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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PAGE SIX Thursday, What Bait 5( ,9;, lic Ju.t0(4 Larthworru Would MaU run flic i i o 1 STILL aLut hpSt hIO THWStTmEX tS 4( TRY TO FEEP HIM HE -- wev gotta eat ) M A ray 1 W I I 1 a bay as HIM SHOULP A HAVE p-cra- ( yCT V HAVE STEAK PECTATQW NOT V ANP IT-L- i,-- feS$5SVTC HIM ET arounp awhile THE EXPOSE WM WILL W - HITl HUN.?A5tAHf 1 .X S - -V- AV J1 totl I lv s3 faJ L X r-?- r-r 0 OV X . py ZZZT N f '" J:f By BOODY ROGERS SPARKY WATTS Y id) It's no fairy story-em Australia actualar length of more than feet ? pink giants of the worm said to resemble ckwlv I d rubber hose. s;er.d4 The worm lives in I dy soil, and its mowrSu subterranean home produc?.10 r gling noise that may ea heard several yards from ft?. The ml are quite harmless, AiSrfit tives say, nel opening. I' Jt- - classTreB k Pfy r 41 ATQS, trucks ArTTl & B est roe P Stul i JiHSCELLANEOlS iter BUI AND SELL Ofdea rurnlture. Files, ,J' lng Machtaei. ales. Cash RegiSv.44 i& ( S'Ar T KM, ( CHAMPIONS. THEM-- If OTLr, j ( 5ETTERS.SPAN1EUS ALLOP MUf X W k ' W$ frZrrS AC W VWSJM' SALT LAKE DESK EXCHSQ? Broadway, gut Lk, ciij. cu Tyt WW PERSONAL f. 60 RAZOR BLADES RESHAR1efiTb Eighty new perfect blades, letle $2.00. Eighty Gem type, &m prepJS S; 12 WUtOB d?uij Drive. Los An,ele. 4, pre u cd War Eonl iff i 3 la! he E WILL BUY KLEI5 t II REG'LAR FELLERS I'D LIKE. W n if M ... , r LNOW fI I . By GENE BYRNES By Pipe Line X GOSH. T'GO TO TH' BEACH WITH YA, BUT I CANT TAKE. DORjS ON TH' STRELET CAR.' y rs TASH RERISTERS AnniKir: Uiruikicc AND OTHER OFFICE AND STORE EQUIPMENT AT HIGHEST CASH PBirw TWI UJ Ao( you have. I'ricn are Ughtr ww utun inpy win ite opsin MERCHANT'S EQUIPMENT CHANCE P. O. Box 433 Salt Uk City, Utah LEMME THI N K TH ER.E'S NO LAW ABOUT TAKJN' MERCHANDISE. TH' LAWj I ON A STREET CAR. IS THER.E,? rz I HAVE A THOUGHT ! VCOME. T' THINK. J J LETS LOOK IN MISTER. POKER'S DUNNO! I BACK.YARJD MAM H II TI l IV -- w TXl I 1 5 lAi-V- I " P. OWNS 1 'ir; AN'WHEN WeT" COME BACK FROM TH' BEACH, YA KIN TURN THAT STOVE PIPE INTO l TH' JIUV&OIUICQ, f tT ff c f bef tai dm u m MM Indigestion Sbll 101 Relieved In 5 minutes or double (TY.d. Mar ATI HtlHt money back j When excess stomach acid causes painfnJ, refloat1 sour stomach and heartburn, doctors (uaafly lng g&s, medicine known fof prescribe the fastest-actin- g symptomatic relief medicines like those m No laxative. Beli-an- s brinifB comfort to jiffy or doable yoar money back od return of botu MnM to us. 2oc at all druggists. AM ARTICLE ) 8 ?' Sen f Socrates Speaks SOMEBODY'S STENOG I JUST READ Ik C MOST MEN CHAMGE WHEM THEY SET MARRED, ANT LOTS OF EM HAVE I. SO DID AM' IT'S TH' - ' BUMK! IK I 1 ra MARRIED SINCE THAT VOTE WAS TAKEW -- 1 TELL YOU, THEY "YfCHANGE! BoS ASKT twA I'LL MIAA 1 ? - DID ii MARRIAGE LSTEN- krUC K4- CHANGED M- fl IT SHORT ftHOO-HOOJBOS- !ir iii - V 4 THAT'S AS MUCH V E- T J ARTHRITIS - NEUXmS Get Mendenhall's Number 40 from your druggist or by mail postpaid (or $1.23. pec hp 1 Money back if first bottle (ails to satisfy. J. C. MENDENHALL MEDICINE CO. Indiana, Evansville, iag - 1 t ECONOMICAL! Cinder Block i termitn proof, permanent. Ideal for homes, coops, dairy house, etc. Availableinany quantity. f, POP Running on Reserved Energy can't run I an By IN oh EApry &TOAAACM CAN FACT t,Tr.iFA5T" I ( t- - MAKE? ME A --UTTL J. MILLAR WATT wms. FASTER 'AT go JUST A DASH IN FEATHERS,. X Famous to relieve much fAiw MONTHLY (Also fine Stomathit Toitit!) t 1 T53 I'StCAL INSTRUMENTS Mfff PRIVATE CROSS TOWN Crn- - i Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetablenot omj pound is famous to Telieve accompany monthly pain but also f nervous, tired, hlghstninf?Period'0 when due to functional -lt J,1! turbances. Taken regularlybuild up resistance attainst uf n. r!. tress. Pinkham's Compound ""P.m ture Follow label directions, rry Jjjdi&C(PmkkcvrM II compos mum- -' j DUCK MayWaraofDiwrttfea By '" Irregular habiu, of rik 'Tpr,re.nd drinking-- it. wpowj 'th, w owa heavy r Pt ,rd of th. kidney.. They and other Impuritiea fro" tD" blood. ,,r. i,,fk',l Modern Kidney Action life with tlf h"'? .i I tion-thr- Roland Coe headache, dlttmeao. K' "J! fnnti5 lm!": 0(1" :f leg pain. r f tired, nervoun. all "r" tnoo"K of kidney or bladder time burning, aeanty urination. n,,an'i MP 'JI if " ' P 'I,hn than ""K" waata. They have kidneys to mended by nl "l'U bet they'd give us a good trade-Ipiano, Moral" n allowance on our "Seems funny ya don't read about any strikes In those powdered egg factories back home!" $ W WNU 1 Clyde Lewis Bv j fv tpf.ui f , j "Z rff' t |