Show POLITICAL BARNACLES the frao amm lers of four our system ot of gov gal hail had deeply studied the llie lea c 9 sons sona of history anil and while conferring upon fie 1110 ne all the th e powers a king may use under a constitution just to i a free people were careful not to allow him the pulse parse as well 29 ah the sword and a BO to it keep him under perpetual restraint celto tho T president may not touch directly or indirectly one dollar or of the revenue all the levies but the one who looks after afier ho affairs of the treasury report to the executive the secretary Secre tari or rabe treasury mutt mut hand baud in ilia hia report to congress to the popular branch of congress and thua fling the peo I 1 hold h 0 id the puree purse strings an and d I 1 can sheath or r till lie sword at theia heir will and nd V yale tild parasites who have acen 11 tampering on their own account with the revenue in the matter or of the new york custom house have aitio violated thia admirable provision and it if they aro are let alono alone in few years they may manage to put into the ibo bands of tonic some president less scrupulous than grant those absolute 0 powers ra which under the artful fay brive tern 6 d devised by augustus augustas made the R roman sella senate the servile slavo slave or of the emperors emperor and swept away the last of bilgman liberty thayer they to filch let itkind that themay thear may do so BO without let or hindrance bindra ace ai and ad lexi next year tho the lear fital fatal precedent will plead for ten times limes the power to f and nd no ile on till we have hare a government of ol 01 parasites itei spied informers Wor and peca liter as hateful is As powerful ib in at and as indestructible as those who made madd it so ad ove and a sary for the proudest deet sonata the world work ever saw to its itji ancion ancient grandeur and ul lick licit tho the feet or of the hi ini im bealle creears Cn eara if so any y man thinks these words worde too hastily or too sharply carpl wo beg may him to read the tb ilia his lory torY lAud fato afta u Q the republics of th tb post past and to remember alt in all al kea humin human nature is the 8 bac baloh t |