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Show ., I 1 . , - . - I ,.. - lug- Distal Er, ast Beat, , CTY: ItitiRSDAY', APRIL, SALT., LAKE NEWS .. ,. , aer D I Score , . , . 193,1-- - 21 0 , - hte , , ,,.,. , . : e1 - - - 0 t, -- - E. ms , , , , ., t Go-A- L I i , ' "' ' '' I :r 1, ' ,, ' .1; . - - ' t, , ; , , - -- - -- -- 1 11 -- - , ' 1 .-2 I , 1 ' ' 'I - , t 1 ,, z; , . -' - ,, , -- i I . , t. ' 1 , 1 i t,. - " ' : ...vr-- . vinir- -- -- - ,.,: '.., ., f - , , BY-MA- I ' , - , , , ' as uniksfortuWbizzernate forWhidatt."-c- ol. , s,,-;-4 .. f ,.., t " ! .' . ' & t ; ' ' .. - '- , . 1 , ' ' ' '. , ' ' . , I ' el.' ''".., ;..,. ..' t ..,...,, ;.: ,. . .0. ,' ,0' ,- :,..,,,' - :!' ,' ' ' efl. . '',,,,,, ,, ', '. , ..' ' I I: ,;."'; , , N -- 4 z !, , ' .,,,. , . l i ,, vt, - ,,..r.-- . 0" te, ,( ). ,, i ,..... I '. , f... c .;, . t . :...' j - r " ' - . ...4 ,' - , , . , ,t , , r I ..... - . ' ' - ' "'"4",..- - ,.1.- - - " , ... , , - ..- -, 4 . -.- .. , , - ..,t '.'"4 '' ' ' -- 1 ' :1- .- . - , i , , -, op., - ). ,' .., '1'."----"- "". . ' ., - - ' 4 , ...,- "4 ,,,,. . v i 0, , ? ,OAVt .....0 " ....Ad... I . i : - k - belGia. nt otte-yar- :W ''' - :t li r,..nfab Tonight . t - 411141 1 . - I ) ' i , 1 . ,i - I i a , -- - ' I1 i : 1 I , rmu. euu-'bel"- i t i ' 1 ' ...,---- , . iI " -- 2 -M - . it" -- . : , " or - ! : :, ' 4 - i Pentathlon Hartdi6lp Creation Of Scientist . . 4 ' j 4 thlnil na popularity of The srdtin esite: i sePes handicapping numerous inquiries system and how it was devised. The classification coefficient tables are the brain child of Frederick W. Cozens, Ph. D . , associate professor of physical edu-cation at the University of California at Los Angeles. The task of setting up a scientific scheme of classification and ...;; .r f.- - e-- 1 I Fork a!Lehi, S OvertTpnn 2 I - c D avis High i- - : M 211 :". .7 21 Vssg414101nott.o..7 SI 4651314Zorritr."-le)(- - 42 31 m inoss Prepares I 0 r -:7-- r 'gilt11 710 ! d 31edal - all-sta- Armstrong , , drift. Iffaelnke ' - the -- , a' 1W - re ' ' . .G ne - ' - ",.. . , -- . , - r, t: , 1 . , High Octane, ' - ' - ' ' "rid - . . Cha, then - , . ' inn 7'gnaw taiyastAsTwsount , . . ' 2 Illurray ! - , '. n age) al a...L. ' - ' I ' ' dint-din- g' I-- . par .lb, , raw i is Vltors--21,--L- eht First . , - Shows Promise As Soph Tackle at, I -i -"- t - . - , - ' .,, . . PETE NAUMAN Long-hittin- g - ,.. . I. EitinjuredInSrrnemthebersab: Five Compete ' 141-!"alidier-,....- '.; , marl' numberbeenmakitc4 ofimPreuithe - a " "" me , , - ' - - ., 1 1 L.,..,...,.. - , rk. I - 't I ' the spring grid labor. ' wu asked. rens -'vi 1 tree . , I1 stayin- terboutzeTttuldht.nt,he. ' Grizzly-Sparta- D ' ; 1 I t' g- Ilatto . Ca.-h- ' ttt tI , . Per-ida- ' -- " - ) - . - thief hislatualweetstanstal . 4 4 - 8i, : Soccer Schedule Drawn For Sunday - I I a - i!. I , ee. -- -- 1 .I , t WM-Bwai- Jut tist3-4sa- ..