Show BALDWIN STEPS DOWN resigns presidency of board of education RETIRES FROM BOARD ALSO ile he states that ne he is ia unable to devote the time required to tho the position speculation as to iris his successor who will be chosen by the board conflict over the selection of 0 teacher iowa man defeats ft a provo prove applicant supt bupt millspaugh asked for opinion president charles baldal in of nl the doard board ot of education sprung a surprise at a special meeting of 0 the board last night flight toward the close of 0 the session when a mass ot of accumulated led bubines led had been transacted president dagnin called mr colton to the chair lie ho walked down to a point near clerk moretons Mor More tons desk and be ackin gan talking in the zone of volee voice that ahat ind indicates testes a 11 regretful message 1 I had hoped mr air daldo baldwin an paid to serve out my term its as a s a member and as aa president of this board but I 1 have come to the conclusion that I 1 wilt will have to ask you to accept my tonight from both places I 1 teel feel that ahat I 1 cannot give any more time to the public schools I 1 teel feel that our cut paid tlona ore are the most important and the poorest paid in the state and I 1 am too poor to give up any more of my time this to Is my fifth year in the board and I 1 think I 1 could have given the work every moment of my time and not have overdone it I 1 am not complaining pla ining about the salary because I 1 have 81 always advocated the election of mem members bets to serve Avit without hout compensation I 1 in alow of 0 t the sacrifice of personal interest lameres t required by continued service however bo I 1 teel feel that I 1 must knust close my connection with tile the schools tonight 1 I 1 want to say that I 1 arn am going to I 1 take as much in the schools us C over v C I 1 want to say aay further thiu that a all 11 ll my m y lie relations lations ft alth ath my fellow mom mem bers bera of this board have been of th the e pleasant est character since I 1 have been here I 1 havo bavo formed friendships antl and relations I 1 hope arwill will continue while life shelf shall last in concus sion alon allow me to thank you all for tile the courtesies you have show n me and for your read readiness inesm to work together for tho the good of oc the iho schools resignation ACCEPTED tic the 1 1 members ot of the boatic sat like men mel in a trance while president baldwin was speaking the surprise to all of oc them of the most complete character wien when lie had finished there tafts ii 11 brief relence aila nce then sir mr moyle rose roae and moved that president bald wins resignation be accepted and that IL a vote of thanks be tendered him for his faithful and efficient services speaking to his hl motion mollon mr aloyce sell ball 1 I want nant to say that mr Is 19 entitled to all the this board can give ile ho has always attended to hla his duties faithfully anil and impartially find and we shall all view his departure departure from his otti omelah clai position with after mr neldon nelden had seconded mr air aloi le motion mollon mr NON ecman man made a few remarks lie he said baid he be would vote tor for the motion sa Rs to the resignation with sincere regret 1 I wish mish to indorse all that mr air moi ie has paid of him mr newman went ment on oil and I 1 want to add the that t ho he well deserves our praise I 1 dont w want ant to seo see him go because I 1 I 1 losing his ble services president pro tem colton then put tho the motion of oc mr air find and it carried unanimously after the meeting mr air Bal boldwin divin said that the I 1 eason for hla his resignation N was as as lie he had stated to the board he had some borne time ago said he would not be a candidate for re to the board but he was sorry he could riot not nil fill out hla his term S speculation peculation as aa to mr air baldwin 0 successor ce sor on oil tho the board opens it a wide vista of candidates cancil lates among tho the names suggested were those of J n 1 dooly dr T 13 deafly and F r J fabian it Is likely that one of 0 these three will be elected it was waa generally Kne rally co conceded needed last baat night that W F r colton would he bo elected to LO the preel presidency denry of tile board CONFLICT OVER TEACHERS all of 0 the members of 0 the board except mr brit ham who Is still in california were vere in their seats who when clerk moreton more ton called tile loll 1011 11 as ehlt wh it ticy ney who was wa s elected to succeed capt it IV young youri wasi was on h hand and tor for tho the first time lime the first business of 0 importance to come corn up was the ho report of oc the committee rill tie on teachers Teach cra and school work lit in regard to the election of 0 certain teachers and principals the committee recommended B D A mcclelland lland of fayette la ia for or teacher ot or physics and chemistry in the I 1 ho high school at 95 per pep month L astanley or teacher ot of mathematics anil and literature lit in the high school at 90 per month other were miss mary dupont for the emerson school 11 B folsom for or principal of 0 the riverside school and mrs afra mattle prosser for or principal of the school at schedule acie I 1 dule salaries when the names were mad lead mr moyle was recognized in a lengthy argument mr moyle proposed that the names of drig smoot of provo prove be inserted for that ot of 11 A mcclelland and john it holt of 0 riverton for that ihal of mrs blattie prosser the smoot pirt part ot of his hh motion mr aloyce argued that the board should a always other things lacing equal employ utah talent in ins abe in preference to going outside of 0 the state stale ques questions eions asked mr air moyle by fellow tallow members during his talk developed the tact fact that mr smoot although highly educated had had no experience ate aa a teather teacher after mr colton collon as chairman of the committee had made a short defense ot of its recommendations dr nas asked tor for ills his views IOWA MANS RECORD dr millspaugh said that he had bad never heard from smoot never paw caw him and all lie ho knew abut about him was mr ali had told him we tried an experiment alth a teacher NIt without hout experience last year lie bald but the failure allure of that teacher wa was