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Show LEHI FREE PRESS. LEHI. UTAH New Thrill for Winter Sports Enthusiasts My Neighbor rice, place BEKoltE cooking and It lo a poor boiling water over it. Save thla water, aa It makea excellent starch for blouses, muslin, laces, etc. Serre tarts How It Started 0: ft Says: tion name the word "Academy. word become So universal has this of ! bottle of furniture polish on a clean dry mop works wonders ou polished floors. I U Jit"' J SK-- , ' ., tfuftiT" ,"J-- a place as part of tbe name of la practically it that learning with word "school" mHow few. however, of the students erudite , our academies realize the in house the of title nature of the educa- their which tbey are receiving 4-- " Rubber goods of any sort ma; be wltb adhesive effectively mended plaster. Axoclated lilt, if thWNU Sarvic Lights of NEW YORK -the word academy" la directly the School of Philosfrom descended Plato In the Garden ophy, founded by was a beautiful which Academus of outskirts of the on suburb situated Athens. of city famous the Servlc Bell 8yndicat.-W- NU UFo?r Kawaptptn) -- By WALTER TRUMBULL Tbe bead of a big buslnesa in New lork la so deaf that be can bear only wltb tbe aid of ear phones and one of those little boxes wltb an electric battery, but be la one of those fortunate persona who doesn't let bis affliction affect bis disposition. Like tbe late Harold MacGrath, who was deaf to the same extent, this man Is a happy, cheerful person who gets a lot out of life. Recently, be bad an Idea. Ue took a vacation and spent It In taking lessons In lip reading. Then he came back to tbe office, leaving bis bearing apparatus at borne, with the Idea of astonishing all bia employees. It Just happen that one of his close assistants la ao buck toothed that be talks practical!) without any movement of bis npper lip, and it also happened that thla wa the first employee the manufacturer encountered. Ue couldn't read the mar'a Hps, because there was no Up movement to read. They conversed by writing on a pad, while tbe office boy dashed In a taxi to the manufacturer's borne to retrieve tbe head phones. Wlllard Falrchlld once had to an advertising layout for clothes of a certain cloth designed for places as Palm Beach, Bermuda, sau and sunny California. Tbe was to be based on photographs make made such Nas- thing and, SOJOURNING "Gee, BUI, Is dat you, where have yon been keepln' yourself des dnysT" "Why 1 have been on one of them , Includpersonally conducted ing all expenses tours to de Jail." ten-day- Out on Big Bear lake In the mountains of southern California Sara W rinkle of Los Angeles constructed this novel a "snow boat" which Is capable of doing 70 miles an hour over the frozen lake and the snow fields. It Is driven by 100 horse power Hall Scott airplane motor. owing to tbe elements of time and expense, the photographs had to be uuule In the vicinity of New York. In order to give them the real atmosphere. was decided they must be taken out of doors. Mr. Falrchlld gathered his models, four girls and three men. and took them, with the clothes, tennis rackets snd golf clubs, to Atlantic City. The layout had to be mnde and approved around Christmas so as to be ready for the spring exodus to the South. The first three days produced ball and snow, driven by a bowling GETTING SUPPER. "ANGIE" THE ANGLER FISH Tbe third day broke bright and fair with a temperature of IS degrees above zero Mr. Falrchlld hustled his e models Into the outfits, covered them with fur coats, gave them the rackets and golf clubs, tucked them into wheel chairs with blankets around them and took them to the beach. Then he set up the cam eras, unrrapped his models and, to keep them from freezing, ran them down on the sand, where they proceeded to register "summer sports." He says the great difficulty was to get them to stop shivering long enough to make a clear snapshot The coated and blanketed spectators on the board walk bad a grand time. An artist's model has a great life. the-shad- "Fire Bird" was going pretty well when Judith Anderson, the star, Joined the Manhattan flu club, for which so many of us have qualified. The show closed and Miss Anderson, In care of