune year, he had been local employed hi transfer eonspany Surviving are Ma another. three twohem Jack. Vernale and Le nor West: and one stater Nacos& West. ta of Sell Lake City., Verle W. Walker W,11- Foster Walker: a son. Grant Walker: his parents: a brother. Keith Walker: a enter. Mrs. Loraine Nebeiter, and twe grandmother. Mrs. Kama E. Walker and Mts. Alicia Simmons. all of bait Lake. Legal Notices , ""' ft.. t Zs set it sod ital AAP Thee by new. Marra Les- tat Tressarini ana Barbers Ltaddli, trawl 1OTICI3 TO MATZO VOW Tie minimum wage Paid to all boor-- I mediate labor ennotoyed on Ike contract The litste of ,Clab.. Office of State Dsnett be el cents pee hone, 'The ratentittin wage paid he ell unskilled einem. $ae Lets City. Netter as loreby gyred that the U. S. 'labor empieved at Jilts mantel Mall be Verret Service. Orden. Utah bas made Ste hour. ,t emits per sweetieshreo; are on file hi enemies. Ite ercordence with the taws of aid tam, IL of water Iplane of the State Road Communion. Ptak to appropriate 4..03Mealtimes toas(My. where Mt OW In re. from North Seem Is Spoicifieste ty, Utah.. Said water will be diverted fetes kneed le promiective bidders. to October 33. isclusive. Of each Menke and Nan pereosede bidding ha tuveashed at SaK Lake City. on winch will IMO. returned. be,: detteeting Provides footrace,' submtui an aeceptable bed the plans wittier- Dever Any addidays after bid ere received. tional information any be secured at the offset et Ile State Seed Communion. Each en bidder meet atibmit a letter trent anoreettel surety 'maned, auereeteeker ke furnish said bidder with required bonst The right de Mimi eny te.alViediFie re:, served.. Cask. tortilla4 cbeek, or Seabee. deck Ins. Le. per at ot total sessuet of bid triode poyeete to the State Rood Conning, meet iseeteenisey each but ae and a trearantee that lette ot geedthe- faith centset- - the bidder will lb. Contract nod give band. as 10..1 Will This Week's Coupons Good for Any 6 Volumes at 39c Each ?Wawa losomendloalions to MI MEM 11111WIldirtalle -- - Onsd ... I ' . STATE 'ROAD. El W.- COMSittrfOlt. D. RAtiatonn. , t'14" services tor Jelnamb Nelson will be held Sunday at a. na the Sanny Min Ward Chanel. &theta Harold Bradley will OfttellitA. Fnende may rail at the Continental room le Itte mortuary. 31I Eest Seventh South Street the home le Sandy StillaaT prior toiervires. Interment in Sandy Cemetery natter direction et the Deeeret Mortuary. ELSONrtineral IL ;memo. cormarIELD.--Atu- a died at her house to CopPerlield gaiter. day from a heart ailment. She was born la Bancheme Oct. el. of Charles and CowlIOW a daughter ing, Muctro. She was a atudeot of the Conn.:1mA School. seven ths are Survimns parects, brothers and one IlistPr, at! of copper-timiand a grandmother. Mrs. Mascara Of Itely. Services will be conducted Saturday at le a m. in the Holy Rosary (March Interment nth Si la tho in Bingham. &imbue emetery. an tor Emily serrieee Brown Clanton who Merl in San rralb ellen will he held sunray at 3 n. gm. In the Knee Room 38 East mu Soutla Elder Lester W. fry mil oflaeuzts muoe will be I tarnished by the 1ortuary.:atiatt.t.2 Friends may rail' et-tFrench Route te the Mortuary. Friday. SSItUrdill alkt sundae, prior to the terrines. Inter. men; MT cemetrnr. tinder lb direcuos of it Dewret Mortuary. CLAITONIrrineral John 3tellitch Me Rath. 47. AMERICAN FORK.--JohAmerican Fork. Merl Wedimeday as 10:b1 In a local hospital ot a brain Maple. Mr. Ms Hitch was bora la ,Incos lama. Jan. IS. 101, Hs was a World War veteran and ea employe ol Liberty Coal Meta Company uatil Ma recent Surviving are hug lather: Iwo brothers and three Mantra ail 01 inioslarla am. Zift.: tilt :3111 100,000.00 11.393,7SS46 1,574,962 48 le12.73311 id , WILLAkti.