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Show 4UC 'llJSS&lfjU' THUKSlMV JSOVEMEEK NEWS 13 iy--4 s: nr choirs with a special duet by ley Brady and Jess L. Young. PURE CREAM Prayer were given by Jordan g n. Brady, Hr., and Archie R. Ander- -, The First ward Fpewkera were Frsd J Daniel- - ,Ief tide, y will ChrWmtt son, Jesse L. Young and George tamr rriA&y. Nov. 14. in h cloing remark by John Flrw &rd recreation JwlL STOPS CATARRH Pioneer of 3 South ? r R. uraBftm. , Utah - Sections is j interment was In th Fairvtew BURLEY Barry Dibble, Bawson where Nathan Final Rest Laid marly project manager pf tbs -- I the grave. . ley iRksueii.iiiiict. s4 c Mr. Pritchett was born In Far- chief electrical engineer of jgg,bureau view la November, 133, and re- -, (he of reclamation with calved hia education In the Fair-- ; headquarters at Denver, Colo., has viet publie andhtgh seheols.The rrM nsd and will ge to Redlands past two years he worked at Clear- Calif- - to engage in consulting elec Colds nd catarrh yield Uk mafield and Ogden and Eureka. trical engineering work. to hasting soothing, gi antiaepUa cream that penetrate through JUT.LEY The Funeral Service Held high Burley every air passage and relieves swolschool students have selected Evelen. inflamed membrane of nos For Accident Victim'of an- - ' Kl.ck this editor for lyn years and throat. Your - ciogced nostril Miss annual. Darlington, . Virginia hreatho-freelyandWEBER. Nov -- 13. (Special ) open right up you n f? Funeral service for James Wayne associate- editor.' m Hawking and snuffling stop. Don't stay stuffed up and Etherington, 14, con of Mr. and BURLEY licenses Marriage Mrs. Jams A Etherlngton. miserable. who; wer issued the week to: F- - A, was killed while riding cow Sat- White, Omaha, past Get a small bottle of Elys Cream and Florence Neb., Balm from your druggist. Apply a were aftemtfon held urday, Tuesday Hunter, Lusk, Wyo.; John Wilson, lluls In ths nostrils and get Instant In the Weber chapel with Bishop Rupert, and Esther Minard. Bubl; re kef. Millions .endorse this remGeorg A Heelop officiating Music Fred Ripple, Twin Falla and Helen was byMr and hit. Dav.d W. Mort, Hollister; H. B. Hendrix, edy kndwn for more than fifty year. Adv. Hancock, Visa L Hsalop, Mrs, Cy- Twin Falls, and Cordelia Van Gunril foloker. Mrs. Ray harlton, and dy; Mason Allen, Burley, and Mrs. Mnrle Jones. Th speakers Gladys lisle, Rupert. Hansen, landscape architect of the were Heber liawkes. Bishop Wil- -' U. A, C. WEIBER Many automobiles ar mer Maw. E. A. Larkin and Bishop A large lagoon Is to b part, of ths new park, according to Mayor lleslop. Interment was In th Og- - snowbound on ths Wetser national forest, according to information reO. K. Hansen, and playgrounds will den cemetery. ceived from Harley J. Helm, who bs constructed with tennis courtr I DIPHTHERIA FATALTO CHILD. has returned from a grazing reand ball grounds Included. I connaissance on the Welser, in WILLIAM OWEN ORTON. . 13. OGDEN, Nov. (Special) he covered 174,044 acre. proved fatal Wsdnss- - whkh PAROWAN.'Nov. II. (Special) ! Diphthert Only One School Board Dmers-of automobiles were forcto Frances Virginia Christen- Funeral services for William day Member to be Elected sen, I. daughter of Charles and ed to abandon the machine when Owan Orton. 0, who died Oct. 24.- Gertrud at caugti in snowstorms while on Everett Christensen PROVOw-Nov- ; If (Special) wer held In tha ward chapel Bun- the home, flttGrant avenue. Bhs deer buMAAnd In Mr Helm's opin-- -. Ole E. Olsen. Jr., president of th day afternoon. . Interment was-ift- -r wan-bo- rn Jnn 1, 1314, at Mt. Ion tt will be spring before It will . j Pleasant, and was a student hoard of education of the Provo th cemetery at Beaver City, si the bs possible to eriie the machines' Is In the only member of NottlngMr. Orton was born city school. out. pea school, Ipirviving are her p 1 and Oct. the board whose urm of office exsis- three two brothers and ents, England. I, ((, 4U"K CREEK In return for slpires et ths end of this year. He ealled for America in I35( and lers. Prtvat funeral services were is a candidate for In th at the ing' d loss of the affections of Neva came lo Utah In the Capt. Ira held Thursday afternoon Third ward embracing all the ter- Eldredg company In 1661. He hpme. Interment was in the Ogdin his wife for 24 years, W E. McMaeter of Rock Creek ritory within th city limits west settled her and hauled the first- cemetery.