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Show TI1E WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAIL i!!!iin:!!!!!!!I!i!ll!l!lllil!lllll!!!l!ll!!l!!ni!!!l!IIJIII!lll!lllllillllllll!IIII!li1l!l!llllllllllll!!ll!l!lll!llll!l!l!!lll!!l!!l!!ll!llll!l!l!li!!l!!!!!!IIII!iO!il!l!!!!!!IIllll!ll!!l!ll!!!!Ill!l!lll!I!l!ll!n!ll!!!l!!I)!linil!!!!ll!IIIIIII!lllll!l!lll!llllllll!!!llig I i I Merchandise at Special Prices r Special On Crisco FRUIT JARS Best Shortening on the market I - lVfclb. Cans Per can 3 lb. Cans Per can - Cans Per can 6 lb. 1 Phone No. 10c STRAWBERRY CUPS AND CASES v MOWING MACHINE KNIVES AND EXTRAS. CABLES HQ JLoLtU - PULLEYS, ETC. ANY AND FAR BETTER THAN MOST. Illlllllllllllll!lll!lllllllll!llll!lllllllllllllllll their home in Layton." Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Call, Mr. i c I Mrs. Henry Call, Mrs. Annie Clarke, Miss Ivy Clarke, Miss Isabelle Clarke, Miss Jrma Burton, Theodore Burnham, Earsley Ashby and William Bull. and Tha hifat dtr la aortk Omvte J i i caaaty Am plaa for ta Mane. Kay, x i villa Hollar MU1 aad vtaxrtabi aad i fruit aaaalng atahifckatan! ot tb l -- add IimOl OaaalaK ot th i ataadlly t tb waaltb wryntkm eity. Oaa-- 1 aral farm lay. frait aad aatatabla raw- - I1 c far ahtpnaaat aad aaaaiaf ar im- - 1 I tadoatriaa. Haa tb Daria Hitb porta! I aebeal, aborebaa aad The Veterans of Foreign Wars are !ar booaa. City watar aad alaetria light aad Indore-are ' having a big celebration at LaRota ot tha J Ineaatmant. meat i lalaad Nnttai aaapaay aad It ap-t-o J goon Saturday, July 9. All men who i data plaat J reX bl i ' LAYTON riilt of fertll field. Ijoratad In tha Excel in th production ot milk, toma-lo- e and augar boat. Hu tha faetorjr of the Ijiyton Sugar eompaiy. cannery, roller mill, eraamary and U on th con--, crate delate road. Good opportunitlc for thoe Reeking euburban acreage for fruit growing, truck gardening, chicken raising and dairying. On the line of th hamherger Electric, Oregon Short I.in and D. 4 H. G. Hu electric light and waterworks fr and Heating company. Plumbing a fine line of goods inhave They and their shop is well equipstalled kinds of work in the do all ped to plumbing line. Mrs. C. W. Milliard gave a family party at her home Tuesday afternoon in honor of the birthday of her twin brothers-in-law- , Vance and Vem Millard. ' cere-mone- i ii ? I 1 i - i . t - lie ORDINANCE The Board of County Commissioners of Davis County, State of Utah, ordains as follows: Section 1. Every horse drawn vehicle using the State highway in Davis County during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise of any day of the year shall be equipped and carry at least one lighted lamp or lantern with red globe so arranged that said lighted lamp or lantern shall be visible from the front and rear of said vehicle. Section 2. Any person failing to comply with and violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $100 or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect on the 6th day of July, 1921, said date being not less than fifteen days from its passage. Passed this 20th day of June, 1921. Commissioner George E. Holt voting aye, Clarence Commissioner Winegar voting aye, Commissioner John W. Gailey voting aye. GEORGE E. HOLT, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Davis County. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The estate of Nagar Singh, dec. Creditors will present claim-- , with proper vouchers, to the urtdet ,gr.ed at Room 306 Hudson Building, Ogden, Utah, on or before August 27th, DAVID MATTSON Administrator of the ' Estate of Nagai s ngh, deceased. J. G, WILLIS, Atty. for Adm.. 306 Hudson Bldg., Ogden, Utah First publication June 23, 1921. Last publication July 21, 1921. p.i-'- Miss Phoebe Roberts, daughter of saw service overseas are esecially FOR SALE 17.24 acres, near East Mrs. Mary Jane Roberts is to be marquested to be on hand and partake of Miss Ruby Loynd of Salt Lake City the days festivities. It is expected Layton meeting house; easy ferns. ried in the near future to Douglass F. M. LYMAN, JK. y was a Kaysville visitor Sunday. Murdock of Heber City. The that the Veterans band of fifty men Call Barnes Banking Co. will take place in the Salt CIVIL ENGINEER Arnold M. Barnes left Sunday for will be there to help along the joyous Miss Mary Streeper of Centerville Lake temple. time. Surveys, Maps, Estimates, Etc. a weeks trip throughJYeIlowstone is visiting with Mrs. J. David StevPhone