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Show • EL VOLUME XIV-Number 28 * Published Every Friday at Midvale~ By the Editor • Well, the Sentinel crew is back in harness after a week's vacation. The only trouble with these delightful holidays is the fact that it usually takes another week or so to get over the effects of the vacation. * Boys' Swimming Meet Mapped Here on July 18 ... • On our trip to Idaho we saw the finest grain crops in many years. The dry farmers certainly 'should be prosperous after this seastJn's bounteous harvest. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1947 I Tri-Stake Old Folks' Outing Scheduled July 15 at Lagoon R€€-ffiA.RHS * Utah I • The Forest Service has issued the following order: "The throwing or placing of a burning cigar~te, cigar, match, pipe heel, fire cracker, or any ignited sub' stafrt:e in any place where it may start a fire; and the dis~~rging of any kind of fire· works on any portion of a nation~H forest, is prohibited." So, govern yourselves accordingly. Under the direction of the Salt Lake county recreation department, a swimming meet for all boys of this area is scheduled for 3 p m on Friday, July 18, according to Kenneth Farrell, Who will be in charge. The following events are planned: Midvale Boys Swimming Meet Time: 3 p m Friday, July 18 Director of meet, Kenneth Farrell 10 years old-20 yd. free style; 4 man shuttle reays (80 yds.) 11 years old- 20 yd. free style; 20 yd. back stroke; 4 man shuttle relay (80 yds.) 12 years old-20 yd. free style; ·Here IS another picture o± Midvale's tirst nre ttepanm ent, taken about ~5 years ago front of the old theater building, now B~rn's Super Foods market. Seated in the center of the group was Chief Jack Nordin, and the lad in front was Wesley ("Midget") Smith, the firemen's mascot. This photograph was submitted by L A Sumbot, a charter member of the Midvale fire department. --. • H arvest Queen Coronatlon Program Set for Ju ly 18t h Local Chess Player Holds Worldls Champ to a "Draw" • · t Lava Hot S,prings we had the pleasure of meeting C Watt Br ndon, publisher of the Kern· merer Gazette, Wyoming's best weekly newspaper, and dean of journalists in that state. Mr Br ndon is an ardent booster for Lava Hot · Springs, and has es· tablished a summer residence there, where he enjoys much tim~ during the hot season. A smart newspaperman is C Watt. Sandy Legionnaire Seeks Office of State Commander ;~~::;· ~~~~;.tr~~~~ \~~~. shuttte All organizations of Midvale 13 years old- 20 yd. free style; and vicinity are requested to spon- 20 yd. back stroke; 20 yd. breast sor a candidate for "Queen of stroke; 4 man shuttle relay (80 Harvest Days", it was announced yds.); diving, plain front, and jack G. Leonard Larson this week by Leonard Newbold, knife. Announcement was made this Union Fort Days central com- chairman. The entrants must be 14 years old--40 yd. free style, week by ·G Leonard Larson of mittee announces their celebration between 16 and 23 years of age, 40 yd. back stroke, 40 yd. bre~st Sandy, and at present district as being a great success. and the winner will be selected stroke; 4 man shuttle relay (80 commander of the American LeAt the dedication o~ the Pio- at a public program to be held yds.); diving, plain front, jack gion, that he will be a candidate neer monument on July 3 they at the city auditorium on Friday knife, and back dive. for state commander of the de' had as guests of honor four na- evening, July 18. 