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Show COG A N PAGE 1 WO (UT1AH) CACHE VALLEY DAILY A UN D A OCTOBER Y, "-.lx I ' 30-3- by hb parents, Mr. vey Miles. Mumbr Published Sundty morning and every week riav afternoon, except Saturday Fed-r.- il r and legal holidays, at Av, Logan, I tah, by Caihe Valley Co., N flunnar Rasmu'on, president, and entered as second class matter "Proclaim liberty at the postoffice, Loan, Utah, under the act of March 3 ,1879. Subscription the year, in advance, or ?5 cents the month delivned by carrier. thruciit the land price Sun RrancUco 507 & Klcoll office, Ruthman. Special Representatives Oilman Mon'gomery St; Chicago offiie, 410 N. Mu big in Ave ; New York oflice, 19 W. 44th St.; lloston office, 18 Tremout 2(16 Motors Room Bldg. 2, general St.; Detroit office, Full leased wire of the t'nlted Press. Member N. E A S- vice, Western Features, and the Scrlpps Canfield Newspapers New-pape- foiks! This it Doughnut month, but it desert mern very much to us ginks whose wives won't let U di'hk our sinkers our- f' ig - H th hold Him ilotinU uur wife Mifrd aie too tough u.t t at l siu Hat th n ami un them ,w quo ts. IJ'ni QUICK f .Neither this newspaper, nor any of Its storkhuldeis or officials has any conneitlon whatever, other directly or Indirect!?, with any political party, public utility, rcu! estate promotion business except the publication of newspapers devotee solely to disinterested public service. Fd lor oTfiG RETEIISC'.'. inaitRY 3. LrSTEll, Advertising Manager. Mis, HALL OF FAME nich Hoover, Jr. nil plans lly in i our C.i t It and Loaf (lull lie. i bus always been a oiniinnt tlit" job 'ia a month Just a f ov weeks of loafing will settle jo.v and then you'll tor a typcwrltA be reselling . . And then wo met a man got Ins a few years ago and has been loafing since he dippped into the oltlce and we said "We expected to see you jbaik on the old Job long before this . . ami lie said "Oh, yes they they ail told me that but 1 m not back yet and 1 don't think 1 ever will be r , 's I dont more went to . . I just want to kepp on loafing . . . ho "and-rwnat- And he .told us that tho man who 'a keyed up to his work takes quite a time to run down after he quits It took me a year to unwind" he said "I couldn't sit still for two minutes together and 1 always wanted to be dtung something but by me aid oi. a little discipline "I finally conquered my love of w oik and vou couldn't get me back at, it- - by any manner o'meau.t ))NCL A TIME. U and then for the great ;nvl: it may take a year Nt et the end of that time we e " li t?,frce and abla to look wo L i.. tl uop without a tremor , AND LISTEN; 1. popl- - eoukl as easily break away trom biott as we hail pe able la bust away from libor sobering up tin1 country would be a simple niattci. , J. Leonard Rep-logl- e, wealthy steel manufacturer and war- time lean year was a clerk In u steel mill 60 at a month, when he, was 17. but he was earning 3100 monthly $l-- a -- selling bicycles la his spare time. . RjntfLm'tttamjmtJEtscnat.waimacajLi J 8 Announcement i-- J. Bot.t, h OTT BROS. CO. - " MARK EVERY Nephi J., secretary of that organization. Mrs. Earl Dunpg the afternoon, wa,s presented with a rocker. A delicious luncheon was served, to the following: Elda Bergeson, Mario Cluistoflerson, Ann Npegle, Lulu ' V Clavson, Blanphe Crossman. Hazel Bmsham, , EJlzabeth Dopp, Alice Hulgien, Mable P.ke, Virginia Hanand . . Sadie Sorensen, son In Salt Lake Ephraim Bergeson was In Salt Lake on business the past few day3. John Campbell of Weston has moved his family to Cornish and LLLiX, will make his home here Li the future. . , , , During the past week, a considerable number of feeder sheep have been received from . points, north and east. Lind and Jensen are ainonft the large handlers of feeder campaign without salve for my sheep at this .place. consunice. I have received, un ! testimonials glowing j solicited. from otlor public spirited citizens Outlaws arefi'f like inlaws, says j w ho recognize die qualities of tbe Joe Bungstarter. Outlaws frisk popular state i;uan. you once and then quit. , f HERES MORE ABOUT BUNGSTARTER SEZ: ABIGAIL APPLESAUCE When a woman declares there is no use talking, what she means is that there is no use in anybody else talking. This Is National Fue Prevention work. Take olf that celluloid collar, Elmer' Todaj's definition A professional reformer is one whose chief ambition is to get the pie out of piety. , I Vl 1 j (Continued From Page 1) give Bungstarter a margin right off tlie bat. Marble Mutt Go "Before I get through every man,, womap and child .who goes to the polls will know of schemb to put beautiful Cache to t,he fere. "Bungstarter is for a tax cut. We all want a tax cut. The trouble is ia