her mother, left for Bermuda to recuperate. Meanwhile, Jean Dixon left the cast of "Dangerous Corner" to go to Hollywood and appear In a movie to be called "The Kiss In the Mirror." Quite a lot of friends were at the station to see her off, among them Ue said, "You Ilughle O'Donnell. should renllze, Jean, that even Mary center of the upper part of his great wide mouth and on the end of It la a fascinating little tag. called a lappet which serves very nicely for bait to tempt unwary smaller fish. "Angle" doesn't believe In fishing where all can see. No Indeed I He has two wide fins, one on either side of his fiat body which can be used for feet. With these he can walk along tho mnddy bottom of the sea and when he feela hungry can bury himself in the mud and leave his fish pole sticking up. He waves the tiny lappet back and forth until It looks for all the world like a tempting live morsel. Along their unsuspecting way may come a school of minnows or baby fish. They see the moving delicacy and swim rapidly towards It. At first they swim around and around It But as soon as "Angle" feela them near he wastes no time In uncovering himself and before the tiny fish know what has happened to them, he has swallowed several. "Angle" Is not beautiful. Anyone can see that by looking at his peo- ple." I93S. Bell Syndlcau. WNU Service. HINTS ON ART OF MAKING BISCUITS Process Is So Simple That Failure Is Unlikely. By EDITH M. BARBER Can' she make biscuits used to be a symbolic question, the answer to which settled tbe ability of a bride to cook. Many are the Jokes on this subject to which a long suffering public has listened you all know them and are bored with them and 1 shall spare you their repetition. Perhaps some of you, however brides or amateurs In cooking may be Interested in a few bints In regard to the creation of this traditional sym bol of successful cookery which may save you from a personal application of this time worn Jest. Really, there Is perhaps something to say about their making, as simple as It Is, so simple that it seems as if good biscuits should be the general experleuce. Every once In a while, however, I am offered a biscuit quite unworthy of the name, and you probably have the tame experleuce. Biscuit dough itself has few ingredl ents; only Hour, salt, baking powder, t shortening and milk or water. The depends mainly on the quantity of material used and the combination, with some credit or discredit, due to the baking. There Is a difference In opinion In regard to whether bread or pastry flour does best. The answer depends upon whether you want a very tender almost crumbly biscuit or whether you prefer one with more of a liready" texture. The amount of shortening also affects the texture. The least that can be used and still give good results is one rahlesioonful to one cup of flour. I personally like l'he amount to double this amount, of baking powder can be reduced as the Biiiount of shortening Is increased Ifiseuits should not have an excess amount In any case. Remember that baking powder of the aluminum sul phate type should be used in smaller How Mr. Armadillo daintily starts for his dally stroll I Up on the tips of his toes he treads and looks where he Is stepping, too. He walks with a determined air, his coat of armor serving as a handsome protection against any enemy he should chance to meet. He Is a peaceful creature. nd pre- - PRESTO Black out all numbers from one to ten and see what picture yon have made. ARMADILLOS IN THE DESERT fers rather to take refuge Inside his armored bouse than to resist attack. It Is easy for him to roll himself tightly in his armor, form Ing a perfectly round ball and leav ing not a trace of himself sticking out except perhaps a few long hairs. Just let any enemy try to pierce through Mr. Armadillo's coatl lie soon learns that It can't be done and while he may angrily bite and scratch for entrance, Mr. Armadillo Is curled up safely, inside, lie has three bands around his coat. These three bands are like the Joints of your elbow ; they make It possible for his armor to bend. The shield on his head and the bit of armored covering for his tall are Just right to fill in any little crevice which might be left. Tbe nails on his hind feet are broad and flat, giving the appearance of hoofs, and though Mr. Armadillo's legs may be short he Is At night, when a fast runner. the moon Is out and the stars are shining, If you lived In South America, you might see him hastening along on some nocturnal errand. Some members of his family prefer the night to any other time. Hurry up. Air. Armadillo I There ars some delicious young roots and Insects and perhaps a lizard or two, waiting to make a tempting supper for you. (ft. 1IS1. Western Nwitr Colon. r fliwuiU 2 cupfuls flour. 