Show WORTH THINKING ovet OVER ONE of the poets once ancla wrote this life is all a fleeting show for mans jl u rion given the author of that statement took a very iery superficial view of a very far reaching subject his idea of life while prettily enough expressed was confined to but one phase of bf the probation through which we are passing and is such a view as the chronic hypochondriac or social anchorite 0 might fe elbut be unable to express in words this life is not a fleeting show nor is it given for illusions sake it is an intermediate existence following boneless one less and another adother more perfect that it itis is fleeting is easily understood too d and undisputed as well as indisputable because at the best its span is circumscribed to such narrow limits that we have scarcely matured in it before it has to be given n ap p and with it go the boast of heraldry a jar t the he pomp ot power and all that beau beauty Y all that wealth ere gave we enter it helpless and go out with nothing but the record made in transit those who look beyond and above place a vastly different value upon the experiences and the knowledge acquired here from what those who live to lust and oppress to thrive do no matter atter how elegantly stated and how immediately palpable the conclusions of the latter laier may be e W e wonder seriously it if those w whose hoi e sole aim wod a d object in ii life seems to be the utter subjugation and perhaps spoliation of the latter day saints ever take into consideration the consequences attached to this subject do they eyer ever consider that t he only life which w hii c h they recognize the present one is so ephemeral that when they reach the last of the Ae fleeting eting hout hours all th they ey will have is what they can i an look back upon ficon and wh when enthey they are as they must be soonju soon face ceto to face with ith the king of terrors will the reflection that they have made a part of a few peoples lives miserable because of difference of opinion lend even a tinge of brightness I 1 to the shadows which gather thickly and darkly around that is the time when conscience will be the sov sovereign capital capil or the crowning cur curse seand and imminent and inevitable is as is chat bat dreadful day they see seem to give no thought upon il they wi will 11 I 1 go burdened with the knowle knowledge died fl that vhf h lives liberties and properties propertied of a number of their fellows fashioned and like themselves themselves and mould pol from the same clay ave have been sacrificed at the behest of the demons hate avarice and ambition and to what purpose perhaps they may be able to boint point to one out of a hundred who has as been coerced into outwardly adopting their views and sentiments but the other ninety nine will have a record of faitha faithfulness alness to conviction through sorrow suffering and death such as their persecutors doum barter the mighty scope of their brief honors so dishonor dishonorably abi acquired to possess when the end sha shall I 1 come it is worth thinking over it will be thought over sometime perhaps when it is everlastingly too late why not now |