---, 1, -- ,, .t,- i, f , , , 7 t , I E I 1 , - ,, , t ;, 1, ,, Pete Bog- - !1st, Bill Swan. quarterbeelc ;.t Baldwin. pant Tons Corn .. Bryce Thorn. mph tackle. t, or fullback. : Armorong- Is frankly r , i 'i - ...I , -- 60-5- 3 V i r 1 , , Win ----- -- ,, '' , Elwood wee doubles: By Utah Ski Club On SmIdav - baavrtd,, F . - 1 , t I -- - Crrans-goose- Slalom Race Slated ----' - , I - mat . ,,, cut .Contest Opens Provo Golf Year ',vague ft--'' ' i I 1:17tilit-cett- - -, - - 1 Ambitious Sports Program Engages North Utah. Prep Teams a ' i Tomorrow Prui-siGa- ' , i ' A t:ria - Y ti ; - scientific scoring systm for e events used In the Pentathlon t I a involved gram 4 amount of tecmiical labor. t 4 I l 800 hours of statistical work ,,, l as Hole-In-On- e into their revision atone, after 7 N, ,,7 1 , mach ar mare time had been el-OREM. April defeated t.aieeetineendeenenanneasevaaannan, , pended in first devising in High Schott tomes hew in use were re, tte uncoln tennis The FRANK NORbflEISF matches in one of the f 01. wednesdars need in 1933, to Of the closest rounds of the sea. Pogo a backstop for this Ponskors. fir farm lowting definite tactual ata""1:5; con. At the same time Spanish Fork. Rintilletsch, Looporti pitcher, has loon 85 per cent Bow It la Figured was defeating Pleasant Grove with PROVO, April of his muss for rise Ecidere. Nartiquist is Ora of tho and 1. The scheme of classilimition tease. sweeping' the singles The Bin golf meson will be maw. Leopord homy stickers. i , splitting in doubles, 44, Other lams united officially at the municipal is based upon the actual contribuof the factors age'l suits this week. announced Thee me link, Sunda), when golfer" of the uons whith awes ?bow 04 th. to '1. tnInv: Provo association compete in a nal'gt and weight To ;Payson 0; Spanish Fork 3. Luacoln events. various the formance in meet. blind bogey and bole- - be e the rtabd old beliyhee PROVO. April Whet, mad to Dr. ;2; B. y. High 3, springs-m2. utity ecientific. according annotmces Let But- - Comma. the Whiner me Or track Ceieradot Coach Eddie Kimball will divide there should be a differ. Wrstasonses rends: AA OrootNo. 2 tie. course manager. Trans. Lehi. &Jested each Keith siatitst rulka event., for classification ent litIssouantr5r1211:d 154: Ns. 2. 1.:Int'hTethrtse")11. I tioroin. My officially including Mayor But oonotudy. it would be Impos.1Chrtotenson. Dena detested ... Jetskistoon. ....... ..... Mark wiU be 41Leta. b- to Anderson, THE 'SUPERIOR' LEAGUE present se SO No 3 son. Carry OM tu ft pi t.,5. ..... tLtn- Shinaminsr limeoin. The ele7ter led unnmigainn... era wh i sifleinssoil lot. rride74 der such a plan for the sake of ad- - tits,. Pisa Tucker. 1.1.floral's. No. ". The baseball writer whe start- - seaLast a 1 dotknot loners the day's pmgrant by drivirtg ministration atom. so tbe effect at tett Dorton. Lehi. e Greens and week LoGAN A MI 214Speciall-- B00 Lehi. Otlestal Cross. ..ed all this argument as to wheth- - whites hauled to a maetess il off the first tees. tie. Region 1 ath tee were the three factor$ upon perfonaance !,,,set.Heber tyn.. ti...... ,s. ,4: 1... k I A recent membership drive " et theNational League is entitled although both Squads forged inside nearing top condition today gui t ba each event was averaged to give; i weetwe. anew aeaw4t,,,,,m ei.,,, itt.riresulted in 20 persons 511M11111 who the following formula; d ino otelonent's :77 tense int tutiode. detested Jetuusson,Dowel t to a line. It is opening of the region's heaviest' . blejme rankis& must feel expeeted had Dever to the modsbelonged times the ilea Lehi. two Kimball months will in divide he t age plus 1 a little embarrassed nw that the !squad atmllarlY tomorrow sionbes: 111eb At Plortsent GeorsNe. 