-joameetof Bixth West street. of roe for the old rock asks, in a suit Instituted In die- - ' STATE OBITUARIES. A primary will be called in the lnghous. tnct court her Monday, 336.440 Third ward some. time in the near He went with the Edward Dalton fro'n Clyde Edminister of this city, TATLOR. MRS. LAURETTA. future. No other candidate Is men- company to build Fort Sanford on it la alleged in tha complaint that Mrs. of wife Lauretta an Taylor, (1, drove later tioned at present. and Sevier river the Edminister during a period of aev- ox team across th plains bringing Robert Taylor, died Wednwdsy l (tn months, beginning in Septem d Twenty-thir274 the street. home, emigrants to Utah. .He resideda induce Mrs. 'u,3i40ajtht-there and at Bummit and Johnson Ogdn. Sh waa born in Salem, jjcjjagt,,,. to leai her husband and Fort, until 1S68 when h located ' July It, 1376. but has lived in Og- at Orton a ranch, northIn of White drLviMran!liewr,rih ru1'- sUekd, tb.t .he has become wholly '.I ranged from returning here Ann1316. Mark and Blaine, Sarah Dailey married Bryon, Floyd. He IT her husband and has left their Bhe bore him 17 chil- - Merrill Taylor, and Mr In 1665. Ferrll; home dren. Mr. Orton died in 1909 and. Rhodes, Ogden; also six grandchil-th- e GOODING Mis following year p married Mrs. dren. and the following brother Helen Keller E Orton, wldow of hist and sisters: Hyruro Davis, Provo, recently donated a large picture of SPRING VILLE, Nov. 13 (Bpa-cia- l) Esther T. Orton. D. C. Lucius Bamuel Mra, Davia, Salem; brother. herself and two autographed volBurglar forced entrance to Always interested la clvle affair. Miner, , BpringvUle: Mrs A. D. ume of her work which bore in ' office )n. Beckstead. Grace, Ida ; J. R. her own handwriting, "To Goodthe O. B. Wood Mercantile company Mr. Orton held ofmany tha peace at rtn, Salem, Juatlco ing College Give me strength to store last night and escaped with j Garfield of Judge ja,rowam probate my love frupful in thy serv1760 in merchandise including 6600 county by appointment of Presl-- J BRIGGS. JAMES Funeral eerv-I- n make ice." -t atik holt goods. b held will Jam for postmaaBriggs Harrison, le loss to under-- , ter atBenjamin Officers are at summit for a numher of Thursday, Nov. 13. at 3 pm. in POCATELID Marriage licnse stand action of the burglars injjear th Ogden Fifteenth ward chapel were issued Monday to Georg H. Dd at Orton for 23 year. one in of side th through breaking Kelsey and Laura H. Turner, Po8MEDING. BENTLET JAMES out D store and then breaking Ell Wolverton, Thoma 4.r.L Valiev 16 catello, and James Smeding,, through another aide. Footprints rwiieer Emma Amanda Haw- 1 I I t I Bentley no 9 , Robin, bhi enow V De. ahowUFt. i CtsKC. Hsrre and . J Francls Mao Woodburn. erin Moendennk Bmed'ng. the case. Ashton: mss MCAMMON. Nov. 13. (Bpseial) Wednesday at an Ogden hospital. CIayton Tippets, Montpelier, and ar A brothTueathe were held service Funeral Surviving parent, Marie Hall McCammon Quarterly Conference In the Robin ward chapel for er, Wt.ford J. Smeding,' Jr., and a Of Burley Stake Held day John Marley, one of the early plo- - sister, Catherine Betty Smeding.1 BURLEY George Stoddard of Marsh valley, who died Funeral services wer held Thurs-severe body bruises through BURLEY, Ids, Nov. 13 Bur- Saturday morning at hi ranch fol- - day morning In