--Samu- myncx TO WATIPM VSY:Oft prommals Intl be rtrrovrd nv to 1406'10 1,01 Tho State of utak thee of btate rat-- , and Ranks p.m. April 'IL 10311 at the off,, of lessn in San Lake City. Utah. tower. hr nowt, of EdnelltiOrt. J0,1331 Shot t Other Ledger assets St.1 Notice ta hereby riven that tha Monet Sandy. 1.1ali tor fore.blog of Otorre and Santa Clara tench Imeationt Whew and materials 815,031.433.17 required for as 44 i Total hedger Suitt Santa Utah Anbaa Company. roads tiara. 33447.91; Pitela1011 111 Moon and Atterationa to the Jordan Ruth i Nes Ledger Malts accordance wok the tiara of Sehool for the Board of Ednest ion. Jor. i I Vtah to change the point of itivereion gad Ge o A me; 615.005.201.76 don Sehool District Sandy. (' tab. 727.6441.74 Waco of use of 1000 ac. ft. of water from maim sod spocalestioes ean ile els I Less enacts not Admitted " Santa Clara creek in Washington County. tinned at the of bee of Mhton Ai Evans. :'41u'l wa'" ar" la 312 Reliefielal bf.11 dmr"ed Life Mulching. Total Admitted Smote Arcluteets. -1- 14.337.741-01 Jr nulaguart I to Deetnbe 3L.Lelaall. .L1ABILITIES A dement of SID will be required.. be. ,laie at Prolmoeht must h. Mad. NS the pro- - ;Contingent Reserve 0 356.000.00 ;by tirttie Of Atoplitalion N. 41 dga to Mtn. W. 4134 !nested .... Meal form lurnished by the Architeet ;Unearned Premium Reserve .. 4,522.307M ;point f t. the ,,,- ('OF. See. 23. I': 41 S., and shall be made la striet steno:laws Net Amt. 101,614 Lessee Rm. 17 W. canal with ail provisions of the Plans and some- conveyed bY Claims 173,5111.10 l To be considered they mind All Other Liabilities firstaone. 400.4411.12 le. and stored it a reservoir. the eenter of the impounding dam of which bean 8. 27 he acconstramed by e certified chweli. cash- 1830 It. tem, ilia N. W. Coe. See. lees eneck. or a bid bond in an amount Tow 0.053,114.12 I deg. E. 31. T. 41 S. R. 17 W, SL1111. The stored at least ential 10 Errs per cent of 13,000.000.00 ,Capital water was to hats been released, ea need- 3 Surplus S38444E111 ed. during each entire year and. conveyed or re''aaralaa lo to poi rtsla Is roperved to by natural wash to Santa Clara Creek midi jorr any or an proormtla or Atirromes. allowed to flow therein to a point locatetU STANLEY RAS3It'SgEN Total and Capital. Surplus N. - 04 der. VC 314 it. from the Wis Coe CIAO nt thA Board. Liabilities ... other $14,331,741.01 See. 11. T. 43 3. R. IS' W, SLUM. end Thlt PobliestIon Arrit le, 11113. State of Utah. County of Salt Lase: redirerted and used to irrigate 1200 inter Last, Pubbeattoe Aprtl St. 931. The certifies that the above named C,om.. nerve of land, embraced in parts of SW. pent k at lied its annual Statement of SW See. it. S See. We and 11 , winch the hemmer is I moonset and has See 22 W and Wue SE See. 24. !complied with the laws of this State re- gEts N 27. 1.: See. .35. anti W See. teens to hutment and therefore is dull 38.L4 T.Ser. 43 11, R. If W. siatios. asithortaal to Manage' the inseineso of tie It is now proposed to divert said water 0 Urine le the SitS4 of Celt until the from Santa Clare ...Creek at a point Iodated last day of retreat,. 11130. N. 24 dot. 30 min. E. 953 It. front the j le Wittman Whereat I hereunto eel my Wt's Cm. See. 28, T. 41 111, R. 11 W., !hand and atfit in tinsel seal tine lel SLItt.11, rosary It bp mail to. and More !day nt ApriA 1131. it to. lb aforesaid reservoir, the tem C. CLARENCE NFZIEN. (SEAL) peateditip dam of wineh mil be 48 ft. high. Commissimer of insurance The water will he reteased from atorage, ' to flow into Santa as needed, I lOrrien TO cON"rnACTote , thereof, appiteaM State of Utah. Office of State Reed Clara Creek. and Itt i 1Cominientie.