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Show i VOLUME XV KA LAYTON AM) FA RMINGTON. IIIIRSDM. H'M UTAH. NUMBER 3d THEFTS OF U'TOS AUTO ACCIDENT ON YSYILLF, u m m SHOW STATE ROAD DF.c KKVSF. DAVIS COUNTY FARM Police Bureau Report-- . Feker ar Stolen and More Recovered A - Ash-bridg- - funconscious. Mrs. Borlow was taken to the home of John W. Gailey and the rest taken to the home of Dr. Gleason, where they w'ere given such treatment as was necessary. They were given and sent to their blankets and jbeds in in the evening. a late truck thomes lAlI were suffering considerably from Ishock. Mrs. Ashbridge was perhaps ?the most seriously injured, it being Jthought that she was suffering from Jinjury to the spine. One of the cars ffell heavily upon Mrs. Ashbridge. In Jan effort to lift the car off his wife, Mr. Ashbridge seriously strained his back. Mrs. Briggs suffered several broken ribs. One may only guess at the results had the two cars been at a rapid rate of speed. The fwrecked cars, presenting a sorry looking sight were hauled away the following morning. go-fi- nf DANDELION ERADICATOR. A The New York agricultural experiN. Y.,' reports Jthe development of a spray which is f called a rather simple means of feradicating the dandelion. The spray Icontains a proportion of sulphate of (iron, which, it is said, is the agent that is sure death to troublesome dan-- f ment station if Geneva, delions in a lawn. The spray is prepared by dissolving from one and a half to two pounds of iron sulphate, also known as copperas and green vitriol, in one gallon of water. A wooden or earthenware vessel is used for mixing. A gallon of the solution will cover about 375 square feet of lawn. The best results have been obtained when the solution is driven down,among the foliage in a fine, mjstlike spray, preferably with some, type of compressed air sprayer. However, fairly satisfactory results are reported to have been obtained by the use of a sprinkling can Effort., uf the auto tmt; nuiini Mule Oflii'al Issues Materm nt I'llnrm ii.ii ,d nr Owners I Fax's (irealc.st Excursion in the Historx of t h Organization Journey Through Fertile .Fields lUimper Oops Front isetl Davis County Farmers Alive to Then Opportunities. iv is- h,i , 0U I'M n , h, a,! im-iii- ; 'n- - f i i t ti n 2 county. ion was tot,p( Is doubtful ware equal!,,; .,f(. in whu h was a,,t w I , I o . n w i o,l ! 111- - s , t . lef' standing li , si ,' , ' . ' . i is that the vest, rdav . ganized the first of 1921. wet. , view nd the coun s,u,; i farmers th, s,,,.th to 'minimizing th- - th, ft ,.f ,u;t ,lM .1 thv t i. with r tv ore ,u .plaint, belt, biles and HC('cs'ir;,.i and .ds.. and north hr, tliciii in the th, , cles and aecessories. nun an 'work jthe soon - Mo, o th, tanners "h"jkuworking m the bureau, a- - pul-- w ot I. r, s;d l, t ho Ills Janies K. . , on m Machine. Darainage j ' reaa Ini ! LEAGUE LEADERS for h W MK I'do a a aiihght ; 'H .1' e. m .. s, I,, ' .1 ' ega a 1,1 1 a adiu-'n- i, den' game was plavod at rk Su u day J line s, KaVsville The rnmgton P I -- I . be-i'w- H F v'o, kit; and i( t n . i ci nn-nt It, dll u ,1 I. 'Il.ll I stall mg min' mation Satuiday rhere has been ontsidei a'di vvilh reterenci to th, ent'.oi, nii'M of the headlight law and the d- -j lads Mincernitlg the correct up of I1 lega hghts ('in dei.irnuM,t ha- liegi working on this ptobleni for some me and n. im d ili.ig th, pus! t ew w i ek sum o'ig impressions ha , , a ei on: With He idea o a i, mite g.mr to tie u st it, iru nt or Oil o e v ol h hi ad od Plat iol ll, light l.i'i men -- . ' .' - to hi hi w u mo- - It ked a. t os d rainagt m.i. Inn, w a , doing, on loning and to new di.in n. base,! h D th, t VV v I 1 i I - In ap m.i an ,e I g onitnmnt t I a hi la iw n, c r go and e.n hav h lo Fl.-vu- Woodward, dtt,,tiv, u, chatge Hugues. ass is tan m charge of office; Motony,le Offu.is Charles Jorgensen. J. ,1. Roberts, ,li T. W.'Dee, P. K. Brown, H. (). Nik son and J. V. Larsen; I.nyde Of livers John Allen and Isadore alton, whose special duty is the recovery of stolen bicycles and the apprehension of the theives. An innovation this year m the work of the bureau is the distruting oi the city, motorcycle men being assigned to ride certain districts, lulling boxes the same as patrolmen on heats. The bureau has apprehended so W. M. , - id, ... J o Party Marts. I'r.e gathen'vc point from which the rro. excursion started vest, rdav morning ,'gta wa- - a I, avion and was seheduletl tor in; A j , ; th, ptneessioti did W olloin, nm loi awav until twenty minutes .later. Mon than fm'.y autos