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Show 1945- July 5, -- y EEA R DEWEYVILLE Ik II i...l;a.Ketp t: Mrs. Geo. Dewey of C,d;furm,i visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. O" W. Snow and other relatives in the community. Mr. ai'd Mrs. J. A. Fryer have received word from their son saying he would soon he home. Mrs. Addie Gardner returned with Mrs. J. E. Dewey to her home in Richfield to visit a few days. Mrs. Lettie D. Campbell of , Wyo., visited relatives here Ar-rel- 9i r l, Af-ton- Wednesday. Mrs. Lloyd Lish spent Friday and Saturday with her mother in Logan. Mrs. Maggie Nicly of Salt Lake Citv called on relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish have ADAM'S had several parties honoring members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lish and family of Calif., Green has been a Mrs. Frank Pfc. George Smith and farm'iy, and .'tor of Mrs- Sarah H. Garfield Lt. Wayne Mathias. week. Miss Phyllis Fryer spent Sunr'n(T the day here with her parents, Bishop and Mrs. Clarence Fryer and fami-- ' iy. Phyllis is training with the WHEN IN NEED OF Cadet Nurses at the Dee hospital. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble THESE have as their guests their grand f Fire Insurance children from Brigham City; their Automobile Coverage mother, Mrs. Packer has gone to Public Liability visit her husband who is in the Property Damage service. Comprehensive Friday evening Sgt. and Mrs. Collision John Becker of Lincoln came from I All tyres of Surety Bonds Salt Lake City and visited at the Crop Insurance homes of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. I Hail and Fire Ault and Mr. and Mrs. Duett I Auto Medical Lovcland. I Real Estate Loans Mr. and Mrs. John Weible and I Automobile Loans children of Murray, visited with relatives and friends here Wed'Quick and Reliable Service nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser of JAMES BROUGH Ogden visited here with their son REALTOR Raymond and family. TREMONTON UTAH Vincent Heusser of California, visited friends and relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Barnard had as their guests recently, Mrs. Ethel Sken and son; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and family oi Warren; Mrs. Rosella Baker and family, and Mrs. William Wheeler of Slaterville. Genevieve Gardner and Mary Hess of Ogden visited with Mrs. Ruth Litchford at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Snow. Marjorie Leggett of Brigham City spent a few days at the home of Mr. olid Mrs. N. P. Marble. DRUG ITEMS .jl51;4Ki32J rn oar tit FIELDING REDUCES TEMPERATURES Mrs. Carlyle Johnson, Mrs. John Owens and Mrs. Gladys Roundy were Loean shoppers Thursday. Mrs. Flora Monson and sister, Miss Beters Godfrey spent in Logan. Mrs. Lemual Earl spent last week in Montana where she went to attend the funeral of her grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udy and their daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Liu were in Logan Thursday on busi- Thurs-afternoo- n 8 to SAVES 15 in summer 20 T.O heating costs in on fit m 3 kUl l rantD it TREMONTON 30 winter km hm LUMBER CO. HARDWARE Phone 130 ness. LUMBER CO. Phone 11 WILSON LUMBER Phone 14S CO. Effie Johnson was a Logan visitor last Thursday. Mrs. Ruby Jones, and daughter and son, Owen J. Jones spent last Sunday visiting in Hyde Park with 1 1 1 FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM MEMBER Wholesale and Retail GRAINS .. SEEDS .. FEEDS 0 00 SOYBEAN PELLETS FEED CORN STEAM ROLLING GRINDING CLEANING ooo WE BUY PHONE 41 ALL KINDS OF GRAIN TREMONTON RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Page vive Tremonton, Utah- - her si;cr Mrs. C. A. Webb. Mrs. S.idiC Johnson and Mrs. .iarv;s Johnson were visitors Sat-;- r j iy the home of Joseph John-- : jh and family at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Murry Richards and of California are with his mother Blanch Rich-ai- l of Fielding. Reed and Opal Cannon are visiting here vvtih Mrs. Jene Cannon. Ronald Wilcox was operated on tor appendicitis last week in a Logan hospital. daughter are doing nicely. Earl Wood, who was in charge of the war bond drive reports that H nvcll has more than tilled their cnii ta lor the Seventh ;.s well as all previous hives. Word has been received from Pvt. Lloyd Sorensen who is now stationed in the Philippines. He reports being in good health and has enjoyed his