- ball Lake COY, Utah. Med wolf divert an equivalent unman of water Iron? Santa flue Creek at a pond loomed !list 133. received by the State N. 21 der. 30 MM. E. 953 N. from the (Sealed bids will be W of Utah. StS141 Cyr. See. 21. T. 41 L. R 17 W. StItt 440110i. Lake City. tisk at 3 oclock MM. 14.. and use It as a suPPlemental moot, isalt 3tior Ith. INA and at that lime to Irritate IWO tierP0 of lewd. embrecod le See. M. end 04 of S and NW ,nubliely opened for construction al Plant Parts !Wised Oil Surber' Shoulder's on S. W 14 See: 31 T. 4t S, R. It W., sta&M SE lit.. in heats Coomy the me being Ted-- 1 Wtse See. S. ail of See. S. and Nw 42 11.. N IL 18 W. SLIM Sae. I. T. prat Aid Promet Noe. and le.. and !between lt rib , ribillaUllt011 and. South! le deaignated in the Tills Minitellieu of the Mai Engineer ea No. A4371. IDesmond,. el mad to be constructed oily" All proteins meeting the granting Of awl te Oen miles. and the prop , :lento tit work are anilresitnetelY aa Auptication. with reasons therefore. mule in keel affidavit term, umet he filed with T. IL i ili itilMt : Capitol BuildUneamilled Eicavition. 13.10611 Ca. Ttle.l. Humoberys, Slate YAsineer one retie emit 11.273 ;Grave Surface and Subbase. Tone; ing, Salt Lake eity,, wits nd $LOB filing fee within 30 dare alter 0iPlant Elise- reirleste,6044 Tuna. 6, OOOOO OO The attention of bidders Is directed to the date el nallUdethin Of Ottl'h,Ifloti T. a. HI'MPRERTA. tke Seecial Permeate covering, subletSlats Engineer. or metre the contract. Date rif find fiithliettima Awl! r, 11:11. .... ting The lontletille watt Paid to all skilled Dale of last hubliestino, Bay. S. 1131. ow. labor employed on this contract MA ett ""ka oft,' P.;AA) jir Published Afternoons Except Vert WEZiaa Wa Ikar. 31. of MT Sunday. soy Ammon died ha a local boenitat Sikh Lake City, Utah. late yesierday of pneummaia. Samuel Norton Cook , Bo was born in Salt Lake. Oet. L Norton Cook. at Phone, Wasatch 550. Ordminent piooeer. clew leader and 1911, a goo of Wtibam F. and Mae amMember of The Audit Bureau of Church worker. Wed Weonesuay al 3 nions Walker. and attended local schools. a.m. in an Ogden hosilstal after an Circulations. ness of a month, graduation train East Lab School. Me 31. 1357, M Ogden. at Entered the postoffice at Salt bad bare emPloyed as a railway postai eonlie ofwas born April Cowie and Hannah Burrow Lake City as second class matter elerk for the past few years. Cook. Cooling to WIllard with hie parents HI once resided here 1Iö9 to had that ha Act of Congress. Surviving are kda widow. Mrs. Thelma according Dos Elder and was educated ASSETS II el one year. The eon of John Ethel Kitchen West. lit. West was i and in Eureks. horn -- MOO. Gaddis Investment Co. 337 montms IUI , i:,,i. st as, rot Sou k Writ Temple Street, died 2313 Sollowank Choice Primroses. Pier, Dolph- - Lilies, 3 FOR 25c. Peewee, Barberry Cheap. BOWEN'S. 6460 SO. sTATt Fm. t 1 iv a local hosoltst ' BOWEN'S SPECIALS Henry yesterdat AP ir' 't Perennials. Rock Platte. 20 FOR , ::;:;-- A ,' i In The State f A I Annie Masearo ,1 WE HAVE THEM! 1174 fit Henry West GARDEN TOOLS feels favorable in approving and commencing work on the propos. ed City and County Building and water works improve. commission this merits. the morning advised J. W. Bournier. assistant regional director of WPA, in reply to a telegram. They also advised Richard P. Wesker examining engineer for MA, who called upon the this morning. - elyitary Nora Staking Service'Algovd-Al- 32194 SO. STH May ,1 year at the petal of issuance of said which beam S. 42 My. 3$ rain.. P. Iftle Om. Ste. 2, T. 311 12,344 IL from the Ilk SW-wa- in it W.. IL-- Lc- wet be twevryed be pipettes le the Pita Vailer COMNITOUlló Skad etionsterhome aleti- - Sild there used ishiersittently fee domeortte purposes. Part of the water will shoe be discharred tat Manche near the soma sOrni 13e. aPdilliOd UP Weett143.,beedod cM.- - lime in March 3, 1879. County schools. He marrted Margaret Lillian Wells in SUBSCRIPTION RATES the Slut Lake Epees meat House. Dec. .78 G. 1113. Ilbe Med Dm, 6. 