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Show 4 -- V r w THE DESERET NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 1924 3. SER2MTOALS OF.- STATE FRIDAY GRID RACE SCHOLASTIC i . i,1 . 4- - CHARLIE WEINERT GIVES LOUIS FIRPCL SEVERE PASTING IN TWELVE ROUND FARCE v .u 49se Sairffe Vvff Wove Enmasse Vandals Get On Brigham City In Hope Needed Rest f OtBeatingNorth-Champ- s Walsh Suggests Miles of Road -T-his--Week WorkforLuis Wasatch and Cat bon County Play at Mt. Pleasant in Team to Resume Training Other Semi-FinContest of Series. Today For U. S. C Game Not. 22. Direction of Road Work Must Be Towards Buenos Aires. al HE fact that the Gold and Blue football teams plays Its semi-finBT LOUIS A. BOAS. game against, the Boxelder crew on a school holiday assures them of a rabid bunch of I kiveksitt of .- idaho. MOBCOW.J rooters to witness the contest at Brigham ay, and to put jj- speech ndul a t,1akA over & vocal victory at least. Founders Day for the Saints SJ is tomorrow, and as there is no school a special train has beginning of the f2 been chartered and it is expected that almost the entire stu- fn. dent body will jjull out with the team tomorrow afternoon aquad win begin their training ;at 2o'clocE frm the Interurban- station. i caVo r acmeaeo jn. SSSSaMi Nebraska On New Rival For ,Notre Dames - Trail Grange Found in' Today -- Great 7 Demonstration Sends Cornhuskers Away to Annual an; ARBOR. Mich Nov. 11 nn ton. 111k, ice has a rtAl in Ben Friedman jrtwlwe house stevedore of C!evUmd Grange juggled ice dinng ihe summer but Friedman greeted the eun aboe Lake Erie wHH-- w half dayn work Tom pleted He started at I im. Best Hmwr. Grange has been accorded, ths tw ie of nest runareg bosk 'of the ear but Friedman belng presented aa back of Feature. al BY THOMAS IlRRAX. J. WALSH. L" N. 8 - Staff Correspondent ) N 8. Sports Editor ) Nov lie (INS) Nebr, Nov. NEW YORK. their Confronting Firpo needs quoth a tenth Annual clash' with Knuta critic. "t plenty of road work Kocknes wonder team, tha Um- mile and miles of It. After watching the gentleman in ! varsity of Nebraska football squad 1924 foot ball season question flounder through twelve was scheduled to leave here this theFriedman did not find a At :.3r o clock the elevens of place on at Bos Angeles. rounds with Charley Weinert In 'afternoon for South Bend. The the University of ilichtgan footthe Academy and Carbon Newark lost night, the writer lends Cornhuskers and Notre Game meet ball team at the beginning of the Oregon W'as kVmred. r He was cot even among county high school wilt line up LM-BoxeldNeedless to say, Idaho fans feel his hearty commendation to this on the Indiana gridiron Saturday season er the first substitute relieved that the Oregon game U Md Grange for the kickoff of the other semithe following afternoon. provided suggestion, e and his was e feared It Out of the ay. companions are accounted final contest on the Mt. Yleaaant ' The departure of the team will responsible Is accepted condition contest a for this other thaw the Michimore, any field." The winners of these two Firpo must do all his roaJ work , be marked by orwr-o- f the greatest gan coaches aer$ intent on whipon t he Idaho slate. and not withdue one to south, direction, wit, on a will cause team to beat the Cumming's iilash, out good for Oregon put up games Lincoln haa ever ping together with Buenos Abes as hit immedb demonstrations Wheaton flash and overlooked the hardest battle of any team IdaWilField here next week end for the team or I football . accorded a i e. ate object Friedman ho haa laced thus far. making atate title. In both of tomorrows Boxelder liam Jennings Bryan. All Done With. I D. K. V. Needed Passer. greater gains through her line than . are . , . .lor. contestants Zandri. pretty the has Webster two in team made; Two years Year. Won lap games He Is all over and done with in j. Vance any then Illinois gave Friedman hto first are Bargntron. . . hr that "Oregon there and evenly matched and