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Show -- Tremonton. Utah- - BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. 11. Suifday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 8, 9, 10, "China Sky" "ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY" Mrs. Henry Tubbs was recently inducted in the army by the draft board from California. Norman h ,s been living in Riverside for several months. NEWS FROM SERVICE MEN TRAINING . Mrs. Elmer Moses of Riverside, left Monday for New York, after a furlojt'h enioute from the Pa-- i cific coast where he has been for the past few months. Two other sons, Sherrill and Darrell are in Europe with the medical corp. Seaman 2nd Class Dun Shaffer leave at home front a five-dawith his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Shaffer. He has just completed his boot training and upon his return will be assigned to general sea duty. y Roy 13. EUROPEAN VETERAN Davis, who was in HOME training at Colorado is enjoying a visit home this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis. Donald Davis, another son, has completed his training for a paratrooper at Fort Benning, Georgia. HOME ON LEAVE Lt. Denton S. Richards has rived home to spend a 30 day leave with his wife, Mrs. Ara An-- ; dersen Richards of Elwood and Logan. He has been serving with the signal corps in the Persian Gulf Command for 26 months. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Richards of Carey, Idaho. Following leave here", Lt. and Mrs. Richards will go to Santa Barbara, Calif., where Lt. Richards will report to the Army Ground and Service Force Redistribution station for processing and T? X T p ox K-- . i i I non-nro- 1 , , 1 1 I. Steps in Shearing Sheep Simplified .' viee-chair- One or a Thousand Its Rules Are Necessary y ; 0 - . ar-- 31 - Young University. Tech. Sgt. Earl H. Oyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oyler The following steps, condensed cd home this week for a thirty-daare given for guidand furlough. He has ben serving in ance simplified, and improvement of the shearbombItaly as a navigator and er, whether he handles one or a ardier in in the air corps. thousand sheep. 1. First strokes are downward from brisket. Run three or four BOB COMPTON HOME i T R E Miss Ann Shaw of Denver is Mrs. Cla ra Lr,v!.-.,T?1 "Wii XT , spending the sirmmer with her riorence- XNelson and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. June and Dorothy nd n E. Shaw. t f;ess were visitors Krc d,,-week Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Green spent the 4th of July with his on -j Friday, July l94, Jsister, Mrs. William Hubbard of clock o P. m. of saij day'at ' Willard. town hall in Bear Rnvr City v a membership mectin.- of the p Mrs. A. L. Cook and daughter Phyllis visited in Provo Tuesday. will be held for tnc purpose, discussing, plans to orniv 1 f Pvt. and Mrs. Samuel Johnstun it c ; r n r ,l : o n ii , motored to Shoshone, Idaho, to i i T? .,Mt,',.n r.. spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David G. Johnstun. Delbert Holmgren, Harland Anderson and C'. ford Thorsen, Miss Linda Marble is spending s Reuben Holmgren. secret3 a few days with friends and in Salt Lake. Dated July 5, 1945. sta-tion- ROY DAVIS HOME Ac Daring Rescue Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cook and family left Monday for Provo where Mr. Cook will attend the summer session at the Brigham RETURNS TO POST Gordm Moses, son of Mr. and COMPLETES BOOT THEAT "BLONDE FROM BROOKLYN" WARRI3K and ELLEN DREW Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT, RUTH Pfc. Bob Compton arrived home this week for a fifteen day furlough. He has been in training at Hohbs, New Mexico. Bob is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Cromp-toof Tremonton. rela-tive- Crew of U. S. Coast Guard air-se- a rescue plane flew 1,100 miles to pick up a crew of nine of Char-lotte- e, tuna clipper. Wreckage of craft in Magdalena Bay, Baja, is shown in upper photo. In lower photo the rescued coastguardsmen are shown. rJm (UM Si LOCAL NOTES ill, n Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Woodruff and daughter Deane of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Mrs. L. j. Cummings. ARRIVES HOME ON FURLOUGH . Cpl. Claude R. Iverson arrived Monday to spend at 30 day furlough. He has been stationed with the 8th Air Force in England. When his leave is over he will import to Ft. Douglas where he will be reassigned. HOME ON FIRST FURLOUGH Mrs. C. V. Lilenquist visited in Salt Lake during the week with her sister who has been ill. n CARD OF THANKS . Mrs. J.imes E. Dewey and son a visit home from Camp Roberts, way at the death, funeral and burial of their beloved husband and California. This is Joels first since being inducted into father. Steps in Shearing. the army. Miss Ann Giegle of Long Beach, strokes down from under right California, is spending two or foreleg to flank to open a starting LEAVES FOR ARMY three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. place for strokes across belly. 