getting In on the cut. With Bungstarter on the joo, ,1111s couit house problem will be solved. , 1'U tell about Joe, tbe cruia-de- r I nn thankful to the Humor public ations for enabling me to Bung-starter'- s GRATITUDE! S're knitted him a pretty tie, He said, How very nice! Then put it In the attic Where it made a nest for mice? screen wyn Mayer's O'Neill's of Eugene w idely know n elramtf. t'Anna Chriir-tio,starring Gi'qta jfiai bo in her nret talking role, will open today. The production has been particularly loked forward to because of giuieral curiosity concerning Miss Garbo's voice and her reputed Swe dish accent, it Is said that Muss Garbo began work on the picture without a preliminary voice test, but having once started, broke ail existing records for length of diaFrom all report logue sequences her voice is perfectly suited to microphone requirements. re The story of "Anna Christie voices about the regeneration of a Swedish girl who, brought up without lire or guidance, chose a Jumeful career to escape the tyranny of lile on a Minnesota farm. Several months spent with her fattier on au old sea barge and the love of an Irish sailor inspire her to a fresh start on life. (laibo's performance as Anna is lei laied to be tile finebt thing she has ever done, the tragic sincerity t the role being of the type to ,hi o the distinguished actress is l, paiticularly well suited. At the Lyric tom-pan- V rr;"'rc , appeal to upright citizens. What I ask. would this fair county be, If marbles, parchesi, authors and other such pursuits were allowed to flourish9 And payroll,! Bungstarter has plans to make the county the lanclies throughout the county v hi re the garbage will be spread. Flies, npod ilvpaper Bunjretai ter lias hinted that he already has received flattering offers from a Ilvpaper concern to come here if enough files are produced His Hands C ear, "I feel that I can enter this Editor's Note. In the foregoing apparentto the following NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'paiagraph, Horseradish ly is referring en iorsements. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah H. Weaver, deceased. Creditors will preeent claims Miks N.eisen, manager of the Grand The Her. We found not with vouchers to tbq undersigned in Nibley, Cache true a report that Mr. Bungstait-e- i at his residence used our movies tor sleeping County, Utah, on or before the 15th day of December. 1930. to save room rrnt. , Date of first publication October Sheriff Shaw. Joo. Bungstarter 13, 1930. li u been held incommunicado ISRAEL YEATES. in Administrator. the county Jail. C, W. Dunn, Federated Musicians Union. Attorney for Administrator. There is no record that Mr. Bung-sta- i Date of last publication, Novemter ever played the saxophone. ber 13, 1930. , REPETITION GRAVE' Bott, Manager. BUILDS REPUTATION Above photo shows Chester Currycomb, star halfback of Colorado university, in a characteristic pose. Halfback Currycomb is the lad who smeared himr-elwith mustard and ran thruogh the enitre Gumboil college eleven last week, disguised as a hot dog. Did you see his trick play Sunday afternoom He disguised himself as a gopher and tunneled under hig opponents' goal I ne! f Gashouse Hus says he isn tell whether or not he is going to like a musical comedy as soon as the curtain goes up two feet. Everybody Reads Outdoor Ouldoor Advertising is so planned and that wherever people go, whichever way they turn, Outdoor advertising presents a visual sales talk to them. It places your story where people will see it again and again throughour the day and up to midnight as they travel over the city streets. so located Advertising YE DIARY manager of the Monument Bros. Btt" tompany u hh h zuji destroyed bv ftre a few s uus ago, announce that the the to rcbitld plant expect and will install new machinery as soon as possible, that until then all orden will be promptly and efficiently filled at jhe plant in Brigham City, that all materials used will be of the highest giade granite obtainable ami will be fullv guaranteed. Mr. Bolt wishes to thank the peo-pof Cache County and vincinity for the support gnen the company in the past and assitics all that any future consideration will be greatly - - appreciated. Xephi XJ porte"George!" if "Man Killel as He Sings Headline Re he was singing that Maine Sti In song' v n What happened in Temple , 'P'i " el leaders . (October 10) Waked betimes, suffering from the colllque, induced by the drmk-leof a pf cucumber cordial yestere-en- , and so mixed myself a cocktayle, mighty brave and potent, it conslctipg of an aspirin sauce, raw tablet, Worcestershire egg, red pepc, and, calomel, and the philtre did heat my stommick, but Lord! it did give me a .great ache In the head! And so to the , , printery. 