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Show I "i? MVE AFP? iSI 1!CMARCH 1 OF I I UJ YAI TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 193S NATIONAL DRIVE TO MOVE APPLE TIME NUMBER THIRTY TWO -- M Conference to Feature CITIZENS Primary and Sunday School Organizations COUNTY SURPLUS STARTS NEW FARM ACT HAROLD FABIAN WILL PROVIDE RANGE PAYMENT GUEST AT LIONS FOR Stake quarterly conference will be held in the Stake Tabernacle Sunday, OF TIM! April 24, with meetings at 10 a. m., IT TBX IDITORS 2 and 7:30 m. Stake beard meetMar- ings of the p.Sunday School and PriRequestwill be held previous to these mary BushSPENDING PLANS ed 12,000,000 meetings. Five years and WASHINGTON els in Members of the General Board of JLn billion dollars ago, Franklin the Primary and Sunday School will on a policy spend eve!t embarked WASHINGTON be in attendance at all the meetings. The nation-wid- e A delegation the Box Trie Nation out of depression. To Th M. I. A. will have charge of the Eider Chamber representing drive moved of Commerce, the indices industrial e submerged 7,480,000 bushels of last year's gigan- evening meeting. Farm Bureau, and citizens from Bear men to work, the tic put 12,000,000 crop cut of storage during ifarch, River City, Honeyville and Corinne was finance primed of national even greater results in the final but before the Board of Comappeared ? Government money. This, drive which got under way this week Holy missioners at their regular meeting to the President, produced end were foreseen here today by CarMonday, April 18, asking the com1936. j fairly good business year missioners for fire protection in the R. Miller, of Martinsburg, W. Va., roll 11,-more than I j XB.jt in 1938, with M. E. districts of the county. ChairNarural chairman of the Growers' m men again out of work and in- - tional Committee. Apple man assured the delegation Dewey 1 ",,! indices once more in the cellar Holy Week observances at the that the commissioners were intendDespite the "excellent results" of called to the I Franklin Roosevelt the March attack on the surplus of Methodist church came to a climax in ing to devise means whereby people first-lin- e rvrp House last week his the 1937 apple crop the second larg- three outstanding services on Easter residing in rural sections could ref n? lieutenants: Senate Majority in the country's history 12,060,-00- 0 Sunday. The theme for the week's ceive such protection and that in the deader Alben Barkley, House Leader est remained in storage April special services was "The Kingliness near future a plan would be presentbushels WPA Administrator ISaffl Rayburn, of Christ." At the evening church ed to the three taxing units Brig-hauirec-hs- t 1, according to Mr. Miller. He said 'arry Hopkins, ACiing Buerger, service on Palm Sunday, Rev. Goff, Tremonton and Garland who U. from the these received he figures Daniel W. Bell, Chairman Carter fire equipment. a in basis pastor, his gave operate sermon, S. Department of Agriculture today. f Glass of the Senate Appropriations in His "Christ, A Kingly Unselfishness," communication from Tremonton in storage April 1, he added, Committee and Chairman Edward T. The total for the services to follow on each City was read to the commissioners cent amount 43 an per represented Taylor of the House Appropriations of Holy Week. making an offer on the use of their above the five-yeaverage of apples night Committee. an Monday through impresFriday newly purchased fire equipment and on date. that Maritime. Congressional spade- - normally in storage sive candle light service was conduc department in giving protection to g drive "The already President alcana broad hints by the ted each evening by the pastor. A rural sections. However, no disposi has proven the biggest and most sucMs press conferences and elsewhere cross, candelabras, Easter tion .was made of the request until lighted in the cessful enterprise of the sort ever Lilies, and jrmg the week had roughed palms created a beautiful the board works out a detailed and sums to be provided: $1,500,000, undertaken and the end is not yet in in the church for these ser- specified plan. ' for loans to business and various sight," Mr. Miller said. "Growers in setting vices. Monday night Rev. Goff spoke in the cam- on Delegations from Howell to Lam-- ! units, $1,500,000,000 32 state have "Christ, Kingly in His Thought-fulness- po section, chain Honeyville, Fielding and through largely working for paign, $1,500,000,000 works, i: public special music by Francis Plymouth met with the board of comstores, although we have been helped Landvatter and Opal aef, The sources: Shemik, Tuesday missioners requesting read improvewas bv many independents. The chains, RFC. The first $1,500,000,000 evening the subject was "Christ, ment in their respective communities. d dis their ; come from RFC. Two months ago however, through Kingly in His Silence." Norma Craz- They were assured the commissioners have been especial- ier JCiairman Jesse Jones announced that tributing systems, and Lloyd Schmid sang "Have and road would visit these ""C had accessible resources of $1,- -' ly effective. Own Way." Wednesday, known sections supervisor Thine reand consider the improvemeasure the to difficult is "It (000,000 on hand. At that time as the silent day of Holy Week, was ments. into add Of course, up sults. they off which been has ?C, commemorated by a candle light sertappering County health nurse, Mildred activities by Presidential direction hundreds of thousands of dollars in vice of silent meditation and prayer 'j the But to growers. resignation was accepted. Counapple ce last October, received another savings in the church. Thursday evening the Clerk informed the commissioners ty 'residential direction to find ways consumers have been directly bene on "Christ, Kingly in most pastor spoke that according to information receiv! means of making the $1,500,000,-- 0 fited too. Apples are one of the His Suffering." it had on hand readily available economical and healthful of foods. If Good Friday was commemorated by ed from LaVerna Peterson of the I the form of loans that would help everybody would just eat an apple a the presentation of the beautiful State Board of Health, Miss Naomi Zundell had been appointed to suc." lutein or increase employment. The day Easter Cantata "Victorious King," ceed Miss Allred. The present drive, the sixth ween s given by the young people's choir. ';jiise last week approved a bill amen to clear storage Martin attemnt J. Spangler, of Tremonton, this year ,igtheRFC Act (already passed by Beginning at 5 a. m. Easter mornas Bee Inspector for be Senate) to remove the limit for bins, is the first undertaking of the ing, people gathered in the church was the apple for the annual Sunrise of the county. northern the part jnuirities on RFC loans and provide kind ever engineered by sponService, was it said that Miller Mr." self liquidating loans to States growers. sored by the Epworth League. Every pt through 8 year since 1925 the league has held a launched njfleir political subdivisions, associations. He is the head Sunrise Service and breakfast each I PRA. The second $1,500,000,000, to regional k financed by a bond issue which of the Appalachian group, embracing Easter morning. This year the young A. West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania people presented a pageant, "The Congress will shortly be asked to Answer of the Cross." As the sun was to be made available and Maryland. "Growers have tried to move sur- arose, this early service came to a b;U2;h PWA, which has spent $4,- chain stores be- climax with the A fire of unknown origin broke cut since it received its orig-- plus crops through singing of the beauwere had in tiful results and great of Christ in the fore, Cross "In the home of Mrs, Arthur George, of $3,300,000,000 hymn, appropriation sales of grapefruit and I Glory." Seventy people attended Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. m Congress in 1933 and has under- promotion but the apple cam- this service and remained for the The fire started in the bed and the pin no loans or grants since the canned peaches, has proven the most Easter breakfast served in the base- matteress and all bedding was despresident asked it to liquidate along paign and successful," Mr. Miller con- ment of the church at 6:30. tli RFC in October. Still on PWA's troyed, also all the clothing except At the Communion service at 10:30 what was being worn by the family. p, however, is a batch of applica- tinued. The apple crop last year totalled a. m. the pastor spoke on the subject, The damage was estimated to be $100. nts for 2,700 projects totaling $432,- 211,000,000 bushels, or a total of v.MO. "Christ, Kingly in His Character." At bushels more than average, 7:30 p. m. andother candle light serj Relief. The third sum, amounting to one year of rec- vice Twin 500,000,000, was to be spent thru Mr. Miller said. Only brought the week to a fitting a showed greater produc- and impressive climax. fTA and other relief agencies. In bis ord, 1926, Of tion. That year the crop was 9,000,- piary budget message the President 000 bushels but 1937, than in larger "ted $1,000,000,000 to recovery and of moving it to market Funeral