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Show r EOCAN PAGE FOUR t TQ? TRAPPERS CM. .V sltM p In of t5le iouthil hi hortli l hi ' vat K h ui a Iju.1.1 In I ml i oIm id v it'uals i 1.12 "111 Of It K i im j ut m i tJ , t IH , M u r t ii t s 4 ia arttl ID K i I Mlion . - f r "1 i'i. n ol k fin! un John- - n t fk 'i . a a out! Lou t i m jjp " V ' l' ' a r I lTA Jh I' a . i o'1 - i 7 tattle teieived t ii lay D-- f ; r 'U- 5 unuo'im ement wa- - made executive com nltlee of the ni jioi I after i omplainU had It mi ,uude bv Flojd Hansen, hi ail .(tutor that tattle tia. been naming over the all port and lid i damaged Ms plane slightly, ai ', ns their hoi us in the fuse I. S' and wings and teailng slight hob s in the plane cle-- i Ureadj, the plane owner Pu ed, ho had ben to an exprn.se of about $75, tamed bv tattle at t;i anport. ? y af Ay " Vv. If 1 1 1 , a j y iA .lyre fni. D i River Heights 1 (., e pr. jCllt. Fern Viinvli-co- , i , t Giu-dav-e r 1 j 'si'll bis family. uny Frost of EpVivaWi, I s1 a stavilJt with hiS brother and Mr. and Mis AnMtonv .rm-laFro-- t add is attending ihe cidlige. Miss l.uc'lla Hnmphiev ol Hen r0tnra io has been visiting v, wi.-- i her parent". - Visa Evelyn Hanson is staving a I.ewi-Ti- n the home of Mr and Mrs the ISM wen and is attending ollege., tu j- WellsVille Nibley - to Funeral Se'vice3 Held 0Ring the Nih'ev ini Sait Iike Cl' v fo (onfeieme i.nd l.npre nve l.uiei ,,l st v J lei - Il "hi ill, d the Bute K.ii. were Hi hop and limb In :tl el mill and Mis T in.silav ev ,m r, V H Clniegs, Mr .Mrs id.t af mi- - !e Id tob ,'avs ill. Job V Smith. Mr and ic uni'v home with ert Austin and Mis Kinest Je.- - lei no ui ii I 11 i i I I lien .John J sop Meltibeis Momlav William (lilibons spent to some business attending il both the nii-- in lu.liisnul den ihn (' Ogden ol J.og ill i.pt nt i Ualile Mrs viMting Wedm ,da ,itinooii with Mis. B 1. Mm gnu of Niblev Mih rhtcliei of Coitnsh sp.nt one attei noon this week vimI ng M ' v 111 Mi- lie, datight t l" Illther and babv it the home m mil M.s Geoige I'niii nm It c Ilt.si Willi ii III huge lmn Itv ill ward is ItMiici, lib loll, s u the musii d numno-s- j weie, cl'tel , It, Ml- - Mittlo Imi e, Ve: non M.mgh.m and Mis.' H, h r F'liUn.cl H1d John Brent h I, I'laveo'c wdlV t)T Itv i ui l liall and .lame . il Si isit'of Logan lie lv a! o' fe: mgs weio niinv .nl m.iutilul nd i.iit, fiicu Uteneleel ,!ie t i and I'e.u u id 'I iw.nil M spoil org.ri ,, la. I I babv Ii I'i iiiiio"i'ijii U I U P) v I ( uienpi t 1 "dr. Wedresdsv evening awJ Mrs R L. Aden were Mrs Rilev Coir v Ping Mr and Idaho. Wednesday , i Freasurcton. b Misses M's Jo- - f ph remi-and lvmna Cornish alimded f n' ,,,u."sn tea given Inat honor Frankbn ftoit Atkinson i n xu, - i 1 H ,, '1 v I 1 . iu mlriks mi vr 1 V i I pv y TIv'nPfl1 Mt 'TP Lopan shopper Lowe of Fianklin. owner i, Mink fa'n was transacting ss with R.nmoml Allen on d'V d Allen and Ether Allen were logan Thursday ou business 't'lVed hp ue-s- T l uJ 14 lie next bn held ai the home ol M h Ji "n ih te s$ u The ( vntn a Bensou jrnp ot the Dtti-i.l- i' s nt Imnteih will meet at I1. ho tie o Mis f iaiiie Je sen 1, IK toh- -i mi 1 i,ii I-' n-- run ti r ti j ot Ih l w IaOYan Hi n ' Jissn,t as pi Hei t eeitt 1 t w i . 