ignominious the position poa lilon to 18 ono one of 0 the most important in the high school and I 1 would certainly favor a candidate who he had had experience mr jr mcclelland was waa for or a time in full charge of the chemistry department in the university of 0 upper lova iowa and did good walk lie iia Is well equipped by experienc training and charac character ten principal dark clark ot of tile ill alch h f school followed dr and in a short statement indorsed endorsed Indor sed what lie ha had said sir mr dark clark went further in his praise ot of mcclelland and eald bald that tat his present e n himo I 1 yore were desirous of 0 retaining him ho he thought there ther would lie ho very little chance of 0 11 a failure it 1 mcclelland was as employed 1 I dont want to exers any prejudice against a ma man n because tic ho Is new sold cald mr air clark flirk but tile the risk of 0 ruck euch a man la in very great wo we ought not to experiment sir mr expressed himself RA not being prepared to vote vole on the question he thought the equall float inns of 0 smoot it td id not ben be n ullen tl inquired int and moved IL a postponement of 0 the matter until next jay day night the motion was voted down domn without division I 1 IS DEFEATED then all of 0 the report except so afi much as related to the propositions 0 mr air moyle was lunan unanimously adopted the motion to substitute smoot for or mcclelland va ian lost without divis division to n sir air biolo called for or t the he yeas find and n nays ays on art his motion to put holt biot in the place of mra prosser the roll call shoved blaque moyle and newman in the affirmative firm firma live tive find and wilson crisc crutchlow h low colton neldon nelden and baldwin in the negla five whitney was excused from rom voth voting 1 9 athla th I 1 brought abrought the report as aa presented before tho the board 4 mr air newman suggested sue thit that the th election of 0 11 II V folsom to the of tho the now new Riv riverview elview school A looked locked like a reduction for J 11 parrott atho ile taught laught there in tho the old building with i one assistant last year dr mills milla pauch explained that there was no principal of 0 the school last year and that lie ho would consider it extremely absurd to rive give parrott the place although parrott did good work nork last icar dr hlll continued he li Is but a more mere boy and haa fine not had enough experience to n assume s aum e the th a ills his aducat education at alio 10 Is limited vaille atille the other candidate la Is qualified in every particular when the explanation was concluded 1 si I vote was taken on the adoption of 0 the th 0 report it carried by a vote of five to two those in the negative were mole a and lid bewman Newrn an and in the affirmative we wilson critchlow colton nelden neiden en and baldwin Bald min geaque and whitney n ey vere excused OPENING HOURS the committee on teachers Toach erg and school work t that for the i first third of the school year the opening hour be 9 for the second third and the last thad 9 it IL also recommended that the aLgio ement now existing with tho the university of utah school be continued tit at the sw some e compensation as lu in former years year s the committee suggested that in view of the fact that there are arc in moro 0 ri a applicants p pl tc L n ts fo for r n normal ori n 1 scholar ho la r sh lp t than h a n t the li c bo board a rd h has s a at t se its s d disposal i a competitive examination be held rn rill the subjects of history arithmetic and gran grammer triner the soen seven feet securing ir the highest averages tire are to be ft the I 1 he scholarships scho larsh aps in c arn tie eluding its report tho the committee recommended that miss grace near be planted bave of absence for one year as requested that L al dillila L he lip ftp pointed to the board for the teachers teach cro to be hold held september r lt 2nd and ind and ard 3rd in place of A W V smith llad that sixteen copla coals of 1 14 map of 0 utah unglazed be purchased at ts S each the report N as adopted A petition from residents of lake breeze representing fafty three children of school age asked that the proposed abolition of the school lit in their neigh neighborhood be reconsidered the was referred to the committee on oft teachers and school work i AND GROUNDS the committee on bulldis Bull din alli grounds reported resolutions providing that uie me salt lako lake nger company he be awarded a contract for foi ill the e s urn sum of 30 per month for nine months month S for or the scavenger work that tile the coil contract tract for keeping stoves in lapair be given to F r K E co tit at that W S pierce be given the contract for furnishing blackboards blackboard i at the high school at 28 cents per square yard tile the total cobit not to exceed that john Brownl co iio lo 10 a employed us as janitor of the Il hamilton amilton school at it schedule salary lee goof ge kidder resigned the resolutions were adopted C T lamsens Lar sens application for a position as janitor was refe referred ried to the committee on building Buildings and grounds other applications for uke lons from daniel L blythe francis dupaix J A truelson james jaines II if birrell Bl rrell mary A williams and W V S hunter took the same course nors reap bi as attendance officer was wag turned over to the committee on teachers and school work the committee on teachers and school work reported the receipt arld and the pat payment nent to the breaf treasurer aurer of a L check for V from the koacr itinger hur gess geas paper company of chicago in los mant of a for their failure to comply mith ath LL a contract for school N ork treasurer barnetts report for july showing receipts and cash cah on hand amoun ling to and oid disbursements of was kas received and ana file oled thu the amount due the treasurer july slat was wai wa i A letter from john james of the cambrian in reference to the proposed musical of october fth ath and ath was read mr james asked that tile the schools be closed on the ath ivac bell n it Is 19 expected that several hundred school child children r e n will ill take part in the exercises T tha j e carn communication mun muni cation leation wint went to the committee on oil teachers Tc achere and school work |