tho Larkin chapel, j reN,i th chest evening when ley stake quarterly conference waa lowing a prolonged illness. Inter- - , Ogden, with BUhop J. Howard Jen- - , th, truck he was driving to Oakley lrlnai ArffAiaflnw Infsomanf was in from held Saturday and Sunday in the Burley struck a telephone He came to Marsh valley in the Ogden cemetery. Burley tabernacle with standing pol at th corner of th Overland room at a premium at all service spring of 1676. Mp. Marley ciatin-o- n and stats highway. His comth MALUERT. MRS. ANNA J both days. Salt Lake visitors to have the first ground Mrs. Delia Las, whom ha services for Mrs. Anna J. panion, were: Elder Orson F. Whitney of a nd raised plowed was tho first crop produced Funeral war taking to Oakley to viatt her held Tuesday afterMallery the Canned of Twelve; Mrs. Louisa n tha valley. children, escaped without injury noon in OgKlrkendall the A. chapel. Oscar Relief In He was born Robinson, society, Llantrlsant, but was badly frightened. Klrkham. T. M M. I. A.; Catherine South Wales, Feb. 16. 1846. With den, with the Dr Charles C. Wllaon Bt'RLET The Rntary club enFolsom, Y. L. M- - I A.: H. H Rol-la- his parents and other members of of the First Congregational church goneral Sunday school board. the family, be Joined tbs L. D. 8. officiating. Musiq was by MrsD.Fay tertained thlr partners Tuseday T. evening with a pheasant banqu4 Mrs. Aston Church and the family set sail for King Whitmeyer and Mr. Primary department, ' America in 1860, settling In Penn- Besson. Interment was in ths Og- at the Club cafe, ax the conclusion Young. den of of a contest in pheasant hunting cemetery. of officer th Conference sylvania, where they resided for between teams headed by Johnny various auxiliaries wer held Sat- on year then earn west by ox Brooks and Irel Gudraundaen. with team, crosisng the plains and set- Blackfdot to Be Ruled urday. 2$ men to a side. Brooks team Tha outstanding feature of the tling at, North Ogden; Utah, in th By Boy on Friday won. Gudmundsen was toastafternoon session was a pageant fall. ' master. After residing there for five by th Primary aseociatlonsi "PicBLACKTOOT. XflV. 1. (Spetures of Progress Aa Developed in year, Mr. Marley removed to Bear Th cltlxens Blackfoot of cial) BCRLET. Armlatlca day waa Ward ConfeAssociation a took h Primary Lake, where prominent Warned that on Friday they observed In th Burley schools with rence;' opening pra r was by a part ln th development of that ar mud needs to attention strict pay programs. Ths Burley appropriate section for 10 years. boy from the View ward. th observance of the laws aa ther Legion post gave a dance A Relief society pageant was Immediately following hi mar- will be a chang in administration American In th evening, with in hall Arcadia given Saturday evening opening riage, he and hi wlfa came to that day and tbs new broom is 175 couple present. Then fol- Marsh Valley and tattled on the with a woman octet Relief Society farm where they resided for 46 likely to sweep thclean. lowed th pageant Th boy of high and Junior Message.'- - The balance of the eveyears and reared a family of 10 schools held a city election ning waa In charge of the M. 1. A. children, all of whom survive: high and Friday, citizenship Auxiliary work in which all of John H- Marjoy. Salt Laks; Josiah Monday, tha city government Is to be th Balt Lake vtxltora participat- G , Ether L, A. Owen and Lvl B. day, to th successful boy over turned ed occurred 8unday forenoon. Sun- Marley. Robin: Wllford W. Marcandidates who will run the city, service was in ley, and Mrs Gwenllon Lewis, day afternoon as follows' Mrs. Lydia Weston. charge of th stake presidency. ElPlay sag with Paul Woodruff, mayor; Joe D Dessi Utah ; Mrs. der Whitney spoke on "Prayer. Lakatown, Coumerlhl, Roy Nelder. Raa KindeOther tpeakers war auxiliary Mathews, Pocatello: two brothers, ney, Clay Cherry," Temp