2. Remove body wool with nearly Norman Tubbs, son of Mr. and Dick Allen. straight - around strokes across belly. Shear inside of right leg from foot toward tail. Continue strokes until leg and hip are cleaned. 3. Open up neck with stroke from brisket to jaw and on right side of visit-hom- e i Tremonton i FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 6 and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough and son Boh and Mrs. Harold Black visited in Hyrum with their daugh- 7 Double Feature Program CHESTER MORRIS and NANCY KELLY in Miss Ila Jean Burbank has had as her guest, Pvt. Joe S. Richardson, prior to his leaving for Overseas Duty School at San Diego. 8, 9, 10 DMniffiT m UTAH POWER t THIS WORLD! 1 The accompanying sketch shows a simple device for feeding calves from a pail without having to hold it. The holder prevents the animal from tipping over the feed pail. r Agriculture In the News 1 W. 7 NCVtR MAOt GOOD UT MAOC MM MPPY HC Vlr i Onions I SI ! ' . Roughly Speaking by g I MICHAEL CURTIZ ANDREA KIN0 Je- n- fb ALAN HALE' OOHJU.0 WOCSi' la tot "feu Mm Ham Iff' (mm Irndtl NnM. tarn tmu mi Utfot Cartoon "Gruesome Twosome" Mm Matinee Sun. 3:00 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 11 and MONTE WOOLLEY and GRACIE FIELDS in 12 "MOLLY AND ME" Are Animals Actors? COMING March of Time Tick Tock Tuckered FriJay and Saturday, July 13 and 14. Double Feature Program "THE SCARLET CLUE" ' "BORDERTOWN TRAIL" SERIAL and CARTOON 3 garden "must." Alexander found ! the onion in Egypt. J He fed lt to his 1 troops in Greece in 1 the belief that it ex- cited martial ar dour. J Willi ROBERT HUTT0N JEAN SULLIVAN v . COTTAGE RAYON NET CURTAINS PANTIES 60 inches wide Green or White. 4 PlCte Scts- - 19c '2.79 . j " yard " ." " " " Seed Onions A new nybrld ha been produced in California which yields 38 tons to the acre. In 1397, John Gerard reported that onions were good against the biting of a mad dog, for colds, biles, to grow hair, for burns, or gun wounds. He also said it caused headaches, weakened the eyes, dulled the senses and provoked oversleep. The volatile oil of onion has been found by Russian scientists to consubstance. Ontain a bacteria-killinion paste is being used in Russia to heal wounds and guard against infections. Dehydrated onions have proven a most important item for overseas shipping. French fried onions promise to become mora popular ss the supply of odorless onions becomes 1! j .1,. 49c .... .iiiL.li i. . I. .. , ' ;. Tri' '" ZELAN just received TINY TOT JACKETS BATES BABY BONNETS BED SPREADS BOYS. Lined. Color Tan ' Sizes 2, 4, 6, S All elastic wu.st. i J. URYDEN come to be recognized as a leading ....... ..JXIC CARSOU ' l MOSQUITO j. j j. Next to salt, the world's most valuable seasoning is the onion. It has wrteud & LIGHT CO. f 46 inch OIL CLOTH Fancy Patterns 33c yd 54inch SQUARES Plain Colors 74c each 1 ? ... AilO a.m. Sat. July 9ih Holder for Feed Pail Matinee Saturday 3:00 WOMAN OUT VJ a "SONG OF THE RANGE" OUT OF A BOOK IN A MILLION. ,. Is available buy from your Electric Dealer ter and sister. 6. Shear right side of shoulder and right side down to hind leg. Shear right hind leg, starting near JIMMY WAKELY and DENNIS MOORE in SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JULY equlprr.c-i- i neck. "DOUBLE EXPOSURE" Serial and Cartoon Wuei ;.jiv electrical farm The two recently returned from two weeks visit with friends and relatives in Bozcman and Butte, neck, then left jaw, side of face and Montana, wh.rc they also visited top of head. Shear left shoulder many places of interest, there and in Wyoming. and foreleg. 4. Shear the left side with long Miss Burbank and her mother strokes from hip to shoulder. Mrs. Lorin Burbank, met Pvt. 5. Finish shearing left side, taking Richardson when he arived in Sa4t two strokes beyond the backbone the Lake on Western Air Lines for whole length of sheep's back and neck. Shear right side of head and his furloueh. Liberty Theatre will save you titne and money, too of Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Dewey wish Mrs. R. C. Richards is enjoying to thank oil who helped in any News FEED GRINDER AMD HAY HOiS? Dr. and Mrs. George A. Pier-soand family from the University of Utah, were Sunday guests at the N. Earl Marble home. Joel Richards, son - AM ELECTHIC '1.65 '' ....jiiii..,,, Twin and double bed sizes. ladies iH;,lL.iJil.i..i.i.i.jjiE.1 j 50Inch HANKIES 1 Color Tan I 49c .W- i- , Just Arrived. w'2-4- 9 TO TOWELS . SATEEN Fancy Prints! High Colors! A very scarce item. Cldl 98c 449o24.75 Ha ...., M.j.Mm.:V9, 25c New Styles BY THE YARD. Suitable for hand or roller towels. Blue border. 25c YarJ V g larger. Buy For Cash and Pay Less" SATURDAY STORF. HOURS io.nn . y . t.m i ,j oTttrn UlllLiX (g0 nAVSw ' - to 6:('i 2L |