Show N I 1 1 1 af pf t I 1 4 I 1 f I 1 PROVO IS STIRRED UP TIIE THE BASIS TOE ron IT SLENDER I by b the te board of education 0 on X mrs S maltin s against miss daisy moore a teacher I 1 provo aup all 25 6 th taft second meeting of board of 0 INU cation for tho the purpose th the conduct or miss or r int inn leall ng booro tho lite teacher in tho the parker pal dail tho the report was was held tonight adrift that tt it would lit 10 thrown open to the tha public but this proved untrue MID kib vona vaa first asked it if tho she was wa illing that tho ati gatlon bo be carried on OB ws and recalled emphatically in tile 1 attorney Attorn oy it IL itt warnor ap kroml d for lars martin Mirl ln noho Invest ign ted va tte the petition pt lilon asking tho the removal ot of ma B asfoor foor unes Ur alfil filla h proved her ler innocence of r ill tho a charge preformed pre forred red it in mrs mra I 1 4 s it t V r Z i r lal i tg rg 11 I 1 i I 1 aa s I 1 f W il M 1 I 1 di I 1 IV awl V I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 0 14 miss misa daisy moore sensational sull suit against her liar husband hus bind and I 1 in nelch ell jan 1 l booro was wan named as tho w di ilan moore stated that thai I 1 her or attorney rm S K R thurman deemed it unnecessary tb that t lie ho should bo be pro present pr cant sent and rono renewed cd her demand of last monday might that tho the reporters term be b front from the iho room and tile tho moaning be ecret tho the board screed agreed mith hw her A long drawn argument ansue 1 I as to whether or not the ih three at 0 whom awo oris prem tint would he h allowed to remain lit in ilia win in tile tho the Is paid to have yen been very telling fr love ml scenes w wr roa m averted by bv the iho jim alon ft of fla m b hoard va ar tf miss 11 ll rean nal nfl im refogio Refo foial io it iltz ad I 1 not I 1 0 t alic 6 any A ot of hor her evidence ovid enco four eliut C 10 go I 1 q C uroil 0 A wit A olor opt for or the iho of r T a tile ildo li 11 conn lent ot of d dl TO fir probing r in at tho la a ch charka arse on art monday Stoil day night to solicit time ill iho 0 jove Ug aLln aas cc con dalbed the lira Z person put uron abot stand to voa as mra it SI S ulrica lines m ho on ahr nigh t to moore an and e mr martin arian the tha banker together ot at altaic in joly mrs I 1 lined flues retracted her I 1 I 1 k I 1 J I 1 1 I I 1 11 F afi altae k I 1 V 1 I 1 1 I 1 az A 1 k I 1 A A 1 tz 14 amyy A I 1 I 1 Z I 1 i 4 tw i fl of JA 1 banker 31 S martin Ittem wt to 14 tho the extent of saying A he she aos 03 in n the foe lady ell ho H 1 with that sho she could not sao it H wun miss moore moor mrs alra then told her story brine being ap interrupted hy by the other mian sho to t hr her toll paly for or th ih reolo 1 ihnat mra ira martin men tlona no diff la sh sho tagan with mi an outline if thir merrl 1 afe ufe told haw MISS mini ii and a tue site had allt ho ha oat lilinda uni ill tho the two hud bad some angry fiorda fiords ord over a femc a of cards 4 ut at mrs mra Mart liia i giuy harachis Haral his elm or a 9 vulf 0 ond u m lit following miss 11 w r ente reil tho the martin homa in april 1 r the c niqi floor lit at a uon on berv WT omoo smoothed thed over and the ule tw exchanged calls IM IL I aln L or at A a I 1 her ier hubband once had some b harah baill words over a buggy alldis i he an and d the le teacher acher had taken to IN I 1 I 1 1 f 1 a N f ill I 1 N f r 1 N I 1 l I 1 h T 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ta 4 I 1 1 W 11 4 I 1 73 I 1 r I 1 A 4 0 I 1 I 1 t 0 1 1 11 1 1 I tea 64 1 ax I I 1 I 1 ih I 1 I 1 1 I 1 J I 1 1 1 i V 01 J mrs edith r F martin laiber no ko I 1 disruption resulted P M boru bharti mrs marlin fitall wint ira I 1 for four n kit her he mother wrote it al 1 1 was waa payline marked marli cl atten altair to 11 llala til all a r boy had leon been seen hv by 2 miili 4 TIK t out driving and walking arrn M inn bobio soon anti ami her blind T adjusted matta m JM an boot they ill a sh ettin a m howo hou vrr of 0 thie