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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHL UTAH Rustle of Taffeta in Fashion Realm tireless Vaves Used as Internal Poultice The old fashioned poultice, which Is usually composed of bran, or bread, r linueed, with some admixture of mustard. Is still a great standby for the family physician. The main trouble is that it can only be applied to the surface, and therefore cannot actually "touch the spot" The latest TfiKirt in medical circles is that It may soon be possible to put a poultice, in effect at least on the liver, lungs, or any other Internal organ of the human body. This prospect has been opened up by the diseoery of certain wireless waves which can cook the white of an egg and '.cave the yolk uncooked, or cook the yolk a more surprising thing and leave the white unaffected. Even now, preliminary and experimental treatments are being undertaken with these rays which produce selective Internal heating. Thus It looks as though doctors may be able, by adjusting the conditions, to apply this internal poultice literally wherever It is most needed. By CHERIE NICHOLAS W- Alia Mf - d short-sleeve- res-tanra- time. long For evening, for afternoon, for gen- daytime wear, describes briefly their order the three gowns here eral Is pictured. The tiny sketch in the oval la merely a suggestion as to how party frocks for the young girl are being "prettyifyed" with frills and furbelows. Among the many chapters taffeta will be writing In the of fashion this spring and sum mer, there will be none more fascinating than that which has to do with frilly fluted and ruffled gowns which designers are now preparing for the which book yonnger set. These will flaunt crisp-tie- bows single and en suite. Not that all party frocks will be made up ornately, for quite a few jeune fllle frocks will be styled with utmost simplicity even to the point of severity, depending upon "lines" for their sue cess. to the other gowns pictured, a bow tied at the waist at the back, As big MATCH FOOTWEAR By C II ERIE NICHOLAS hemline fullness, also the skirt are major points of Interest In regard to the formal model shown to the left Centered in the group Is an afternoon gown. While In one sense of the word it may be said to be tal lored, embodying, as it does, considerable neat stitching and introducing subtle pleats which preserve a modish sllmness, yet it also boasts many Intriguing dressmaker details. One message which this attractive model conveys is that the daytime dresses are often given a dninty feminine touch via the sheerest of sheer organdie, lace, embroidery or net finishings about the neckline and sleeves. The outfit to the right in the group is ever so smart and new, contrasting as It does, plain taffeta with plaid. The fact that It is styled with a cape is prophetic, for the cape theme Is considered of utmost Importance for spring. As to plaids and checks, their vogue will be outstanding during the coming months. Not to be overlooked among taffeta fashions are the evening ensembles which top a dress of this crisp lively si"; with a cunningly devised little Jacket which most frequently fastens with a soft bow tie of some sort or other. The beauty of such a bolero o Jacket is that It may be worn with other gowns as well, being particularly effective, as It contrasts chiffon or lace, or some other sheer weave, d To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. floor-lengt- h TUNIC SOLVES MANY A DRESS PROBLEM One suspects that the Introduction, of the tunic at or rather the this time is one of the kindly gestures fashion is making to those of us who must make our Inst year's dresses serve another year. The tunic is a direct answer to the often perplexing a question of how to lengthen since many of the really smart tunics are quite as long as skirts used to he. Not, of course, that every tunic r by any means any dress is a more that every dress with contrastbeen reing sleeves is one that has on current ruling The modeled. sleeves is that they should either cond trast or do something to attract atten-tonan- Used Pipe, Fitting & Valves Ktvlj Ihrued ana coupled for all purpsaaa, MoMcy Irea and Metal Co. ImOS Lata City, Ctafc. 