services were held Wednesfor fiscal 1939, some $841,000,-les- s the problem pf Mr. Miller added. so not was difficult, day afternoon at 1 p.m. over the reTo than the 1938 budget "Industrial conditions were better mains of Val Ray Hill, old But after relief rolls climbed he said, "and the public son of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Hill, of f an 17,314,000 in January to 18,502,-- P in 1926," more freely." this city, who died at the family home in February, Administrator Harry bought The Progiessive Education Associa- Sunday evening of quick pnuemonia. jNtins got a $250,000,000 appropria-- 5 tion (a national organization)will hold Bishop James Walton was in charge k from Congress last month to hire a regional conference in Salt Lake of the services. f&WO more workers before June 30. Box City on April 22nd and 23rd, to which jj'Jter last week's White House Speakers were W. A. Westmoreall educators and parents are invited land and Charles Michaelson, of WesSenator Barkley announced 'it Congress would be asked to ap-- : upon the payment of a registration ton.,, were the speakers. Words of W. R. Holmes, a member of the fee. viiate $1,250,000,000 for WPA for consolation and hope of a future were site board selected by the govOn Sunday, April 24th, meetings prison first of 1938. fiscal spoken by the speakers. part ernor, Joseph I. Dewey, chairman of free to everyone will be held in i Priscilla Christensen and Bertha o the county board cf commissioners; Brigham City, Provo, Logan, Ce- Thomas sang a duet. JlAUS - - members of the Brigham City Cham- dar City, Richfield and Ephraim. The Interment was made in the Smith-fielber of Commerce and a delegation meeting in Brigham City will be held i cemetery, Shaw & Iverson funWashington Admitting that from the local Lions club spent an at the Stake Tabernacle at 2 o'clock eral directors. ct " w'hat the Administration may afternoon last week in looking over in the afternoon. The speaker will be He is survived by his parents and next is a factor in the some possible sites here in the coumy Dr. Willard W. Beatty, who has con- the following brothers primary and sisters, Tent Depression, Secretary of Com-rs- r for a new location for the state pri- tributed much to the development of Winston J., 8; Margaret, 6; Allen La Daniel C. Roper last week said the progressive education movement Mar,3; and his twin brother, Von Jay press conference: "We are stale-- . son. in the of the United States. He served on the one larger Box Elder being 4 fcy the fear of fear, the fear facilof Pan Francisco State Teachthe one faculty and possessing counties each other . . . Unreasoning fears, deemed is ers' College, he was associated with Pofor a prison location gendered by criticism of our pro-- r ities Illinois public schools, considerathe Winnetka, favorable receive to s of likely Democratic lice to known school systems government, City the board meets to decide one of the best ten years undoubtedly contributed to the tion when was for he in America, location. new on the uecnne. . of schools at Bronx-vinThe Tremonton Junior Police plan Considerable interest is being shown superintendent since and New February to take over the City of Tremonton, citiYork, and many by civic organizations mar. he has been Director of Educa Monday, April 25, 1938. Any person FUITY . . . of potential zens and with a number in the Federal Indian Service. He violating any state traffic laws will ! feel that the county will tion view in sites ASHlXOTrcNT Tv. textbooks for elementary be turned over to higher authorities. tt o bid for the new prison. has written rtmenfs puzzle how to recog-- : make a strong On the date stated above the Junior Junior and high schools. His work sex ed- Police will have authority to report In schools Bronxville the in Aus-H; ""any's annexation of ucation, preparation for marriage and any person who exceeds the speed aPPearlng- to approve it i consid- limit, goes through or red WCek neatlv solved bv Sec family relationships has been of State States. lights, or disobeys any other of the United in the ered outsandlng Cordell Hull In two vaneous notcs t0 the German This is the first time, at least for state traffic laws. such RAY G WILLIAM, Chief I )V6mment. graduamany years, that an educator of The Bear River Seminary Elder Box to come No" 1 has Wtl Se"etary Hull recog-:a- ; tion exercises will be held Sunday- prominence the and announced evening, May 1. at the stake taber- county to tell the public about .annexation the FARM DEBT ADJUSTMENT in U' S" "finds interesting things developing itself under the MEETING SET FOR APRIL 2i field of Education. i88 a ImcUcal measure" of S. Romney or me will Joseph occasion the Vienna legation and ap- Special music for Robert C. Harris, chairman of the at Logan, will deliver Teach.o furni.