apelctatora a pa show as these parts, through For the past two yeara the Corn. chance lwi it was demoBstrated lies Urn Reeves assured of two of the hardest lgr. Jinx" of 21 years standing. That, man. through as a drawing card, buskers have defeated Rock ns's the men counted upon to do MichBrinton Lillywhltc. . fought struggles ever dished up In however, has been placed in thg as a a forward passing would not speed fighter. through Bffen Rniwell rgl case along w th the Idaho football machine and many igan to gone, so is his punch the form of semi final battles. famous trophy There do hearth for a man who could i Orton Reeves...... rtl colieetlon ot cups and championreason Walsh, him the Dame star for isnt Notre of the slightest pans resulted in finding the CleveDnvta rrl H. Garff to dally any longer here. He drew Layden, Don Miller. Crowley, etc ship pennants, broken and torn In All in ftace land youth. V. Call. oh. Nmtir the seventeenth gridiron battle beand of football, only f 12.600 at the box office Fix of the Dine touchdowns Michplaying their last year for M. Garff Mrholl Ihhr Season. tween the two Institutions with Nea in for the nlmost round are admittedly pointed every beating igan has made tn three games were H. Call ....rlibl Jewkrs Idahos first win a reality. determina-traine- d llis efforts In Weinert. last the conflict braaka night the result of Irledmans forward the bbefTkld . fb Jenkins While Idaho does not fear SouthUsually the playing of for once in his life, simply tion to wrekk vengeance or wreck passing and he made the seventh S. adal COUBU- -L I. ern California, she haa a healthy aemi final game la merely A hu- - something In the attempt aenor's face subbed the into Besides passing he can hlhtself Peterson; Boscldcr. far! Irrgu-voin which one eleven does respect foe her prowess. U. S. C man hamburger. Luis, meantime.-- . Although crippled somewhat by run jrlih the ball end Is en outv similar to that of A holexactly as expected and gracefully box- game Is plays at ludicrous line Nebraska the essayed defensive attempts player injuries, standing loses out to the bunch that haa Idaho, launching and maintaining ing and footwork while the fat stered by the return of Hutchinson, a versatile attack, capable of maklong since been selected for the ; about and his abiiomen continued the and center jellied championship. Not so thia year.a- -: ing yardage either by bucking the shook and shivered These rolls of varsity of Captain Ed Weir, however. Boieldrr haa made line or hurling passes to tyr brilare a permanent institution- - improvement flesh tackle, who hits been suffering northern liant wing men If for that rea- sweep of things In tha near222 Hutchinson Infection Firpo weighed pounds, from a bad son alone the came at Los Angeles , part of the state that haa put the In action. Jack Bernstein, left, amt Sammy Mandril, first oppon- ly his normal rigid poundage. He has been out of competition with should be a thriller. Gold and Blun bunch In n state of The two LI had uken off everything llial wee a broken collarbone since the T Center above, llanny Kramer, III teams possess the two most strik- ents In lightweightLut tourney. dread and apprehension. i Unols A lornllnl. to come . lit hlweigltl. left; Louis aplalL, cenBelow. game. Coach Earl Furguson haa proenda in tM conference, of awardIn ing critics varied pair Ringside feallirrwei Mike and Dundee, Xo Extra Good. ght. around- - neither of whlcTT'htis any ter, duced an aggregation that far surThe fe itherwe.ghts will awing ing Weinert from nine rounds to) Th green Nebraska squad this i By NORM AN E. BROWN. team on the coast made yardage passes anything previously develthr entire twelve but this seemed' Nov. 21 at actloit .n, senous YORK, Nov 12 (IVM- seems to he a real HAT to any extent thpi year The game mor year has made a rather oped In the Peach City. anl dlthbUnc . At least the first 1? .in? wrUer to Square Garden. 