9 g Tow-cr- ? The girl inside, prisoner of a giant criminal and & half wared jewel thief the .intrepid "Bulldog Drummond outside,, baffled by 'piked wails and. barred windows from access to the girl he loves neither knowing if the other were still alive or not behind them both Why, vou big fiober, tlu sinister figure of the Masked said no mk1i tiling' Sfanger, with murder in bis chill j bcait, and things hapoen! Tins is the powerful central situation in Fox Temple Tower. Movietone all talkie, the spine chill which introduces local film fans to something new in the way of icreen entertainment when it opens at the Lyric Theater today. V- I uevt--r Plan vor 1931 campaign ddicr-t'isin- to g in- Day after day, week after week there is no Jet up. Outdoor displays build a reputation through consistant and persistant repetition. OUTDOOR ADVERT SIX G. It will increase the 1 nine of clude your newspaper advertising by constant daily reminder. 7heYElidW PFNCIL .with the 1 guarantee ! Remodeling and general building work estimates free, no obligation. Let us make your old home qevv. Leaky roofs repaired. with 40-;t- GEO. A. BELL 84 Last Third North Phone MREB BAND 907-- Logan cnatsEMM Eagan EAGLE J f 3 ystg . 3 Tues- appre-ciauu- U.. Metro-Gol- 4t it wra't be manv years tills old gray head wagover a typewriter for t'6 last time and indites its last 'pastoial letter to both - ; PEOPLE adaptation ehain-brenku- un -0 ? a IW'MJk -- ME XT At the Capitol work-addlct- All, v - v - Fritz Jensen returned .cm LI ' travaler strange A THEATERS sbe upon o it, r- K .J; -- - -- jf Is Henry Forge; He never calls At This Is glad news for all Loaien- - whp have been wondering whether It is bard to break away fn in the vice of work and just Jo nothing s moot of us have been for so many years that '6 have become slaves io It and to know that the la is a simple matter relieving now gles A 0 well-know- -- n VwV' J - The telephoto process, by which pictures are transmitted over long distancese bv wire, has been widely used by newspapers and by advertising agencies; and now a real estate salesman also has found it valuable. This salesman was in Los Angeles, selling a $50,-00lecturer. house to Burton Holmes, the But Mrs. Holmes was in New York; and any householder can see that no man could1 buy a house that his wife had never seen. He telephotoed But it didnt stump the salesman. a picture of the house to Mrs. Holmes, and followed it, on her request, with a telephoto of the kitchen. She approved, and the sale was made. Score another point for the telephoto process. V " igscjp . i "The curtain ran, 3 down for the last o.. .torace Hamfat, PECULIAR A NEW USE FOR THE TELEPHOTO . have lienid that iso often t! at we almost believed ,t un til the other day e w time today noted actor s. t jiisistiug oi the ucial "Aw, yon may quit, ail rik'it but you 11 Dt suck on the aya'n wi'hout ctartinq Being the son of the president of the United States Like is something of a handicap for any young man. the popular John Coolidge, young Hoover seems to have met the test with more than the ordinary amount He has shown himself to be of both a capable and a likable chap, and a quick victory over the ill health that has besieged him is the wish of his fellow citizens. By Jim Marshall In - uH , hue 81 reserved in of Fame for Rupert Cold : aw, said to be t c only newepaper repoiter in America woo ever wrote the cb Iuji y of an actor It Hilts without saying that the whole country joins with President and Mrs. Hoover in wishing a speedy return to robust health fW their son, Herbert OBSERVER No. been tre THE NATIONS BEST WISHES The h 1 rsccial Mra. Har- day after a week spent in Salt Lake. Wednesday afternoon, a delightful time v as spent at the homo of Mrs Lorenzo Sorensen in honor of her daughter. Mrs. Roy Earl. Tho aflair was given by the Y.LMI.A. presidency and officers in pri-va'- e A and Conference Visitors Bishop Moses Chi iatofferson tad Wald Clerk Irvin Kendall were conMrs. Christoffer-soference visitors. and daughter, Ella, ana Mrs. Kendall and daughter Wanda accompanied their. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baker were Logan visitors Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. AI Barr.bi ough and family and Mrs.,R. C. Pike and family motored to Sait Lake City on Sunday to yJsit the state fair. Howdy, U Cornish News Eaii Miles has returned from a two year mission to the Central states, lie was met at Salt Lake of Every afternoon, except Saturday, and Sunday morning. THE TRUTH S idache iXcics paper Scripps-Canfiel- d L R A L D, A Modern Alexandei Looking mi' New Worlds to Conquer! Our The Herald II -- Salt Lake City Ogden This is the first of a ser'ie ef advertisements on Outdoor Advertising. ... |