122S. He mar. iOne month rued Stella Barker on Oct. 13. ISM t months (paid in advance)-- the Logan Temple. iSix He fulltiled a mission to England year (paid In advance). $8.50. ntediately alter his second marriage and was a member of the rlos Elder 'urn 1 The above rates apply to Utah. He also served as- a Idaho, Nevada and conned 32 years. Wyoming. andel and euneelee I. Bishops Abraham Other states by mail per month 31. Georre neer for 11 years. lir. cook served as stale repotoentaNATIONAL ADVERTISING live during 1114 and 1197, at which tuba REPRESENTATIVES he was chairman of the itvestock tomHs Mao aerved as inayor of mutee. Noe. Rothenburg Jann. Inc. Willard and was a member of the Bog 10 East 40th St. Yi.tier County board al education free ,New York City 360,N Michigan Ave. years. iChicago Beside his "Mew be I. survived by General Motors Bldg. three took Merlin N. Francis H. and Rhode-Havert- y 1601 Atlanta Of Bldg. Willard: a daughter. Delbert E. Cook 351 California St. Mr.. Cowl flowberty of Salt Lake Cite; San Francisco two aisters. Mrs. John Dolton of Grace. The Associated Press is exclusive. 'Ids.; and Mrs. Mary Brusher of Willard; shs 13 grandchildren. entitled to the use for republics. Serviee will be held Sunday at 1 pm. ly of all nevra dispatches credited don in Willard chapel be Inettati J. Wi'lltve Surat will bo in Willard Cem- to it or not otherwise credited in Perry. direeted Mammon's Mariner: this newspaper and idso the local etery. by. of Hyrum. news herein. All SI. of MS South Second West Street. died I. a Ideal hospital the martens lalkew. ear a heart &limo. She was born in Serowe nee. I. 11111. a daughter of John aad Johanna She elms to Salt Joh es Ind with her Sewell-mMn. Mathew, us her husband. Hyrum P. Mathesme leo SODS. Claude B. Mathews of Minneapolis. and Delbert tester Mathews of be. Paul. Minn.: throe daughter. Thelma. ahuirs and Wanda Mathews of Sale Lake and the foltoeine brother and soden: Albert Mrs. Ida et. .and Herman kenneled. Broom and allies Eekserand of Salt lake. and Menage Wizened of Waage Palle Idaho. -- Legal Notices - chairman. Dew et LIM publiesUce. atif. 6. Legal Notice NOTHV OF Iftlenflefilltiti MEETING Tba annual weans' of fan roneitaol& era of Conantidated Wages & Maclaine Conntann nal to bald an Tuesday. nal 3rd. WA as 3I31 fun. at Ike ono. al tan Company ID Salt Lana City. Ulan. for sba neenna the Prreklent' nougat Poatne kapott lb. elation of dtrectera I. SOITO tba mantra year and tan trannsertast et ands otlwr Insatneno as Ilan tom negate lbw amsontla. MA. Armin, h 1 Trianon.. 'NOTICE TO WATT'S MEE& The Stem of Utah, Office of State Ti. aineer. &Mt Lake City, Notice bereby given tkat the U. S. Fromm Service. Ogden, Utah bas made IP- Pitealtes, a aeterdance wits 1W laws of t. Utah. I. appre.riatio OM sec., ft. of water trona South spring in Washington Otronli Utah. Said water snit be diverted front 11 ay 1 to October 31. inciusive. of each Line Rate per day or year at the point of issuance ot said mint which beers 8. 23 deg. II min. E. consecutive insertions. 21,40S ft. from the Nit me. 2 T. 39 8 i! & IS W. 8. L. fa & M. Said water will be to lit the conveyed by a tin. Wrenn Per Line, 1 Time Pine Voiley ranger suttee, where it will be used totem:Montt tor doinestic P oem sod for M in ds e t s irrigation Ott! Per Times scree of lead.' ill the proposed Pins Tat ley guard stettee weer it will be used Pet Line, 7 Times SOO foe tionteette purpose,: (3) the loosi's clubhouse where it be used ter dome Per Line, 1 Month and 441 the Pins railer tie cannerround where it wiU he used by the avowal public tor don:sone and teem.; oleo I shwas Pot Liao , item) purposes. Part et the water Ittotkostat Carrot Pk aloe to used DOW Me Point of issuanee! OS tbe wine I. weter he heed