4 v mut ' i v t flinty Mrs , Colh-gt- Nap per of Lo IS COMPLETED lov Jensen Mis T M Mis C L Anderson. Mis van Mis I. Petersen ( alvii HaiMon, Mis Russell Allen and M.s J TV Monsou Mis Eugene Pcteisen eutertain-iHit in mb' is of the Goteiie club and then paiMieis at a bridge paMv The Friday evening al her home was spent ill plavig 5o0 ?lr Mi and Mis H H Nielsen, jn(j ,jls P L Clatke and Mi and w ere npet lal Ji, m m " nt4t- j,,. And-1- w K Smith ami lit tjt, dauglitti Anne, have bten lx mLny the past week at the home Mis I) O Niels u ot Mi an OROLDON. AIRDROME, EngThe Columbia, veteian of two flights across the land, Git 11 (UP) noilh Atlantic, ocun, arnved at (roydon airdioire at 3 55 p. iu , (10 55 a m EST.) today alter .i mile fhgnt from the Rocky Tresco, in the Si illy group off the southwestern tip ot England The sluidy plane, piloted by ('apt J Ertol Boyd of Canada, and navigated by Lieut Harry I States Connoi of the I'ntted the Naval teserve, completed flight fioni Haibor Grace, New THREE COUPLES WED. foundland, in two days to climax issued by a notable aviation In enses Mai i luge Cleik ( V. Molir up to Countv m. tsatuiuay included tstner 5 p SMITHFIELD MAN GUILTY ahf , and Claiu loing, C'aKluJ, Alter a tual before City Judge alii haelson, ilh.nison Ke 1" F R.ch on Satunlay, James Wren Thomas Mmi'pehei. Ida Lilts Lot ein Idaho, and GUd 3 Fitzgerald of Sm, hf.eM was found . .Melvin guilty of beating up his wi Runv Idaho, union, e wi ie tent passe Bair Atton and full'uei, Les'ston, , .TkO Little Isle of . -- un-m- d . I ( ti .n ii mi ih. BETWEEN THE AGES OF 10 AND 70 CAN GET A ACCIDENT AND PEDESTRIAN INSURANCE POL ICY FOR $1.00. A TRAVEL, ACCIDENT AND PEDESTRIAN POLICY SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY! f i - ihn ion administrator 'i Ill's amateur ate ngaped foi tin most part m delivering Ji ud temling stills 'I'i"' They aie I d d onlv $1 oi $J0 per week d ti $10 and $15 pei ci lompai di ui lonnei (lavs Milhule addid that unemplov n nr was nctvine: its beneficial efieits on ill u it liquor trade, aKo m liiat lewer people can aftord to h i the bootlefc product and eon Mq'DMtlv miny bootlegger i aie ase opeiation U)inp lied to Logan Couple Back From Honeymoon j-- , -- -i Ti- f 1 -t . M-- i - K l I , -- - i v v iil-- SV ' -- pSAPETL M THEATRE NOW PLAYING TODAY Mon . T".( - Wed . Tliurs 1 he Foui St vis of THE COCO WETS" A r : H' -- Mill ne series of liuick ; f UI I Ilf S tra igh t Lights is priced from r i . H095 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. THE EIGHT AS ns fun!; "1 HE OWl TS BROTHERS X v BUILDS IT OP GENERAL MOTORS Buick Co. rrrSrkpr. o Iaram Set, m! Qicture-A- ! ft SNi uci- C t) e Life-Save- passenger. Provided always that such injuries sustained as described In this Pait Two shall result in any of the specific losses set forth below and provided such loss shall result within Thtity days fiom date af accident. Tin Company will pay the sum set opposite such loss as follows' $2,500 00 FOR LOSS OF LIFE 2,500 00 For Loss of the S'ght ot Both Eyes 2 500 00 - For Loss of Both Hands .... 