Hopkins McCammon; Marvin Drew, Forreat Marley. partment leaders. Joseph Perdu and Thomas Marley. Malad. Milton Line, councilmen; Herb Cone, chief of police; Walter William Pritchett Church Notice fire chief; Billy Payne, street COLD Leonard Osborn, commissioner; Buried Fairview at B B sewer commissioner; A. J. Mitchell, Brtaltp-a-co- H Annual convention of the Balt FAIRVIEW, Nor. It (Special) judge police court: Edgar Ketch-uLaks stake Primary will be held for William city clerk: Randall Wallis, Sunday. Nov. 16, at 2 pin. in th Funeral Sixteenth ward chapel. The stake Pritchett were held In the South city treasurer: Lynpon Barker, liNov. ward chapel I, Bishop John brarian; Brice York, water compresidency, bishops and all PriWllford Beck, dog mary workers are requested to at- R. Graham presiding Musiq was missioner; furnished by the combined ward catcher. tend. 0B1TUARIES FIFTY BULL ELKS OGDEN - VICINITY IrrfKRtif . L- Uwff Ht l IrratmtNa llamcmtmL, - ?!Wrm, ! IntmiUr heal Joh 1 Education Week, were brought fore the Rotary club Wednesday. The members yf (be club were urged by Georgs Glen and Supt. W. K"?. HepU'l to bntar Inu. tbs Fifty old bull elk from the Mount spirit of the observance.'' v.Ka hrd ill 4 killed In the The club vac commendfd by Mr, future. Glen for Us ideals and Mr. Hop- kins read' s theme written by an This was the promise made by In the student English Ogden senior j n H Moan Bd m ra high school upon the subject of Ko- j jplssioner of Utah, fo more than tsry. stock growers and citizen of Major H. I Jordan of the Pro-- ; sldio of San Francisco, addressed Nephi, Fountain Green and Eureka (he club upon the program of R. O, T. C. work lo the high achooa of gathered is the Juab county court the Ninth corps area. The R. 0. house at Nephi Tuesday evening lo T. C. enrollment in this area bae InProtest against th damages done creased SOU over last year, he said. to the property owners and the cattle men by the repldly increasing School Board elk herd In the canj'ons around Will Seek Mount Nebo. The promise was made following OCDEN, Nov II. Special) FraM. J. W. Levedhal of the city the unanimous request that such action be taken for th purpose of board of education wilt seek at tho annual election scattering th herd into other canWed. Dec. 1. lie reside, in the third yons In the state, and after Comward which comprises all temuny missioner Madsen had emphaticalnorth n t tho Ogden liter, ly declared that her can be no in the county districts two mem- open season on elk and that there bers Will -- fee elected for the Webey can be no limited licenses issued county schools. Tho incumbents are for th bunting of !k t this tints. John 1) Hooper representing PreGeorge O, Ostler, president of cinct No. 2, w inch comprises Hoop- the Cattlemen's association of Juab er, KanespIlle. 'Taylor. West Weber county, presided and , Thoms and Roy; and Joseph sheen, rep- Vickers, secretary of the assoc la. tion presented the views of the orresenting Precinct No d. comprising Plata City, Warren. West Warren, ganization An th question. He pointed out that th Far Want and ti later vtlle. Mr. Bkeen to gras stork on the range permit where la the only candidate who id seekthe elk is feeding had been reduced ing election at present. from approximately 4206 head to 2300, although he acknowledged that this reduction Was not entireI QGDEN BRIEFS ly due to th glk. Among those who urged thst OGDEN A mrrige license was something b done in the Interest Issued Wednesday to Nets Soren- of the stock grower were A. C. sen and Geneva Sorenaen, both of Christensen, forest ranger; J. of the Raphael, superintendent Jerry. Wilson Glaaier forest; I'iste OGDEN. rummage sale will James Ockey, Victor Foote and be held by the Bervfec Htar Legion. Georg Betliston. of Nephi. C. E. Friday and Saturday, Nov. id and Hit is h. of Eureka. 