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Show Postage Stamp Centennial Dances Sponsored by Wards To Honor Utah's A series Of old time centennial Centennial year The Midvale (Utah) Sentinel rade of queens and other features. 1The July 23 parade will be head- FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1947. Page F9U' ed by 1o.ooo boy scouts to be encamped in l::!alt Lake Cit y at the time. The July 24 parade w ill displayed. county floats find dances are being held each two bands. 29 be will There in interested are Utahns Most hall Recreational weeks at Sandy IIBS. J. T. OSTLER. Correspondent. Phone Mld. 266-W The parade will require b 0 t sponsored by the three Sandy the new Utah Centennial postage • wards. The third of the series stamp which will be released at 12 hours in passing. No at: \ of dances will be held Friday, the Salt Lake City postoffice ~n has been made for quantit.y,e~~t ~uly 18, from 8:30 p m to 11 p m Pioneer Day, July 24 - and m in beauty it will surpas.J all preother postoffices ttrroughout the vious Covered Wagon Day paIt has been announced. A floor show will be presented state and nation on the following rades-which have been justly faA Centennial 9ffering, sponsorby a group from Salt Lake City. day. They will want "first co11- moue-and will rival such parades ed by Mt. Jordan stake presidency All persons, both young and old, ers" for themselves and their as the Tournament of Roses at Dd high council, a pageant, "ReA notice has been issued by are invited to attend the dances friends, according to Gus P Back- Pasarlena, and the Rose F estival tner's Fire," portraying the· Uf~ Sandy city council as follows: man, director of the Utah Cen- at Portland. which are free of charge. of Nephi in• connection with the DO NOT let dogs run loose as The theme floats include Unittennial. . ----Book of Mormon, will be pre- a nuisance to neighbors. They A "first. cover" is an envelope ed NatiOiiS. Nations of the aented Saturday, July 12, at 8:30 may be picked up and disposed with the Centennial stamp can- Wot;ld, Queens' float, prehistoric p m at the stadium at Glacio of by the officer. days, early Indian life, entry of celled on the day of issuance. park, it is announced by Orson Mrs Rhoda H Jackson rett.H"ned DO NOT throw your waste waHere is how the public may ob- Father Escalante, Jim Bridger, ..Jim!~ of I>raper, general chair- ter on the streets. last week from a three weeks' tain them either for themselves Old Fort, Donner party, exodus man tn charge. DO NOT place trees, branches visit at Ogden with her sister or their friE>nds. from Nauvoo, Mormon Battalion, Mrs lk will Mr Sandy of brother-in-law, Bateman C and Noal or bush~~~ out on the street. 1. They should address enve- discovery of gold,. pioneer S•>cial 1 take the part of Nephi, to be DO NOT park your valuable Alma Williams, and her sons. lopes, either with or without en- life, This is the Place, handcart assiBted by a cast of 30 persons. automobile on the street all night George F and Lemoine Jackson closures, to themselves or U..eir companies, farming the desert, The production will present pa- to be run into or probably strip- and families. friends-and leaYe the envelopes crickets and gulls, founding of geant and tableau scenes. ped. University of, Deseret, !?ony Exunstamped. T h e general committee in Mr & Mrs Melvin Hardman of Rubbish must be burned be2. They should place all the press, development of mining, the charge includes: Orson Smith, tween the hours of 7 a m and 11 Salt Lake and :M:r & Mrs J T envelopes in package, and enclose building of the Temple, building chairman; Bishop William H a m on your own property-NOT Ostler of Sandy were visitors Sun- the proper amount of postage. In the City and County Bldg., light Bartlett, Owen Despain, Mrs Ei- on public streets. day evening of Mr & Mrs Alva V\' the case of foreign mail, six cents of the world, and a score of othleen Dunyon, and Miss Molly LinHowell in Draper. should be enclosed for each letter ers. dell, assisted by Antone Andrews The costumes will be the most to allow for two of the 3c detn charge of lighting, Harry Setgorgeous seen since the CoronaMiss Mildred Greenwood is nomination Centennial stamps. terberg as stage manager, and Delina Farnsworth was recently