11011 previously. Dr. Karl J. Beck l 1;P:rntsthse"sie;luisle 11151flultall height, is inches his .46 umes the Tarior Sointsis Fork. &lesson William is Provo of the club ,I results of spring training camp this president in No. 2 stn. SO: Plasma Caen, et pcsmds. weight teazle. Several of the schools will" .1 I, !ors: ci ' Brooksts year. Spools's Fork. de. I enter trackman in the annual state' $,, garnet hare been complied. major Asia &woes qe....A. If Pkoollos 6hr,11. 5111101041,12 The Utah Ski Club Giant Sic. entries. Blanks 'nay be se nclos: Noel Andres. So w of an' this scandalous le 'spite 2. The division relay carnival at Salt lake City ' , .... ,...,... I defeAstot issr Comm. nektskt le from Vent Woodhead at '. selected lid, Fork. latA. U can be argued from remdte Saturdayas the. firn event on the' tom, expected to become an an- - Chamber IL SO. C IS t. ;tor Offlc of Coerce. nual affair, will be held for the , the program,. while othent will not Ismontos and tt.''oe-grapefrOd aunpeig n. that i at 2 p.m. at and contestants will meet Fri-- the' N.1111211' 46 111 rellitY' th alerted until Monday when the'' first time Grove. defrud Sunday elk I 1 ClArfir Inof control of an2 heeetek-f-l State e ut In 730 the Altaathe at ' , le4f411a p.m. schedules day tennis Ts!br S 11' Terier basebeit lodge. Of the 17.11dee closely approximates ths coefficient iscuri443.Anal.:es. 2 31. w , race to iu for feeher draw Lreque the positions. Undisturbed Borns ; crooketon ti. the coach speed 62 tall sail Incorporating trAlla nommen bollorT..Pritig of a boy 14 year old, by Fort. amasses !o'clock ' risleehl ht- at "Gemmell Officials are M. A. Strand. weather, bait Like tures of a short straight race Club flounced toda Y that 20 .1Don users and smut stimmses. Plonsaot mhos Me' and weighing 103 pounds. make preparall would be tsken to Salt Lake fort and the control features of a WA- 14-referee; Mike O'Neill and !farm. itetball team continued its post-3- . I'' gall ere arren it t me ecoong utiles 0 ilor the grand opening of the en- - the relays from Logan High. the l tom- - the VOUrse will be manned Pohnion. starterE NePhl Andres season campaign this "arnk winning so as to be progreesive regard--! ' sett. ,,.wilisit..,, ,...11,,,,,,a ,,,,to si" ,11,11I 14):larred semi-pr- o . recorder: Dick Sore:wen. from Henagers Beanie's College ed circuit May I. "full sci uad to be decided foi. from the top of Collins' Gulch -Le lamaa cd nr nnt WY wnetbar morh1 Officials for the 4 timekeeper. with Warner and losing to Safeway 53511 in t "',ma- a'a games lowine -- trvonta that adiernoott. on the south rim of Alta basm, and 72:7 Ina a". trill be chosen at opening jumor or seamy. As the boy's coeff t vs this meeting. sererat other achooit, inciadmg- droppaig' 35,000 feet during which son and Barney Taft, 4filliStantig a p.b . ot defend,. battles. ittgintl. . i s value for the cent increases, and point announcer M an Andreuen. bids Axel will 'nlie scorem will els9 be received. ' s'outh Cache, Sefth Cache and riders feet eeva. lost t4.1,,iyuns by inte4entiabst News iltaseball a given performance steadily de-KIENA6211'S ! 