1M S. Sra M a a Wt OfBr and Laboratory US-J8C, bait Laka Cujr. Utaa. T. O. Tempi Boa MMi Mallinc aavalufM aaa prto unilbd os raquont. ENJOY lt sort Taffeta Vogue Spreads to Hats and Accessories cmes to selecting accessories a view to matching or relating "era to each other. This season, more "an ever, footwear Is made to en Into relation with scarfs, belts esIT"ie nat and the blouse. The cos Pictured answers to the call of mode for color harmony anion ,rJ details in that the blouse. the cart and the shoes are all In an "cal pale beige tone. A touch of 10 the 8carf and tne dres!1 Itself ia(1'led bll,e- navy The nnn(ls,,m beip b Id snnrinla Bra nmvoat filial l?n tressl ng, as do. the very lates they Wont it Ten f perforated effect such aswIP maJor theme 1n fwtwear de spring and summer. TRIP TO A SALT LAKE AND NEWHOUSE That la, Minor Criminal A criminal has no finesse. He steals Illegally. Exchange. I as old A MAN as organs. is bis or as young At ilfty, you can be in your prime. Why go along with "fairly good health when you might be enjoying vigor you haven't felt for years? There's a simple little thing anyone can do to keep the vital organs stimulated, and feel fit all the tune. People don't realize how sluggish they've grown until they've tried it. The stimulant that will stir your system to new life is Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. It will make a most amazing difference jn many ways. This famous doctor's prescription is a delicious syrup made with fresh herbs, active senna, and pure pepsin. It starts its good work with the first spoonful. That's all you need to drive away the dullness and headache of a bilious spell, and rid the system of that slow poison that saps your strength. It's better than a tonic for tired bowels, and unlike laxatives you can take it freely or give it to any child. And it isn't expensive. Get some syrup pepsin today, and take a little tonight. Don't wait until you're sick to give your system this wonderful help. You can avoid those spells of biliousness or constipation. A spoonful every now and then is better than constant worry about the condition of your bowels, as you or fear of grow older. Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin protects the system. All druggists keep this preparation. CONOCO CONTEST CLOSES The flair for taffeta is so Insistent some of that milliners are creating Nor does of it hats their choicest the favor for taffeta stop at that point and for all sorts of belts, girdles, scarfs, fashioned are being even handbags details there Among smartest of It than featured definitely is none more of checked or waistcoats the Jaunty which will be worn with plaid taffeta Jacket the new spring suits. Often th, sun Is of the coat r or and n the with the revej a tied scarf new style the as such of color so Insistently curriculum calls for three-quarte- S ThencT that there variety of taffetas ,ogne all the more smartest new Item This feta best made up very Is such a wide makes the Interesting. The is matelasse taf shown silk simply. k'b trL k - J 1 Jl t. H. WATKB8. Praa. W. E. SUTTON. Mfh UBS. f 400 Rooms 400 Baths 12.00 to $4.00 C Family Room P tori $250 Name it! Help Describe it! But First Try it . . . Know all about the C Persona TWO PERSONS Boua wttfc Batk tt" Cfl THE HOTEL NEWHOUSE ALT LAKE CITY. DTAH 23 (nVgh'O FEB- - Oelp " ' P1 habit-formi- IN CASH PRIZES For A Bait Nam Conoeo's Naw and Slooant Deriblng Inifant Start. t, Bronx Gasolina Ing, Lightning Pick-u- p High-Tar- Grand Prii $ for Winning Nam 5,0 00 ALSO 74 OTHER PRIZES For Winning Slogans 5 10 10 15 15 15 J of this 'j 1 1 1 1 PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZES PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE OF OF OF OF OF OF OF... OF... OF... OF... Follow! s i $1,000 S 750 S 500 $ S50 $100 EACH $75 EACH SO EACH $ 25 EACH $ 15 EACH $ 10 EACH ........$ Get Official Entry Blank from Conoco Station! and Dealeri, 1 CONTEST RULES. 