spending this week as the guest a. The envelopes and money tion of the queen. technician. sound as a\rma Gull named winner of a national Sel- of Miss Myra Bradley at Manti. should be mailed to "Postmaster, The parade is expected to be so Because of the inadequate seat- mer Signet clarinet contest and it could happen only beautiful Utah." Salt Lake City, Ing facilities at the park, persons will be awarded a clarinet by the hundred years. a in 4. Cachets, notations, hand- once Mr & Mrs J Lowell Ostler and are urged to take their camp Beesley Music Co. of Salt Lake. children, Marcia Lynne and Jay drawn or painted decorations are , ----chairs and blankets. Admission All y ou do is put 'em in, se t the dia l, a nd t ak e 'em out. innot do they providing allowed ' weel{'s a for week last left Lowell, . Ia f~e to the public. MISS Leora Hemingson of ~rk stay with her parents, Mr & Mr s terfere with cancellation. 5. Each envelope should bear returned h?me Tuesday followmg i Earl Leonard at Long Beach, Cal. BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD 10 pencilled notation in the the I inof places two weeks visit wit~ Carol and I They will visit many AT POLLICK HOME It does the work without attention, without y ou b ei'iig stamp comer how much postage Mrs Pearl Pollick, assisted by M~ry Crump at their home in terest enroute. present. . is to be placed on the envelope. , :Mrs Florence Dowd, Mrs Grace Midvale. Salt in 6. They must be received Arrests for fish and game code _ Cl d S M ... M Kidder and Miss Donna Dowd, Lake City early enough so that violations zoomed to an all-time Y e wenson re rs r "" entertained a group of llttlP. ••• they may be stamped and can- high in Utah for the first 6 friends at a lawn social Tuesday t':"rned Sunday evening from Car-l Washes clean, rinses better, removes more water safel)ll! Jimmy Bristol, son of Mr & celled before July 24 to be mailed months of 1947 with 318 cases afternoon at the home of Mrs dm, Nev., where they spent part Clothes last longer. reported through June 30, the l'lorence Dowd on Pioneer street, of last week with their son and Mrs Chris Bristol, has returned then. hospital, L.D.S. the from home Le Mrs & Mr , daughter-in-law ' Ann department game Sherry and state fish llldvale, honoring where he has been since June 1, reported today. Pollick. A novelty birthday cake 1 Roy N Swenson. • • • recovering from injuries received On the same date last year, 190 in the form of a beautiful white Everything is enclosed within its cabinet. Protects yofi cases had been listed. Mr & Mrs W P Stephensen an- in an automobile accident. lamb, formed the attractive cenMisses Mary Alice and Clara More than 100 arrests were · terplece, with figurines at either nounce the engagement of their and your family. after home Hand, returned Merrill have alone, June Kidd in I made Merland to Barbara, daughter, ; anti end. Games were enjoyed _ • chief deputy warden, reported. refreshments served to the guest 1 Despain, son of Mr & Mrs Charles visiting with Mr & Mrs David • • ap• Centennial Utah the With Lake. Salt in home their at Kidd DeMr involved cases Granite. the of of Despain A majority of honor and Ruth Ann Rhodda, . W Mr & Mrs Mazel King and J proaching its climax, two gigan- fishing violations. Thrifty with water, soap, ele ctr icity. Washes all your Kary Jane Edwards, Jay R Ed- j spain is a student ~t the Univernearnow are pageants street tic WarreJl Mrs & Mr and family 43 arrests were made the last wards, Sheryl Johnson, Madalyn : sity of Utah. No wedding date washables. Casper and family are vacation- ing completion to be presented in 13 days in June, 40 being for varCrump, Gary Leathrwood, Evelyn has yet been set. Salt Lake City on July 23 and ious infractions of fishing regulalng at Yellowstone Park. Drake, Dennis Cox, Dennis Sy- ' Mr & Mrs Charles Turner and 24. The "pageants," actually gor- tions. Mr & Mrs C R Green and fambrowski, Brent Javaine, Glenna 9 persons were arrested for Dee Peterson, Deanne Javaine, ily enJ'oyed an outing in Provo on family have returned from a trip geous parades, are set for 8 :30 a To assure you of continuous, d ependable service, the without licenses, 2 for usfishing July on m p 6 and 23 July on m Park. Yellowstone to Green'!