2 500 00 For Loss of Bo'h Fet . 2.500 00 Fo' Loss of One Hand and One Foot For Loss of One Hand and Sight of One Eye 2 500 00 For Loss of One Foot and Sight of One Eve 2 500 00 250 00 For Loss of Either Hand . - 1 230 00 For Loss of Either Foot .. . 025 00 . . For Loss of Sight of Either Tye . loss fo' more than on" not made be shill Payment if. above payments and only for the first of such losses oecurlng. PART THREE (a) By Hie wrecking or disablement of a private automobile or horse drawn vehicle of the exclusively pleasure type In which the Insured is riding, provided (hat et the time the injuries are sustained, the Insured is not a lilied diiver of sut h automobile or vehicle, not operating it while cairyiug passengeis for hue, or transporting merchandisy for business purpooes; and provided, furiher, that the auto mobile or vehicle Is not being used for an illegal or criminal purpose or to escape the consequences of aD Illegal or criminal use or arrest by vested authority. build-in(b) Bv the burning of a theatre, sel.'ol. Municipal nr church while the Insured Is therein and provided the Insured Is thetin at the beginning of the fire and Is burned by such fire or suffocated by the smoke therefrom. (c) By being struck or run over while walking or standing tn or on a public highway by any automobile or anjt vehicle then being propelled by steam, cable, electricity, naphtha, gasoline, hors, compressed n'r or liquid power, (excluding Injur'es sustained while working In a Public Highway; or while on a Railroad Right of Way t Provided that such Injuries pr, stained as described in this Part Three shall result tn anv of the specific losses set forth below and provided such loss shall result within Thirty divs from date of accident. The romparv will psv the sum set onnoOte .itch loss ss follows- FOR I.OR.1 OF TIFF Jinnqnn 4 and 00 of Roth Eve. For Loss of the Re-h... 1 000 00 For Tss of Roth TTmds .. .. t 000 00 For f ns. nf Ro'h Feet r f One TTnnd and One Foot Fne t OAf) 00 , aiw-av- s PRODUCT "Animal 0 For Lose of One Hand and Sight of One Eye 1,000 00 Foi Loss of One Foot and Sight of One Eye 1,000 00 500 00 For Loss of Either Hand 500 00 For Losa of Either Foot 250 00 For Loss of Sight of Either Eye Payments shall no( he made for more than one loss enumerated in above payments and only for the first of such losses occuritng. The loss of any member or members specified In either Part One, Part Two or Part Three shall mean the loss by actual and complete severance at or above the wrist or ankle; loss of eye or eyes shall mean the Irrecoverable loss of the entire Bight thereoL PART FOUR. (a) If the insuied shall, during the term of this policy provided bmein, by the means and under the conditions recited In Part One, be, from date of accident, wholly disabled and prevented by Injuries so received, from performing any and every duty pertaining to any busioc&s or occupation, THE