16. at 2I7 Washington avenue, acMark Anderson, manager of the cording to plana announced by Mrs. Hotel Roberta at Provo and fort Carrie Bradley, president of the mer official of th service, a JJ. M.V -- Wt wh q, l wrUrftQ'ifr In t ed with : fee elksituation in tne Jackson llo.s counOGDEN A. email quantity of try. said that each elk in that secliquor drained from a pipe to the tion is worth at least 1144. 11s basement of the Wasatch club, 131 that if the elk is piotvcted Twenty-fift- h street held by fedscattered that state but eral and police officera as evidence In the mountain ranges, it against Lu Taylor, who is charged throughout be not would many years until with possession of liquor. Tailor Is at liberty under 134 balk Offi- Utah would become the 'greatest cer allege that when they entered big game state n th nation, and th place Wednesday Taylor poured hat hunters from all sVor tne world would come here annually to the liquor out. hunt. He --a ,1 that the ilk have ' OGDEN B. Is R. a teal econon!,' fnlu and art not Wheat. 25. serving ISO days in tho city Jail to for ornament, purposes. default of paying a fine of $299 imr motion of C. E. Hutsh resoposed by Judge David R. Roberts in lution win unanimously adopttl the city court Wednesday when he calling for tbs' killing of 4 bull pleaded guilty to assault and bat- elk under aupervis on of gamobnd tery, upon Amos stone. forest officials and a committee of as follows-Virgi- l Five yearn In the state stock and land owners OGDENFountain Green: C. Jacobson, was sentence the prison passed E. Hulsb, Eureka, George O. Ostupon Jesse C. William, negro, by Walter F. Brough and Edgar Judge George S Barker in the Sec- ler, ond district court Wednesday. Tha Park, Nephi. Mr. Madsen assured the Nephi defendant pleaded guilty Monday to a charge of assault with a dead- and Eureka citizen who had assisted financially in bringing the ly weapon with intent to do bodily conelk that they would b harm to Grace Turner Oct 27 . sidered during th killing of the no and outside elk that sportsmen Two Salt Lake Couples would be permitted to participate In tho Licensed shooting. Farmington -- Weber Student to Try For Pret Grant Prize OGDEN. Nov 11. --Weber students will enter the Heber J. Grant oratorical contest Friday. Nov. II. The subject as announced by President Grant will be The Real Evidences of a Rellgloua The winner will he preLife. sented with a book autographer by President Grant. Tryouts will be held early nxtwek. The college hoard of trustees is considering the purchase of propcollege block by erty owned on the w. H. Wright & Sons company " which baa been offered et a stumble erjoe. needed to enlarge the campua. now The college auditorium is being remodeled. col-le- ' . Weber Masonic Lodge Celebrates Anniversary .Education Discussed at Ogden Rotary Meeting Nov. 13 matters (Special) Head. -- -A - at In connection u th. -- -- ' MIN CHEEKS Better Looking Take . , Olive Tablets. If your akin Is yellow J. complex- feeling mouth a lazy, you should take Olive Tablets a Drl Edwards Oliva Tablet substitute for calomel Wcrs pre-IT pared by Dr. Edward - after ' years of ttudy- Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a mixed compound purely vegetable with oltv oil. Ton will know them coior. by their olive To hqve a clear, pink akin, bright eyes, no pimples, s feeling of buoy; a try like childhood day you must t the cause. Dr. EdwariiF Olive Tablets set on the liver and bowel like calomel yet have no dangerous after feo. start th Wl and overcome They Take one or two yonr--t lus lionpleasing relitMly and note thboxes are sold sults Millions of annually at 1 and 34 cents d -- xt - v ' Mil QUARTER at l f I PROVO. Npv. 13. (Special) The B. T. U. is making preparation for the opening of tbs winter quarter Pec. I. which I always marked by the registration of a large number of students who are not able to attend school - during the autumn term because