Show LOOK AT CHILDS TONGUE IF SICK HURRY REMOVE pol SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH LIVER BOWELS GIVE california SYRUP OF AT ONCE IP BILIOUS OR constipated look at the tongue mother I 1 if coated it la a sure sign that conr lit tie ones stomach and bowels needs a gentle thorough cleansing at once when peevish cross listless pale sleep docan t eat bract eatn rally or Is feverish stomach sour breath bad has ache sore throat diarrhoea full of cold give a teaspoonful of california syrup of rigs and in a few hours all the foul constipated waste undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of tha little bowels without griping and you have a well playful child again you needa t coar stcl children to take this harmless fruit laxative they love its delicious taste and it always makes them feel splendid ask your druggist for a bottle of california syrup of rigs which has directions for babies children of all ages and for grown ups plainly on tha bottle beware of counterfeits sold here to be sure you get the genuine ask to see that it Is made by the call forkla fig syrup company refuse any other kind with contempt adv if ou want a really lovely world without you must make the world within bright and loveli david gregg have a clear skin make soap your everyday every day toilet soap and assist it now and then by touches of ointment to soften and heal for free samples address dept X boston at druggists and by mall soap 25 ointment 25 and 50 adv miss 1 lorence romagne recently became a first class bootblack in mus catlet catl nt la SPANISH INFLUENZA do not fear when fighting a german or a germ by DB M COOK the cool fighter always wins and so there Is no need to become panic stricken avoid fear and crowds exercise in the fresh air and practice the three Cs A clean mouth a clean skin and clean bowels to carry off the poisons that accumulate within the body and to ward off an attack of the influenza bacillus take a good liver regulator to move the bowels such a one Is made up of may apple leaves of aloe root of jalap and Is to be had at any drug store and called pleasant purgative pellets if a bad cold develops go to bed wrap up well drink freely of hot lemonade and take a hot mustard footpath footbath foot bath nave the bedroom warm but well ven obtain at the nearest drug aitoro tablets to flush abo kidneys and control the pains and iches take an tablet every wo hours together with copious drinks of lemonade if a true case of annu enza the food should be simple such as booths broths milk buttermilk and ice cream but it Is important that food be given regularly in order to keep up patient a strength and vitality after the acute attack has passed which Is generally from three to seven days the system should be built up by the use of a good iron tonic such as tablets to bo obtained at some drug stores or that eu known blood maker and herbal tonic made from roots and barks of forest trees sold everywhere as dr berces ler ces golden medical discovery eyelid loyrs loy rf rl ft VS Cye Resy lonctot at jot eye your druggists tt or by mail 60 ft SW tb r book ct the ce fr anit 0 awlie clites Cli tew NJ f ia st i baht aa jl |