> Jerry Larson and Johnny Pollick, July 4, honoring Mr sealed-in transmission is guaranteed for 5 years. Miss Jo Ann Kidd has returned 24. ing iUegal bait, 1 for using a set all of Midvale; Darlene, Rhodda birthday. h orne following a week's visit Already prepared are 43 mag- line, 12 for fishing in closed wa.a'ld ' Billy Kidder of West Jordan - Come in for a Demonstration The "Gang" entertained at a with Mr & Mrs Elden Nielson in nificen~ floats carr.:tng out the ters, 8 for fishing before hours, 1 and Claudia Jean and Launa Diparades .~heme of 100 Years of for having too many small fish in ane Berrett of Sandy. Game going-away party Sunday honor- Murray. Ther~ will be also possession, 4 for having too many Mrs Elizabeth Bass is visiting Progress. prizes were awarded - Darlene ing Steve and Maurine Bateman and family who are leaving soon at the home of her daughter, Mrs county floats, equme units, a pa-1 fish in possession and 2 for fishing Rhodda and Billy Kidder. Stewart, in Salt Lake . out of season. The other 3 ar· Tuesday evening Mrs Pollick to make their home In Idaho. A Georgia .., d n a Hunting Bluffdale The Mrs and East Lloyd Mrs & .~nr enjoyed. was rests were for violations of the entertained the members of her pot luck luncheon An Ie Bristol were Sunday dinner Fishing club returned home Sun- fur dealer's act. n Those present included LaVern family at the Pollick home. Delbert C and Charles N Dal· and Hazel Far;tsworth, LowelL guChests at the home of Mr & Mrs day from a 4-day fishing trip on in Members river. Provo upper ris Bristol. ton, Circleville, each paid $50 fines Mr &: Mrs Everett Cooley and and Fredone Van Dam, Virden .._ .., Nielincluded Wallace N "" Mrs Paul Hughes and the party little daughter, Janene, left re- and June Nelson, Mark and Vir- ..... i.... r Hild on charges of having too many G D Lai L gt ne reen, Denny ell- fish in possession. cently to make their home at ginia Bishop, Leota and Virgil ~~iss G a an on of Iowa, and son, e I Sandy CQuncihnen Issue Notice For Good of City Mt. Jordan'Stake Announces Pageant Personal S\1enti·on • I 'Personal S\1ention •• Westing house LAUNDROMAT . SAVES WORK· .•• Many Ar rested R v· l . ation or of Game Laws I - SAVES TIME ..• BLUFFDALE I BETTER WASHIN G RESULTS I I ELIMINATES HAZARD S Huge Parades To Climax Centennial Fete ECONOMICAL AND .•. E a r l 's Hardware & App1•lance Mid . valp 37 North Main ~==~====~==~~~~~~~~=====~ ~~~~~~~=== ~~~~~ ~.~~~ k~~~~ ss~~~ ~~~~Mr~~~ ~~~.~ :· Bass. Bob home the at visited Mich., now, Darrel and Rasmussen Wilma IJI completing work for his doc- Mr & Mrs Wilford .Smith visit& of Oda Rlndlesbach of Bluffdale, Saturday at the home of Mr & ed vacation. their on while Salt of Nordfelt Southern California. Mr & Mrs Mrs Orland Chris Bristol. Mrs visiting Is Bass Elizapeth Mrs .Marvin M Bird, parents of Mrs Lake City. The social was held Salt Lake County RecreaThe Ogden. Cooley, accompanied them to Cal- at the home of Mr & Mrs Bate- rela.,tives in I committee entertained a n o i t honoring dinner birthday A State street. man ifomia. Zina Crump of Salt Lake children from 5 years to 16 years .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Mrs City on her 64th birthday was of age at a wiener roast Tuesday It held at the home of Mr & MrR with leaders Mel Berrett, Virginia Byard Mousley. Those present Lee and Roberta Thaxton. Games included the guest of honor and were enjoyed. William Crump and Mr & Mrs I A quilting party was given by Roy Crump of Salt Lake City; 1 Mrs Julia Crump at her home Mr & Mrs LaVere Cline and fam- l Monday honoring Mrs Zina Crump ily of Holladay; Mr & Mrs Grant of Salt Lake and Mrs Evelyn 1 Crump of Sandy and Mrs Mae Beckstead of Riverton, the occaJohnson of South Jordon. Games sion being their birthday anni· 13700.00-ID Sandy-4-rm. frame cottage. age 8. % acre; 19 as· Iversaries. Those present included followed the dinner. sorted fruit trees, lawn and flowers. Garage. Coop. Terms Mrs Janice Madson of Riverton , Jr. The Lilies of the Valley it necessarf. flower club held a weeding party 1 Mrs Eva Crump, Mrs Florence Monday evening, after which · Crump, Mrs, Marie Mousley, Mra games were enjoyed and refresh- ! Myrtle Crump, all of Bluffdale; $1000.DO-In Sandy-3-rm. modern except heat. Partly fum · ments served at the home of Mrs ' Mrs Gladys Clines of Holladay, I' !shed. Corner lot. Garage. Olive Nielsen, leader of the and Mrs Dillie Bowen of Hetti. I man. group. tor's degree at the University of Hansen, all of Sandy, and Mr C. Ed Lewis Co., Realtor ll7.350.00.:...Xn Scmdy-Beautif ul tapestry brick 3-bedrm. home. Hardwood floors in all rooms but bath. Full basement. Hot air with stoker automatic oil water heater. A beauty. You should see it if you want a real new home. 112.500.DO-In Draper-Coloni al 6-rm. full basement. Oil water heater. Hot air with stoker. Double garage. Coop with '500 pullets. 