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Show 1III2 PAGE TWO News Review of Current Events the World Over Curtis Decides He Wants the Vice Presidency Again New Senator and Representative From New Jersey. By EDWARD W. PICKARD f THE eve of the opening of tration and demanded revision of the Seventy-seconcongress the tariff act. Mclean whs a tlie statesmen of the United St a I ox of the national administraappeared lo he more concerned with tion. N natlornil than with logula tlon which limy be Just as well, since politics their legislation In recent times hns not been i XL--' any too cessful. 1 on I A suc- major po-- event I9 POME two thousand men and women from all part of the country assembled In Washington for the conference on home build Ing und home ownership called bv the President. Their purpose was to study and act upon the reports of committees Hint have been for J the last year Investigating design, equipment, taxation, financing ind construction for city and rural he would not geek homes. Secretary Lamont opened Mr. Hoover ad Vice President election as senator the conference, and from Kansas, the dressed It. dwelling especially on Curtis his plan of establishing a system position he former of home loan discount banks, one in ly held, hut would accept a renom-lnatlofor the vice presidency If It each of the federal reserve districts, were offered him by the Republican to facilitate home building and relieve unemployment. convention of l!).'i2. Mr. Curtis Is noted for his political acumen, and warm supporters veteran HENItY T. RAINEY. of the administration hailed his defrom Illinois, was cision as a profession of his faith supported by a majority of his felIn President Hoover's chances for low Democrats In the house for the Senator George' II. Important place of Moses of New Hampshire, for Infloor lender. He Is more of a liberal stance, said : "The Vice President's announcethan some of the ment will serve to give much eneastern Democrats wanted In that pocouragement to his party and he doubtless has reached this conclusition, hut his long sion after a careful study of politiexperience and ad cal conditions throughout the counmitted ability overcame their objectry. His decision is proof that there Is little reason for Republican ap tions. He has been for years an Imporprehension in 1.).'!2 and I look for tant member of the 'the old ticket' to come through once and means more with a handsome margin." H. T. Rainey. ways Democrats and pessimistic coiiimlttpe however, held that Mr. drafts revenue raising and tariff Curtis probably had decided he legislation. lie advocated a recipwould have small choice between rocal tariff to he Initiated by the United States as a means of low two rather stiaky prospects. Among the Republicans there were some ering tariffs throughout the world who would have preferred to have Indicating the plans of the Democrats In the way of tariff revision. r Secretary of War Hurley or Theodore Koosevelt in second Mr. Rainey Issued through the nn place on the ticket, partly because tlotial committee a statement In which he said: Mr. Curtis is somewhat advanced "The time has come for construcIn years and partly because he Is B dry. However, all concede that tive tariff action and something If he wants the nomination, he n 111 must be done to bring down world get it. That la. on (he assumption, tariff walls." which appears to be almost a certainty, that Herbert Hoover Is again "TPIIOCGH the Republicans lost control of the house of reprethe Republican standard bearer. sentatives, there was a spirited con the Demo test In their caucus for the honor GOSSIP concerning Presidential situation of being the party's was enlivened by the progress of nominee for the Governor Ritchie of Maryland toThis speakership. ward Chicago, where he was to was because the spend several days conferring with man selected would I party leaders and making speeches, become the minorlie already had visited New Vork ity leader, a place In furtherance of his ambition to of importance. There were thirteen It is he obtain the nomination. lieved In the Rust that Ritchie Is candidates, but the looked on with high favor by Al real struggle was Smith and Chairman Raskob, and between John the Democratic chiefs of Chicago and Illinois are known to like him Bartrand H. Snell, B. N. Snell New York, the lat and his policies. Until compara nn ter outspoken opponent of many lively recently the Marylander was of the administration's policies. After known to the country at large chief seven ballots Mr. Tilson withdrew ly as an opponent of prohibition, and Mr. Snell was declared elected but he has expanded his utterances to Include many other matters of unanimously. At the Republican caucus that national and International Import and has taken on the semblance, at preceded