COMPANY WILL PAY INDEMNITY AT THE RATE OF TWENTY DOLLARS ($20 00) FER WEEK FOR THE PERIOD OF SUCH DISABLEMENT, BUT NOT TO EXCEED TEN CONSECUTIVE WEEKS. (b) If the Insured shall, during the term of this policy as prov'ded lieiein, by the means and under the conditions recited In Part Two or Part Three, be, from date of accident, wholly disabled and prevented by injuries so received, from performing any and every duty pertaining to any business or occupation, 1 dE COMPANY WILL PAY INDEMNITY AT HE RATE 01 TEN DOLLARS ($10 00) PER WEEK FOR THE PERIOD OF SUCH DISABLEMENT, BUT NOT TO EXCEED FIFTEEN CONSECUTIVE WEEKS. PART FIVE. The indemnities shown in this policy shall apply only tf. persons between the ages of fifteen and sixty inclusive. Between the ages of ten and fourteen inclusive anJ between inclusive, the Indemnities utjfler Part sixty one and sixty-ninOne, Two, Tiiree, or Four will be reduced to Faif S'x will not be affected by this age . ., w THE QbTcmuwil PART 0N THE WRECKING OR DISABLEMENT OF ANY RAILROAD PASSENGER CAR OR PASSENGER STEAMSHIP OR STEAMBOAT OR STREET RAILWAY CAR, IN UR ON WHICH THE INSURED IS TRAVELING AS A FARE PAYING PASSENGER, IN A PLACE REGULARLY PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE USE OF FARE PAYING PASSENGERS and such Injuries so sustained shall result In any of the specific losses set foith in this Tart One, provided such loss shall result within Thirty days from date or accident. The Company will pay the sum set opposite such loss as follows FOR LOSS OF LIFE $10,000 00 10,000 00 For Loss of the Sight of Both Eyes 10,000.00 For Loss ot Both Hands 10,000 00 For Loss of Bolh Feet 10,000 00 For Loss of One Hand and One Foot For Loss of One Hand and Slgl t of One Eye 10,000 00 ' For Loss of One Foot and Slgl t of One Eye 10,000 00 5,000 00 For- - Losa of Either Hand 5,000 00 For Loss of Either Foot .. . . 2,500 00 For Loss of Sight of Either Eye .. . Payment shall not be made for more than one loss en umerated in above payments and on'y fi ." the fust of sue! losses occurring PART TWO. (a) By the wrecking or disablement of a taxicab, public omnibus or automobile stage, which is being driven or op crated at the time of such wrecking or disablement by a licensed driver p.ying for public lure and In wlm h the Insured is traveling as a fate paying passenger. (b) Py being strurk by Lightning. (c) The result of accidental drowning while rwiinming r st a Public Bathing Beach duiing the time that a Is on duty, and not otherwise. (d) By the wrecking of a passenger elevator (elevator In mines excep'ed), in wh'eh the Insured is riding as a BY one-hal- Clip This Coupon Today! v WPFN BFTTfP I I'TOMOBII E5 ARE PHUT, PUICK Wilt BUUD THEM ig:Tz.' irnM.MAl..aPw-wi- I"' Ri'rfiflf,ill1irf'itlii T o- -s NOW! Policy Torm No. NA80G-BSUBSCRIPTION AND REGISTRATION FORM Tor membership in the Cache Valley Daily Herald Readers club, subscription for the Daily Herald and Insurance application. Old Subscription New Subscription (Cioss Out One) t $10,000 emun-era'e- Lli ("Of CLIP AND SIGN COUPON NOW! READ THE CASH INDEMNITIES 1 i q i hni man V, ' htn-nt- rr Preston. Mi i ad L.igt re Johnson ot cho Johnson N 'V ill .Motnt umipinv ami former Havel serv u e t In limp ol Nihelv ward aiTived ( V. Anderson iara Mis Chugg, ,iimc from South Bend, Indiana, were son W' nut Ii'i iif ihe ami Mrs u)iHta Ft !d iv with a new Studebaker auto p Wiliam Sell home at a . hovver grven tor dav aitfnoou then it .