were ill mr vwu ti the party started west on f,vn !i, ill nil. ig, maihnif in.pcftnm, fleet and t h first stO w:ii,( pun i i'ilt,1 to tin- beet tlehi at the old home of Bishop David 1, Mill limited just west of ton, where a tenant is growing in- uli me. Winn ;i number of tils ' beets under the dire, turn id the bisn- - eaMi: sug.i, be t lants were side, ted beet of the who one first growis op, and Hi,' dis. usr explained by Gerald ers m the county. The plat on which Thorin in th, nited States Depart the beets are growing has been in men' u! Mr. Thorne idture. gri, beets almost 'continuously for twenty-thre- e pronoun, id the disease to he sugar years, but the crop had the ap- Ik nt mutodc, a disease hut recent- far this year thirty-sithieves, pearance of being on virgin soil. Ally known to ci-- t in Davis county, adults and juveniles,, who have been and but one. rei ready the beets are for sometime ogmzed found guilty in court of steahng'auto-mobile- s are m excellent growing condition. of Ctali. The disease, according and automobile accessories. to Mi. Thorne, is caused by a para At George Dibbles Farm. Where juveniles are involved they are site whnh attacks the roots of the to the At 8:40 the party drove up turned over to the juvenile court, and is very destructive. It is "plant, on Gentile while the olderoffenders are handled fine farm of George Dibble the disease farm is spread by carthought street, passed his commodious through the district court. soil infected from the beet his circled in front of fine, big rying Motorcycle officers k(e,p a care- house, where beets have infected ful check of all cars bearing license red barn and on down into his field, dumps, been been as it has found in handled, his fine field of potatoes were plates of other states and all suspic- where where have seven m,.ny places been The field, some wagons ions car are.uvcstigated. tThis .has inspected. Cleaned atfer haul mg beets .to th to ha3 in planf&f etr extent,' (ignores resulted in the recovery of fifteen Irish Cobbler and Early Ohio potatoes, dump. Clean cultivation and crop cars for outside points. and it was the finest field of spuds rotation, other than potatoes, were According to officers of the bureau, seen during the entire trip. Mr. Dib- n commended for infected fields. IJp experience has shown that juveniles to this time no method of eradicating are responsible for the greater pro- ble stated that the potatoes were MK lbs. the nematode has been discovered. in April and about portion of thefts of cars. Most of planted Big Red Barns. the cars taken are for joy riding. The of seed were used to the acre. The five four or about covered was seed Before the Dibble farm the leaving officers of the bureau maintain that harwas and the inches red was barn crop deep big inspected. This barn much of the theft of automobile accultibefore is times of three rowed one or four best barns the being three cessories is directly traceable to drug the in Davis county, which are perhaps time this At with vated plow. addicts. To get the money to buy Cobblers the best in the state of Utah. The their favorite drug the addicts pilfer potatoes are in bloom (the and are Dibble barn is 3i!xt0 feet with flower look a like. garden! automobiles of laprobes, spotlights, Cobbler walls and covered with a shingled The hilled for watering. tools and spare tires. Many of this the and was certified used seed Early Gambrel roof. The frame is bolted class have been arrested and given Ohio certified and uncertified. County-Agen- throughout and the arrangement is jail sentences. The policy of the bumodern in all its details. Across the Thayne explained how in reau is to arrest all known rpale drug dismost the potato prevalent street, to the north, is the fine, new addicts and prosecute them under the combakMhein. and red barn of Leonard Flint, almost a to how and eases new ordinance which makes the user incidentally stated that the Davis mate to that of Mr. Dibble, with the of drugs a vagrant. Farm Bureau is having poMany of the automobile parts stol- County seed grown m Morgan for (Continued on Rage Four.) en find their way into bugs being tatoes made up by boys. There are a number of cases of record where owners of cars were never known to have bought parts for their cars. If a rear end is stripped out. they go to find a car of similar make. This car is stolen, the rear axle housing taken out and the car then deserted. In, other cases a motor is needed, or a carburetor, or a generator. These owners act accordingly to supply those missing parts. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The bureau is working to protect as well as recover stolen machines for The Ford One Ton Truck is a profitable their owners. . beast of burden and surely ha3 the right of The Salt Lake bureau has recovered way in ever) line of business activity. For all a number of machines stolen from Davis county owners. trucking purposes in the city and for all heavy s oil but i ( i , -- 1 . x deep-roote- d out-sk- i lb-fo- t de-de- -- ly, P . i In l v ' , - excursion, !1 in i c County bet - thtfl burea ' l During 192ti. up to June 1',. mobiles stolen numbered 23b, which eighteen still are i.n re. ov , iv, In the correspondi! 228 automobiles we nine are still unrei overt chances are. the members o reau say, that several of th, recovered this year will p, t that will ina st,! Th e auto - mi .t'lionionilt 1 cnasu , KAYSVILLE NINE O A M MU vv ow n, Four or five sprayings are usually required, the first being made before the dandelion blooms; one or two additional applications at intervals of three- or four weeks; andj finally, one or two sprayings in late summer or fad. The lawn may become blackened after each application, but this need cause no alarm if the grass is growing Mgorously. During hot, dry weather in midsummer it is thought advisable to discontinue spraying. It suggested that spraying be supplemented by the application of fertilizers an i by the seeding of grass in the ?rring and fall. If the proper precautions are taken it is. said to be neces-sa- r : spray only about every third Jear m order to keep the lawn praeti-c- a SHERIFF RAIDS K. 0X0 iy free from dandelions. IN WEST LAYTON Tim officials Burnett Sheriff of the Geneva station stopped at The. Recauuon those who flex office Wednesday morning and contemplate using !fk showed a full of fiery stuff taken car 'Pray against permitting it to f'oe m contact with walks, building in a raid upon K. Ono, a Jap living jncations. and clothing, as it leaves north of William Flints place, in 5 niure or less permanent, brown, West Layton. The sheriff obtained rv stain. a very unique still which took conthis caution we would add siderable imagination to figure out that persons wWmay just how it worked. K. Ono was this solution apply it first only to taken before Justice Heywood and united areas. It is always .to be re- fined $100.00 and turned loose. Many membered that processes ojhis kind people think a good heavy jail sena5 work out very well in New York tence would put a stop ,to this neor ther parts of the country farious business,- - inasmuch as. the .n Frove harmful in places of higher bootleggers always have plenty of I meVtion 8Uch as Salt Lake. Experi-- I money wherewith to pay their ineg. 'ut'on will prove the efficacy of ,i WATER FOR RENT an seems to be well I Eleven shares of Holmes Creek Irng hereabouts, where the lu uon is a trouble maker for per- - rigation water for rent. Apply to f s J. R. Gailey, Barnes Bank, Kaysville. seeking to build up lawns. tribune. J. Adv. - BUREAU EXCURSION ' i MM P! 1 1 the Salt I.ake police .ienartrner t hnv, resulted red u. mg in automot 5 thefts .ip per cent during the tun..,! up to Jilr.e ) over th, i urresp., peritKl of lat year k- i I Than in 192ti. and Mrs. F. jjrs. John H. Barlow and four "both of Bountiful, Bri?gsof 953 E. Otto Ashbridge of children Lalce were Salt City, Yale avenue, in an auto collision on a, curve north of Kaysville last Sunday night. Mr. Barjow, who was driving a was taking the large Paige car. off the cement wheels two with Purve back on, the rear to in get and trying wheels jumped quickly, causing the car to swerve. Mr. Barlow immediately lost control of his car which e careened all over the road. Mr. and family, traveling in the opposite direction in a Chevrolet car, found it impossible to avoid a collision. It is reported that both cars were going at a very low rate of ypeed, which no doubt accounts for no lives being lost. As it was, every occupant of both cars was hurled through the car fops and windnumerous shields and all suffered children The of Mr. bruises. cuts and were rendered Mrs. land Ashbridge mu h;h -- -lt work on the farm, the Ford One Ton Truck and with its manganese bronze worm-driv- e in of design, simplicity every other Ford merit in in construction, operation, economy strength low purchase price, stands head and shoulders above any other truck on the market. Drop in and lets talk it over and leave your order for one. Co, LaytonAuto Ford Dealer Authorized Layton, Utah Phone 100 a station, official headlight certifi cates are supplied so that the