the close of the last session, when the Republicans expect least, of real statesmanship. ed to retain control of the house. Mr. Snell was chosen candidate for new congress New the FOR supplies one new Republican speaker and Mr. Tilson was selectIn defeat senator and one new Democratic ed to be floor leader. representative. To fill out the un- last week, Mr. Tilson contended that his own title to he floor lender expired term of the held good, and settlement of the late Dwight V. Mor row. Governor Lar dispute over this point was postson appointed W. poned until after the organization X of congress. Bar bour, former mayor of both of Rumson. who THOUGH in many lenders In his youth was congress Insisted that economic Issues must be given first amateur champion place In the deliberations of the heavyweight pugillawmakers, the prohibition Issue ist of the world. He could not be squelched. Before the Is now the wealth'l'inin Am ' session iest president of opened the wet Republicans were conferring on plans to force the Linen Thread W. Warren the liberalization of the house rules Senator company. Barbour In such a way that a modification Barbour Is a sup porter of the protective tariff and bill or a repeal resolution might he was formerly president of the Amer- brought out of committee and snh ican Tariff league. Also, he Is In mitted to the house for a vote. favor of repeal or modification of Heretofore It has been possible for the dry laws. He will serve until 218 members, or a hare majority, to next fall, when a senator will be prevent such action. Senator Hiram Ringham of Con chosen In the general election. Governor I.arsen soon goes out nectlcut. Republican, made pnblie of office and will be succeeded by A. two resolutions he said he would Harry Moore, a Democrat. But the Introduce. One would repeal the latter says he has no thought of present Eighteenth amendment nnd calling a special election In an at return the prohibitory power to ibe tempt to wrest the senatorial sent states. The other would chimite he from the Republicans. For one rea amending article of the Constituson. It would cost the state too much tion by providing thnt amendments should be made on a majority of money. In the Fifth New Jersey district the popular votes In three-- f jurths Percy M Stewart, wet and a Detn of the Rfates. ecrat. was elected to succeed the late Alexander Ackerman. who was ANNUAL reports from the and other chiefs a dry republican; and thus the lineup In the house became; Demo were the order of the week, and crats. 210; Republicans. 214; Farm some of them reflected on the peon 1 ; Mr omy plans of the administration vacancy. 1. Stewart defeated Donald H. Mc This was especially true of those from the national defense depart Lean, a wet Republican, by a nar row margin. Stewart made nls loents. Secretary of the Navy campaign chiefly on his attacks on Adams asserted thnt additional ap the record of the Hoover adminis propositions, st least In amounts the l y, a announcement by Vice President Charles Vurtls f at that C.v-erno- I Warren '? TIMES-NEW- Thursday. December 10. NEPHI. UTAH moderately to excess of those now being made for the navy, are esIntermountain News sential to meet the minimum re-- Briefly Told for Busy Reader quirements of an American fleet within the limits of the London naval treaty. AID BOY .SCO ITS. His report was a recital of painsTAX BLANKS LOOM. taking efforts in the last year at I'LAN I OI LTKY GKOl'P, curtailment In operations, personnel STATE I.ANO I'NKOI.I). und construction to meet the demand for reduced expenditure with PARTIAL TAX PAYMENTS. out serious Impairment of efficiency and at the same time presented reaUT. The three FAHMINGTON, sons advanced for uiore funds to In- large trees that for more than pine sure an adequate naval establish-incu- t. 40 years have stood In front of the couuty courthouse ure being reF. Trubee Davison, assistant sec- moved. retary of war for aviation, reported MOAB, UT. The Lions club lias that failure to provide needed fund raised funds to purchase books and has relegated the United States to for the Hoy Scout group. fourth place among the world's mili- equipment UT. Students and facPROVO, tary air powers. He revealed that high school have Great Britain. France and Italy all ulty of the aProvo school project the esare superior In total military air adopted as tablishment of un art gallery In tho strength (o the combined army and School. navy air forces of this country. ConSALT LAKE CITY. UT. Plans sidering land planes alone, the for an organization of the large United Slates ranks fifth. the state, to Mr. Davison said that the air chicken batcher!' of to meet the deincrease production IS.') is behind the corps airplanes Utah's growing poultry congressional program laid down to mands ofwere outlined at a meeting guide