2 acres. Terms if desired. Can be purchased com· pletely furnished for $14,000. Efta181• aDd r • OUFWIAI PIIWAI fiRES Radio & Sound Service aDd CDIIIIDei'Cfa1 IOUI1d equipment. r.-. We Repair All Makes Appliance Sales - Service Refrigeration - Radio ·Norge & RCA or Dight) MID. 455 7661 South State At least there il ooe product your money will buy that performs better and tosts leu than before the wu. It's the new B.P.Goodricb SilTertOwn that oN#Uiun fJrW!IIr ,;,.., for Ull lh• fwftlltlr fwkn. New techDical developments and publk demand hue combined to pve car owoen this new tire (1) with improftd quality, (2) at . nd~ prices. STOKER HOCKING Hardware &: Appliance Ph. Mid. 508 7573 So. State ...... CIS UBERAI. TRADE-IN AI.I.OWANC E !Oil YOUif OLO 71US $1.50 DoWN $1.25 A WrrK '·OO..'c. ··'::!:..:.:::·••Yew 6 H.F. Go odr ich riRST IN RUBBER ·- WEST BEND ALUMINUM, 4-pc. $16.45 English Town Cutlery, service for 6 $7.35 Large Aluminum Roaster ____________ $5.95 Vaculator COFFEE BREWER ______ $4.95 ELECTRIC TOASTERS ---------·-- $3.95 Electric Hot Plates __________ $3.56 to $14.50. .98 Edlund EGG BEATERS ---·---------COOKIE SHEETS ___________________ .88c MUFFIN TINS, heavy duty _______ $1.12 LAWN MOWERS, with grass Electric PERCULATORS -----------·-·$5.4 0 Electric CORN POPPERS ______________ $5.95 Electric HEATING PADS ·---- _________ $4.95 .79 IRONING BOARD COVERS -----Traveler PORTABLE RADIO, complete with batteries ______ $22.95 _ Automatic Combination Record Player & Radio, 2-tone Cabinet Table Model ---------------- -----$97.50 Modern Table M9del Radio Maroon plastic cabinet ________ $32.50 $11Ddaya Phone Mid. 0198-Bl WITI1CII'S .APPLIANCE is now prepared to offer the public the services of Mr. Hammond, approved elecbouic mel I01IDd techniciaD, OD aD makes of home and auto radios . ~279.50 MAYTAG HOME FREEZER, 6 cubic feet . ~348.00 GIBSON UPRIGH T HOME FREEZER APEX WASHING MACHINE, 8-lb. capacity .~144.50 CROSLEY GAS RANGE, DeLuxe model . . ... . . ~199.50 APEX VACUUM CLEANER ......... ..... . ~59.95 Manning Bowman ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS ~13.95 CROSLEY RADIOS Phone Mld. &l9 7573 South State Phone Mid ..SOB catcher ---·--------·------ - -- ------- $23.95 GRASS CATCHERS ----·--- ----------- $2.15 C. ED LEWIS CO. 8721 loath State Sb'eet .STOKER HOCKING HARDWARE & APPLIANCE White Plastic Kitchen Model with plastic handle _ ___________ __ $28.80 Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls for your .$3.15 electric mixer. Fit most any 52-gal. Westinghouse Water $124.95 Heater --- -----·--- CARPET SWEEPERS -----$5.9 5 PAINT SUPPLIES Sherwin Williams, war House Paint, Undercoat ----·-·-SHINGLE STAIN Porch and Enameloid - better than preGloss White &: ______ $5.95 BARN RED Floor Enamel White & Colors Parts & Service on MAYTAG WASHERS We repair all makes washing machines - guaranteed service . Free Pick-Up and Delivery ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Thin Wall Steel Conduit ------per ft. Double Convenient Outlets _____ .08 .4~ .49 Toggle Switches - - - - - - - Motor Switches, single phase _ _ _ $1.5(4 Breaker Boxes - ----------- ----$13.95 .28 , Range Cable -·------ ·------------·Per ft. We have a full line of Boxes, Connector Boxes, Etc. • • • Our stocks are good on No. 12 and No. 14 both single and double , wire. · Outside Light Sockets - - /---.---- FISI-UNG TACKLE LINE SPINNERS REELS LEADERS SINKERS Bait Boxes Fishennans DeLiar Weighs & Measures Leader Boxes FLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES TOILET SEATS SINKS Complete Fittings and repair parts on all plumbing Equipment SPECIAL of the WEEK 2 only National WATER HEATERS 66-gal. cap., Reg. $179.95 __Sale $149.95 |