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Show V Millard County Chronicle. Thursday, October 5, 1967 Pacje - - Society IVetot eu 7i oman $ eivs ih:m:iu:t ARPRILLA SCOW J TIBIUll WAEtll AltKA XKWS BEA WILLDEN Sorry I missed writing last week liut I was out of town from Sunday until Tuesday. Mrs. Keith lioss "nd Mrs. Al Will d n made a trip to Salt Lake for I 'r-.. Ross to l:eep a doctor's appoint i.i. -nt. We visited with Mr. and Mrs. es Dul son and girls, also, with 7 'r. and Mrs. Vaughn Allen and fam ily. Tuesday, Mrs. Wes Dutson and two girls, Dorothy and Cammy Kaye, came to spend a few days -it It t lie Rosses. W".s came after them find they returned to Sait Lake Sunday. ! Mrs. Al Willdon 'nd Mrs. Neil Forster made a trip to Spanish Fork to visit the Carters and get fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Waymond Marshall and fimily of Tooele visited Mrs. Zola I.ambright last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vest and child ren visited Mrs. Haltie Harris also ft tended the wedding of Mrs. Sharon Shar-on Ivie now Mrs. Raymond Safford. Mrs. Eva Wilkins made n trip to Salt Lake to visit her children also to see her son, Jerry, who now resides re-sides in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilkins are moving to Phoenix this week from Salt Lake. Mr. Daryl Ross came up from Cedar City over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dee Bennett visited in Delta with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett. Carl and Kathy make - their home in Las Vegas. Mr. and Mrs. Reo Barney of Ran-chester, Ran-chester, Wyo., are announcing the birth of a baby girl Sept. 25th. She has two older brothers and a sister to welcome her. This is the 13th grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Turner. Mr. Orvil Turner is home from the LDS Hospital where he had eye surgery earlier and his wife reports he is recovering fine. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carter, Stacy and Shannon flew to Delta from Spanish Fork early Sunday morning and visited a little while. They made the visit short on account of wind and stormy conditions. Neil ac companied Paui back in the plane. Bonnie, Clareen and girls drove un. The bolsters spent the night m Spanish Fork and returned Sunday.1 Mrs. Darrell Taylor, Russell and Michelle visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hare andl Irene's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hnre andj family spent Sunday In Fillmore with Mrs. Freda Demmick and other family members. Word was received on the condition condi-tion of Mr. Dean Sampson who was involved in a car accident in Las Vegas, Friday. He was seriously hurt But word Sunday, from his brother, Doyle stated that he was slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Christensen made a trip to Salt Lake where Mr. Christensen attended a watch makers ma-kers seminar. Mrs. Gladyse Taylor and Mr. Don aid Peterson attended a funeral In Scipio for an uncle, Mr. Bill Ivie. Mrs. Gwen Ivie spent the week end in Delta. She is employed in Yermo, Calif. Mrs. Francis Whicker returned home to Delta after a stay in the LDS Hospital . We all wish her a speedy recovery. Arrived! DASH-ABOUT Ail-Weather Coats In Thic-n-thin Corduroy Nice 'n Easy fashion to wear anywhere anytime! Superbly finished with luxury buttons, collegiate stitching accents. Snuggly lined to chase the chills. Dramatic new colors for 4 to 6X and 7 to 14 gadabout girls. $8" to $12" MISS SUZANNE LAW Heveals Troth . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Law of Delta announce the engagement of their daughter, Suzanne, to Mr. Glenn G. Bailey. Mr. Bailey is the son of Col. and Mrs. G. G. Bailey of Ogden. A fall wedding is being planned. The bride-e'ect is a graduate of Delta High School and has completed three years at Weber State College in Ogden, where she has been active in school activities. ac-tivities. She plans to continue her education in California. Mr. Bailey has attended school in California and at Weber State College. Jolly Stitchers Jolly Stitchers Club was held Sept. 22 at the home of Nell Soren son with Nell and Viola Walker as hostesses. Thirteen members and one guest, Mrs. Helen Warner, spent a friendly afternoon of visit ing in spite of the rainy weather. Next club meeting will be Oct. 13th at the home of Etta Underhill. Lola Dalton will also be hostess. The first Jolly Stitchers' card party of the season will be held at the hall Oct. 14th. Hostesses for this party will be lone Christensen, Vivian Holman, Lucille Kimber, and Josie Walker as honorary hostess. Lydia Theobald of Salt Lake visit ed in Hinckley last week with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Theobald. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talbot and children of Logan were down Sunday Sun-day to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Talbot in Abraham. Just J f 0 I LTD S L3 To Speak Vows Miss Clara Jane Talbot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Talbot of Abraham, Abra-ham, will become the bride of Douglas (Doug) Ward Johnson, Sat urday, Oct. 14, in rites performed at the Delta First Ward Chapel. Doug is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward H. Johnson of Delta. The same evening a reception will honor the justweds at the cult ural hall between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Sugarville VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis and Michael of West Jordan visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and family also helped his dad with threshing. Mrs. Colene (Shurtz) Jergens of Calif, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz on her way home from Relief Society conferen ce. Colene is in the Stake Relief Society. Glad to see her again. Elva Stone visited an aunt, Mrs. Rodney Stott of Meadow on Friday. Shirley Wright, Kay Albertson and Elva Stone made a trip to Provo Saturday for her some new glasses. They spent the day there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen made a trip to Salt Lake during the week for a medical appointment. Grace stayed a few days in Orem with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy. 7.S00 Read It In The CHRONICLE Hinckley ELAINE HARDY j Principal Gale Farnsworth and lunch room worker Beryl Hardy tit tended a USKA School Convention j in Cedar Wednesday of last week. Monday of last week Mrs. M.tr-1 lene Bliss ami Mrs. Roma Kkins went to Provo. Attending Relief Society Conference Confer-ence in Salt Lake this week were Mrs. Ernia Cropper, Mrs. Ruth Tal bot and Mrs. LaVerne Theobald. Lonnie and Joe Morris drove to Ogden on the weekend where they visited with relatives. ! We extend sympathy to Mrs. Norma Blake and the family at the passing of her mother, Mrs. Rose Dewsnup of Deseret. Mrs. Clara Stewart has been instated in-stated as the new president of the Hinckley Ward Choir to replace Mrs. Arvilla Swensen. Patrice Bishop Bish-op will serve as the new secretary of the choir. Linda Jo Diehl h.is had this position. Mrs. Marge Judd, Fred and Margie Mar-gie Works returned home Wednes! day evening from a trip to Mexic where they visited relatives. j Mike Talbot drove up from Las Vegas last Tuesday. I Grant Cahoon of Wooster, Ohio is visiting his mother, Mrs. Angie Cahoon for a couple of days. Mrs. Aiice Bliss has had her grand daughter, Debbie Bliss, daughter of Roger and Dariene Bliss staying with her for a few days while her parents went elk hunting. Mrs. Alta J. Barney of Heber City Dr. O. Pat Barney of Laie, Hawaii, visited at the Glen Taylors Wednes day. Dr. .Barney is head of the stu dent counseling at the Church Coll ege in Laie. Friday, Don and Liz Stewart and baby, Patrick, of Hawthorne, Calif., arrived to visit Don's mother, Mrs. Clara Stewart.. Don flew on to Okla homa Sunday morning where he will take six weeks more schooling. Liz is staying with her folks In Bountiful, while he is away. Mrs. Clara Stewart had her nephew, ne-phew, Edith and Bill Walker of Henderson, ,Nev. visit with her Mon day morning. Bill is the Bishop of his ward at Henderson. Edith is a relative of the Westerns. Mrs. Dorothy Damron was hostess to the Rook Club last Wednesday at her home. Supper and cards were enjoyed by members, new member, Reva Taibot and guests: NaRae Petersen, Esther Petersen, Beulah Bassett. Prizes: high, Alta Warnick; second, Belva Morris; low Oleta Swensen; guest, NaRae Petersen grand slam, VI Robison and Reva Talbot. Carl Hardy is the new secretary of the YMMIA. He is replacing Lynn Talbot. Beth Hepworth of Tooele spent the weekend visiting her mother and other relatives. Mrs. Gen Chapman, .sister of R. and Randle Swensen, Vera Bishop and Edith Dennison, has moved from Sterling, Sanpete County, to our town to make her home. We welcome her here and hope she en joys living in Hinckley. She is living liv-ing in the T. George Theobald home next to R. and Arvilla Swen sen's home. The family have fixed up the home for her. Harold Hep worth and R. went to Sterling this week to move her over here. pflpi illi BecauM Bishop and Mrs. Leonnrd Palmer and family went to Sa.t Lake over the weekend and attended conferen ee sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 