3 teaspoonfuls baking ponder 3 to 4 tahlesnoonfuls fat to 1 cupful milk or water. teaspoonfnl salt. Mix and sift the dry Ingredients and rub In the fat with the fingers or cut Make a hole In It In with a knife. the flour at the side of the bowl and Stir In add half a cupful of liquid. enough flour to make a ball of soft Remove this from the bowl dough. A Lesson in Inflation y Bronchial Troublej Need Creomulsioj Bronchial troubles may feaj thing serious. You can stop theJ0 with Creomulsion, an emulifi'J that is pleasant to take. CxwmuW,, new medical discovery with twojTr' tion; it soothe, aad Leal the membrane, and inhibit, genap1 j cued by high medical authorities IT of the greatest healing agenda, aistent cough, and colds and otWfc!!: rf throat trouble. Creomulsion in addition to creosote, other heahW? menu which soothe and heal theiZJj membranes and stop the irritati0tt flammation. whde the creosote loaTJ the stomach, is absorbed into the attack, the seat of the trouble and the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satif in the treatment of persistent coug2 pi 5! colds, bronchial asthma, broncnkaS other forms of respiratory diseas,. 2 is excellent for building up Sewir after colds or flu. Money refunded!! coughorcoldnomatterofhowWttS ing, i not relieved after takingacS to directions. Ask your druggie. (jyJJ ...a! Blemishes on Fact la and Shoulders Almost a Year ii Cuticura Healed "For almost a year I wag tronM . 1 .1 Klnmlf lii.i tknl of pimples and blackheads. VyttJ ana snouiaers were the affected parti The pimples were large and red m my shoulders became sore from tin rubbing of my shoulder straps, u, pimples Itched and after scratch them they festered and were ao tort that I could not sleep. w.1 fVi "People suggested many I tried all but to no avaiL Hi r remedla; CnUcm Soap and Ointment were suggested ana x was completely healed, tM using three cakes of Cutlcnra Soq and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment' (Signed) Miss Helen Mann, fflK Claridge St, Phlla., Pa., July 2L 1921 Cuticura Soap 25c. Ointment M and 50c. Talcum 25c. Proprleton! Potter Drug & Chemical Corp, Half den, Mass. Adv, 0 :ra! ah in Pi res ill In l bag id 90 Id re-sui- Edited by DOROTHY EDMONDS picture but be Is interesting. He is almost all head and Is as flat as he can be. His great wide month reaches almost all the way around his head and inside are sharp teeth which obligingly depress themselves when "Angle" wishes to take anything In, but which stand firm If a lively fish should wish to escape. "Angle" Is not without his decoration. He wears a rather pretty fringe around himself, each part of which looks like a tiny fern frond. This fringe Is very convenient in helping to hide "Angle" and making him look like a part of the sea scenery. On top of his head are horny fins, the longest one being Angle's fish pole. mintwelve minutes shortcake fifteen minutes. utes to twenty or Individual By the way. for large thin Into dough the shortcake put and rounds, spread half with butter baking. before other the with cover without use They will then separate of either fork or knife. V Fun for All the Children A PEACEFUL WARRIOR "A fish In the mouth Is worth three In the sea," is the motto of Never "Angle," the Angler fish. does he stir without bis Bsh pole sturdily standing upright from the She gale Cheerio Chapters ANGLER. FK5H It ISoland didn't do so well us this. had only three hags and seven From Tom ta M-pl- -Why Call It Academy"? Uurtlto-- with tea or coffee for do JM Jeweler Take my advice have "From Tom." Peaji By JEAN NEWTON afternoon refreshments. (ft. Youns Man dolin. LilOST every