Show D AT arx THE SS S ea on june in the ward of f pneumonia nen m onia bertha Williams wife of E i williams s age aged d 25 years year a the funeral servi service cewill will be held at the resi residence delice of the family no east sixth south street at 11 a in on friday frienda ends of the family are respectfully invited to attend at coyote garfield County Utah of dropsy sarah H pratt relict of the late parley P pratt may 2618 86 she was born in star tar county ohio august ad 18 1823 she was a faithful latter day saint and leaves 8 6 children t at his residence W first north street james aged 67 years 8 months and 6 days funeral from the seventeenth ward school house honse on saturday morning at 1030 a m friends of the family are respectfully fully invited to attend mill star please covy cony |