ownei may h.ivt his headlights offinullv in SIMM ,''1 i,ml ;tl1 1'oIk'c officers m tin w'11 s,a,', recogmr the cel t if i.ut e It has been oln policy to limn these stations to established firms and not to grant applications to those who are only lempoiarily established in some vacant lot. Instructions to Owner. There are two methods of having your lamps adjusted to comply with our statute. If you have a clear glass lens and do not wish to buy u modi fying device, you should have your lumps tested and the official station will bend the brackets so that there are no unmodified rays above the line forty-twinches high at a distance of aventy-fivfeet. In using a c)ear lens of this character reduce the of your present lamps. You should know that it is not absolutely necessary to buy a modifying device in order to comply with the law. As to win thei you desire the modifying device is left to youi own good judgment. In the tests and demonstrations which have been conducted in our office, and these are open to the public at any time they desire to see them, it has been demonstrated the modifying devices when prop- erlv adjusted have eliminated the illegal light above the line at a distance of seventy-fiv- e feet and have thrown more driving light on the road. This department does not attempt lo say that one device is 'better than another, and if you use clear lenses or some modifying device, for your own protection, they should be properly adjusted at an official station. We say an official station because the men connected with these stations lave received or will receive definite MUST DISPLAY LIGHT One may read in uiis issue a new ordinance passed by Davis county commissioners prohibiting buggies and wagons from using the highways at night unless hey display a red light, visible from both front and rear. This o c U a er nio.-r- t com?iPnrb4hie action, on the purf of these officials, und a large number of arridonts would have been diverted had this been made a law ten years ago. Now to put it in effect. Tin darkened buggy and hayrack ia the worst and most dangerous thing that travels the highways at night. No wonder autoists are blamed for using high power search lights. with officers who are for law enforcement, we have decided upon a slight charge and it will he some few days before these official certificates will be available. Flaring .headlights have caused a large number of fatal accidents, have been responsible for the destruction of much property and their persistent use is depriving a large number of our ciiizens from enjoying the highways after working hours. The headlight law is going to be enforced for the protection of those who are properly entitled to the reasonable use of written instructions regarding the our highways and in the months to proper adjustment of headlights ami come we hope that the motor car the proper candlepower of lamps to owners will come to fully appreciate use with the various rmaiifying do- - fho additional safety that Will result vice. If you buy any modifying de- to themselves and others by eliminatvice you should pay only the price ing the glaring and blinding headcharged for the device, unless you are lights. "This office will be glad to receive getting an official certificate. This certificate is only issued after head- - i any suggestions or to answer any inlights, spotlight, tail light signals quiries concerning any of our motor and horn have been inspected and are vehicle laws and particularly desires found to comply with our statute. All! to know cases where individuals are of this fifty-ceinspection fee goes making false statements with refer- to the service station to pay it for cnee to the policy of this department the lalK,r involved in making the in- or any of its activities." spection and it is believed that the Note; The Layton Auto company fee will cover the cost of has been designated by the secretary fifty-cedoing the work. in practically all cases. of state as an official station for the Official Certificates Received. testing of automobile headlights. Have Some official certificates have been your attended to now and avoid comreceived from the printer, but after plications with the law. forty-two-inc- consulting RP'msilde h j j J nt nt Notice All property owners are required to clean all weeds from the sidewalks and trim all trees 7 feet from the ground. This work must be completed by July 30th, otherwise the work will be done by the city and the cost charged to the abutting property owners. By order of the City Council. JOHN VV. TIIORNLEY, Mayor. re-th-at |