2. I.. pourr welfe. chief I lagateper. certain to tion-! Bear River, are' almott !Service show Um every chili ru t 61. T. P. to. T. P. P. creases. El Boreal la reder D C0.301ISSIOX t rept the Boston Bees. had a .500 es nPalevsig : : : ii 1..lefillm..f! : : :sal C 4, la such scot-baRiders wig esmPeil in A table, pointiDefeats Baseball bed Jennie Men Will get lei issee4elgelsi eel P-- 1. Coltittn.'ettY commissioned t-- best"' levees'. Gultoos.e. 4 I $ 13 Moto...e. I 4 113 values represent the same level of start Monday wi th Logan at and senne classes, the senior see sabseeet Deem mgh &soot defeated , then Bees woe the .petition ot parks and pia, Crones...rig 1 4 2 4 4.tiberias. $ 2 4141 performance. Tsai, is. it i- g - Just as i this da, thComentesta32 Ytntrun-cs I s s'ettiim.. !st.. a I I al ,f3' ag a Aerie break be eitir este Wednesday evening Miwrity Dvidait onet Boastal dllt invtted colleague members itSiisherihandCarheBear'' Natunliyer d 500 to &Luau nike morning . in points 1 1 0 3 Witurits.nr. Monk--game i ta a Jordan District batteball izgralan, Th.. Bsesie Bed finz'' werejet the elmtmleeneet t Ittteher the as and 16 see a 4 event barred dee 0 :Anderson. in another, I I n to pet,1 BOY' 'Pa 17 drubbing baseball and echedulea A.11411171111 1.441010, casts; Teutonie 'will battle Rotary ' formai opening ,3e the Toren Dale The 0 ll 0 formance slam cd 7a0 points in one t in retaliation for the 11004 is deadline for Frklay iiilralskaa run wilt and 2 004.WIMI Omar Volta talks It loattGoil Club concurrentiy. Holladay walleyes monday by cypent. chih at yam, The' Sunday turning. ,,... 2114 11 TOW of the fact that South was out. ISIS ill event means the same level of Dee Chun ky ,,.... ylete(tes inaugural Progratilleatures .t.nz,-oppou Germania at 4 o'clock Stin- - Totals.. a now- - I Because s. a., POLIC11 SI o formance as 750 in another. 11.ArtwAy ..,....,,, opener one hes a the with ifavored in hit the of court, strong only playable third game in round, 1.- - V111120 Mt 500 day 13 . T. r. '"' "'"'"'"5 1st event each Tvers'enraPiledtbs el7n8.7111-average,Pirzles, aviT' in.anto ecaten- .points Warta are underwaY to hold the'Froun of vetenms headed by Evan Spring Soccer League. 3 I 14 Pearlman 4 3 2 111111mnsteturl l'''''''''erlicked":1's"---th: vim'smeet -.t Glen and Fairnet first on' Baugh blaughan , PO Alt contet are played at u3 trettniritakeneach asletthl welficientimean the It'llite Sox., That Einem.- : wa naagainst I. courts at Lagar. Coa ch fast newcomer . Dale Seamoes, win . mont pa wo n 14 out of 21 ga mes. 1 ,..., CrtibirLre.., 3 3 1 1 WortruLro 0 2L41: 11 . OWIIIIE I aim De tile-- LiIle -in -of an ner Adams elsthe GrizzlY , JO. 140 eingl s a other -J- oethe Abe 4 boys . ,,, squad der game rAs,- -2.-, a...tangos- -I lamming. ligern,00d, Vim:14Ying rated-Ri713-- memos- -. e s 0 Terry ninineed W dnedY I 3,1111t l'IDgan City PlaY last Irear'' basketball. got the better of Louis 67 average., g fOr ft be '4' PostPoned, Holladae has Ntilloan... i O 4 th Ts liver MortaY trznerteruch Inc6cs The Grizzly baseball outfit has' echeduled a practice tonight at 6 AiNkoons, S A II i ',touted New- - York Giants won catty guard ht Captain named 113 out.of 20.' against tbe- Ins:um ., ' vein seesseet the hoop sport, in a pitchirig bet I t'i, ---i coach A,dans announced foeow. been working . out foe 'literal o'clock co, the Holladay, school 111115 1521171 13 nee. IS . 