'I'll :yer of Murray visited with Colleen and Floyd Dutson and family Sunday. Hinckley residents were saddened to hear of the sudden death of liiorce Abbott, a fo.mer resident of Hinckley and son of Nettle and Leon Abbott. Sincere sympathy is sent to his family. Attending the funeral from Hinckley were Mr. and Mrs. Ren Taylor, Fay and Ethei Theobald and Mis. Arvilla Workman. Mrs. Vera Stevens and two child j ren, Chris and Jody, visited in Mini ckley with the Jim Chi istonsens, Clyde Stevens and Doug Spencers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christensen, Mrs. Fannie Lee Hilton and Mr. and Mrs. George Kkins attended the wedding reception for Glen Ross Hilton, son of the Ross Hiltons and bride in Provo Monday evening. Lillian and Allan Keller left Kst week to go to St. George to live for the winter. They have spent the summer in Hinckley. The Clark Draper family of Price visited Sunday with their daughter and family, Valyn and Carl Dutson and children. Raymond and Maxine Finlinson of Covina, Calif., spent the week end at Alice Bliss's. They also visit ed their children, Wyatt and Dawn, who are going to school at BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Spendlove visited with friends and relatives in the area. We are glad Evelyn and Wesley Morris weren't injured when their car hit a cow last week. The Hinckley Relief Society Presi dency have contacted or visited each family in the ward during the past month. John and Suzanne Ashurst of Lo gan visited with the Lee Judds. They also visited with John's par ents in Fllmore. The Jeddie Judds were over from Fillmore and they enjoyed a family supper. We extend sympathy to the family fam-ily of Fenon Gardner, who was kill ed Monday morning in a truck-train truck-train accident. The Book of Mormon Class has been resumed in MIA with Rodney Wright as the teacher. Everyone in the adult class age in the ward in encouraged to attend this each Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Workman attended at-tended a wedding reception last Fri day evening in West Jordan for Arvilla's nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thatcher. Vera and Heber Bishop had their son, Joy Bishop of Fontana, Calif, here to visit with them. Jay, who is a bishop's 1st counselor in his ward, was on his way to conference in Salt Lake.With him were Bishop Anderson, BBishop Wright and Pres. Higbee also of Calif. They were all guests at the Bishop home Thurs day night. J. Marlowe Nielson of Salt Lake came Saturday to see Evelyn and Wesley Morris and family. The three of them and Jim and Larry Morris went out west where they visited an old mine that still had mining equipment from around forty for-ty yeas back laying around out there. Happiness is an it's electric, it's better. 1 !!L-wwir l J : p vc, MISS NANCY TWITCHELL Etttjaejvil . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Twitchell of Enterprise, Utah, announce the ongagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Nancy to Mr. Norman Lee Grygla. Mr. Gryg a is the son of Mrs. Clara Johnson, former resident of Leamington Leam-ington now residing in St. George. The couple will bo wed Nov. 11.1967, in the St. George LDS Temple. A reception will honor the couple later that same evening even-ing at the Enterprise Ward Cultural Cult-ural Hall. The bride-elect has .attended Dixie College. Mr. Grycla is a graduate of Delta High School, went on a mission mis-sion to the Gulf States and has attended College of Southern Utah and Dixie Auto Body School. Ennagvment Told Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Corbett announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Mr. Harold Kdell Spencer. Mr. Spencer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spencer of Ely, Nevada and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb of Hinckley. A spring wedding Is being planned. plan-ned. Mrs. Evelyn Morris reports that her sister, Lottie, is back In the hospital in Salt Lake. She has been in a nursing home for the past few months. Also Lottie's husband, Clar enee has just had his eye operated on to remove cateracts. He had one eye operated on rome time ago. Ted and Edith Dennison went to Salt Lake and Provo for a few days this week Edith had a doctor's ap pointment. Mrs. Parry Tippettshas returned home from Calif, this week after accompanying her husband there, where he is teaching school. Monday, PTA was held at the Ele mentary School. Mrs. Dorothy Dam ron was installed as secretary of the PTA organization replacing Mrs. Sharon Western who resigned. Sharon was presented a gift as a