4 flying visit to thv iin, It think it slacks up evenly will give Pyth ab and Adam. J although find to the ahowiry effort t ,tojlate, retails. vs? e s olLie'vr.-fcfejd j 0 1 vra bkef Enough without 8, C.. a chance --to kfcbw aCf itul i goodneS with knythtng else tn tit Wave. At' for ehattlpWn ctmtndfri' for logical call iprinl.r in kfU olans Frtwnt nlgnlof the Nelson and letter MieeouH. stellar Idaho jlhe conqueror f his defeat the any rate, both the Saints and the at Ruffles It to Olympic la, postmortems and lightweight round bathes In the preliimnai fa fuarwe.ght UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Peaches are preparing for the nde each credited with a touch- university, and held the departed on s late train las gait?, title. U under way. and M rotinda for" the aemia and say that if Firpo won any ont of Chicago feara f r Pittsburgh where he will I -toa 9 to 4 victory, the twelve rotgids, he aklUfully jlUinoie game with a victory and a utNov 13 The battlexblp Idaho; how down againat Oregon here Uat jjnc Xem jnckrd haa selected the U finals a lecture tour today. Paldxlc !Jr acore and the n 8an Pedro, (Calif), harbor, may championship aa the aole aim. an concealed the fact fora the gen-- 1 afternoon the froeh gn who. In hU opinion, have the Wednesday was a thajmeii fleeted men mentioned the Of delegate sad a Kaplan for one of the two is due be allowed to steam to game, eral public. land amity scrimmaged in the tion&' convention of theto A 'heA Angela j best chance of any of the present aeera to be the beat. Thia ia the same man who ven- - first public workout for over two at Atlantic Vv next Week repredisappointment when the results for the Idaho and University of a Disaster. little lellows of ascending the and Dundee Usually day one of these lads could give tured within a Any are posted tomorrow afternoon. the Soutnem Paifi punch of winning week. evening the students senting Tha trip to southern California bidder to the title mentioned He Jahnny NovTll VJslirn,nubhir.MTn-Dirndl a run for his title the cat one He will endeavor to to pit these men against each from Jack staged a torchlight jiarade, championship now Rickard believe. day. Burton L French, represents- - for the past two years haa been vans conterMon to award its the Call Expected hardly more than a year, lowing an impassioned rally on tho anmivi outdoor live In Congress from the first disastrous for Idaho. But that other In a aeriea of battlea the championships to Diatdee Is Out. I ago. Idaho district has requested that the was primarily due to the rigors of winner in each class to get the first 1 sea ensv campus. P W Dundee bus , To Show Stuff. relinquished all IrCdock xist'ed the local A e journey, three games being crack at the champion. ,f, . . I The Cornhuskers will take their Changed Fighter. IV to Awle! rters in company with -r- kout tomorrow on Stag hsoqua It's up to the New Ydrk atate claims to the title, however The He perforce to not th same11 report Payed without a return to the Aoticipating a favcrable er Murchison hi? most dangerous therefore will simply pro fighter. FteldSouth for on Comrrapsman French a report campus on the 1,90 mile jaunt athleuc cammiseion how far Rick- - tourney man Chicago, leaving He rival in the spring a ho can boast of the name and merely hasf th seme Stanford. ard goes with his plana He need June I diversity of Idaho cffcals have last year, with O. A, position tlj eye- - j Bend later in the day. He will serve hool fongs end and U. 8. C , respectively. Thngs the o. k. of the commission on hu title, until beaten. ot SwTnT w.n7hhiTa hjaA "Liard, but I w,B,lfcd Ytde-PrincetXblb'tlon towhoever the vrear of the, will be better this vear with a proposed cards and their help In as a stepping stone for PADDOCK A. A. V. UFl.Kt.ATE. athletic Play have I against xvm.CCr,ile . ertle seen. He b supposed to be . tattieshli before hitting the forcing the. fighters to go through Anally Is acclaimed king. 13 Nov. layoff led NEW to YORK, the be Charley Xhe phenom of the North and the. Will to Wired officers