53, Totals lest, Tot1 PK, and Athletics. percentage .600. By ak... keeteee., , , 3,1111a Wednesdays practice that Her weeks and, shows promise et be grounds..-- --pa 7 Sento 1W nossum: , 13 out of 22, tut Cube ale ' tisaitts rm.., as 34 .717 ben Pack had been elected .. ......,... . .... . 11 NI 41 Ill to coming the el". t Orle reniOn n Pone. I' winning 59131- 4,1 (("1" es te"ar .. .1S mai ino defense. SalsronO Cattillabt. ,Tba Dodsbitting being raged the Grizzly netters through yogx. April , ri"", - ,.. -'-.,.,..,. Balettio. Daher., "'"- ..in is onlcaputin ere and - PifalLes played ..500 bail. I tams Ass i t he 1938 sawn. Odin' tnem hers of Prh kin I Caeh Crmkstal and' Barney Ross will arrive here, on Wows 34- am 14 .... L4 halt at 11 of week their to YoUngSterl next of winningthe include Bankbeed. Reid begin 43, ' gainkusweeet t, Thursday squad. Lire3r nt his tei Bob Broberg ie slated for- the against the Tanks. Tigers. Red Sot la.aeAI.I.1 IlltSPreParannna ' lnr Ray ie-i; Dale Lewis, Robert Wright. Atinetich The Braves won 1,4,14 Oarless world welterweight championship' .........4444 It usiJones. Sherwin Metier, LYtin Jan. Vatthing Position and with Weide, Candidates in tha running for ,,and xia' tins. Lewis and Pack will play Bailey on the mound the Logan the 4 .47Liraa's eight and lost nine. Hole-In-On- eafaindt Henri Ardlidrnnt' p,,. V Lloyd medal, weeteninster - 1 .- somas' -(s. ,. ... 64 74 .307 team la the Atnericas Jcentage Red !jamfeather titlebokler.n Mdison ' a a eat eingles and the Bulkhead, Jones. battery. presents strong tie scholarthipathiedoleaderCollege t tlit's;'lie;42------ ----Son turned in II "eictoriell out of Wright-Mauer Oarden's bang Island Bowl combination will be Gordon Barmeton. a eouthpew, le ship award, which goes,' annually sit Hy' Data moved - Square sem- , ' - ' ' '' ' on 'doubles duty in the fouranatelt another strong hurler. MIT 2a- JIstzei (rafts'. the,- Demanding two.year ath-- his short game Is okeh,, too. to bl ' .',t7tiniskiad with a mug er seven out IsLiss:idgii i.e.., r. r.o.;...,, ses. I Promoter Mike Jacobs today meet Monday, he slid. In cue at The remainder of "die lineup will tete were by tanking his first bolo to ono yootoz. - :' - , Of 15, for a mark of eat, chive. I , taii.w..1 wee r. evitaaer, IS& a tie the best singles men in the Include Wayne Smith at find base, Coach Fete announcedtoday nounced thit data of Roar orrivaV, Carleton as follows:, I day on N. g as Dise,. kook flee.. ' con!empl; a Geddlo meet but Larson Bate. ;..land won nine out of 20 for .45te 044144, pm, it ipomm matches bout. will Rae double. iti at Fred Meier. second, Marmon. Worth Rose, sani Billings. Imo Wayne 44 Ralph ' ",: Detroit Senn Uri ot la. tor A38; iLeao tibias d. Surat so 44 Ate hario.i ,, at third:, Dennis Willmore, 'f, playoff hi SISA, ' ' 2111t.:,.. Debate, will &rotten and Hack Owen witnessed. the miracle timed to PeetPom the tolootmeo' 1111411S L:... :. chimp eight Om oe 23 lop ,34iti :helm, d, 210104 t ib Wtas 44 Stow meA-of protebt3r-Floyd-li- tthewite., . nk 'T. Athienee.