of ruffle. t 'raid Atistiration is designated o be office Of the Seats Encloser as no; 12SI1. CASSIFIED AU protests monies the trusting of RATES Applirattes mitts Meese thevetor. made to attidevit term, must be Wed 1001 T. L -R. Ramplierya. State EnernaerrOayOm Pet- - inch-D-Bandma. Sala foto Wt. with aim aim Time C0177 and IM tiling' foe wstbis 30 clan Mu, Ike date of comydettan el Ribbed-RoPet inch Times DESERET NEWS WANT AD INFORMATION G. ' 100 350 La's, 4 et pure,; $1.40 - $1.00 2 bateWiltwf trti summirk litentingtiner. Aged AND COST LESS. .....90c Perinclunrimetino 1114. This APPlicetMe deeiguatM ta the Thad of last publiddabod. May U. LIM office of the State tatriame as Nth, 121141. AU motes meeting the graPtiatt Of laNS , DESERET NEWS ' Apphretios. with reasons therefor. made fa effnierat fees tweet be hied with T. WANT-AD- S. H.' ifficapherys. P4ans Tatelseet. Coated Lake Ott. with oss "Zink Swipe's. tett cote, and 41.01a tattier It Intbia 3$ days BRING QUIC1CRESULTS: atter the data et. tomplettes of amblers. IltritNIERTS. State EneMew; Sprit published rtghts for republication of special dispatches here are also reserved.. Send remittances and bushiest communications to The Deseret News Salt Lake City. Utah. L. E. Mathews Emily Emity tons Etieterague Mathews, T. R. . DESERET MORTUARY Right, Qaulity and E.Prices HY. 4 hi The City DID YOU KNOW? OGDEN. Utah, April 21, That You Can Run a 4 Line The entire cite commission Ad, 3 Days for only $112. Ineen, PANSIESROSES State And Local Obituaries City Approves Project , crn-- CC Number Of Participants In Act? Are You A 'News' Subscriber? In What Name Is The Subscription Placed 6- State Street. Saturday from IC ,setrines. Intarmeina ,untit time. in the Murray City Crawler,' OfVer direction of Geo A. Jenkins Mortuall. Nieto Lind will for Jerrie. h. eonducted Sunciay as 2- - om. to the Rif rfrifffrateis-romierFriends volt oft:elate. the C. I. (Jolt k Sou Moo, Wary Fluday and- - Saturday forolloon and at the IIIMIIT reindeer., US East mil Wasatch Street. Saturday everting 'Sunda). Prior to service. Interment in dtree 1;;ort" 'lion MoVII:ee.etya:7;7117:a DAY FLORAL 3141 ,- Soutk ANNUALS PERENNIALS VEGETABLE PLANTS East gth South AUTISM McArthur Frandsen Meese, trig be brld Friday at le I. ns.. from the thaws Mortuary In bountiful. bishop (9. S. friends melt cell Kingitoft Of tiengtiot et the Mortuary Thursday evrault iiird. tater Friday. prior to the sorrier'. attest will be made an BASIlit, Idaho. ifOr110011 US COLONIAL FLOWER HOUSE - 1421-LSOS Ward Chapel. Bishop A. A. Crane wili mor officiate Priends may call teary. 4714 South Stain Street. Fritter ostimaisirltsgsannttnr-v...-ss- FOR THE BMT Como Iota Stack of ROSE BUSHES SHRUBS TREES AHD PLANTS 2ROS 21, Ettatiew," NmkUW. MO Utah April OGDEN, Protest of some 38 property owners against the proposed construction of a dog pound on East Seventh Street by the Ogden Humane Society was grant. ed by the city commission. The owners declared the kennels would be a nuisance, and property values would depreciate. Mrs. Estalle W. Bowman. peed dent of the society. said the ken. nets would be sanitary and sound proof. The society wants to move from the present location on North Washington Sevel-- Roma, Amatrons, Announcer' grx AlIDVALE NURSERY TAMES GLOVER SOUTH STATE landscaping, . fres plans. us Colors you buy. Cowls Age 0- 4 PETERSONFuneral services for ear) Oah ear Peterson. St will he conducted gat. urday ea I pm. in the Murray First SALT LAKE NURSERY xi so. Inn EAST, RT. 8484 li Dog Pound Protested am &maw., ' Was. 804 32 W. 1st Fus. Vartetiss of Hardy Essrantsos In All S)30 for All Puzioses. Lane 2.yr. .Rose Bushes. 