National Park. P. O. Box 376 Mrs. W. P. Epperson, .of Kaysville, enson. FARMINGTON Miss Myrtle Cook entertained fifThe stores of Kaysville will close upheld the skill of Davis county cooks Alamanda B. Richardson, who was when she captured the first prize for teen 1 of her girl friends at a birth- reported slightly improved in health, t p. m, every Wednesday during min loaf cake at the Deseret News cooking irf seriat her home Thursday. June, July and August. and day party a suffered has relapse school at the Richards coliseum last Mrs. Melvin C. Owens of Logan is ously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Sirl R. Davis spent Saturday afternoon. There were sixty Mrs. Walker W. Davis ail her three Sunday in Ogden as guests of rela- contestants for this prize. The capi- visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Blackfoot, Ida., who have children tives and friends. tal prize was a $75 Sellers kitchen Andrew Egbert. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gregcabinet and sixteen other articles A large number of Kaysville people Announces that after May 22 he Mrs. Frank D. Adams returned ory, parents of Mrs. Davis, for the from a sack of flour to a dolto their attended the celebration at Lagoon ranging return will two weeks, lar to start a savings account. Mrs. Monday from Washakie, where she last will be living in Farmington. of this week. home for-Wednesday afternoon given by the Sarah E. few Wednesday weeks. has visiting beyn of this formerly Taylor, Office at Kaysville Drag Store, Retail Grocers association. place but now a resident of Salt Lake Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 2 a. m., every day. Bell That Worked Mirackaa. Madeline Smith entertained City, received third prize on layer Adams, Sunday morning, a fine son. . Miss Attest: are Many tales of the supernatural W. W. EVANS, County Clerk. the Bego club at hei home Tuesday cake. Mother and child are reported doing told concerning evil spirits and the effi- (SEAL) Iwk musin was The time spent evening. Ernest Petersons hunting launch nicely. of hells In warding them off ; cacy ic and games. Ten guests were pres- made a return likewise the power of contrip to Buffalo island The old farm house belonging to secrated regarding ent. hells for bringing blessings. The last night and this nfbrning. , Ilyrum Adams caught fire Wednes- In an old chapel at Klllln In Walter Sharp has accepted a posi- boat, which made her first trip with day morning. The kitchen was burned a Scotland, was bell called that tion with Walker Brothers Bankers her propeller, left the mainland last some, hut the fire was put out be- of St. Flllan, which had the reputation 7:30 and at arrived oclock in Salt Lake City, He took up his night at of curing Binary. After the snfTerer much damage was done. the island at 11:30. On the return trip fore new work the first of this week. had spent a night In the chapel he the boat left the island at 4:30 oclock he an important meeting was In lie morning placed with great There will Mrs. R. W. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. this morning and arrived at the mainI held in the .ay ton Bank at 6:30 p. solemnity under the bell, and In many Thomas Baker and Mr. and Mrs. F. land at 8:00 oclock. On the cruise m. cases recorded In the old chronicles Thursday by the business men of the faith was rewarded. A. Arnold of Ogden were visitors at Captain Peterson was in command; adthe town. They will consider the the home of Mrs. Annie Clark last I). Povell, first mate; Morris Barton, vantage of closing the stores on WedElburn Thursday. oiler; Chipman, Bata Not Classed as Birds. engineer; nesday afternoons. hand. deck Williams, burenu of biological - survey The Ralph 28-N- 2 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Darvel Miller are not birds. They bats that says new business house has Another of Clearfield, a boy, on SatJed Sessions, who recently purthough adapted to life started up in Layton. Angus W. are mammals, the is the Miller Mr. chased the property at the corner of urday morning. the air In possession of wings by and George Stafford have leased Seott at attached beat the a membrane of Main and Pine streets, just south formed by Bamberger depot agent a part of the new Ellis building and bones of Stewart-Burtothe n tween prolonged greatly that place. the corner, has fitted have business as the Layton the arm and band. begun in the place up good style for a barber