-- : three- - our of -- nine - for Tree' If ..ePwstReareeira' ' ,' , '7"....1"...:, iiinTy;rlificitt-tMax in the school tournamen Andrews and Jill Sshmsling :-.- 433. stod--get a load of this , '''' ' - i Sim. 25g on, 10 I fight on June 22,, , t .. 44. :eating-Terain- a in a close and bard. lBicitretore in the 'outfield. MITER NUM vicron;- I, ' - GEZ3LINIA MEETS ' ., ' fought threeeet match and - win' wilt meet - The retterfataztdard howbeit The ' South Cache lineup is far ',Germania A. Ross will meet Bobby refiner at Waahingtto three- out of 11 fort I .273. ''Peeth 'Else SIX TEMPLE', 201 Mothesi- lows. next litonday get say four teri meet the 'winner of Bankhead and 'front definite at present, according Friday at II p.m( at '604 Seventh team of the 'Independent Associa-ftle- s flu gni Ares taws imolai in. kutilzwit in the finals for the- school i to Coach Bob Bunker, the squad, Avenue to set a date for the an-- thin detested-We- st .. High School 6,01night in a waranup match, and will NOTICE WHAT 'OUR I Dtt):coakt tais Yoskoes ass hies riskt Cosi champlotmbip. !having started bluebell early this noel Lagbon outing and edscusit the last night in a practice gems on thol leave immediately thereafter for ... , akob mita 1.... . IDA ate Ciao:ego Coin yesterday? Oli 7,,,.4w ametif sheet ' i summer. entente; program, 'The South Cache- squad will ,bit week ,for the nisi Until.' ', . Mew Tort. Jacobs saki. . Panther disznond.. ,: , -- I .. . - D. -- . - 1, , - hard-worki- .., --... , ' . 1.f Notable is Pete Nauman. tackle from Oakland, Calif. The big felkrer is green but has the stuff. The Inas coach is visibly impressed with him. Jack Aramaki, Nipponese quarterback. Is gaining a reputation as the fastest man on the squad. The boys say it will take Pleat?' to keee him out of there next fall. Bert Brovrang. diminutive triple threster from Idaho, looks like a reelable article. Ray Peterson. despite- the handicap of being a comb's son, is titteringIrk- Crandall - for the regular fullback fobRav's forte is ball Kramer is also going toting. great gime. particularly as a linebacker. Chuerk Turner, Grand Junction flash. has a temporary leave of absence but he is putting pressure on the veterans for a reg... ular halfback job. -- ' , , k , center-tac-k teneedelible 'II , , , , . . , ;., -- heatememeileenctneotertillsmetdtgareat yerreanmeolvillie.havea : - 1 . , 71-- , , - 1. , his feelings, and husky soph star is expected to rejoin the squad shortly. Natintan Looks Good - - ' 4, - ,.... d ' 1 ; ....! , ,,k ' ' , - -- ' '' - , . ;r. , ' - ii- '. r. ,,,-- , -- e- . 'X ,. ') : '''' , ..., 4- 1 , .i. I 4, ' . . ' ' ,, 4, - . ' ', . .. st d t ,., :, -- :.:::---:, -- , ,, .Itt ,. ' ""' ...': ', ... , I ,.. ,, ''' : . '. r,... , ,-- ;,, , , 4 ,. ., s . - N. ' ';''' ' ' ) 10 - I' .. , C 'Bahl abutThere'Bgds wrong with him' be Ont loner "Bahr Are Baldwin. Cory and Thorn hurt? "Bahr were to Thorn's onbr then , . - .,,,,, ) . ', .- ' .---- ,...., , oodo:P' ; fi,,,1 -- '" - , , , ,,,-- --- ' e ,, ..s.,,,,, j... 7 ,e 'tit ;. - l' . 9 3, 1, 'i ...; ' - , , -. ,: , - I', , - ... 4 , i . , .0. - :- ct , - ,.. , '. .. ,,, ll- "s' ', 'aillow..ak-- -, I" ' ,., 4, . ' .' - ,.. ,,,,, , nt'' N ."- ' ler A. .4,0 ,,a, 44. ,..' ...., ,s, ;N', - ' 1:4 'N, . ..