15 years old-40 yd. free style, partment of Utah, at the annual tive pioneers of Union who were In order to enter a candidate, 40 yd. back stroke, 40 yd. breast convention to be held in August presented with corsages and sou- 1 the sponsorin~ group must s~ll stroke; 4 man medley relay (160 at Salt Lake City. He has the " venir booklets. Those honored · 50 program tickets. The orgamz- .yds.); diving, plain front jack unanimous endorsement of Sandy were Sarah Graham Brady Bux- ation whose candidate wins tl!!e knife, back dive and 1 optional Post No. 77 for this high position. ton, 88, Patriarch John G Sharp, contest will receive all the pro- dive. Mr Larson joined the American The Midvale tennis tournament, 85 Cynthia Richards Brewer, 86, ceeds from the receipts, except 16 years old--40 yd. free style, Legion in 1920 and has held varsponsored by the Salt Lake coun- 1 an'd daughter of Silas Richards, $125, which will be used by the 40 yd. back stroke, 40 yd. breast ious offices in several posts. Durty recreation dept., was w:en l and Sarah A Mortensen Jensen, Kiwanis club in "outfitting" the stroke; 4 man medley relay (160 ing his tenure of office as comunderway this week at the Clty 81. Lydia Butterfield Cole, 85, qu.een and her attendants in royal yds.); diving, plain front, jack ' mander of District 3, he has made p"rk, with competition in the 1 and Bessie Forbush, 89, were un- ramment for the Harvest Days knife, back dive and 2 optional an enviable record in organizing men's and boy's divisions. The able to attend, but were also festival. dives. new Legion posts, and in other courts are reserved for the tour- , honored. Expert judges have been se17 years and over-100 yd. free activities of the organization. He n~ every day from 4 to 8 p m. A special float for the native lected from Salt Lake City, who style, 40 yd. back stroke, 40 yd. was a member of Jorclan Post for Robert Cutler has been chosen pioneers was sponsored by the will judge the various entrants breast stroke; 4 man medley re- many years, and was the first .. as manager of the tournament, l M Boyden Union Fort D.U.P. Other long- on beauty, posture, clothing, and lay (160 yds.); diving, plain front, commander of Sandy Post :i-<o. 77. and Midvale city will donate trophies to the winners .. Councilman Two Utah chess playe1:"S, both time residents were given special 1 "queenly" attributes, the commit- jack knife, back dive and 2 opCyril Rasmussen said. members o f the Yf./TCA Chess seats at the front during the ded- tee stated. tiona! dives. Leading the contestants at Club of Salt Lake City, proved ication. Trials and finals for age groups "pregent are: Men's Division-Milt a worthy match Saturday eveAt the 4th of July Pioneer 10-14 yrs., in all events, will be Jensen, Kenny Turner, and George ning for one George Koltanowski, Days parade at Union, first prize run off from 3:00 to 4:30. Age B ton· Junior Boy's Division-- of Yankton, S. D., world cham- for the best float, carrying the groups 15 and over will start at Mrs Audra Cox, city treasurer J:ry Olson ,Jerry VanDam, and pion blindfold chess. player, in q ueen, went to the Lions Club, 4:30. since Jan. 1, 1946, resigned that Rob t Cutler; Midget Boy's Di- l one of the most. um~ue tourna- second prize. to Union Second \ Three boys whose names wer<' \ Swimmers from Union, West I position effective July 1, and h er vision-Calvin Jenkins, Nick Lou- ments ever held m this state. ward Sunday School, ~nd third to withheld by Midvale police, wer~ Jordan, Sandy, Midvale, Riverton, . resignation was accepted last lias, and Ralph Burns. J M Boyde~ of Sandy, and Irvin the D.U.P. float carrymg the na· arrested July 6 after they alleg- Draper and Crescent are invited week by the city council, who apto participate. poThe recreation dept. also an- Taylor, Salt Lake Clty champion, tive pioneers. 1 pointed Harry Miller to the edly threw heavy rocks through d t nounces that a women's tourney played the famous visiting chess· Entry blanks may be obtained 1 sition to fill her unexpire erm windows on State St. The comwill be held if there are enough i man to a draw. Twelve other P laint was . turned in by a Califor- from the instructors at the Mid- which runs until Jan. 1, 1948. f vale swimming p o o 1. Entry Mrs Cox gave as reasons or interested players. club members succumbed to Kolnia tovrist, and Midvale police t d t tanowski's skill duri.ng a fourblanks must be turned in by Wed- resigning the facts tha ue o . Imade the arrests and