out woo tins nights quito fre yanni ant aal 11 I 1 n sniffled to nl hl in mure I recai n she ho ted tilled nho he R h at lr r hub blud g eit into the from dop eolith I 1 ll 11 0 book ak rl across cro the street she in i ad anil and called to in him bill u n ru I 1 or li if bearl ri for alriq ili 1 aal aol t or ar he h ame out I 1 th lb front beat MIN allin LA io i a r thy walk i liter i m 10 0 th ys Pt bank Ping wager at 1 her fo him C oll alil t in arii ri allne nj bomo bamo 1 h hum hora hl Is a 0 oar r a lh ili h hoi 1 in the th bocke of bt hl h I 1 sho she found candy gum cum and edited peanuts bho went to the lh motile houpo arid anil half an hour later saw fow miss moore no KO in getting up lit midnight mrs mr maxtin martin took look her husband a kea kh a land and u ent to tho the kink bank oho bho found a bright tire lire burning nn an unusual occurrence on sunday band and lonease convinced ml that the tuo were meriting meeting there continuing arfi fro martin mariln ibold told of 0 follow miss moore ono stormy her enter the front door 0 nf r iho bank and li both barb hr her and II 11 sir e marlens voice caring insole mrs mr martin to lo make sure bur that blam mat miss moore was waa not homo home at I 1 this hour juno june alst martin went to tho the tool loille e I 1 A liia I 1 Is bif wife that li lie not be homo home 1111 fly late at ro alma about i aa that evening she pho ont to the lodde rooms but found the ilia alaci in tiar knes tho the ladies met near if tin it fiorio ous tile the atme y imo and soon boon t r e ble arose aro mrs mra martin lartin i claiming to havo h n v ie perin her mis voul king together miss moore moon chalmel that thin waa un truo rate that she ah had just I 1 left e ft her room lit in tho the huo and a around und a vv ew to aln nr ulm nhun halted by mrs mra martin mart in at any rate the iho trouble occurred white while miss 1 ionia was entering c thi barnyard pate gate oth othor ultrix lan bios aipa it stifled to seeing th the evon croninjr aag da delvs ives w and ad walka referred to and mrs lira pemberton pein barton lot bolij of a t file awl had aith misa mass moore in aluch tile tho latter maid hild storman hod hail called upon her a doyn times thy they hud been lct n driving ta together grather twice iati said and at salt lake jakc once title hio mrs martin ion ft as rait east tho the bec bertrina hearl trina nf racial monday night iiii ft I 1 likely be ba on ellsa booros side and hr her innocenci cence she Is conil confident dent hlll bo be fully established CONFESSES ADULTERY ole C will plead guilty the widow lit in the case tribune marymae Mary vae utah AUK aug ad 6 shi I 1 irr IT james jama stocks returned today from grass vally valley walli olo ole C whom lie had ned upon the til charge of adultery oil with mrs Christ larison at koo ken haruna in wit county on october 22 7 I 1 airs la Is a widow who husband hod died nebout a vear anti and a half ago on july isad rid lat mrs mr christain au to hanh I 1 h to a attil horn child S 0 re A A 0 r char charge ul with th its paternity z admits admit 1 ft and n says that he will plead guilty III hl 4 hearing if 14 set for tomorrow afternoon at it 3 before justice of the iho peace dennis of title this precinct SPRING VILLE PIONEER DEAD dra mrs Zi neline crandall bird a settler since 1850 correspondence tribune Spring springville ville AUK aug 26 S mrs aire crandall Cram lall bird eife ate or of richard bird of this city died hero lat it night at S 20 W of at stomach trouble she pho hits haa been sickly for over a bear past but not very seriously FT I 1 I 1 1 I N I 1 ij I 1 1 si I 1 zo I 1 1 if 31 3 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 X P baw inlo 0 I 1 I 1 ae I 1 A t 4 pi I 1 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 V 01 I 1 sire mrs Ein cline crandall bird and tuesday she pho wont went to visit her laughter I 1 ce who mho lives in this city chere she ho was a ken violently III 11 pausing p away at tho the time stated she and hr her habab d ca camo me to rn v hlll file alth tile first company of A ollar in IKO anti has ha a lived hero her ever eve since and has haa reared aured up a largo famil family of hona ij and daughters hh sho 0 w wa aam atm one ol 01 of I 1 ile 8 most highly respected lla lira emelene crandall bird was use born juno june 27 21 at Vi lanola chautauqua county is N Y X making makens her babit 74 duara eara old WAR WAB VETERANS they form themselves into a state organization and adjourn correspondence tribune 3 provo AUK aug 51 the veterans voter tins at 0 the iho mack hawk jedlan war banded t them hem solves together ether today as a state organ orean illation and elected off leers aad commit toes to tho the same name ne as follows comfit ador ln in chlof J W Wc vestvik atwood and of Spring springville ville state thomas A brown also albo of constitution and efy laws lawe 11 L pratt praia cargo harrison Harrl noti Spring springville vIlle george gc 8 alile k lf 0 ork tito find and uio commander co m in an dw fia 1 uc calef h I 1 c f executive committed commIt teo one from each county in which the arr lorB cesido ono one in mexico and aid ono in arizona and nd two lit idaho juab brant young davis T 11 I 1 clark Wa wasatch match william mcdonald salt lake Willi aral li Halcin aleman an Sa rape tr jamon G quinan inan IS summit u amit W it Ul Attall R ula nard co camp m ii T J I 1 almery allme r y V 1 L E johnson Jo linnon I 1 idaho aft 0 1 e A and Sv Ianus C bolh ti V thoele tooele litrento slav may john Ilo reP J 9 black mexico J jo seva bi and arizona joseph joet clift thi toy drew to a CIA claw at janon today a motor interesting pro grammo ri imma listol been carried nut ut consisting of 5 reaches land and MUSIC tho the meet ties liaa be byln 1 1 ono one ot of extraordinary la lateresa terest by tar far the most moat c ce b ration thus sr fair hold held bendoff bend send off for senator allred once tribune spring city chy aug auff Z SS A grand ball was V given en at tho the operia housto lit in honor of e at or JI allred ho he in to leavo soon on a ant alon to the hustonn states singing ind and making was ilia order of oc tile evening aminy P ale from the tb outside were present a and n all AI had it a vry very pleasant Baitt time find and all wished the senator a safe und und pica sant time in hl now field of labor fis w work ork will bo be missed by bv oil 11 lite hla influence lie ho will leave leao he her among our young may lie return safely homo battle A boys close call correspondence aca tribune I 1 lehl iehl I ehl aup aug ac M tills this marn martinic inic lion iten rv the little oar old eon con ot at D IV was driving the iho horse hone that worked the iha fork ol of a hi stack black one at 0 the tha horses tugs broko broke caused tile ilia mn man flotree to lly fly back and pirle the boy on the iho breastbone and forn forier houd ud ala breast bone was fractured and his faco face terribly fut cut ilia wounds have been dressed dresa cd find and it la 12 thought that lie he will wholly recover in tho the cour course not of a coutil of 01 pofi 1 hall who saw aw the ilia accident uit doni say ay int flat li it wun 0 a vry try narrow escape from death dwelling burned at logan correspondence tribune 3 I oan aug auff B A large frame house the property of N lit ot of the he bev anti ward vard uns una by firta at al about 30 this morning the buil dirl wata wa nol net inhabited lit the lh time lime hut hui lit had I 1 just rt pared lots for time imo as aa it b no by ictor crockeit Crock cit ahn origin of the iho allro lui m e to in my Iyo alery tery the damuro ra u n rl to about SO and abe in sura now was ww joseph egberts will protested r reopen 0 en CA tribune Trib uiKi I 1 aur ar wabe abe will ot at tho the I 1 enli A 1 jot clr b 1 kabert hert of ki iville w wai 0 I 1 RI d L u it ed to jo i 0 tato tn in the ih visuri ct court 0 urt toimi to iii anil and robert M rrbert ft a son on of abday bield iho ee as A mij g e to tor 1 I 1 with f t ib bonds d T at s avci 1 tho I 1 widow I dow bed and childer children e A were ill nl 1 loel i d is i cpr f tor or amainte A cc thom thomia it P lips was appointed 1 dlan fid ad lite him joh jofan ana t th a 4 north norah canyon water company mellon to deture costs cimfl odred to be b lit Limit ted on oliff oro to the IndI tIon of judge ro happ the a s n a jthn fh 1 alier or el til 1 vs A e cha 1 t a e ft t 1 al I went it over to friday september 1 2 las MRS MES COT TEnELL DEAD after long her release came widely known correspondence aug AU 2 3 fit 01 ira elizabeth Cotte alfo ito of rellia willam willi tn cotteret Coti Cot ercil of this aeo auca cumbow to A malady that has been beca afflicting Ill eting hor her for nearly A year during time sho she has haa suffered I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 IN XI 1 I 1 ill I 1 1 M act N k 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i i t vh 11 N 1 1 Is 54 in ya i hiis elizabeth cotterell Cot torcH torell bingly at times she has haa borno borne all pa an tic attly and with palm calm unil unflinching inchIng and unc fortitude sho he has faced aced what hot sho he realized tod was waa tho the inevitable end on oil Docen ibor ia eho ehe tin n 0 aaion for the removal of a cancer from ra hor her breast arnast and philoa hll for or it a time it seemed ri that she would recover tho ilia dl dla case cihac hod had I uch such a hold upon lipon her that no poo could nave have nor lite 1 lie dece deceased arted wa born on the th islo ia of man maa april 1 1 lisa lis A A in IM she aih crossed th iho plaine and rid came to utah chero hero in site was waa malrick to 10 fiam cotterell children jiabo been horn honl to fact ten of oc aborn itom sire hilll living the de dc t ban lan wen one of Farming tons most and women alua alia 4 ruady mady to lo do it kindly net act anil and to ansho t in a w worthy orthy cause sho han ham too bo beorn onn known lit in mani iowne by remon of having been connected mith a local awl oil P theatrical company 1 birou bout DIN county lier her loss III bf hernly ili ft falt I 1 find and all classes cli there u vill lo 10 lift 1 so sorrow r row 1 ahu hear her 0 death becomes ln oTin ra 1 tio ile flat or a I 1 a rio tees over or ill the 6 retrain a will 11 bo be b hold id ln in the farmington I meeting house on sunday junjoy at av 11 an SPRING springville VILLE MAN MAM ROBBED heald hald up by lil asked men near provo prove lake TRIBUNE SPI SPECIAL CIA L I 1 Spring springville ville aus aug 25 29 aleco a young man m in of this caliyo way wat i held up by three unknown men near licar tho the provo brovo lake resort about 4 this ima morning anti and was wa relieved of four silver dollars and some smail change lie ilu was in 0 buggy on in his may homo home and when in ili a narrow line lane near nar the th report he met three mon jai in a buggy usey of tho the men jumped out of f tho the buggy one ona grabbed houtch horse by b tn the bit while tile tho other shoved it IL pistol moral in a st hobita ian va face ace and ordered him film to lo throw up top his hs hands lit at first he MO ici not net inan ed to do but h he was wan ordered d it 11 see ond and time in is a fored of f voice shiell did not admit of any alternative thor then bont nt through hla his pockets und let left I 1 tho the affair did not nol loccone public alic until this evening and at abis vialta there here P it no duo clue as ad to who the robbers wore will build a roller mill the sevier milling company at 0 salina utah la Is preparing to build a roller hour flour mul mill mrs tin d gets divorce I 1 tribune provo aug aliff 26 sabina A candland was wa granted a ot at divorce from albert it candland before judo judge defendant do botoff in default lenty dollars monthly allwang Is 13 allonen allow cd U ho parties realdo fit at lehi iehl I ehl 1 airs ire can candland udland Ca illand atties to pio fioldo ildia butali county savings bank vs J F noes noca curtained judgment hy by default for or 7 attorn attorneys eya fees and costs fork vs N rockhill Rock hlll motion to dismiss not for hearing september |