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Show -- Page Four firom Hollip :;od. Miss Helen Hansen is making hosa satisfactory recovery in the was She pital at Preston, Idaho. operated on for appendicitis. left last Sgt and Mrs. Hataway VV..!n.l,iv for Florida, where time. they expect to spend some returncu Sgt. Hataways mother with the newlyweds. reCpl and Mrs. Neal Hansen after spendhis turned to camp, with his ing a brief furlough Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen and family. Mrs. Wm. Goldsberry and children spent several days visither mother, ing at the home of her sister and Larsen Mrs. Martina and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Christensen. Th, little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ward was taken seri ously ill last Saturday. He is now in Bushncll hospital being treated for Spinal menengitis. He is responding nicely to the treatments and it is hoped that he may have a complete and speedy recovery. Mrs. Ward was formerly Miss Lola Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hunsakcr have had as their house Mrs. guests during the past week, Lake Salt City. Nelsen and son of The ladies are sisters. Ar and Mrs. P. Y. Rasmussen and family of Logan spent Tuesday at the home ot his tamer, n. P. Rasmussen. Mivt Tnesdav. the regular work and hiisinpss meeting of the Relief Society will be held. The officers will very much appreciate it if the ladies will come early and help. par-em- uaw unc tampaa THE Q SHAMPOO REATED OF MOVIE STARS for Hollywood you con now moke this YOUR OWN jhompoo o luxurious product to glorify the nolurol beauty of your hair by deeping it clean, soft and lovely, full of rodiont highlights. ECONOMY SIZE $1,25 TRIAl SIZE. 39 ADAM'S DRUG ELWOOD JlMrmfflim, id , - d Have Your FARM IMPLEMENTS REPAIRED NOW Why wait until you are ready to use them? H. C. ROHDE .Blacksmith and Machine Works' "Mends Everything But People's Ways" S. NORMAN LEE ABSTRACTOR Established 40 Years CITY, UTAH BRIGHAM which games Questions Answered When will the plant start? Answer: July 24th Will lockers be of steel and modern design? Answer: Yes. Half with roll out drawers & half door type QHow for Tractors News of 4-- MALE HELP WANTED. Men are needed at Sperry Flour Co., at Ogden for essential work. Jobs are open for warehousemen, seed packers, flour packers. Good wages and working conditions. Referral from U.SS.E.S. necessary. Phone 8811, Ogden 1QCLUBS Magnetos Carburetors Let our experienced shop mechanics keep yom equipment in top shaoe for your farm work. ACETYLENE and 4-- FOR SALE Wood bar harrows, horse mowers, beet cultivators, horse tractor mowers, dump rakes, side delivery rakes, 2 large combines, 2 new Jaeger model 1 V2 water pumps and 1 new Oliver 70 tractor on rubber. Ruel Robbins. tfc Phone 72 Rl. 4 HAIL and FIRE INSURANCE for haystacks and grain fields. See James H. Miller, Phone 764R Brigham City. FOR SALE 112 ton 1940 G. M. drive truck. Call 137W or 19M Garland. ltc C. 7 FOR SALE Allis Chalmers com bine. George Crozier. 2tp 7-- Combine motors H NEWS The Handy Hand club met at GLOBE FEED and Baby Chicks home of Deon Christensen. the at Utah Hatchery, Brigham City 7-- Power Units 5 The time was spent completing our slips. Next time we will start making our dresses. At the end 01 our meeting we were served de liciousf refreshments. Sherrie Petersen, Reporter. The Victory Thimblers Sewing club held its first meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Reta Fay Dustman. A project was chosen for the year's work. The girls spent the afternoon darning stockings, supervised by leaders, Edna Barnard and Nellie Gardner, who demonstrated the proper method. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lottie Dustman and daughter, Reta Fay. ELECTRIC WELDING Choose The Safety of the 10-ir.c- h HINMAN low vacuum MILKER 4-- The means fast milking with 10-in- low-vacuu- ch m higher production. COME IN AND ASK FOR PETERSON TRACTOR SERVICE FOR SALE Five room home, The Kitchen Colleens met at garage, coops, stable. ground with fruit trees. 