turned the nesday, July 16, 1947 to Mr Far- J other work and her husband's ill LOCAL TEAM TO PLAY hour mental battle in th~ Y.MCA To better acquaint themselves 1 you. ths over to the county sheriff's B . h lth h f It bl t g· the DEMOLAY HERE SUNDAY club rooms, 39 Exchange Place. rell or Mrs enson at the Midvale ea , s e e una e o 1ve ff 0 Ice. . swimming pool. treasurer's office the amount of Midvale will meet the Demolays Mr Boyden is recognized as ::t with Midvale's biggest industrial plant, members of the Kiwanis/ The follo~mg day, some other t· and effort to carry on the of Salt Lake City here next Sun- chess expert. He is a former club were guests of the USSR&M boys wer~ piC~ed up fo: . sho~ting • d:!s. ~ day in an Amateur Federation school teacher, newspaper phb .. Co. Monday night on a tour of{of. dynamite .with .22 calibre rtfles. Mr Miller is a well-known revleague baseball game, beginning , lisher, and musician, and was a uGu tired business man of this city at 4:30 p m, it was announced member of the Jordan district the smelter and flotation mill, I Midvale pollee ~ade the arres~ , 01 f 11 wing the regular club meet· and gave them mto the custody Y and took over the treasurer's po~ 0 0 Wednesday by Pete Yen g i c h school board for 5 years. . of the sheriff. A tt t . b . t sition July 2 . manager of the locals. m. . 'd f th Howard Marion Ingersoll 42 n a ' emp IS emg made o Actmg as gut es or e group . ' ' contact all former members of KENNETH WANBERG HAS were several smelter officials, in- obf M~edrceld, cl~hf., wJasff arrested I Battery "G", 222nd F. A., Utah GARDNER REUNION SET VARIED SERVICE RECORD · c A N e1son, F J 1· Y• 1 va e po Ice on e erson St• Natwnal . . . wembers of the Gardner family cludmg Supt. Guard organized m FebU of Rig Star valley will hold a Kenneth Wanberg, son of Mr & Stampfel, W M Whitecotton, Jo- th1~hweek, after numerous com- I ruary 1941 at Murray Utah in . seph Marshall, and Ralph "warn~latthts h~dhbbeenhmaddeHof prowling an effort t~ plan a re~nion ~nd Miss Fay Wat~n has been elecreunion July 13 at Liberty park, Mrs Walter F Wanberg, 360 FJ. m e ne1g· or oo . e was sen. . . beginning at 2 p m. The affair Center St., now a sergeant in lass. t d t 30 d . th t get-together. ted president of the Midvale Jumor The local club members will I e~~ceb ~ t· a~ ~ te ~oun Y 1 All former members of this or- Community club, succeeding Mrs will honor B i shop Archibald the regular army, has had many .lrtan f drumkp, ganization ore requested to con- I Theodore Sargent, who was elecGaroner, and all family members experiences during his service with hold an interclub meeting with Jahi yh us! Icde d M ·.;.,· en e Pea e "UI y o run . are rged to attend. the armed forces. the South Sal t L a k e an d urray d "' tact Ntck Watts at 17 North ted as membel'-at-large. Main, Midvale, or 6155 So. State, I Other officers elected include During the war Kenneth served clubs, next MondaY night at nmess an vagrancy. Murray or 950 East 5th So., Salt Mrs Fern Otteson, first vice presias a cook in the Merchant Marine, Forestdale club house, it was an- LOCAL LUMBER YARD and sailed on ships plying from nounced. CHANGES FIRM NAME Lake City, by mail in person, or dent; Mrs Grant Gilbert, second . by phone to report present ad- vice president; Miss Elaine Strom, New Subscribers: . Panama to Saipan, Iwo Jimo, and The Cook Coal & Lumber Co., I dress and preferences for a get- secretary; Miss Helen Black, corVirginia Wells, East Midvale. I the Mariannas, when he had many owned apd operated for the past together such as a canyon party, responding secretary; Mrs Peter Melvin Thompson, West Jordan exciting experiences. 