FOR SALE My home on Fourth is covered with inThe floor shop. nr sir aoc&tXK , x ar' a1; a a jresponooonoof mr street a real bargain. .Joseph May-li- laid Berhon linoleum of neut jocsris it pattern Adv. It. MAGAZINES Kaysville. f NEWSPAPERS decorated are and walls and the ceiling Station Several fine No. 1 grade milk cows Bamberger with a most pleasing of the wall fink CONFECTIONERY, S NEWSPAPERS,' PERIODICALS for sale; also young pigs. G. II. sr A materia! and paper. ishing Adv. 18N1. It ETC. CIGARS, TOBACCO, Kaysville, wall case in which is set a heavy enterMrs. Herbert L. Gleason plate glass mirror 4ecorates the south John W. Walsh, Pres, and Gen. Mgr. tained at a kensington tea at her wall of the room and a fine white lavaKAYSVILLE, UTAH home Thursday afternoon in compli- tory is installed on the opposite side of ment to Miss Claire Gleason, who the room. A nice hath room equipped IBs enameled t leaves in the near future for an ex- with a tended visit to I .ns Angeles and other hath tub is installed in the roomrWhich e is fitted 10 lbs. Sugar California cities. A delicious up with conveniences which A real money saver I luncheon was served to eigh- will he appreciated by the public these iit the all Taken h"? all. place teen guests. day. Large cans Milk 1 "I Layton; Utah is a credit to Mr. Sessions and the city. !!-David Call entertained' A Golden Rule price a ;,! Work Youll" Like Our a Reverend 1orter, formerly Iresby-tena- n upper party Sunday evening at , Rlue It Is Distinctive Pine Coffee minister here a number of years TtOV It Is cans Pleasing ago. is in town visiting with friends. It Is Well Done A number of the girls in KaysBlue Pine Goffee (J" PHONE 2SN3 ville met at the home of Mrs. John cans orand V. Thornley Tuesday evening 3 cans Tomatoes the Civic, duly , which is to ganized. Now Is the.Tlme to Buy ion civic with the Large size work in conjunct Chaser for Your Fly center work and entertainments 10 bars Bob White Soap the sumnur season. They also ro; .. $2.00 One of the finest laundry soaps' Conkeys, gallons pose using the money that was obf Conkeys, V gallons ..$1.25 tained hv the Girls' Patriotic league, 25c Salmon tall 75c Conkers, quarts for the playgrounds or donating the 2 cans for entire sum to the public library. Those Hess and Clarks Fly Best Cream Chtese "f present at the meeting wore: Mrs.!, ' Dor-1 John W. Thomlev and daughter. Per pound Chaser is. Miss Marion Jacobs, Miss Artelljj. Full Count Matches Per Gallon Linford. Miss Faye Sanders. Miss: s' 5 boxes for Miriam Barnes, Miss Alta Criddlc, I Miss Mildred Barnes, Miss Thelma 25c Mission Sardines Williams, Miss Zenna Williams. Miss . 2 cans for Bessie Reees, Miss Salome King. Good Sprayers, each WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMiss, Nellie Blood, Miss Vera Blood, M iss Alice Williams. Miss Lucille MENT OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND A Burton, Miss Gladys Pratt, Miss Amy SAMFLE LINE OF LADIES AND CHILDRENS Pratt and Miss Maud McLatchie. The time was spent in music and social 7 u HANDKERCHIEFS chat and club business. Officers were elected as follows: Miss Gladys Pratt, if PRICES ARE CUT IN HALF Tkm ftl&xcxfJL Sear DorMiss Vera Miss Blood, xi president; UTAH 332-24t- h LAYTON . Street Ogden, Utah is Thornley and Miss Maud McLatchie v executive committee. X ittrtMrtrtrtrtr A ' 00 Kaysville, Utah 1! i Maynard Shovels, Forks, Knives, Hoes, Spades, Fork Handles, Shovel Handles, Etc. ONE JACKSON FORK A ePAUaUU A Special Bargain MILK CANS Five (5) Gallon size. MILK CANS Eight (8) Gallon size. Sulphur Blocks Salt,Red Rock Salt, Ice Cream Salt... BICYCLE TIRES, TAPE, CEMENT, SPOKES, VALVE INSIDES, ETC. 1 OUR PRICES ARE EQUAL X For your Farm Machinery, Etc. All kinds. SOAPADE SPECIAL Per package A(n rl L 70 I UL Oils and Greases Fbr all kinds of jars. BOTTLE RUBBERS AND CAPS 71-K- -l Dr. C. S. Gardner 10-1- Forth-shire- SULUVAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY D. A. SULLIVAN Wiring, Fixtures, Lamps, Appliances Ranges, Washing Machines General Repair Work PHONE LAYTON, UTAH ten-pou- n, xy-xnr- Walsh News Co., Inc. - s a Cole-mer- e. ten-fo- ot Kaysville Golden Rule Store five-loo- six-inc- I 2 2 !' Originators of Low Prices h 70ut three-cours- . lit . e MILLARD BROTHERS lb. Farmers Attention 3-l- QQ $JLoLtJ b. FFp - . $2.00 ' i i 85c t I! Jt d a . . ' . M. W. PHILLIPS Candies, Cigars, Groceries, etc. AtC KAYSVILLE, UTAH OT 1 LaytonDrugCo. Manufacturing Optician .e- X I |