( l lust, jho a new wile h nm at w Ricks tie Mr.i lived r" (lordcni jiihn-oleft here on Sep- I), Inty u'1' v on Snow Monel, Mr id Kvt of lieiil f.iHlirnin sill '('I u.nbi r i and went to lhovo, then and Miss M.rf RickV wi. formeel to Sait Iaike Cilv with Mis Rib-o- il n.ght if i Miss Cleo Johnson, T.nuii.ci veic Mis- - Amv ( l.u k of the (i.u deli Citv. Geniuile Ol), i'1 Vs. 1,1 A Niblev ol MondaV1 1 hi y wuc "i tilled the following Eugene Jeon 'on mauled ' Mn'n n S livid.'. ,n t delicious iuucheau war, seivtd and ' 't Lake temple Mis Mi ..ml in 3 nev vv ent an eojoj'shle bvesnfig, ipent bv n am, stopping ' spent F'lJaj at Silt Like Mrs Ricks wo, Mi plaj ing games and Dcnvoi, Kansu-- City. St Louiu, 'rt ol then pattt.H tnd useful of in my the incipient I'd t hn ico but drove the new William Selle) licalitfUl gifts Jt 1st iilehaket inn k by wav of I imoln G 1lliUlpll 1.1 Mi Dm. ha. Xclira ha, an I Mir s tl tit' Ham Jes- ip Caiver ,Pd V. tile I1' theme olein- - hv the I.'ntoln i n nioloml to Slit like on Wedr.o Junior high ol i' empn.in'd 'Udell-- of tilt' 'ihv IV a numhi o' Iie day td vij't the St ite F'lir i h Mrs. pint a Sundav in Kansas. Willard Tro'seti ," t i n ,o l to at spcit cliool Fi in'twini ( il win e l' i .itlemhil n'lssion Thursduv af.einn.m m Logau tud a foot,). II -- .mn ii Tliev st h ml end Sm.tn i.i. - iv u i Lit pint a her nmthor M.f O.'ien high visiuiig v'at III ii p lull .lie, Missnuil. C h he. William Ewer Mr. uul Mih. Wll'it.im (.iiiImu entcrlaineil Ml anil Jlrn Jlyriuuj Nelson and Jumllv with it ilmki supper oil Fliuay n'ght Mr D din G. Roueih" spent L igan Thuisilav in a'ti'noou A clan .liter Mu cat et w,th her nur-- e at tile Will Budge mein it lal hospital Carlos Egan spent Wednoslaj and Thursday in Giace, Idaho on business Mr. and Mrs. R"'s Rirmrd cmi'h'ield were visiting Mr and A o show with I he Cove News Turm.," xoTfAin son-luesdMr. ahd M's Edwin Hatch visiting Mr 1 ami Mrs Aaron Alien t SwRn akp we-- c Mr. ahd Mrs Owen Larsen i isltimr' Mr and Mrs Sidney Rigg" w inteMs i 'ii i . lov.ir Given Mis. Picks Ml. Fva Snow, M's ISh I t FLIGHT OCEAN $ ' K, holes. ,i'ittv lit s diid Mie is t c hS'n , con Mr. J. W. Humphrey, who is at ms icd with the .orestry sertvee been iKp oaini, Vtah, has v i ' i nut m M-- Ki.1 111 -i . i n.hei ami Savage ni tinL oner noils 'oi t lo et inov a i'i Ihii.iii !u iif I Fl Hi if lo'lsil ff lilies I itt .in i ih n t in mi V - Hv i um ( Ji n m f id liti'KHin at th( home of ti 'I.uihda) iPternoon at a paiv Vum t ( lav son j.jth r I ,s, i, t s rv mg her ii Iulav aiunv ei nar v II White ot Pai.nii aav a Ik rhnse present mdude.l twe've mi his expenonres ni Eum amt me nheis of the Cote.ie club The ii" liav is in y (,ojH JU (mm in , tune was spent in plait'g bridge A ii Edwards from San Calif., is visiting at the Olson ).