3 years by Lyle D Webster, has beach party or whatever suits Loulias, treasurer; Miss Anita H E Phelps, Jr., Salem, Ore. Receiving his discharge from been re-named ~he Webster Coal the group. Hyke, historian; Mrs Lawrence Grover F Cashew, Murray the Merchant Marine i~ Nov. '1945, "We want the most beautiful The telephone numbers are Mid- Brown, chaplain; Mrs Lawrence Mrs Everett Cooley, Berkley, Kenneth enlisted in the regular girl in south Salt Lake county as & ,Lumber Co., It was announced thMts wweek. vale 49, Murray 1029, and Salt Ray, custodian, and Mrs Lloyd Calif. arr.1Y in 1946, and took his basic a candidate for queen of Harvest r ebster has lived in Mid- Lake 9-1877. Elder, auditor. :Re~wals · training at Fort Bliss, Tex. He Days," Dave Gardner, president vale for the past 15 years, and ---------James A Bateman; West Jordan qualified for an army band and j of the Midvale Lions club, said for 12 years was associated with Mrs Henry Egbert, West Jor- 1 was sent to Camp Lee, Va. for · Wednesday. the Morrison- Merrill Company _,dan musical training. · He has served Any girl interested in becoming here. He purchased his present Olive Leak, West Jordan as musician at Fort Bliss and the Lions club entry in the queen business on July 1, 1944 from F J Mary A Hunter, M.idvale Fort Ord, Calif, where he is now contest should send their picture, Cook. Byron Joh?son, Midvale staJtioned and is doing s teno- name. address, and telephone numSa.m. Cund1ck, West. Jordan. graphic work in registering ber to Lawrence Reading, chairWllham P Sharp, R1gby, Ida. troops for overseas duty. man of the committee, or to HarN ~ Ga~dner, 'Yest Jordan. J':::~1:1e th has received 3 pro- vey Eckman, or Prexy Gardner. .~rwln MI:ler, Midvale. motions, and is now a sergeant. The selection of the Lions canJ H Gorrmge, Ea~t M1dvale He will g et his army discharge .didate will be made on July 16. Current; The Centennial Expothis fall. so hurry, girls! E G Pate, East Midvale. sition-State Fair Grounds ~ryan Bird, East Midvale. "100 1C e a r s of American Verl Beckstead, South Jordan. Painting" at Exposition. Agnes Nelson, Midvale. JULY Mrs Irma Evans, South Jordan. 13-Helen Traubel, MetropoliD T Dahl, West Jordan. tan Opera star in concert Ni?:k Petrlich, Midvale. with Tabernacle Chior, Salt John Weibell, West Jordan. Lake City Discussion of Midvale's city di· Earl Wood, West Jordan. 13 to 18-National Governors' EJla Richadrson, West Jordan. rect primary election system, 'the only city of the third class Conference, Salt Lake City. and the feasibility of changing which has such a system. F" E Berrett, Seattle, Wash. 14 to 19-Days of '47 Rodeo, After considerable discussion,· Exposition Grounds. Mrs Mary Miura, Puente, Calif. to the party convent:on method of electing candidates, were takthe council recommended that 14--Start SUP trek from NauMrs Cale Tagashiro, Long Standing by the brand-new Chevrolet car, which ·will be en up at last week's meeting of 1 the matter of conducting local voo to Salt Lake City. 1 Beach, Calif. given away during Harvest Days next month, is the celebration 15 to 19-Blackhawk Encampthe city co'..mcil. . elections be decided by the city's Ray P Greenwood, Sandy. committee: Chairman "Casey" Nelson (left), Pete Peterson, Marment, Wasatch County Fair, Due to the fact that the re- voters, and that a referendum Clark P Brinton, Sandy. Heber City. cent state legislature changed be placed in on the ballot at the cell Graham, and Leon Rasmussen. Although no Kiwanian is eligH 0 Bjork, Sandy. 18 to 24-Pioneer Days, Gene theelection laws of Utah and ensuing city general election, Mrs George W Nelson, Sandy. ible to win the car, it looks as if these boys are trying to sell Autry rodeo, Ogden eliminated the direct primary, it wherein the electors may denote Mrs Ingrid Lindell, Sandy. each other some tickets. Second prize is a Bendix automatic home 18-19--San Juan County Cenwas ~)ointcd out that Midvale's j their preference for either the A LeRoy Konold, Sandy. tennial celebration, Montilaundry, secured from Lewis A Dahl, and on display in the· Utah LeRoy N Swenson, Cardin, Nev. election method is now outmod· Ipresent system, or the party concello. Power & Light Co. window. ed, and that this municipality is vention method. Oswald Smith, Sandy. I I I i I