travels. Mr. Bettie Fackrell, wife of Pvt. Dale W. Fackrell, who has been staying at the home of I. H. Fackrell, has returned to Washington to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray H ass. Woodrow Anderson is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mirle Anderson. Wood-roMr. and Mrs. Keith O. Adams has been living in Loean for and family of Layton were the the past two years, but is a nantive guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin of Howell. Wood Sunday. Dorothy and Owen Durfey of Pocatello are visiting here with their grandmother, Mrs. Margaret ' par-ente- vis-n- THATCHER ams and Margie Ward. Sharon Hales went to Henefer last week to visit friends. Her Mr. and Mrs. Ronakk Hales, went to Ogden Saturday to bring her home. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and son, Joel, went to Salt Lake Monday to visit with Mrs. Ford Richards and to make the acquain- tance of their new grandson. Horace Biglcr of Salt Lake was here on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards received word this week of the birth of a son to their daughter, Mrs. Karl Robinson of Afton, Wyoming. Phyllis Richards Robinson has been' the home demon- stration agent in Afton for a num- her of years. Miss Joan Harper h:d a num ber of her girl friends from Brig ' ' ham as guests Sunday. Monday, Howard Capener went to Logan to be present at the marriage of Ruth Olsen of Brigham, and Orvil Hunsaker of Honey ville. Mr. and ' Mrs. Capener went to Brigham to attend the wedding dinner at the Olsen home that evening. Mrs. Capener is a sisterof Mr. Hunsaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .Ward were visiting with Mrs. Ora Hyer at Blue Creek on Sunday. s, , Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cannon of Angeles spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wald-- ! Los ron. Mrs. R. B. Waldron and Janie were in Rupert Sunday. Mrs. Marcus Wool ley was an Ogden visitor Monday. RIVERSIDE Jt.-hns- 'ii. Six Billion We are glad to report that the ot Seventh Ward Rnnil Brgh.im City was attending to successful and we doubled very business matters here Saturday. our Mr. and Mrs. Marion Glenn quota. Mr. and Mrs. Welton Ward ..r.J children of Wheelon were the and daughter, Linda, of Pocatello, guests oi Mrs. Mary P. Anderson were dinner guests Sunday of their Monday. (A Lot of Money) Miss Elaine Chnstensen who is parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ward. They also went to Ouden attending the U. S. A. C. summer r was spent 'by tourists In the United States in the last year and visited with Mrs. Rayola Wal school at Logan visited with her p. rents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O. ter and daughter Betty Rae AdChristensen Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Andcr-tcYou received 117 1st of this amount only and daughter Joyce of Bountia drop in the bucket. ful and Mrs. Clara Vaughan of Elko, Nevada, visited with relaPROBATE and GUARDIANSHIP tives here Jast week. , NOTICES Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Christiandollars ? For tourist of value further information the we Do consult sen went to Oregon where they appreciate the County Clerk or the Do we know what Utah has to offer the will visit their son Melvin and tourist ? respective signers. family. Pre, and Mrs. Leslie Wight and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Do we offer friendly, competent service? children are the guests of Almon Estate of Moroni Lundberg, N. Wight. Leslie has been stationDeceased. ed at Camp Roberts for sfeveral Creditors will present claims months and Mrs. Wight and tourist Continuous high standard of living requires that post-wa- r with vouchers the to been undersigned children have making their income be trebled. home at Mt. Pleasant with Mrs. at lrcmonton, Route 1, Utah, on or before the 23 rd day of October, Every citizen plays an essential part in the picture: Wights parents. Mrs. Margaret Johnson visited A. D., 1945. Information about your community and state Charlet Lundberg, with friends in Brigham Friday. Enthusiasm in passing the good word along The Administratrix of the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slate and Friendly and competent service. Estate of Moroni Lundberg, Mrs. Cecil McNeeley were visitDeceased. UTAn STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY ing at Hyrum