- ,,.. , ,. i - 7- 1 - "." - ' -- - --- --"- - "111".10.en-., P ,.., , ----- -- -- ' ' 071 1 ....,.,,,..A..," a,.....Ni. A" t', - 5 . , - . 4- as :".."'"t1 41' - ,, it - ""4" , ktow'''"'' -, ., , , 0, , ' , ,;,... ' "er''''"'1.---: .. -. ,N, 1, -- , - Friday t . . ,,- - - , 4 -- - , 6 too beaviiy into the aqua& 0 Coach PM Anestrong lames the :readnder that the 'game isn't open to thspulllic. though." ' ii,der Net Out .,.....:,, i I -- ... - , ndsige Field provided geology-etpeditions and lab clwmee don't ' ; . - ; , sere. - the rre .. ..;, ,. , . t e ' - bo heki Friday at 4 p.m. on , w ' ' - asestesse , , p,10100M110 - am e 1 ladetwadneo.ain-- , ," ...- .. I ilvilliselithebodyheldtitrectionthil day,Ittay As a wannup,for the intrasquad game whkii. features the festival an irtformal"previme pme willCum- - A , -.- ,, lenl COMMIT , ' Despite 'tiring five? iniorieti whkh have stricken several leading chmcten, spring football at tho Univeteity ot tltah is rolling laboricenly along, toward its an- ,'''nual nresdnr dhow, which , , ek fr Maids: Limp44,;.-3"" t - First-Yee- i ShineAzOld , -, - ... 4'. 4 abortatopt---Tbe- It: A., ; . shortest boys ist, the club. Tiger 100 meters-1- 1.1 seconds. ,.....,o0' Griffin second. lies been run. Broad jump-- 22 feet 334 inche& ' shot-4- 027 ming second in most all his fights. feet Al Ablett, third. Al has been feet. High jump-5- .59 ,t-- third tin the ring) all season. 400 meitni--6-3- .6. ' Outfielders. ThillMartjn. Al Boyd. 110 meter hurdles-45- .4 . ; Buzz Discus4-1- 14 I i I Re7noldsv Floyd klau.senand feet 10 inches. t,Stonewall Stewart. They've been Pole vault-11- .73 feet. 1 OUTS .rit with the fans aplenty. ,. Javelin-1- 40 feet 7 inches. If you can line up a better team 1.500 meters-5- 24. ; :from among the Monday and Fri. I Coach Frank Potts of Colorado .day night battlers Manager Cate. believes Kearns should better his lano would be pleased to tar11937 marks in the hurdles, high ROr RINHILEISCH frOrn you. !Jump, discus. pole vault, javelin The crock of horsehide ett hickory it a familiar and 1200 meters. SAY IT ALNY SO, WHIZZES mond on the reatpuses at East eael We High Schools as the Red and Bleck schools musket reedy 1. gory or the Big Four iliernetml mattpaipt. Richins is s teirsd that IS Gmwe offer with awl - . '; , ' - ',' . ',1 ' -0, l., , - , . if st If. - . -1. , .7 , , , . -- , , Spring Tentatively 4 - , t, ! 4' i "ft isawhIlhYtwaars atalinbel:wartit tUgaildmeinia,beir.that IMillittlia, would help to keep Owns ta shape. itieatate football. ' The fans would be entertained D Ol Track Conti Frank C. Potts coo. 1. think aid at the mate tine find ivinced lum track was his forte, so! a oat oats avid for an If a reside 'while the Whizzer was heading to., 1 man can really run te yards with. ward over Itheself. iiwas out faking all tet ence setting recorl look a take there, got something high hurdles .1 at his tentative lineup: (subjectl ly It!te change as the wrestlers come' 1937 Kansas . and go). lint . Coach Garfinkle, catcher(he's in Imey , good form from catching 'em at tough two ',the Arena). Ira Dern would "But 111 trust Dick,' he - said-h- e "t" make a good relief mart tut 'Het a great competitor." has been catching aplenty from Kearns plans to catch a train for, ': the reporters. Jess Christy, pitch. lAwrence this afternoon with er. He Provo in the Coach CC Potts and two other Colo, pitched ,'; league. Dick Damon& pitchea' ,rado athletesGiniert crater. No named the game after high jumper. who, haa done Sfax Young Is tali enough for nigrofeet 74 tt4rhey inches this ratig a e, baseman and can Keltr.lerd spread Cope, a sophomore to the hot Here horizontally marks Kearns poststop are the , , grounders. Paul and Andy Ia. ed in winning the-- 1937 Kailas - - , 1 . r en.