educational boast to IU may be found to A r.. EXPERIENCE Jeweler What name Put Mentholatumin nostrils to open them, rub on chest to reduce congestion. quantities than others. Too much baking powder of any sort contributes a flavor which is not desirable. The amount of salt depends, of course, upon the kind of shortening used. When an unsalted fat, such as lard, or a hardened, unflavored vegetable fnt Is used, the salt should be Increased. After the flour, baking powder and salt have been sifted together, the shortening should be rubbed In with the fingers, or cut in with two knives. It must be so fine that when it is blended, the mixture looks like corn meal. It makes little difference whether the liquid used Is milk or water. It is difficult to give in a recipe the exait amount necessary to produce a dough of the proper texture, that is to say soft but not sticky. A little more than onefourth cupful of liquid to each cup ful of flour Is average. When adding the liquid, stir In this amount quickly with a stiff knife, add more If neces sary. pat out the dough to a smooth sheet the use of a rolling pin is un- necessaryand cut Info rounds. A shortcake or dumpling dough Is made Just the same with the addition of a little suar and a little extra shortening. Riscuit or shortcake may be shaped, put In the baking pan anil put In the refrigerator to wait until meal time, or they may he baked at once In a hot oven. A short time at a high temperature 450 degrees Fahrenheit Is best. Biscuit takes ten to and add to the remaining flour enough Roll on liquid io make a soft dough. a metal surface or oilcloth until one inch thick. Cut In rounds and bake ten to twelve minutes In a hot oven, 450 degrees F. This recipe makes ten medium-sizebiscuits. Fruit Shortcake 2 cupfuls flour 3 teasiKMinfuls baking powder. tenspoonful salt 4 tablesponnfuls sugar 5 tahlespoonfnls fat Vt to 1 cupful milk Use the method for mixing biscuits. Divide the dough in half and roll each halt the same size and shape. Place one layer on a greased pan, butter slightly and place the other layer on top of the first Bake fifteen to twen-tminutes in a hot oven. Split and cover with crushed fruit Place the other crust on top and cover with fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, oranges or fresh or canned peaches may y DON'T HET I i I UP 'At Nighty ii j 'I n vnliT t.mnhlfi io Timhtthlv due tOMf irritation of the bladder or eiceal acidity of the urine. Then jurt W A you are one oi ine muuuuo miiaf flat nn r.impfl A llliCXlh n Bai-ar- nnt n urniL I TN HAARLEM ' fin S). Bell Syndicate. WNTJ Service. Mayan Pyramid Is to Be Explored OIL CAPSULES .1. C nlA nvitnfc. uunogA) years mimcumi-- i j I ration has helped millions. InasS. . on tin d Merial. 2iC. .HWI.JJjJ WI ft" PILES be used. Tea Biscuit The recipe for shortcake dough may be varied In a number of ways by adding chopped nuts, raisins or dates and using enough liquid to make the mixture thin enough to drop onto a greased pan. The thick dough may be rolled thin, sprinkled with grated cheese and paprika and rolled and cut as for fruit rolls. Pile sufferers from Protrndtot PU Bleeding, Itching or Blind can now get relief from terj first treatment by using Q.R.Pile Oinfme Q. R. (Quick Relief) PDeOJ ment Is a new remedy for " treatment of pile sufferer matter how long afflicted, gwj anteed to give satisfactory reus or money refunded. otot Before placing this pile sale, for market on ment the was put to the acid test to w mild and severe cases, never i Ing to produce wonderful suits. PD If yoti are troubled with do not experiment Get If JOM J Pile Ointment. io gist does not carry it fill out the blank below Wm it to Q. R. OINTMENT MFO373 South 6th East fcvv 4 Salt Lake City, & Utah Q. R. Co., Gentlemen : Inclosed find $1.00 P. 0. Order for One tube of Q. Ointment to be mailed prepaio" Name TM ..,o ...joinunu mm run red nvr'imli of Tucatan Is to be l opened and i Stacy-Judd- . S slu archeologist and Mayan Inscriptions may be translS h,L ,u of Ilol,ywo0(1' Uxmal ln the JnngU b Rnh B. Calif. He believe - P. O. Address Oa conditions that if I g.ij satisfied with results btaiD!!,, am to receive money haea w returning tube to your tory, k |