I Mrs .. Cox Resigns As City Treasurer Boys Arrested For Vand'alt"sm Kiwanians Tour Local Smelter I 1 ·Reunion Planned F Batter ·-- Fay Watson Heads Jr. C ommunlfy • Cl b I 1 *I 1 HONOR ROLL City Auditor Gives First Quarter's Financial Report Union Fort Days Was Great' Success Tennis Tourney Gets Underway * Persons over 70 years of age in East Jordan, West Jordan, and Mt. Jordan LDS stakes are await· ing with keen anticipation the annual "old folks' outing," which is announced for next Tuesday, July 15, at Lagoon resort. All persons in the 3 stalres over 70 years old will be guests of the old folks' committee at a lunch, to be served at 12:30 p m at Lagoon, followed by a program at 2 o'clock. Free automobile parking will be permitted until 1 p m that day. In charge of the affair are P A Young of West Jordan stake, A. P Rasmussen of East Jordan stake, and A R Mickelsen of Mt. Jordan stake. Melvin Lind is publicity chairman of the com• mittee. No effort will be spared to show the oldsters a real good time, and a large crowd is expected to attend. . Midvale Lions Seek Beauteous "Queen" I I Harvest Days General Committee Statewide Centennial Events Voters To Decide System Of Municipal ~ Elections I l For the first 3 months of the year, Midvale city's revenues ex• ceeded the budget estimate by $970.24, it was revealed in a report issued recently by Ed J Reimann, city auditor. At the same time total departmental expenses were $1,388.19 below the budget figure, the re• port indicates. Total water revenues w e r e $57.11 short of the budget but exceeded last year's comparable collections. General license collections exceeded the budget by $673.30. The water, electric, and street departments operated below budget, while the administrative and public safety departments operated above the budget figures, the report shows. ---- Flower Clubs Stage Show at Fair Grounds The Mid Flora and the South Jordan garden clubs sponsored their second flower show this sea.• son at the state fair grounds on M d J 1 7 Alth gh a; bad onthay,f u Y •. flou th mon or specimen owers e h t 'r s ow was a grea success ro 111 the s t an d poin . t of b eau t 1'ful art p . . . rangemen s nze-wmmng spec• . · f tmMe~sd wlere vt ~ry lew. d 32 tun·es 1 va e en nes p ace , S th J d t· Bount'ful 28 1 ou . or an Imes, 23 times, Holladay 10, and Mur• ray 4 times. Those from MidvMala who took first place were rs David J Searle, Mrs M A Beckstead, Mrs Edwin Bishop, Mrs Madge Trinniman and Mrs Chas. Cary. I 2nd place winners: D C Smith, Mrs Chas. Cary, Madge Trinniman; 3rd place winners: Mrs Dao vid J Sear.le, Mrs Chas. Cary, Mrs Madge Trinniman. From South Jordan the first place field, S cott place field, bold, w inners were Edna ButterJoyce Hutchings, Rettah D N b ld d and orothy ew 0 • 2 n winners were Edna ButterViolet Price, Dorothy NewRettah Scott and Letha Holt. 3rd place winners were Rettah Scott, Edna Butterfield, Violet Price, Dorothy Newbold and Joyce Hutchings. WAR DECLARED ON BUGS The fly and mosquito abate• ment campaign in Midvale is ot! to a good start, with 5o gallons of DDT having been purchased by the city and being sprayed behind buildings, in gutters, around the city dump and stagnant pools. Every citizen's aid must be enlisted to win the war against the diseases that flies and mosquitoes carry. STOCKING FAMILY REUNION The annual reunion of the Stocking family will be held Saturday, July 12, at 2 p m at Fairmount park east grove and amphitheater, it was announced Monday by Russell Stocking, chairman. All members of the family are urged to attend and bring a box lunch. Serving will be at 5:30 p m. HOBBY SHOW SLATED AS HARVEST DAY EVENT The Ladies Auxiliary of the CIO will sponsor a "hobby-show" August 7, as one of the Centennial Harvest Days events. The show will be in the city hall immediately after the parade. The affair is open to anyone with hobbies in Midvale, Eeast M i d v a I e, and Sandy. Further details will be published later in this paper. |