4 Name muC b not more thaa 12 Iet tan; alogan not mora than 12 word. Submit either or both on tingle aheet; plain white paper; one tide only; but preferably ' on official contest information-and-ent- rf blank, free at Conoco dealert and station a. Elaborate presentation! receive no extra credit. close 2 Contest 193). Entries n i brl HO IHCHEAE IMPtlCEt Makes Motors Say, " then Wh-oo-pce- ". Get-up-and-- Here's Go Kigh-power- ed gas; extra dry; extra fast; extra potent. The instant it reaches the sparkplugs, then the show begins. employees, member 3 Continental families and other connected Greased lightning can't beat it. It starts quick as a spark and picks up fast as a flash. Press the starter and step on the gas. No no bucking, stalling or lagging. You step right out . . . right now! A treat to your motor, a joy to you, yet it costs not a penny more. It's improved in antiknock. It makes miles thrifty. Fill up today. Test it out. Ask the Conoco man for an entry blank. Within the cylinders, it explodes. Every atom turns into energy . drives the piston down in a Last call to help us name it. Who knows? You may win a prize. smooth stroke of power. v I J' THIS I - SPACE $5,000 NEW BRONZE R E S ERVED VORD high-tes- midnight, February 2). must be postmarked be fore that date and hour. mis-firin- g; y ashion is more exacting than evei u KlfHOLS nUSMON con- so completely Fashion, being cerned In preserving the decsilhouette, naturally has given up on Is concentrating and orating skirts trimmings. The excepwhich tion to this Is the tunic frock, tunic is likely as not, bordered at its of some niche a with with or fur, edge "h" ij LLi- ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS ially most of them do. above-the-be- mn roacM-Lyptu- Fifty and Fit left-ove- A': ; ) .'. aaaw whan I caulctat I ' now cougnwe. f j - tiana w'H uki a bat- a ) of for caugha." At Yw oVufloirt a. For FREE aampl wit ta 732 Cere Ava.. La Awgetea, Salt Lake City Directory 193S Western Newspaper Union. skirt-espec- - Father was angry tttiUll ! tctaral ta wiklt Playf, ul Crab's Pinch Got Owner in Trouble paper-wrappe- tea-tim- typewriter system the latest weather conditions Dot only slung the regular air routes but to either side of these routes so that If a pilot U forced off the regular route he knows what kind of Weather to expect until he can regain or revamp his course with the aid of the prepared map. Pathfinder Magazine. I- There are drawbacks to buying live crabs and carrying them home with no more protection than a paper wrapping, as a Sofia business man recently learned to his sorrow. This man, according to a New York Times correspondent, attemped to read a newspaper in a crowded street car with a crab under hl arm. Suddenly the woman sitting next to him, who happened to be wearing a dress, Jumped up, tore the newspaper out of his hands and slapped him In the face. The crab had torn Its way through the paper and pinched her arm and she thought the man had pinched her himself. this we hear? "fis the WHAT'S and swish of taffeta In be air. The whispering frou frou of this sprightly silk will be heard on the areoues and boulevards, in smart e and during the at formal dinner hour, and when the evening lights go on, Its glamorous beauty will add romance to the festive scene. From the signs which Hash across the style horizon, the coming Is to be one of the biggest taffeta aeasons we have known for a long, Map Aide Flyer Uncle Sam's weather bureau and the Department f Commerce have master weather map to developed add to the safety of flying our airways. Every four hours this master map transmits simultaneously to scores of airports throughout tho country by means of a telegraphic t of their directly or indirectly cannot compete. A Should more than one person tubmit exactly the tame name or slogan, each, will receive full amount of any prize such entry may win. All entrie become Conti nental Oil Company property, and none will be returned. C The Company resenre prior right to phrase and slogan of it own creation, already in prepared advertising. Also it reserves the names "Continental" or "Conoco" gasoline, "Conogas", and "101 gaso. line, Whether or not the winning contest name it adopted, prize money will be paid; but the Company reserve the right to name of it own creation if decided more suitable and more protectable under trade--, mark lawn. . No purchase it required of contestant, v " Continental Oil Company executive will be the judge and their decisions final. Winners will be announced over radio and prize money paid at soon at possible after contest doses. AJJmt All Vfitrttt to "CONTEST OFnaAl"1 Continental Oil Company fooca City, Okla. FOR Al THE WINNING WORD? GASOLINE Worthy Companion of Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil |