Show r Y T CT ctr art frt za li RA V a VOW 1 MIDNIGHT dispatches E 4 N drw eit orlian 1 1 ih 22 gon 1 emaar to tiny day ct belat echi q of the following follo following wini patch to both bolli ciula slid 1 22 col 11 II 11 commending do of tho the gall bulf new the t that hat you hold your troops JU in TeAd ni cia to to ik conflict of armed bodies of men should such audi occur and guard public izo properly from frob too or dest duct ton keep cp eliw it apart ment acon by elir of ill secretary or of war signed FD F 0 bonci il L anve aloir d decided lint it requires 54 in thi the blouw and 19 in the senate to constitute a quorum I 1 hils annulling ann their action re pealing obnoxious law when carter concluded lai the crowd slowly caal this is quiet the achion of tile lh president in ia prevent ing it a conflict dermi to ln ve to la the citizens in view orthe orilie early comma coming of tile hie comm commatee itee of instigation 11 solution to tile trouble rouble angeles 24 2 the government will ill contract for additional work on son K in pedro breakwater lacut sears seara of the united states engineer corps corp who wl is n in charge ot the work boci up to tm san francisco next neat week loell foli ali will bt be publiA ed about february 1 lit at the san bernardino or of tile the inott clait the lizzio lizzie bullock lodge ledge dark clark Piari ct as the richest on coit the returns from froin pounds ore netted ilia chii owners alwia assays or of the rock give 1505 5 per ton ileno ateno 22 21 some 3 diw WO motto hutc indians In iliana are gathered gall tid ot at waller walker I 1 lion hon dia contented it is reported that thes they tire arc out of provision and unless t fool foo is ia furnished them trouble n ii apprehended 11 p pre bended As ai yet yd tio no particulars particular a havo li been received will probably hear more to morrow san jose 22 the japanese cialona sadora don arrived front from san Fratic francisco keo by special train lit at 12 32 30 and drove around town viqi visiting ting pro prominent afar n ent they RO go back thia afternoon noon bichop iq i duhin tit the railroad r acidly I 1 1 I rudbn lie le wort work is done in a rub rob andal manner cars cari will be running in thirty days ir the weather is favorable stock ant moner new york 22 goll Gold dull ft Pt erling 1 1 I J governments fluitt luica firm flocks linn firm IV U T I 1 3 29 20 wells varga 59 Iaci fio a alad af M 22 24 1 in the ilou e oday today Cli chapuran Cha arim pulan in of the bistrica bi strict of into is introduced it ii bill a along two hundred un red thousand sand do bollara rl are for ilia ahe co of nf the washington alii lie 1111 1 recently introduced liy I 1 fall duties on taip it b nil adin materials was taken up tip ant and rel to the committee on find nl means dawes danea presented a report from the committee on ways end and ileane on the subject or of negotiation or of tile tho funded debt with regola tiong declaring that the secretary of tile tho treasury Trea iury gury in negotiating the loan authorized authorised july 1 1170 halt hail neither cl the bonded debt nor incurred expenditure contrary iry to law tile report wai wag ordered lulled to be called up nil for action in the future I 1 ore kerr of tile tho minority paid the minority report would probably lie be pre a a enta resolution 1 wai Z and glenns to at their convenience on tux tar on fin tobacco bill billi pawed farnsworth pro presented ente d a memorial from the lie governors of or illinois indiana A annj i ilia in relation to tor the two to per er cent run fund arv arising arii ing from froin tile the EA sale le 0 of public bublic hn lind it r A bill VM wa p macd aae exten extending din time for presenting enting cl claims allak 8 bounty to january alth 1873 1813 A bill was wag introduced to estal I 1 uh a tax lax on all manufacture tobacco tit at a uniform rate of IC I 1 6 cents A 11 to ways lva and n means I 1 can offered a resolution int the committee for the to ta inquire inu ir into allegations of the memorial ol of the he ux tax of washington charging all sorts orta of corrupt on the board board of work under the new territorial government ite ife seat the memorial to co the clerks de 1 and had it read ilo iio then alluded to the fact odthe of the enormous s um sum u of 0 had bad been paid to news p apri I 1 of t tue district for advertis advertising in within ille the I 1 last s a eight mont lis one 01 1 the papers papera was a little theatre pro another a which ho be had never heard of before and which announced subscription terms one cent it a ar p ri irble at the end cn 1 of odthe the year raf 10 oar r eaid 1 I the present condition of affairs of tile th c was ali the result of congress releasing jurisdiction luris diction oer oi er it I otter wood ani an dawer acif regret that hid supported the bill form for a territorial c storta government coi at and el eldridge Eldrid didgo go sai said they had a 0 opposed po t the LIU bill ort on co constitutional groan no li leapman Lb a apman an delegate front from t tho a district deprecated pr any prejudice ill ia thee the case 0 and p 0 d hisa hia own em and t that a t 0 of th e government ern m ent for a full complete an and i partial impartial in investigation 11 t I 1 10 11 the lie resolution lu on wai wag then adopted ze pt A was directing the committee on commerce to 0 o inva mitigate quarantine 9 and harbor regno ions of I 1 mow w york I 1 als alaa tile lie means for reviving and A american commerce with power to heind foor for persons ranni and papers and hold bold chiona in I 1 I 1 morgan coved to alloo suspend pend tile rules anil and pa pam a almut joint prop timing to lo amend the constitution making natural aril ucil a c iz not e cli g giblo ablo to the presidency and ai vice presidency C jeaa 91 to nays a ya 75 less titan than two th thirds L e corl conw loat ost nah it el introduced abill a hilll to lenieve political irom IL II 1 V john noni lion ind and other or of georgia cox cdx farej ff a resolution calling for reports end and corro correspondence ponde nee of I 1 aacen ti rent pent abroad to examine US con consola 5 soJa a tes otho also for information ion k on tile lincul in stio accod 1 I 1 of consid i aland with cements ge ments or of con consular gular feer ac Refa referred anna annapolis ollis 2 22 in be wharton case steele lar tile concluded his argument by aall an eloquent a appeal peal in in behalf of tile pr ioner and general sylvester beran liccar his ha argument charleston Charl clin 22 the wark of rut aul lin tinn forte I 1 orla ft and jn in a condit condition V at will begin at once Contract ora ort will commence mounting 41 4 heavy rana guns today to day fort blodow savannah Savan nih i is ill also to in be strengthened with extensive garth works and guns ot of greater calibre washington 22 A tariff bill WAS in traduce ct 1 itt the iho house today to day ly ay iy burch va r ide member 1 aar of the lie committee on ways and to reduce the tariff to if alic 0 client 17 t at of nearly it ii ald clouding 0 iree free list reduction on common anil tl iw and on woolen goods garfield of tho the on way acid iiams LIU to dot defray ray of the embassy jual arrived tossed passed garfield also reported ted a reo revolution lution in the rr of the house to furnish funds to the committee going to yew orleans Or leani tho the speaker thal thai appointed ippo MiloJ arch erot er ot and sheer of alenri ityl vania ra embers of that committee n following is the bill to connect I 1 th the a tny a I 1 section I 1 establishes tele alel I 1 offices office bat at all the post offices on legi lc graph p h lines line bad and all other wt 0 acs where here w gross gros receipts for postage amount a year of within 10 a alm of telegraph 11 ancs nes section 2 fixes dies uniform rates for equal distances distanced 25 24 cents bet between offices 15 not over miles apart LO 50 cents irl end between offices over oter 25 miles ay apart and under milc night rates rate 25 cents for 1000 milea rates raid to he be refunded for