token of apreciation for her past service. Open house was held for the parents in this "Back To School Night." New room mothers for the year were announced: Morning Kindergarten, Mrs. Venice Bishop and Mrs. Ruth Jackson; Afternoon Kindergarten, Mrs. Irene Stanworth Mrs. Kathy Cropper; First Grade, Mrs. Jerri Taylor, Mrs. Dot Spencer; Mrs. Tolbert's Room, Mrs. Colleen Dutson, Mrs. Natalie Bennett; Mrs Hardy's Room, Mrs. Thora Petersen, Mrs. Cherie Morris; Mr. Farns worth's Room, Mrs. Carolyn Stevens and Mrs. Verna Taylor. Electric Dryer Hs the-, babies' fewoote too! Baby, consider this: of all the automatic dryers in the area we serve, 5 of 6 are electric. That means that about 5 times as many babies are kept drier and happier electrically! Costs Less. An electric clothes dryer babies your clothes better for less. In fact, you can save enough on the purchase price of a flameless dryer to dry up to 1,000 loads free. It costs less to own the best Buy now from your electric dealer. UTAH POWER & Mr. Louis Schoenherger left Wed nesday for Ohio where he will spend the next few weeks visiting with friends and relatives. Our town was really saddened Tuesday morning, Sept 20, with the sudden passing oway of Rose C. Dewsnup. We extend our sympathy lo her family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt Cropper were in Provo Monday on business. Lt. and Mrs. Russell B.ack and (laughter of. Florida are on a two week furlough to visit with Russel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deo J. Black. Mr. mid Mrs. Max Jensen of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Max's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Axel Jensen. Bishop Dean L. Black attended General Conference in Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conk and daughter, Amy, of Kenrns were down over the weekend. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Poppas of Riverton visited Friday nt the home of Tel. a Fisher. Jim Mace who is attending Weber State College al O'.jden was home with his parents, JVIr. and Mrs. Doyle Mace Saturday and Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant Humphries and family of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Clove Rowley. Mrs. Martha Mace and son, Joe, were In Provo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Roper and children of Kaysville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Damron. Mrs. Myrlo Bennett is spending a couple of weeks at Magna at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Lee Justen sen. Jay Warnick of CSU at Cedar was home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Warnick for the weekend. Mr. Harold Western and George Kelly of Phoenix spent Sunday even ing with Harold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western. Harold and Mr. Kelly had been to conference in Salt Lake and were on their way home. Program In Sacrament meeting Sunday evening was put on by High Councilman Reed Tippetts. Some of the relatives from out of town who attended funeral services Friday for Mrs. Rose Dewsnup were: Mr. and Mrs. Max Stanworth of Salt Lake; Miss Loa Rose Hansen, Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Smith, Tooele; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tor rens, Jr., Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crafts, Las Vegas; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conk, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gonder, Garrison; Mrs. Eva Kerr, Ely, Nev.; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chynoweth, Orem; Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Theobald, Tooele; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace, Flowell; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Badger, Bad-ger, Manti; Mr.and Mrs. Earl Brad-field, Brad-field, Scipio; Mrs. Florell Quarn-berg, Quarn-berg, Scipio; Mrs. Dora Bradfield, Scipio; Mrs. RoElla Talbot, Kearns; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Ely; Mrs. Helen Peterson, Ely; Mr. and Mrs. Max Bradlsey, Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dutson visited Sunday at Flowell with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace. The Deseret Rook Club held their first meeting of the winter season Monday evening at the home of Lucile Sampson. A lovely luncheon was served after which One High Rook was played. Members present were: MarGenne Rowley, Delores Ogden, Lucile Hales, Bessie Webb, Arprilla Scow, Carole Warnick, Jackie Jac-kie Black, Elaine Moody and the hostess Lucile Sampson. SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS V LIGHT CO. |