-.he- d by the Box Elder Consular staff in its place. U xr, . debt adjustment committe, defarm graduates. No- 2 same organization students will ers' Glee Clul the he declared: "I have inform the public that a meetto sires One hundred thirty more before the Gorman Government one of the largest classes, whieh recently appeared tabrnacle in ing of the Farm Debt Adjustment J graduate, tlir.n S.000 people lit the next Issue. United States will look j. committee will be held at the Midland a list will arpoar in the lhl! ,!t Lake City. Their music always of relief discharge the is Hotel, Monday, April 25, at 7:C0 p. It . ........ . .. nfSH f,f and pleases cveryonr Mrs. Sarah and eights Cornwall that any person having farm Mrs, May thut manv pple from Box m. anddifficulties tcs." Austria's debt to the the Daughin invited to attend g debt Cooke will' be hostesses to will honor the Progresrelief loans, cur- - ters of the Homos of Midland camp Fldnr comity Association by attend-I- the meeting and present this case to stands at m.. at the sive Education 3 $26,005,480. the committee. Thursday. April 28 at p. " this meeting in Brigham City. (PlCase Cornwall. to Taze Three) home of Mrs. May FIRE PROTECTION Campaign Seeks to Commissioners to Improve Roads ket Week lands from permanent soil erosion damage under the new farm act according to Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural college extension service. Recognizing that an ample plant cover is the best means of controlling erosion and protecting against moisture shortage, the program will encourage practices which result in better grass coverage on range lands. Broad features of the program are virtually the same as in the 1936 and 1937 acts. Several details, however, have been changed in hght of experiences of the last two years, Director Peterson said. Set as the maximum amount which any farmer can get through comply ing with all provisions of the program g the allowance for Utah ranges is 3 cents an acre, plus 75 cents times the land's grazing ca pacity. The 1938 program applies onlv to privately owned or controlled lands. llanos leased from the state are included, but lands controlled bv the federal government will not be under the program's provisions. Payments will be made for natural reseeding or range through deferred grazing, as well as for artificial plant reseeding. There will be payments for erosion control with allowances for contour listing, furrowing, ridging, or suDsouing andfor spreader dams and terraces. Allowances will also be made for development of stock water on Week Observed ac-n- With Fitting Services At the Church 1 1 -- range-buildin- ar apple-marketin- 1 )0 ," high-spee- 5 All-red- range land. 's Local Postmaster Completes Plans for Air Mail Week Detailed plans are being worked out by Postmaster James Walton, his aides, civic leaders and businessmen of this city f,or the National Air Mwl week, May Elaborate prizes win be given to the national winner in an essay contest and o poster contest, the details of which can be had by applying at the window of the Entry blanks have already been furnished to the high school, as only high school students may enter the contest. In addition to national and state prizes being awarded, Postmaster Walton is offering a prize for the best poster and the best suggestion for a cachet to use locally during the Air Mail week. Every effort will be made by the post office force here and aides on the outside to have every person served by this office, rural routes and city, to mail one airmail letter every day during the week. The cachet will be stamped on every airmail letter mailed during the week from this office. The cachet will have a great advertising value and will help put the city on the map. The postmaster urges that all contestants complete their essays and forward them to the local postmaster marked for State Chairman National Air Mail Essay Contest, not later than May 1. 