25e C411 Us for Erse Plans. Estimate Dance, Vio1in, Bass Solo, Etc.) Have You Had Training?' IV Cull .or up. SJ W. WW1 - MI FUNERALS birtbRIUPuosrat services far 1 Setection of Ever- greens in City at j-inii- ROSE RUSHES PERENNIALS OUR IMPUTATION IS BUILT ON GIVING OUR CUSTOMERS THE FINEST TREES AT LOWEST PRICES,. wr HAVE THE FINEST LINES OF 1 is Int Newt prank Sit. unroll BY 0160dolui oretteotra, hilonsente, mmle Arcles'a ortlestra old goons cart.r. District-44- Paretem. Altos. t lof Headquarters GARDEN LOVERS - p- Ile pointed out that the 50 year charter expired on March 1933 but that the association' to operate on the belief the charter was still in force. Ogden City held 206 shares and Huggins asked permission to isstito. Ogden City new stock in lieu the stock now held by the city. Tune with- FA it ma. VOGELER'S City Bo is won : April 21.- -To Commissioner E. T. Saunders and City Atty. George S. Harker the commission referred a communication from Ira.-- A. Huggins seeking authority 10 reincorporate the Muntseille Irig- Eaves. Coma. Ibtrin ami Meru 135--4. to AteekrallovalMOL, Arid Ilant &mortar. Radio Funeral Demon& puurrs; - U h Mama. Valea,187 of honor the Cabana NT. 1165 N)1? FLOWERS , Headiest, tattato-l- ay 2 Mood Mostar oreliastra. bury sod Ma nO abene scoot: ,42.- -11 New.. Or -- Mama noredt. -- Ni.... 11A;-- porra sem One hundred and forty chit- dren will participate; underilit t Ldirection of Mrs. Betts, Tholnk son, Ltictile Miller and Vatherine Wahlen. Little Miss La Vann Miller has been chosen nun of the festival. SOUTH I3TH EAST. Hy. $414 Competent Florists. Reasonable Prices. CUT sen, Lucille Miller and Annie Jen. 3 al- -a a Me C011eart, Bernm,. abed. .'al tomorrow in the ward chap. at 8 pm., it wu announced to,. day by the presidency. Ida Sex Telephone Number Occupation What Will Your Audition Number Be? (Tap Wean riy 2nd So. Was. 365 Sipco eI. Anrosanared. Leastaa Baseball Gams. New roolutot Sawmilla Sebotorl, dotrlott ts Stto York Calle 3 Name Address E. 3 ALLENFLORAL idalodr. hmalt. Bate, Meade in Sonsabola aran 61-6- osos4 ciemboar staabl."' dritata, BAR of the Woek.. Of Vary Barka. tio--- r00 2 Grantee Balla kaar, leer. Saida Marino Basel. intl. Beeman Cs. " 00- -N 2 1 a.-- ti Boil ey &Sons Co. . 'Search For Talent' Entry Blank k7 Martha New: to SI 12 IS It a Perkin., 1 2 Novo Hy. April rum Third Ward Primary Association will hold its Spring Pesti. he Libartrunt. Brwancaallat Come Calmar 1 coal Norway. 111--16 roper Yantuy lenses Itr-.- 1 Starlet lipastatmes. HYRUM. , Vith !I 1210...NW-H- ow ' r.,11L Primary Sets Festival Garden reboil:a. and London. pima ' basin n Andersen has been appointed as earetaker of the school and City Park. Mayor L: P. Maughan Announced recently. tleber llama JUL 111:311---e; II Alai Sendai mod bola. tat April 21.The Third Ward choir. directed testa. 02 .... . i IOGDEN, 3 ao REOSZE...-OPPL- PROTECTION PERMANENT 550 ation MEMORIAL. Guimis SU Awrtalutus. uv Wrap SILONZE-LEAr- t. TonSIA Was. 330. SEEDS BULBS SHRUBS TREES PLANTS Anything That Grows :31 by L. P.- Maughan and accompanied by Beta Jensen will sing at service in the Logan Third Ward Sunday evening. HYRUM. April L. Mardi is Ike noddle Voris Pawn. JUtar. but. - Choir To Sing In Logan HYRUM. I De O'Netia., nuisin "Mem. Itimaiwa., Your carry Hyrum's water supply from the canyon reservoir to the city limits. acording to,Mayor L. P. Maughan today. The line is of pipe and will cost approximately $14.- 000. The WPA, will furnish labor for the excavating. which Will cost about $30,000.. it was announced by Mr. Gardner in charge of the WPA o fthis 11 Ruda inainisC-Carl- iks -r- ono Scoriae Preirrall .IIYRUM. April 21.At a speeial meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Hyrum, the Utah Welders of Salt Lake City were awarded the contract of installing the new steel pipe line to and Not. Cosner'. at lb. Crosarnarta. ot Catittencon dre. LAW. itiss.. une MOO NSW aier Project Awarded Meindata. 