-pol- if - I ;., - ', ' - ',, '. ' I '94'-pai- ,. - -- -. i - , r, 1ses , t , - - .. 4, . - ' t - s , . -- - , schedule. ti154. unusually light for' a decathlon but he appears to have' Tony had a teem in Oakland last 4'1m3roved enough to give anybody' year which proved a regular -- - - midday night "wow." Cuatometelus mockers worth. Its the the thousands came out to see 'marathon. ad'I -- Even if I turn', be jun normal, their favorite "."'' by fighters wrestlers muff grounders. ocetl performances, III beat, my last and strike out with the i year's score of Cede' points,'" tin bases fall. That is what they Wray. Colo.. youth said. "But if the dimes to see but oftimes i!can do better some events. like, '' were disappointed as Tony had iil3 feet in thela pole vault and 42i quite a bell club. As a matter of, t.and a half lie the shot,,111 get up .1 feet the fans were quiz incon-;- to 7,1000 or 7,600." salable whenever the box fighters improves la Vault ,. '1 P end the mat megetheriums Man- - , Glenn. Morris, Olympledecatideal :aged to Wh. !champion. front Colorado, set the, ,..'' Partietpadon by the At'eAK,loth illansaa record of 7.570 pOints two . would softball be a Aloft ler ego. , ta Malt Lakegoodas well es tor tilt IIlyeara "I've Improved the most he the, ;; el nobk the vault hanipeo since last year," Kearns, gladiators - l iftIsnid. "Added a foot and threel yftwareemeat for the fans. would taint hare truseller orrprincheit nwi one woold odd that Dick. a crack running beck. in wattles. r;": siderable variety to the setup. It !high school. entered college the - , ''''''....r'. ' '' . ',' - , . BY LOUDON KELLY BOULDER,. Coo., April ' 21,-- - star-weIg- 4.-q -- - . , 1 , ' , ' theyThe did in winning it last year. wether this will he enough! can muster a teamitat will vei Aswinto hint ,to 11 I anothell2lanship tough touweiltion ta all and Mu:Idris and incidentally provelookse a lot stronger this. 'Inn", commented today. the biggest drawing card on heiKeermi t The ottlyt - , ,4 Grid-- , 1; ;.." ,,, . r- - --- - fa - - - i - tenter , , ,....,,,,e1.24,,,, ,, if- SOFTBALL NATCRAI ' ep Arena boxers and wrestlers as- f..same the jacklean, 4 softball team in (AP)Stilf qt plro rabbit of cinders and runway,' : One of the industrial or open Dick Kearns of Colorado is satis- i, 4eague& tztder the mat:ago:Demi of Tony Catalano, boxing int. i fied he will score better in dehis. Kansas Belays De imd evnortettef4,softbauttendinic, presatio ,- Iniestro, tittfist$Ailicfs and cathlon title this weekend than , it - , I 1 : 1 Buff Prodigy - ,,, P. , ,, ., - . . , , Diamond Campaign ran' pAct '. ' 4, For7Big rum lacHas - , Points Not .7600 -- i Impossible To - i.tio.4:: ,Readyl ,- Eyes Morris i at -- ,ata , Colorado, eJsy I.., - I . . , , . , . - . , -' , . -- - - ... -- - , . . 1 |