delays or mistakes section 3 provides jre prepayment payment by fit ind d lor for the distribution of a all I 1 tc within one month sections 1 4 and 5 fix press rates for each w word ord special dispatches at t 60 centi cenal by night 75 cents by day and fixes rates for press association at and for private wires for newspapers newspaper section 0 6 di cn i the duties tit of I 1 ali be Aai stint amter general over lines section scroll orno the post mailer general to contract for the transmission of telegrams at the above rates to oil all ja artiea who will rut fur dish and operate ana necessary sary lines of telegraph section 9 authorizes tho the post muter general to reduce the rates lutes on rates therein prebi pre prescribed bi ed sag section lion 10 tile postal telegraph company for the maintenance of service in behalf behalf of the poet pait master iter general I 1 section 11 and 12 ait the i the company to buy lines and purchase night 7 as centi by day and fixes rates for press preas and for private wires for Detri parerA section 13 authorizes anth orizes the co to open offices wherever rover the wants of business bu finen nay require 0 mal section c ebion I 1 14 4 congi congress cis to purchase lines linea any time at value section 15 rei reserves erves to Con gregis tile ri right bundon t to after or amend this act 1 ondon 2 22 german w war AT office ia n about to establish a military school heal at melz aletz it is n reported that arlaca arl t the act german gov moment refuses to 0 in the mote of tile the european liuro powers lor r the suppression of internationalists athens 22 the queen of greece recce lim safely been delivered ofa of a son eon paris pana 22 it ig 11 understood that thai thiers haa decided to abstain from participation in the debated or of the assembly except on important occa siong bioni topeka nils kos 22 alexia and suite J arrived to day and were received at the depot by the governor and committee of reception and taken alca state stale louse home the speaker of the house delivered in an address of welcome alexis responded briefly r salaria solaria market so san n francl co jan 22 closed ed today to day ni 99 follows 57 shares at 22 90 0 25 1 julia eliares bli arci at 13 13 1313 13 b 10 iii 13 m tm Fur orka la UV sli 1 khana sa 23 b 30 01 22 b 31 30 21 a 34 ad 22 overman ago i harca at 43 b SO 10 50 1 raymond aymond ll ely J G 5 share tit at afi I 1 0 b 30 b 30 b 20 belcher 25 shares at 0 solo 5 a 8 at elj rage I 1 panaca 22 shares at 41 li 30 41 41 41 b 34 30 41 b bin ill meadow valley 94 aso ali arct e at t 1717 art IS a could S i acuity uy cag M at 1401 I 1 14 b a 9 30 jacket MS s at 69 GS C a 01 70 b 34 b 5 ri ocile 1105 sharoo b 30 14 Us 9 30 hale riale a 10 40 ibabes rii area at aa i S segregated e grog helcher 11 al 55 53 i 51 b 1 30 0 52 52 56 55 savage 15 earea ares at ca tc 6 ca 4 b 10 fia ad dancy ghares sli arcs tit at W 31 31 3 b 30 55 chares at 55 fo 59 9 b 30 uhn ton A creole creale 40 10 than share at 5 f 51 b 1 11 51 5 ai mammoth 1100 shares nh ires tit at 70 oaf j mahogany sa taberna tI iara at 29 18 18 south charlot Chariot aharen share tit at 51 ai 4 t 4 W 14 13 45 10 1044 ai M llares iharos lla at 20 26 2525 9 Jaek jackson sorg G 20 charca it at 1 lillian hall shares eharis at alj il 11 1 1 justice 90 fili Plin arci reg at taj 41 41 virgin n shares at t 21 25 b 30 caledonia coi 17 b 1 art oa ut ah 40 A share lili arf at d 1 irown crown point 20 shares at gla 0 11 treasure 30 share tit at 3 8 a 31 3 st 81 8 imperial 30 tb fkiares ares it at 71 74 70 b 24 20 golden chariot Cli ariot 33 phares ares at al 01 kao 20 10 b 30 1 94 ida elmore 1105 hiliare il iare at 19 IS igo 19 lib b 3 asi tili aliard ares at W 4 11 si 5 5 51 b 30 30 phoenix shares at 51 5 52 51 oil ly 30 succor 2 Pi llares at all 11 41 alpha 00 andes at 31 30 29 sierra nevada 1 if shares share at gen cen jo linea of oregon has herh col cd lis seventieth year and li jig still mill hate hale and hearty bearty the general is held in n high esteem in that state i i |