1.10.eNBC-4;a- bin IS of ---a Been Vow. Time Mass. Iluier's Goads. tootoolea. Catboat mum. I the University Community Concert Association will hear plans for next year's course at a musical in their hon. or Monday night in College Hall. Dean Herald It Clark, president, announced today. Members QOM'. Moms& d ...6... Musical Is Planned of the Daybook. to Betnember. loiorludm a15s one-da- Orchestra. abd his Or. Out of Bed mttk begin DM-Lani- i. dos& o Provo school students will en-y vacation Friday. joy a to Schools will bedjsmissed give the teaching force an op, to the attend Progres portunity sive Edtication Association convention in Salt Lake city. 4,324,36 ratimv Aran. Simeada. of the Morning. Mews. 0 Studen ts Get Holiday 1110t. 10Alp..E.111e-docidoi-ald. 11126.4131,-.31at1- mc-v- 20.000 41.818 10.262 80.000 29.300 3,s20 7,000 600.000 73.000 187.867 169.090 Lemuel Chaos& 1 j wra Trambauer's W.-Fr- ank ebeetra. Lad Ida dean, , Eaya Orcheatra. a - might Utah's congressmen were requested by the Provo Chamber of Commerce today to urge the diVision of grazing at Washington to cooperate in the building of stOck trails through Spanish Fork Canyon. Clayton Jenkens, secretary; said today. The State Road Commission. Utah County and the Uinta For. est Service are cooperating on the 530.000 project designed. to sheep and cattle over a difftrent routing than that of the State Highway, Ebener's Orchestra. Pleted, Sessamoty Joins and Me Cow AM. upeatals team Moot usaa. Melo by flowage., Noised and We (Velma. 1.,16-4- Pod condition Federal Aid Sought Neen iota 'Ma item.. ,nI sion. Prentiss., Breen and his Orthastrn baruicooatern Bards of Time. Marsitard's Orchestra. 4; as ; 4 SOIL Ai112 rorratazi TIJUISPOITATION - ed next ap- WilliamWedneesdayV Wells, pointed ville precinct by thé commis- 11110MBCMnesar Ants. ramillar deratemooma,' 12 SALE or. a one and a half ton pickup truck. Bids 'skill be Open- Vallee's Variety Mom Conneenens Yankee.. Irons-- Caesar and kis Soots of Safer." Bows .of It3S"Rabert Connie Boswell. Farint Taylor. Brien Clark Gab. Myrna Loy abd Lionel Barrymorn roast start ka Moine Bait. Bing Crosby. Bob Baran BMW Etter. 913-.- rt, Netv-4itarterUtged dy Ike Yeteolia" meek brief Boater. foe Mas, Dimon Camera flyealea t far TOR This latter Arm. ri 11117,11610Ar, P.71. Trees, Shruhs, Rose ' Bushes anzi Supplies - ST. MAIM GRAVE MARKERS I exist, in the election of county do as districta COritirILSSIOnetC not apply to them. County Clerk toN. J. Crokston Announced day. 10.000 13275 1.719 3,130 270,000 33.730 75,540 76,090 1.045:001 Campion., 131 NO. Bilfaalle,41uilsimeg 2 TAIECIORS ballot.- 130.000 :16.000 .7. ..... Comore Orebeoted, oestmel lor RM. Wessell 0E6 TAYLOR,. Serries. SywpthoueWAS. 33i JOSEPH WILLIAM 111 .. EMU TM WILWITD AUL MATZ LOADS 1131TALM . tions as in the past, it prevents all, icpresentatives limn., coming from one section. as might oc- cur should the entire, county. trite on all candidates and place those with highest votes on the 7.2,2 90,000 2.454 20,454 43.000 33.8F4 6.015 72,000 18,000 6.730 4.300 ,...t 7,500 14,727 9.000 18,818 4,618 - . Cane,. Bowe AIDIANIT la Muom Columbia s WAS. 30,009 238.191 150.000 304272 35.363 200.000 5.454 ' 45.454 100.000 75,297 13.3lS 160.000 40.000 15.000 136,972 16,363 4,,...106 SALL TO LOAM ADD MOM MOO OLD COLD wager PZILMAIUMIT P1072CTIOX POMOISAIS PODLITT ADD CDICII. MASA MATZ 1 11 , WANTED' , GRAVE MARIUS 21,818 67,500 row. Myers. itre0 Imam) gueetwaCRANES fLOILISTS Abto WM OA Stth III Ewa 2 FUNiRAL DIRECTORS MILTON 2,51 .107.0b0 150.000 .25.434 50.000 7,003 20.000 90,000 107,181 . ma MOM 11, 11 , ASTI sesc. 1, s MMUS TORROORT rummun 5 22.500 3,150 ' 00,000 40.500 3.272 13.909 .. lualkeCfid-- - MUSTS MAMA 114.54,5 14,000 LOOT' topioyalmat Tribes. 