of tb rush of harvest work. For the convenience of these winter students new courses ar being offered In practically all departments. With the return of Prof. C. Cannon, head of th department of animal husbandry .from Am, la. where he has been studying for some time, beginning courses in the history of breeds, the elements of duirylng. and the feeding of farm ammaia will be given. All of these classes will deal especially with condition and need in Utah and the west in general. A Profitable Farm Bystem for Utah." is th tltl of a new course In agronomy offered by Dr. Thom' as L. Martin, especially to those who may not bs bj to to further in their college training. Other opening classes in this division are: "A Studv in Wheat, Rye, Barley and Corn: A Course in Boll Fertility, and "a Course of Advanced Lectures in Boils. In, the auto mechanics department practical courses In .the car and adjustment of carburetors and swdiecHai vttxctrio will be featured for newly registered students. Other classes in th mechanic arts Una will bs provld ed by the woodwork and drafting ' departments. Farm Product.' "Marketing "Business Of fir Management, English." "Typewriting." "Econoand "Accounting are sum mics. of the courses offered by the col leg of commerce for those who did not reglsther during the autumn term. Other courses especially suited for those who come .In late may be had In the 'Kome economics department such as millinery. - fin sewing, dresemsklng. household S ministration, food and dietetics; in Printhe horticulture department ciples of orcharding, fundamentals of plant reproduction .and origin and history of cultivated plants. Besides tha courses mentioned others will be provided according to the demand for them, the presidents offlc announces. Winter quarter students will be able to register for regular course all of which count as college credit leading to a degree In a number of fields. Besides having a richer eurricul um than any other qubrter, tha winter term offers a great variety UTAH BRIEFS of social activities in the form of dances, plays, musicals and ath SPANISH FORK Mr. Zella D. letie contest. During this quarter, too. Culwas to hostess the Self Leadership week is held which Argjle ture club Tuesday evening. Th affords an opportunity for students Mrs to come in contact with state and included: Solo, program of church leaders, Groce Krueger, "Amusement th Early Days and Theatre in the Wilderness. Mrs. Lyle Creor: Soph-Frot- h Debate "Early Day LI brine, and ScienB. Y. U. U Tied Up tific Societies.' Mr Lizzie Tuttle; "Writer of the Pioneer Days and 13 Nov. PROVO. Han(Special) Art in the Earlv Days." Mrs debates at the nah Creer: "Freighting by Ox- - The inter-elaa- a Team end Stage Coach Days." Mr Young nntversity resulted in a tie Rowena Hodge; "The U S. Mall to between the sophomore and th Utah Before the Rail Road and the senior affirmative teams, accordRail Road. Mrs. ing to Orval Hafcn, debating manElsie Comaby; "Utah Today, Mr ager of the school. The winning Jane Hodgens. sophomore team won one debat on th affirmative and another on th meet- the negative. SPANISH FORKs-- At ing of the Ladies Literary club The debates were conducted two held at the home of Mrs. Ida days, the four winning teams of the th first day evening. Tuesday Strang with each othThanksgiving season was the topic er on thacompeting sscond. Th senior afof th testing. Mrs. Jan Jones firmative team received a unanigive a paper on "The Pilgrim Fa- mous decision over the Junior and thers and Mrs. Lily Rowe, "Th the freshman negative, squads. Th Pioneer.' frssbman negative won a unaniSPRINOVILLE Armistice serv- mous decision over tha Junior team. Th ices were held In th Sprin grille sophomore high school assembly room with affirmative of the first day' dethe following program: Selection, bate was defeated by the senior high school band. Invocation. Rev. negative