3 IT So. the home of their club leader, Mrs. DETAILS 5th West, Brigham City, Utah. Wanda Adams on Friday of last Albert Earl, Mgr. 2tp. week. The mothers of the memPhone 90 Trenonton bers were guests of the club. A deLOST Car keys in leather case. licious breakfast of cereals, egg Return to Leader office. ltp and milk dishes was served. A Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of large number attended. Koa Lou Christensen, chickens for sale. See L. Allred Ogden visited with friends in? Christensen. Call 63R3. J Tremonton the past week. reporter. 2tp 78acre 5 5 7-- 5 forsaTe5u Apply at Jack Deakins. 7-- ltp 5 forHsaTe vator, 1 McCormick Deering po-tat- o and corn cultivator, 1 steel wheeled truck wagon, 1 hard tired wagon, John Deere 7 ft. grain binder almost new, 1 Oliver tractor, 7 ft. mower,- 1 new Oliver beet puller. R. W. Hunsaker, Call 63J1. ltp. - 7-- The Box Elder Girls' Livestock Club met Thursday eveninng at the home of Betty Lou Porritt. the purpose of the meeting was to figure a total of the earnings made by the club members at the two shows in which they have exhibited livestock. Their total winnings came to $1,421.23. The Sego Lily Sewing Club met at the home of Karma Rucker. WANTKThr We enjoyed the afternoon by finto work on survey crew. Summer 's our aprons and cut out our ishing job. good wages. See Guy Johnson, at Utah Power 6? Light office, drescs. We look forward to finishTremonton. ltc ing our dresses and aprons this summer. FOR ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier SALES and SERVICE Call 5 RONALD HALES Phone 32 R2 Garland ... do I assure myself pf a good location? Answer: Apply early ' MacARTHUR ONCE FIRED EISENHOWER Sometimes it is from quirks of fate or personal jealousies that heroes are born. Old army friends of General Eisenhower couldn't help but remember this as they gathered to pay him tribute. For, if it had not been for a personal row with General MacArthur in the Philippines, Eisenhower probably would be in a Jap prison camp today instead of receiving the plaudits of millions. When MacArthur retired as chief of staff and began the reorganization of the new Philippine army, he took with him to Manila one of the men of the bright, army. Col. Dwight Eisenhower. But, after some time in the Philippines, things didn't go well, and fired him. Eisenhower went back to the U.S.A. to climb to fame and the top command of the American army. If he had remained with Mac Arthur, he probably would now be with Gen. "Skinny" Wainwright and the 16 other American generals taken prisoner by the Japs. Mac-Arth- ur BASEBALL AND UNITED NATIONS In San Francisco, a delegation of Philadelphians called on Australia's External Affairs Minister Herbert Evatt to ask that the city of broth-l- y love founded by William Penn become the seat of the United Nations in the futur. Dr. Evatt listened carefully. Then he replied: "I can't vote for Philadelphia until the Phillies get out of the cellar. I'm afraid it would, give the United Nations a defeatist attitude if both Philadelphia baseball teams were at the bottom of their ... leagues." JPimu PJgdw IT vV, y J I f Y24th AT B ear River City Miniature Parade, Program, Lunches Kids Races, Rodeo, Horse Pulling Boxing Contests. CAHTAL Phone 118 Jl or 52 Deposits Acceptable at Bank. CHAFF isolaC New Hampshire's one-timtionist Senator Tobey has got religion. He is so anxious to avoid another war that he has become one of e Lee's Locker the most ardent advocates of international Tobey even blasted (indirectly) his old friend and colleague, Danaher Storage Sysiem tive of the Republican national committee, used his position as to go on the senate floor and lobby against the reciprocal trade agreements act. of Connecticut, who, while an execu- f HEADQUARTERS MiwlUvS ' Lockers! Q in- - 7-- 5 7-- were Lockers! Lockers! Q FOR SALE: Book case, new international encyclopedias, 26 vol. Burbanks works. 12 vol., Relief Society books, fiction poetry and history books. Sec J. Walter Green H. A. Live Elwood. Call 65R16. CASH for Poultry. ltp. Garn, 453 N. 2nd West. Brigham 7R56l1rl15uS to Phone 698. us an offer. Call 141. ltp. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for sale at the Leader Office. 7-- is not sure he can rely on the men picked to perform the most important job we now face building up the peace after the ATTEND TEA AT U. S. O. war. Truman told Stettinius, for instance, that he was to be his A group of Blue Star mothers own boss at San Francisco. But attended a tea given at the USO he found that Stettinius called in Brigham Sunday. The tea was h'm on the phone once or twice a day to get his approval of alto honor the junior and senior most every decision. hostesses and the auxiliaries who Unlike Roosevelt, Truman .does bad helped at the USO in anyway. not hesitate to fire a man who doesn't produce. He let Leonard FRANCES LANDVVATTEr Reinsch go back to his radio job in MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Atlanta the dayN after he handled Word has been received here of himself badly in a press conference. D. McKim, the marriage of Frances Landvat-ter- , He transferred Edward after it his administrative assistant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. became known that the genial and Herman Landvatter, to Cleve Her- likeable McKim seemed too enman of Los Angeles. The Land-vatter- s grossed in Mrs. "Hope Diamond" former residents of McLean's dinner parties and the social whirl of Washington. Trcmontnon. guests after played. 5, REPAIR 96-R- 4 NEW WHITE HOUSE TEMPO Harry Truman has now been President of the United States for a little over two months two of the mcjl historic months 'in the nation's history. These two months are sufficient to get a fairly accurate gauge of how the new President will function for the rest of his term. On the surface there is a new atmosphere in the White House when you walk into it these days. If, for instance, you drop in on White House Secretary Charlie Ross, he is cordial, courteous, but brief. There is no invitation or inclination to sit down and gossip. This business-lik- e atmosphere prevails throughout the entire Wnite House staff. If you go on in to see Ross's boss, you get in on time. There are few waits. And the little man on the other side of the big, broad, shiny desk listens intently. He wants to hear what his visitors have to say. These are two definite innovations. Truman gives the impression of having a firm grasp on all domestic problems. He knows them thoroughlyundoubtedly better than Franklin Roosevelt during his latter years, when he was devoting all his time to the war. One of Truman's frequent replies to callers when they urge sanction on some special idea is: "I realize that. But it takes time to do all these things, and seldom have so many important things confronted us all at one time. I'll get around to that just as soon as I can." One thing that worries him most is our foreign affairs. The new President frankly realizes it is his main weakness. He does not have Roose- Thursday, July g will pay cash L'tah for dead or usless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Phone Tremonton or Garland 35 J3. sl5 tfc " i -- LOST One bay strip faced geld-iitwith four black feet. Branded inverted T on left shoulder. Notify A. A. Iverson. CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. and Mrs. Rue Saunders of SOCIAL NEWS Salt Lake City spent the week-envelt's international background, at the home of H. P. Rasmussen therefore has to rely almost wholly who is Mrs. aunders father. ENTERTAINS IN HON on his diplomats. Mrs. Orson Christensen came OR OF DAUGHTER Truman's method of running home last Thursday after a major the government is that of pickMrs. Newel Pavne entertained ing good men and giving them operation at a Logan hospital. at a nartv eiven in honor of her free rein. This is a. good sysbe occasion the and we could have had tem, Anna, daughter, of it in the past. But it more A sixth her dainty birthday. ing down vhen the President breaks little lunch was enjoyed by twenty A Suggestion: Tremonton, Utah - BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, Dancing In The Evening Bring The Entire Family Plenty Of Shade Plenty Of Water |