Sunday. AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Mrs. Lorin Shellbarger and Waiter G. Mann, Attorney Salt Lake City, Utah for Atlas Building Administratrix the at are ot baby Brigham guests home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc- Date of 1st publication, June 14, 1945. Neeley. Mr .and Mrs. Emil Anderson and family of Evans were the guests of Mis. Stanley Andersen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis Many a soldier devotes his furlough to of Wales, Utah, were guests at the mechanized operation on the home farm. This is Cpl. home of their daughter, Mrs. Roy Delmar Van Horn, Jr. with his dad at Jefferson, Iowa. C. Anderson for several days last week. They went to Idaho Falls UIsV Wednesday to visit other relatives. Mrs. Amalia Anderson is visiting with relatives ir Bountiful and Ccnterville this week. Mrs. Helen Hall and children of East Garland and Miss Lueen Burns of Fielding, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson on Monday. Mrs. Lcland Johnson visited with friends and relatives at East Tremonton on Monday. Stpt. Hervin Bunderson n-i- Dollars! pre-wa- UTAHNS! n LEGAL NOTICES WHY SO LOW? YOUR EASTGARLAND Wednesday evening, Mrs. Pearl Grover and daughter Joan joined her sister, Mrs. Jewel Johansen, and mace a trip to Boise where they visited with another sister, Mrs. Theodore Fuller. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Sherman Oyler and child ren and Mrs. Rhoda Welling and Lois Oyler accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oyler to Idaho Falls. Wednesday, returning Thursday. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Hyde. Lois remained there with her sister. Miss Joan Porter of Montana, spent the weekend with Darlene Grover. The Relief Society met in a work and social meeting Tuesday. Some new pointers and ideas on ladcanning were discussed. The ies worked on blocks for the Red Cross Afghan after which a tray v lunch was served, Miss Geverd Sorchsen who is employed at the Bushnell hospital spent Tuesday at home with her parents. Mrs. Wayne Boothc of Ogden the wck at home with Delot-anArdes Adams. ' hum 1M 1 f ?v THEY DID IT BEFOR- ETHEY CAN DO IT AGAIN With Farmall Tractor Power from dark to dark, and longer. Many planted the Spring, from the Rockies to the searched around the clock, working in two or three shifts. Throughout worried farmers cold the but of clear They made one of the greatest crops in history. weather, the skies for signs fell rains relentlessly. world with hunger and In today's war-todisease already stalking many peoples -- even For more than a month the seed should have one major crop failure could bring famine. This been germinating in the warm soil. Millions of too was the because is ground acres lay unplanted why the sound of tractors and planting mawet for preparation of the seed bed and too cold chinery was heard, day and night, from the headPlains states to the Eastern seaboard-w- hy for germination of the seed. fields. the over darkness lights stabbed the Only a generation ago there could have been scarfood and outcome one America's farmers are doing it again, in spite but crop shortage when for time scant allows Nature of an unprecedented combination of adverse cirplanting city. the warm sun waits till late May or June before cumstancesbad weather, shortages of machines and shortages of manpower. For the second time drying the soggy soil. Horses are too slow and tire too quickly to get the job done then. in three years, they are relying upon their machines to help rescue large areas But the farmers remember May of 1943 only from catastrophe. More of theso world of the two years ago when their fast, untiring Ol are tractors products of International Har tractors averted crop failure. Then, loo, rains vester than of any other company. flooded the fields and the month was all but spent before they could go in on the land International Harvester CompanT and plant. nrrttNATioitAk 180 N. Chicago 1, Illinois Michigan Ave. In 1943, most farmers drove their tractors rn tractor-po- HOWELL Bishop and Mrs. Oliver Munk went to St. Anthony, Idaho. Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. F.lira Williams, a sister of Mr. Munk. A baby cirl was born June 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Lovcland is the of Yost. Mrs. Lrvchnd daughter of Bishop and Mr?. O. M. Mutik of Howcil. Mother ar.d wered Ci0 BUY MOM BOMDB INTEREWTIONAL HA RVES11I |