( m of Mr and Mrs. Leht ' vats Esther Olson was a Salt lake isitor during ths confeinece. An soil Mrs. Thomas Rider teturned front an auto trapi where tiny ve to Southern ted My Riders moth in Kani.beIn ,dh. v .iso v. sited Grand cinmn ona,U nil on their retina borne N itioiitil ii, j vuittd til? Znii g afc Mms 'Francis Rider is visiting v.iit telalives in Kanalie. ITah. If Anderson k,r. aii 1 Mrs. ,m Fjrrfrtington lias been isilmg mother, Mrs Andrew vi, i h thf-itdmRon Miss Via id a Jllndrup baa rMurned home fVom a Salt Iaike hospital opeiation wire she underwent an F. WilaYi rod Mis. William to ,M.s John Imndberg motoied were and Sunday, Idaho, ,Vre.ton, .tu guests of Mrs Anna H.llvtead s added to the Mr F, Mason b erect-proserity or River Heights Btoie Miss Miriam Scholes from Idaho with Foils, Idaho, has been visiting . A her parents, Mr. and Mrs y. - lv I m m and Vtall, Oct uneinplov ii u 'ii biouMu i pfculiui pio h t d ama tii'ii lopniHiit the i in a j blcos in in Kot li-n " tK cthHhnu hv natuiv hut who Is li i'v oinpeUed to a hmi'&nu hi some capa u j make a living 'IhK stiuauon was explained b W M MiHihIkh, assistant pio TI ,i , Opening Social Held Monday, Octoner 6, the Relief O'tv held their openhtR social at U i a at d chapel. Opening song, Home So Dear" '(m rNJoimtain Ward, song, hv Bmeline Ue 'Aier is the Soul's Sim ere ,Mn K Campbell gave a ii.,- vo j i' leresting talk m regard, to Jiei n nt visit to the Nauvou and h lit. mid tnnples. Song bv Havel a ideihauser and Luella An ; reading by Mrs J. W. , X4 piano solo, by Miss .n.ujj-Ivlis. e 11, Isr.inger, reading r h,i.ith, piano solo, Miss lyra made Mil ii, A few remarks we-the h ,ts Joseph Quinmy from . Vtske jipaid after which benenir-t,ov as offered by Mra Daile". J'.e.'e ! men's were served to 4. I.l, Smith n- Jen following Mi and Mrs H W Han K E Soitnsou of tn and M.s ml. HI l shtdrnl dir mid a ' Visitois l W "n M I Says Unemployment Hits Bootleggers Id mq 1 I i I 111,14 -- i ?j a 7r ambody i,iu find on, L f f i,nl i nl uiotoi(i'li'l i'i hull hrr hike to hast ISiqh uluml, ului, h, i h nq q rii dj and i nriei latr. 4 an ilhont tc ti,iid,nl. lap ,thr Mr Mis gut-si- birthday Patty Given ' J Mi lolin A i Uf.M'ii ml M' H ro I'H.t is p. he nt it iml IMubdav ee.iiii.4; at a puhh ii Mon lav n.mnw o lohnr 17 .ntth'iav Mis dim ei houoiing Dt s p rn in the ii hall foi the Hvion Snow of Niblev Posules t lei i t Ol pose ( lind Mni iidi! Iu O Hunn of at. Mu Snow pte( n itt oial il in . now, there will hi i vlnhi In, nu dt signed to aid il 'no wile m her doinehsUi , v v Hu- - 'o In Id ' rx .Afv , ! '.in, h V Ltf r - yrKff lllf tolloW 1' , ...it f the "Ml me a tepnit is d mage there. ll A to gt,ie landing Hold ti lit an poll to tl.f damage of an l'o i tlu-i- r cle'ii.Oi lit of ilc I aii, in C-- u to ..ill ,.i-.g'd who on fat men, of l'ooijjion VV ' 4 i'i W mil p , ilti v men s 11 hold i ii ei i annual '. ,4 --I how week, on I om 4 11 chib -- i Is i mmtrv, w ill ( om i d- V too h" to Cn Fiidav aficruoou, tihc sou cntci.lainid fh Fjvt u w mem i is Wfiu el (,r! to the i ub I hev ait Mi" P 1 (Mark Mm H M Mis I) All ii niompoL Mis and Vis J K Hd'ohl (Livltei-e- , ckert V M $J7 in Ho I ill w 111,10 ?h7z ,f 11 el, DAMAGE PLANE "1 M a, ,s ui os io ii,, i , (ol tiling , ' .v I 'In.