15-2- 1. Bedding and Clothing of Mrs. George Destroyed by Fire au-"an- ze post-offic- e. U ".T.OOO.OOO far-reachi- Hill Dies Sunday Quick Pneumonia Progressive Education Hold Association Conference in Utah esti-jat- e. con-lttti- ce th President of Canning Co Assures Tremonton Increased Run Harold B. Fabian, president of the Rocky Mountain Packing Corp'n, was the guest speaker at the Lions club held Wednesday evening at the Midland Cafe. Mr. Fabian came in response to a request by the major activities committee, of which A. N. Fishburn is chairman. Previous to his arrival in the city, the merchants had placards printed urging the citizens of the valley to buy products of this company. In addition to the placards, labels and canned goods were fixed in an attractive manner showing the brands packed by this company, Mr. Fabian was taken around the town by the committee and shown the results of an effort to familarize the public with their brand of products. He was deeply im pressed and requested Dick Fishburn, local photographer, to make pictures of a number of the window displays so that he might show them in other communities. The "Build Tremonton" page, featuring this company's products, that appears in this issue sponsored by the merchants and businessmen brought forth high praise from Mr. Fabian, who made a request for a number of copies for use in other communities to show what a progressive and wide awake community can do to the mutual benefit of all. At luncheon, the dining room was decorated as a minature factory, with cans and labels of their product as favors and table decorations. Local grown and manufactured vegetables were served. In addressing himself to the sub ject of enlarging the factory, President Fabian said that this territory was considered the best in their group and that as soon as conditions will permit they Intend making this their largest actory..- Th improvement were contemplated for next year, but owing1 to the lack of demand for their products it was hardly thoucht dos- sible that they could start that soon now, Mr. Fabian said. The company are experimenting with a number of different products, many of which can be grown in this community, and will, when put in operation, demand much larger acreage and factory to care for them. In this experimentation, products which can be canned in the winter months are also beine riven consideration. The products to be canned this year are peas, pole beans and lima beans. - County Republicans Perfect Organization Fire Department to Og-de- n, Gun-derso- Meeting, d ' J Tremonton Junior Take Over e. J. G. Burgess Goes Into Business for Self ef ' CLUB LUNCHEON (By Marjorie Hansen) Republicans of Box Elder county met in the Armory in Brigham City Saturday and perfected an organization, named a Central Committee, and nominated delegates to the State Republican convention, to be held at Salt Lake City. Wayne Sandall, district chairman in Tremonton, presided during the naming of the delegates. Delegates to the state convention from Bear River Valley are: J. M. Gaddie, John P. Holmgren, J. D. E. J. Wayne SanSocial dall, John J. Holmgren, d Hold Shumway. J. O. and Harry Drew. The "failure" of the New Deal with The newly organized volunteer department cf Tremonton will hold their its "ruthless spending," the direct first social and meeting next Tuesday primary law and county politics were evening commencing at 7:30 in the subjects discussed by the speakers. Lions Club rooms. Chief Piercey, of the Salt Lake City Fire department, will be at the meeting and give instructions to the local department. Dan Peterson, assistant chief at Brigham City, and other state officers will also attend and speak briefly. Elder Considered Site for State Prison p Ranch operators in the western states are again given an opportunity to get assistance in carrying out a cooperative program to protect their privately owned or controlled range Had-fiel- "A quiet conscience slcrpt in iliumlcr." APRIL n. Seminary Graduation J ExercisesSetforMayl "n I , i J. G. Burgess, for the past 11 years a partner in Burgess Plumbing Co., through formal notice, which appears in this issue, has severed his connec-- , stop-sign- s, "4 I" ,st-w- n " ' tions with the Burgess Brothers Co. and is setting up his own business under the name of J. G. Burgess Co., and will conduct a plumbing and heating business. During this timo the Burgess Bros. company has grown from a $5,000 a year concern to 520,000 a year. Mr. Burgess has an intimate knowledge of the husirio.'is as well as a fundamental knowledge necessary to co:i-'- , duct a successful business. His many friends will wish him continued suc-- ! cess in the business, of which he will be sole owner. 23 ' Hudson sailed on his first 1607. voyayi? ol 2- 4- Boston Naws Letter, first newspaper In the New World, issued. 1704. 25 Confederate withdrawn Orleans. lorces wer Irom New I8C2. The first settler 2S Virginia arrived at Henry ki'cd pine$ w tii in an tn Cure m Ph.!'; "nr'n;;-!- r.at.vs. Il.'i rljy-A- l . siimiluneously. I.'xi 2J-- The Gi!brt ElevateH Pailroid, M"w Yo:k. run Lrsl tram. 16"3. r n, -- |