20.01.0 MI.K.0 9,818 51,r45 413.150 67,r,00 11,454 . Waterworks Imp. ',Pleasant Grove City Nall Waterworks Benoit Waterworks Imp, Pzovo School 'American Pk. Bldg. Heber City Library Waterworks .44urricant Waterworks Imp. Courthouse Ogden Waterworks Imp. ..,Ogden Shop Building Ogden 'ROY Waterworks , ' - Slexh&L - 78.151 63,000 Waterworks TITICIMAIG APRIL 21 94,700 181,618 15.543 Electric Plant Waterworlut HE VOXE Of THE 38200 33,181 11.454 . Schools ........ 17,190 Ton matuvEsToct lorastrgo somas mt., woos-sk- i WI, Vested 155.00C 42,615 81,818 9.000 13.500 . High School - 36,900 69,750 $ Ian .:otale 24 " DIPLOM:NT Solosalos - :uvistocit as4 , COAL UM WC011 LUIPLAT CIAIISITIAD 4,324,368 S 82,000 1,045.961 Waterworks Sigurd Park City Castle, Rock Towle Vernal caumcnot---ournma- nanas- n 1 Schools School Imprvoult Muni W. AUSOICAS L. C,OUIDA AUL OPPOILTUNITIAS County Wednesday. with Logan City as district one. north of Logan CitY limits and north of Valley View highway ai district two and south of Logan eity limits and Valley 'Iew highway as district., number three. The action was required by new state primary law and. although it will not necessarily Ntette ettect eltrattm rin .sentatives of the county In sec. Total est. poject costs Grant Loan Auditorium Wmerworks Imp. Home aged Waterworks Imp. Providence Smithfield Waterworks Imp. Waterworks Cornish, Waterworks Prue Waterworks Imp. Helper. School Atklitiun Price Gymnasium Farmington - :Waterworks imp. Courthouse Dale Castle Waterworks Imp. Castle Dale Cedar City High School Gymnasium Nephi Meadow Waterworks Imp. Waterworks Imp. Canyon Binghah Balt Lake City Schools Salt Lake City Reformatory San. Sewer Central Park Balt Like City County- Home Vocational School :Bandy Street Imptoy. Monticello Swtwks Imp. Blanding -- tarn1111111TOTA. stmanns LOGAN. April' 21.The designated County Commission legislative districts in Cache Type of projed Memorial AUTO Voting Districts Set Cache The terms of any law which might be 'enacted to authorize loans and grants. (The projects listed were given preliminary ap-- , , provel on a 45 per cent grant and 55 per cent loan hash), approval by Ickes and CIthe president The administrator added that the projects also would depend retrrt im,edinterp.t tarot in them. wponsora -- The Utah followE list for - 21.- -4 ' . - Ammons" AUTO , llenselear charged this morning by District Judge L. A. Wade. who granted-' an application by Defense Attorney L J. Heither on the grounds that Patch is now sane. the When 'the jury returned verdict Wednesday that Patch was not guilty of first degree for-it- ie murder stabbing of Thomas Faherty on Nov. 14. because of temporary insanity, Judge Wasik ultirted the. held Ter' investigation ar to his sanity. District Atty. Wade M. Johnson "did not oppose the application this morning. bemuse he had held throughout the trial that Patch was sane at all times. , Location state wide Utah Beaver. Amaiga Park City Logan Clarkston - AUCT101111 - , not' 0UZ rEcaLtrir. rcu,tailrwirmas Sousb. HI. Sill. OVS UMZ tynrIT-A- D co. o.ro Mali,- - AprilPettit, 20. WaS OGDF.X. April Public Works Admin .'waradon identified today 48 Utah project estimated to cost a total of 84.324366 on wbich wink avtild begin if Congress appropri ates new funds recornmended !:sr this president and if other comu!: Anna were met. Ickee Administrator that no allocation had been - ' made for the projectile. been studied' and ',reported favorably by various PWAexamining preliminary groups. he aaid. "The projects will have seniority over thou- sands of other' for which &poll- cations have been made and which are now in various stagts vtaminations. said the project listed still dependel, on the followmg: ,Appropriattlin of funds by ,WASHINGTON, 11API,--rTh- - '.Th.6.:.'Sttit..:,1 , 1 Co LoxiAL Pti INESIEREI, - ' ; Calendar Month Copy Must Bo Received &fore 12 o'Clock Noon 80c vC-1- - |