and that Demp-- i supposition Approximately elimination Rickard the sericc The lightWeighs uad ca7 pith figure sey was slther a very charitable ' Paddock, famous California sprint-o- f raJenrJ lad that will make the Invading J members of the crew will he able tra! a,ld as scramble In. in has for Fnluso leaders national (he and Mathews ter of Coach contest Local champion, w should football the Mtuniil m to mw attend pable relieving vfiim University Club Saints sit up and take notice Mei k, The six men Itickard thinks ratik Leonards this are Jack Bernstein wlocted ss one of the six to regular nt any suge of the game. b of 8epL 14, 1933.1 can paw. kick, ncav through night Union Athletic Amateur tne 0 In of the N. are field of feathers first Sir Terris the of of Y.; Result, Yonkers. new acquialtlon for Idaho. Then slugged jwith the sen- - Convention at Atlantic City. open Held and hammer the line lM AngGea football contest will be receive! New York, Sammy Mandell - I tsmis Kaplan of Meriden. Conn of or.Dempsey there No one does that nowadays. I . are just two games achedher with equal effectiveness, and on at the FK.HTS FRIDAY. club ovee University siki Kramer of Philadelphia, Rockford. Ill r Luis Vlcentinl of around his in another, it does nothlg of the the defense he to ne of the main-- j XKW yoRK NoV- u Battling AeelM Nov 2 Vnd Fnhlrihy Danny specially t leased wire SetO'. y Kid Roy of Canada. Lew Hurley Chile. Sid Barbarian of Detroit and They simply step I to announ.c- recent anchored crew. waa inoon, and bulk according him When of the beating kind. BriglAm Billy. t l,l f Nevada at Boise. slap Firpo stays senegalese heavyweight ov. ,7 of New York. Lew Paluso of Salt probably Archie Walker of New They - The chance are that the Box- - face Young Marullo of New Orleans. might even go so for as to!I Brennan. Willard and dthers, he menu Lake Mika of and Dundee Mandell York. Bernstein melt and City in final the Frlon ng Thanksglv day. tJarden Madison Squqare elders will open up with a lot of.! in slug with him, if they cared to had the winning complex. He was Rook Inland, 111. first clash on the Idaho board, do so. Seemingly , that The famed 'a tough citixen with a heavy kt, it was announced. passes and spread plays. Rickard a choice of feathers may Of the meu who will meet for hto to no more. and he thought he wa field will probably be dry, and I ) punch howbe altered by the commission, the honor of waiting for a crack right hand of be Tm; taken as account-- 1 vincible. He knows now that he. conditions favorable for that kind j might FKI. , ever, aa the members are intent at Leonards crown A icentinl or Sid ing for tha fact that Firpo loses j Isn't, and with that knowledge, "'of an attack. The Saints must for Kramer should with Barbarian the Bobby emerge T. dropping (upon now where once he knocked them I of hto moral, hto watch out Tor themaelvea If this Garcia and substituting Jose Lom-- r honors. fifty per cent over, and in one sens. It does, will . 'Is the method pursued by the to a In, haa gone out of him. bardo of Panama for the Canadian Purple and Whites, as It almost hopeful. proved to be their undoing in the L. 8. D. has a tussle. slight Ogden advantage In weight both in the line and In the backfield. s wealth obftrkfield possibilities. By WALTER CAjlp. Between Ahem they have almost a ( Special Leased Wire Cop: right dozen hacks oA caliber to gladden NOW PUYIXO 1924.) the heart Of any coach. 13 The Nov. Out on the hers Ore., Pacific coast, PORTLAND. and Stanford have, with I football season la on Sts last California some mighty strenuous times, pulllap. Teams In , various , sections ed themselves through to the top which started with high hopes, find and are awaiting the whistle for out of their great contest at Berkeley on themselves ia the ruck and N. J. Nor. IX NEWARK Nov 22f The California center is the running for first places, but a star worth' Timekeepers cut12 off ten seconds and Nevers In two of the rounds fought still sanguine of defeating some of Stanford, ifwatching fit will ake some Charlie by Luts Firpo and favorite rival add so Quaking their stopping. Rlm4 Certese 4 afar cat Weinert here last night, J Platt season at least a partial success. Adams, chief boxing inspector Weftr a Star. of New Jersey declared today. 