-- wimieis 'u y ills milk lie out' or ev Will -- Il M ' , In i i i 11 ' GRAZING COWS a I. ill n v iking oaa liampinn an loit- -i milk all In l. n 'h 'n - ,t out, , d in in anip' i ' i w ( '" I !V I nl j i ' $ a ii" i ' i r )f tode na.. , H i ? ti I f M . I J JsV J iu J V - i ft i 4 'U vS y oil h r r' . i l U . i ( Il ll At toH tn ! I j c 1)11 , w aw f faAr v u t tuU i o! t iif 'll .101 ami !1 w 111,1'it Ini i J u i hi I ( ui !' ton Ill ,lt E ' K ' f i ' j Dll'. ( ft r kr- hi - Dr 1930 12, Hyrum News s Speaker alia- S ii k ih or Mie T Jh was the s pea k 1 dt the Lun- ItJub nu t tin? edneildv eve nmg dt the Lgh school Ho gde iU P Mo 11 t)(t es n dl on tin Si l.o ii. ai. a jail tlltei ! t ! all ti. "iM! dP'! i II JOl n is it'lHo J Ii fill u MIM, t it i a! 0 r )t - a 'M ac t f 1. m ' did ! ' b t I v c . U (M U W i iUt- ' ,j ti oU( i ' I hv i t e h if 'i s liooi d m s ,t d pt t ID fi il' ') u I ') r I'I in Ih with IIH iu A il.il i pi 11 "cHltllt O U ID P ', M b A i ill m h "ik i af Ho neV l png h I'1 V, t i dtJv ii n, i)t 0 t ii ature MKr OCTOBER SUNDAY, HERALD, DAIRY SHOW OPENS 9 1 ii daS .lilt i .i M. A- f i - i u! 11 ui V t J EA 4, 111 u- I ol 1! is ,;!" u ti : l i 1( ly labt Mo t 111 ami l't mo ntj i'i" Nat k i.l - i - j, ? jyt fi- f. j, CACHE VALLEY DAILY II) Pursuing An Education On a Fast Motoibike NOVEL PAYS BOUNTY i Ti A (U Travel and Pedestrian Accident Insurance Policy I, the undersigned, horehy apply for membership in he Daily Herald Insured Readers rluh for which I agree o pay the enrollment fee of $1 00 and I hereby enter my subscription fot the Diilv Herald for one year from date at the regular iatet and pay fnj one year In advance Or monthly at the regular collection period In consideration, the Daily Herald Is to send me within 15 days a $10,000 Travel and Pedestrian Accident Policy In the Continental Life Insurance Company, without Luther cost to me. 1 understand that should I dlscontlnua my subscription to the Daily Ileiald before tlib exultation of this contract, or should I fail to pav mv subscription to the Dally Herald, forfeit my membership In The Daily Herald Readers club and mv $10,000 Travel and Pedestrian Accident Policy 1 !!! b S tO onnAltnllnn PRINT NAME PRINT CITY AaB : STATE. PRINT ADDRESS PHONE NO This offer Is good to old as well as new subscribers. Husband, wife, or any members ot the family between the ages of 10 and 70 years of age, living at the same address whete paper is delivered, may register for a policy without again subscribing. The Insurance Company will not Issue policies to persons under 10 or over 63 years of ege, not to petsons bllid, deaf, crippled or who have lost an eye or limb. 'or Rl'' ,!r..mrr.. euu laiiiuuii employes be covered whila on duty. All Mail Subscriber Must Enclose the $1.00 Enrollment Fee |