by n two to ona decision, E. W. Enslgty address. Judge while th sophomore negative eras James Tucker; selection. Girls glee unanimous ehole over th freshelnb: talk. Mayor G. R. Maycock, man affirmative. Bino three negatlv and only on "Faith In America; selection, boys quartet; benediction. Bay L. Pont. affirmative were successful tha first night It becam neccsary for the SPBINGVILLE The four sophomore negatlv team I tike A- - are M I. ward puttiSpringvillo affirmative side of the question ng-on a road show Tuesday eve- th th seeond night, when It defeated ning, Nov 1 - Each ward will pre- the senior negative by a two to on 12 which minute two stunts, pare decision. will be given In the four wards Th members of th winning th same night each group going teams are follows: Sophomore from ward to ward aa soon as K affirm Sherman Cbristsnsos. act is finished. Mrs. Oliva AJidcr-ao- John Ur. Walter Clark; senior Clark, Mias L Clark and Mrs E. Orval ILafen. Ava are th committee affirmative, Elmo 'Henry Weight Sprout. Armstrong. in charge.- The other teams' were aa follows: James A. Junior affirmative. Ksrtchner, Reed Christenson. VicXbsumaticpam onenat s tor la the deep aSi4 Frandson; Junior negative. o( tbs tomes. Marguerite Chsuncey - Harmon, lone Psfreymari; sophomerely imtate the Swenson, ak wear (set. Buhler Oil carmore affirmative, Nil Washburn. ries a cmifrmc. aoothbig L Grande Jarman, Arnold Roy. snaatiiin of along lance; freshman negative. Elton d serve hnsrlir to the serve trunks of the Joints Billings, Jamas CulUraor. Ethel freshman slectnc current travel affirmative, " as surely ae. Get Lowery; tod Rhode Johnson, Reed Porter, Was. Hermes H ureas. Lysan Johnson. Ceeuabe Drs Ce, Hess Cs erase live Drew I'a. Drag. I PchraeesB Jskeees 44 Adr. Plans are Accepted for - t i sissitiow-wysiwo- , at Trans-Continen- -- -- d j jr o Pan-guitc- Si SPHIILE I War-eludi- ; n-- nt , d-- e ms sera p 1 Tudv p, 8 VpPotsVfP - Ke-ver- n, TABLETS New Style E30 a. VAN ELLIOT JSEKUfGER. ion pallid tongue coated appetite, poor you have a bad taat in your . f lot-es- , -- (her Be 19 ' Re-electi- FARMINGTON, Nov. 13 (Spe cial) Coijnty Clerk W W. Evans issued two marriage license to Salt Says His Prescription lake couples Saturday: Maurice Batty and ; Wlfinlfred Edwards, Wallis and, Florence Clift. Has Powerful Influence Chester Other licenses traced , wars lo George Quinn Bags haw, gait Lake, and Laura American Rbesaatisia Fork; MarcusRobinson, Jensen, Salt Lake, and Myr Robinson. American Mr Jtmee H. Allen, of 26 Forbes Fork. St . Rochester, N. Y- suffered for years with rheumatism. Many t tines this terrible disease left hint help-lee- s Farewell Testimonial and unable to work. He finally decided, after years of Will be Given Young one can be ceaseless study, that free from rheumattem nntll the acRiverdale Missionary cumulated Impurities, commonly called uric acid deposits, were dissolved In the Joints ssd muscles and -expelled from the body. With this Idea to mind he consulted physician. made expert' menu ssd finally compounded i prescription thst quickly and completely banished every sign aed symptom of rheumatism from his s stem. He freely gave hie discovery, which he called Allenrhu, to other who took it, with what might be After called marvelous success. years of urging be decided to let sufferers everywhere know about his discovery through the ne papers. He ha therefor inatruct- ed druggists everywhere to dis pease Allenrhu with the underbot standing that If th first pint wsy to com, tie does not sljow gladly return plete recovery he will comment. your money without v" Rchramm Johnson 10 Drug. their stores in Eureka. Pflce. Pay son ind Helper, Utah, is my apIf you pointed agent in your city.send you live out of town Ill gladly Aov. freo particulars HAVE e the tfiEfiiSIRATION 1 OGDEN, Nov. 13 --r( Special)-Th- e Ftfienth anniversary of Weber lodge No . F. a A. M . held In the Orpheum theatre Wednesday night was attended by hundreds of Masons from various parts of the state. Among those present were James Casln and George W. Mur- phy. the only twf surviving charter members of the lodge, who signed the charter 5 years ago. James W. Collins, grand master of the Utah grand lodge, and the Rev. Dr. Elmer I. Goshen, a member of the lodge, were the principal A. C. Emerson past speakers. of ceregrand master, was masterfelicitated monies. The speakers the lodge upon Its anniversary and touched upon Masonic subjects. A musical program was given. OGDEN. Educational , I RmiEDM nr f J. Delivery he, llrel I GCDEX, Nov. 13 ( Special ) Fac a a charge of highway robLee Angeles, bery, u.t Thomas, wo brought etiy Wednesday arrest near hut following gflcnoon krlr.i-sa- t City. He is enld to have cou.cswd to Xigden police officers I but he is to men wnid for rob. . bery of the Independent Ga sta tion. W ashing ton avenue nod Twen1 HvMlii stroet aariy Wednesday r l morning end theft of the belt Lane Tuesday night. 1 he arrest followed a search of several hours in the hills by Ogdea officers and faheriff John Zundeil of ftoxelder county. The Boxelder he id had been notllied of the of roobery and given the number he the car driven by the bandit id as he kti t a watch .for him and can.e upon Thomas while the hitter Was driving through the busmens section of Brigham. The eheritf gave chase and Thomas abandoned his tar at a point northeast of Brigham and took to the hilla. Joined by Ogden olfloere Sheriff Zun-de- lt tracked the highwayman In the enow, and after noma ahsoting the defendant surrendered. Carrier City, er CUM Deetfcs Mea Hepreaeatatlrap Trl Ceaaar ftasm ernes, R eyerie. fntfh thd Observance 'or American t be-- ME OF BUT be rrpvrtH lrve Carrier Departaieav Ifce Deaeret lalt UM Xv&.-rr-- r- MtTfSIIES . PROVO Im rrNr(N t Or4 Carrier U, tirhitepartiit, Uht niy, r fl. AlfrH UilttvUi iiwritrt Offteo tprMrilllrM. " KrA HMii 41 r Rs-ao- - (SpeRIVERDALE, 'Nor. cial) A farewell testimonial will be given in tha Rlverdals ward chapel Tbursdav, Nov. 13. at ( p m. in. honor of Van Elliot Hen in. ger who has accepted a call to the Swiss and German mission. A program of readings and music will be followed by daubing. L, narve-trank- only two sessions will be held ln the g,t Lake temple on Thanks- Th giving day. vis. (.34 and 3 am. tempi will be open as usual on Friday, Nov. GEORGE F. mCHARDB. President. The Balt Lake temple will close Tuesday evening, Dec. 21. U24, and reopeq Monday , morning. Jan. i, 1125. . GEORGE F. RICHARDS. President. dsep-eats- I. 1 ar Red, Watery Eyes . Ton will be astonished at the quick results from simple camphor, wltchhaxel, bvdrastis, etg. as mixed In ldtyoptik eye wash. One small Aottle. Lacoptik helps any case sore, red Jr watery eyes. Eye cup free. Bohrattua-Johnas- n Drug - Store. Adv. Liberty Memorial Park PROVO. Nov. 13 (Special) Plan for th completion of th new Liberty Memorial park on east Center street have .been accepted by th city commission and work will begin immediately go that the park will he ready for sodding end Th planting early next spring. plans bar bsss prepared hr Emil - ed ap-petlzl- ng OATS -- a- 3a - cup-shap- pstn-reb- -- . only oats that cook into granular oatmeal else like it. Meaty granules provide roughage and stimulate digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. The tiny, oat flakes have a wonderfully baked-i- n flavor. More than a new oatmeal a new cereal tho tastiest breakfast dish ever Energy building carbohydrates, tissue building prcP teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style H-- 0 takes only 3 to 3 short minutes to cook the quickest T cooking cereal quick as a flash! THE - , Regular )MOa N Sqrt H-- Oats (Quick) Standard full sis and Wright pkg. Wright, 1 lb. 4 os. CXCIGX33 om r- In - i Cook raises -- 2 to3 -- - |