0UR GANG COMEDY As the teams start this final lap Through the middlewest they are I know positively they Were the most interesting to the football talking about Nebraska's great ten seconds short. Adams Said. EMERY EPPERSON Pennfan In the eastern section are a 1 held a stops atch and tackle, Weir, who seems to be one them sylvania. Dartmouth and Rift gem, af the outstanding linemen west of . ORIViJ and told Adams newspapermen all powerful and full of fight. Each the M IwHsippL that the rounds were out to MtDvrvntr worth has stars teams these of Cornelfs advance THE VICTORIANS since steady NOV FUtli.K IV1I AND favor Weinert who in oao of watchfng. her two early season defeats is worthe rounds was in a dangerously MV1INLK ULUVUUtY Shewa Still. 4, tlW, TiSS, The old rivalry between Tale and rying the unbeaten Pepn eleven and the ropes. open position on IS Princeton will bring out the great R looks fcs though the thanksgivYoubotLi Newspaper men gave Weinert Hjo) contest. Each baa crowd for their the decision ing day game between the two Iht Oumimq : would be a bitter contest. .mi COWIYO (ItruUC ... SATIKDAY -- BY DAVIS tl ii Lincoln. ivii -- -- f Wuh per-hap- Starting Lineup ...... .... Hus ...... ftf-inali- ty n. , - F0R0.S.C.EHME Urig-hamit- iliion i unimpres-TbejvexMbilio- I.. -- Ver, f ls ' ,vr-sau- ce a ! " 'r on -- anh - at I Grid Sections Center on Favorites Matinee Saturday As Season Starts on its Last Lap wmmi THE CITY THAT NEVER DFAMT SLEEPS tud HAZEL KENNEDY lid, - n RICHARD DIX IS HOT MILWAUKEE. Nov IJ Mickey Walker sill not box Joey OHara In Milwaukee, st least, not lb the imINBAD THE SAIIOR ,nmediate future. e , . The Wfscnnsln boxing commission, Comedy at Its meeting yesterday afternoon, Serna paper M.ak.y U eekly Xrwa Fa again turned down Matchmaker Frank Mulkem'e In bebsir of Ottara as a fit pie opponent of the welterweight champion. Mulkern based his armment noon the showing made bv O Hara against th Englishman. Ted Moore over whom the Iowan waa credited with a shade victory last week. The commission announced It did not feel that thia justtf ed a rhanre - Ms previou attitude.jnlien the SOW rt.ATIVG match Was turned down. OF SERVICE j courtesy, promptness, effl- dency and fair dealing. Learn about the other lour of , the 5 DISTINCT ADVANTAGES 1 ! . The Bridge Musical, Comedy C Kg Cinema I COMEDY Pith Km ft aval Cm! till. ItlS, Nm( 4. MS, TM, WILLIAM FARXUM . END OF THE TRAIL RH Rltilri Mry With His Sff far UP IN THE AIR l3 k MTIltDIT FOLA NEGRI -- )' M V. t CmObi fawning 1 c FORBIDDEN PARADISE ALL THIS A CUp s Ac Us lw Cswifitfs RAtVM A ORTH. OF THK fl YOAT HottenoL1 N EM A m:K Ralph Cloninger C -- A K. A- .'i Kl JC ; J j T tJV 1 K. a it.' y SE. r 4-- ? r JL ! Mfi. , 1 prvxeat fw ft wrk ? PETROVA rms PlTFtt THREE LIVE ' Hurricane ?. flM. U, GHOSTS A Trlwwigh la Laadaa aad Ft New 1 erk AratTHR f, , I 23 wttloal TRIIMPH OF X. A tyaddMU-amtoMW- a M v kAe. U I2JW. Wet MtIL 'I ; 21 th tv .Y N to II Wijkes Theatre A COUIXG I miDAi Tl no AY iUW. ? FRIDIY M ITftftilg-AiTlkD- A The THI IISDAY sw, (. IQ1FHRKR 20, ElIMt Dftlrf LAUREL NEMETH la fMFfft, ftH, Pits TELEPHONE XGIRL I &oy$-- '.wiTfmN 6Af0) U. ?KT 9LE I V PJ?' Sr.XT 4TTHUTI01 PACnIITACES XSET!L Ullk AMpbv I2M, ItflA tjfiei $& gnc. yiwi, 9 2 ML Xftiwe, Mf,, 9UW Pie- - tax pmrr-xigk- BANDELERO THE FAST Seif Thif jAnZS a Pac ' COMPSON -- tovi Ihe MANILLA BROS. BETTY p. smi ijf , I TOW PLATIYO TI UALtSSfirKTICt ' rOF A Coet EMPRESS 9hmmm 1 ' Ti BOSTONIANS '. you receive when you buy j your FORD OR LINCOLN from -- MANHATTAN' NOW- - um WHEELER AND POTTER GEORGE AND RAY PERRY HIGH STANDARD - LIKELY r ti Koti MARTIN MORTENSEN ' Li O. NAYLOR STO&PE 4 ftttf, fUA, I4M. Plan tax. v ORUKRV NOW. I |