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Show SUTHERLAND DORA ROSE Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker spent the latter part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vaun Paxman (Vera) at Nephi, then they went to Ogden where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. DaWayne Kimbor (Beth) and family. Last week they went to Cedar to visit Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beagley (LuWanna) and children. chil-dren. The aiso visited with Mr. Ed Bunker and Mrs. Lida Taylor also of Cedar and brother and sister of Mr. Bunker. The Bunkers then went to Las Vegas to visit with another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Par ker (Betty) and family. SP4 Roger Ogden son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Ogden was home on a five day pass for the LDS Conference last week and to visit his folks. Al so to visit with the Ogdens were other children, Mrs. Gay Suchey and baby, Nicole of Salt Lake, Mrs Ivone Miller and three children of Beaver, Mrs. Cherrie Mecham and Sherrie Lynn of Orem. Roger will be leaving Monday to return to Fort Irwin, Calif., where he is lo cated. A group of teachers went to Ce dar last Wednesday for a Teacher's Meeting, among those who went were Mrs. Delia Johnson, Mr. Kenneth Ken-neth Porter, Mr. Ben Robison and others. Mrs. Delia Johnson went to Salt Lake Friday to attend conference for the Spiritual Living Class that she teaches in the Stake. The Roiiof Society held their Opening Social Wednesday night. The program was very good and a very lueious luncheon was served to the members of the Relief Society Soc-iety and visitors. Each teacher gave a brief report of the coming year's lesson work. Mrs. Zefda Ogden was put in charge of the Social Relations Rela-tions class that Mrs. Maurine Ander son has been teaching and Mrs. Anderson now has the Cultural Re finement class. Mrs. Shirley DeLapp has the Spiritual Living, Mrs. Ruth Jones, the Visiting Teacher's Mess age and Dora Rose the Home Mak ing. Mr. and Mis. Ephriam Twitehell of Orem were here Sunday to visit with their sisters, Mr. and Mrs. He ber Rose of Sutherland and Mrs. Frances Bohn of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Penrod of Orem were here also earlier in the week to visit with the Roses and Mrs. Bohn. Mrs. Penrod is also a sister to them. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rose and Debbie and Bishop and Mrs. Melvin Hepworth of Cedar were here over the weekend to visit with their folks and to see the new baby of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilde which came on Tuesday. Mr. David Wilde has been here for the past few days to be with his wife and baby. He left for home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Chrlstensen (Annette) were visitors of (heir folks Sunday. Annette Is teaching school at Spunish Fork and Kay is still al the Y. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thomas (Laura) (Lau-ra) are living in Salt Lake. Mike Is attending the U and Laura ex pects to take some classes also. She is working now at Sears. Mike is majoring in Pharmacy. Congratulations to David E. and Daniel M. Johnson, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson, lee Tip petts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tip petts, whose birthdays were on Monday of last week, to Mrs. Mer lene Turner, whose birthday was on the liUth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson arej the proud parents of a baby girl, born in the West Millard Hospital Sept 23. The new baby has three older sisters. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Overson. Mrs. Nola Grenthouse attended conference in Salt Lake. She Is a stake worker in the Relief Society and went to meetings pertaining to that auxiliary organization as well as the general conference. SECOND WARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS EDDYS BARBEN Bert and Nell Sorenson attended BYU who went to the area to study funeral services iii Spanish Fork the language of some of the natives .Our cabinet model. Our new W portable. ID CROW whiskey I rTr 1 i ii ! . w 1 Old Crow America's i lost Popular Bourbon HklUCKr STMlCHT BOURBON WlSKt 86 PMf OlSIIUtO AND BOTTLED B IHt (MODS 01 0 CROW OlSIILlSH CO . FRANKFORT. KT.'" who have no written language From this study and tape recordings record-ings they will now make an alphabet alpha-bet and a written language. Three Guatemalans, two men and one woman, returned home to Provo with this group from BYU to help in this project. The young woman for Wednesday aftern :on for George Abbott. The college students of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Soreion were home for the weekend with their parents, Suzanne of CSU, and DeRay of Weber at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robison talk ed with their son, Paul on the tele phone Friday morning at 2:15 a.m. from Hong Kong where Paul is on his R. and R. He will arrive In the United States about the 16 or 17 for a 20 dav leave to visit his par ents in Delta. He will then receive his further ordeis. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adams and Mrs. Concha Adams attended the wedding of Verdella's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reams Wednesday Wednes-day and Thursday in Salt Lake. The marriage was performed in the Salt Lake Temple Thursday. The Adams visited in Provo on their way home with their- daughter Carol who is attending BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Senior (Ver della's sister) of Salt Lake visited j Tuesday at the Adams home. Paul Senior is on his way to VietNam for the next two years. Mr. Bill Miller spent Monday with the Edwin Millers. TVFioc TVFfi fCTQ rnt T4finoon nnT TWTr John Robertson (husband of Ruth I Tlle Society had its open Ann Lyman Robertson) returned alnS social Tuesday. A lovely pro- week ago from Guatemala. They were members of a group from the Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wllkins went to Richfield over the weekend. Roy Best, who has been home on furlough the past month, left last week for Denver, Colo., where he is stationed in the army. Ellen Best of Provo spent several days home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Best. Paula Simpson Hamms of Salt Itke spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eatough and girls spent the weekend In Salt Lake visiting relatives and on busi ness Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nlelson and children of Salt Lake visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson over the weekend. Mrs. Betty Nielson left Saturday for Orlville, California, to visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman of Ventura, Calif., visited with Bishop and Mrs. Ben Stephenson on their way to and from conference in Salt Lake. Bishop and Mrs. Stephenson and son, Steve, also attended con f erence. Mr. and Mrs. Jav Simpson of Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October S, 1967 ABRAHAM Mrs. AFTON FULLMER Already everyone's main subject is the deer hunt, half the fun seems to be in the anticipation and planning. came to Delta with Margaret an overnight visit. .Both, Miss Margaret Hansen and Mr. John Robertson will be work ing toward a masters degree in Linguistics, as this project will be carried on at the BYU this year. TlT ..-.! TVTwo r..n T.r tTrxy,ra MLler) and two daughters; Kristal . MT&y w,th ,the" son' E"g"e Ann and Lisa, of Las Vegas were weekend visitors with Joyce's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. The neighborhood and commun-( ity were saddened to hear of the ( auiomoDue acciaem in has vegas in which Dean Sampson was very seriously injured. Dean is the son of Mrs. Rosa Sampson. We all wish for him a speedy recovery. Provo visited at the Bill Simpson home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs...Louis Overson went to Provo Friday, there they picked up their son, Keith, and went to Salt Lake and attended the mission ary reunion and also visited in I Laurence, Jay, Don and Thayne Bradfield went elk hunting but didn't have any luck. Better luck next time. Ourselves, we have a sort of fam ily reunion in the hills. So far we've had very little frost but a lot of threatening cloudy weather. Gladyse Tolbert has been in Salt Lake for a week with her daughter, Dorothy McFarland and a new grandson. Sherman went and got her Sunday. Jtle said he was getting hungry and needed his cook back. A letter we had from the Ladd Fullmer family said the Mts. in Crested Butte, Colo., had snow on them and they had their first snow fall. They are near .the Continental Divide. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Tolbert and baby, Julie, of Ely, Nev., were here over the weekend with the Fred Turners and Sherman Tolberts. Mrs. Emily Young has spent a week or so with her sons, Junior and Joe, and their families. Joe lives in Bountiful and Junior in Granger, I believe. Karl and Eleanor Murray have had a nice camping trip this week first to" Maple Grove, then down The Relief Society held their Opening Social Tuesday night. Stake Visitor, Donna Sagers visited our ward. Mrs. Lucille Nielson spent several days in Salt Lake visiting friends and relatives. to Panguitch Lake and then down to Fish Lake. Eleanor is a nature lover and she said she could hardly fish for looking iit the marvelous scenery. Autumn leaves are at their best right now. The Murrays enjoy ed a nice visit vvfth our old neighbors, neigh-bors, the Orville Deems of Harris-villo, Harris-villo, Utah, a week ago. Delia has a good job in Ogden and Orville's health is some better, for which we are glad. Sorry we missed see-, ing them. ; Dave and Mike Poulsen visited with the Arch Poulsens Saturday and also with Don Poulsen. We had to be content with a visit on the phono. The Olen Sheriff family of Center ville had dinner with us Sunday (chicken dinner). They have four youngsters, Russel, who leaves for an LDS mission to Australia Oct. 30; Leffie, Merril and Jerene. It thrills John to have Rusty go where he filled a mission 51 years ago. It took John 5 or 6 weeks on the boat and Rusty, by plane, will be 13 hours. How things change. Lloyd Tolbert is doing fine after coming home from the hospital. Li' tie Myron Fullmer got quite a bad cut on the head Sunday night while playing. Our good Dr. Lyman had to put three stitches in to close it. Give your college student a subscription sub-scription to the Millard Co. Chronicle. Chron-icle. Order today. - OASIS RUBY SKEEM and refresh- II UK LETS GO SIERN SADDLERY RANCH WIAI WESTERN IOOTS Vi.it evr frltadlr tor. Widtst MlKtloa al .lltyp.lofW.it.nl clothing end td-dl.ry. td-dl.ry. Low.it prlc.t. Sond For Yew Niw FREE WttMm Catalegl M-p.g. fully Ulin-tr.Ud Ulin-tr.Ud c.t.loo wftk nuny ltyl h full n.turtl color! Writ Dopt. 1" t L 2nd So., Salt Lain CHrViMi Wvi WEAR 22Z2Z2Z2Z22ZZZZ gram w?s prepared merits wre served. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Kelly spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Webb of Span ish Fork were here for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Skeem. Mr .and Mrs. Rex Babbitt of Roy visited at the Edwin Skeem home. . Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gillen are mov ing home fiom Ventura, Calif. They wiii make their home in Delta where Margaret will work as an RN at the West Millard Hospital. Brendi Skeem and Cordell Cropper Crop-per were home for the weekend from BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Young of Ely, Nev., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fon R. Hawley Thursday. They left Friday for Salt L?.ke to attend LDS Conference. SHOP AT HOME SHOP THE ADVERTISERS WITH (suriinigly.pewS linn -off 'ypoir Spirfts for S. Computer-tuned suspension systems. Improved shock absorbers. New double-cushioned rubber ! body mounts. They all team up to bring you the , smoothest, most silent Chevrolet ride ever. A fresh new idea in ventilation comes standard on every 1 968 Camaro and Corvette. It's Astro Ventilation, a system that lets air in, but keeps noise and wind out. You'll appreciate all the proved safety features on the '68 Chevrolets, including the GM-developed energy-absorbing steering column and many new ones. More style. More performance. More all-around value. One look tells you these are for the man who loves driving. One demonstration drive shows why! 1 Camaro SS Sport Coupo l " g, ,,1.. i Chevelle SS 396 Sport Coupe Dc smart! Be sure ! Buy now at your Chevrolet dealer's. GM r- Ttf in illicit PACE MOTOR COMPANY 324 WEST MAIN DELTA, UTAH KSHD MEWS gesEDtMlsini 1 , ONLY 611 9 95 ( 9'x12' . BEDROOM . Completely Installed Wall-to-Wall .with Mohawk's "Cloud-Step" Cushion AV fcll' - ' MOHAWK'S "Galawood" Carpet of ACRILAN j2HK Monsanto This carpet is random sheared for the impact of pattern, yet forms a subtle foil for your furnishings. It is made with Acrilanacrylic and modacrylic hber pile that has the wear-and-soil resist ance every active family needs. Choose from a rainbow of 12 decorator decora-tor colors. V6 . ..'..-W.-, 1' -t.'S 1,1 II 1 1 1 If II i. t "2" y ' - VI 1 Wv 1 USE YOUR CREDIT. . . SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . . WITH 3 YEARS TO PAY October is Carpet Your Bedroom Month at t OC ITA S N |