American military aviation lu industry, of the Utah Hatchers' nnd Breedl'.l'JO. He added also that Its corn A further meeting missioned personnel Is short 150 ers' association. is to be held to Incorporate the asre187 regular army officers and marketserve oificers on extended active sociation under the federal act. ing duty. Although the air corps reTROVO, UT. The theme of tbt serve has been built up to a pilot Young university week, Brigham Mr. 2.000 men. of Davison strength "The said "lack of funds has enabled us January 25 to 29, will be to F, to give each one of these only about World Tomorrow," according ten hours' flying for the entire S. Harris, president. BOISE, IDA. Less than one year." Then came MaJ. Gen. Ben n. Ful- fourth of the forecloscl farm lands ler commandant of the marine leld by the state In five southeast-rehave been corps, with a report saying that ern Idaho counties disclosed hy a was sold. fact This econadministration "stringent" omies have cut the corps by about summary of audits for Bingham, 2.000 during the year. He did not Fremont, Tower and Teton counties mention the latest reductions which, made ly the state department of it Is understood, will remove an- public accounts. Principal of loans In other GOO marines from the rolls of on farm lands, since foreclosed. was $.",21,539.40. counties the five the organization. General Fuller said: "The olllcers of the marine Principal of toloans on foreclosed lands sold May 5, P.m. was corps feel very deeply the discrimof ination against them (in favor of $110,833, leavingtied a principal in foreclosstill up $104,700.40 navy officers) in their relative rank ed lauds remaining unsold. with corresponding length of servIDA. Nearly 11,-0POCATELLO, ice in the navy, and a prompt adon the hoof, dinners holiday of Is this condition most justment east by the and were sold shipicd urgently needed." Idaho Cooperative turkey pool. The memliers sold 110,0;) pounds of M EVERTING to politics and New turkey, receiving a net price of 28 Jersey for a moment. It is In- cents a pound for top birds. The teresting to read that the Democrats lowest price received was 20 cents. of that state, or at least some of SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The inthem, are starting dividual income tax return blanks, a movement that known as Form !(, are soon to be may bring to the mailed out by the state tax comfore a figure that mission to practically all adult has been In com residents of the state. Form 40 is to be used by persons with a net Inpartitive obscurity for u number of come from salaries and wages in exJ. in 19tJl ; and by all cess of years. The plan is if. to nutke Joseph P. pefsoifi with' incomes net or gross from business, farming, profession, Tumulty the party's rents or sale of property. candidate for the & senate next fall to PROVO, UT. Th? first project i to lie authorized on the city "make fill the seat of the work" campaign is the installation late Dwight MorTumulty of a complete pipe line water sysrow and the new nppointee, W. Warren Barbour. Mr. tem at the Harmon Park. The city approved the project Tumulty, as everyone knows, was commission secretary to President Woodrow and steps have been taken to carry Wilson throughout his two terms, the work to an early completion. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The and Indeed was private secretary of of the state road Mr. Wilson when he vas governor chief engineer has announced that of New Jersey. In 1921 he resumed commission the practice of law, In Washing- the SoO.OOO improvement at tho ton nnd Jersey City. He Is fifty-tw- mouth of Emigration ennyon would about the first of the year. It years old and bis home Is now begin Is estimated that about 50 men of In Washington. Salt Lake City will be used. LAKE SALT CITY, UT. The of paying taxes would NEGOTIATIONS for peace plan partial and Japan pro do much to eliminate delinquent ceeded haltingly, first one side nnd tax payments. This was the consenthen the other raising objections to sus of opinion at a meeting of the the plans offered. The Japanese be- state tax commission with officials gan withdrawing theii troops from of Salt Lake, Utah nnd Tooele the occupied parts of Manchuria, counties at the state capitol. There but the forward movements of the Is little question but that such a Chinese armies alarmed them, nnd plan will be introduced in the form so did the advance of Gen. Ma ( of legislation at the next session who apparently was bent on of the legislature. recovering Tsitsihnr. Japan tempoOGDEX, UT. Chief of Police, A. rarily stopped her movement against E. Wllfong is made defendant in a Chlnchow, and It was reported the ten thousand dollar damage suit, Chinese troops In that region were in a case in which too long delay before trial is alleged. The suit is being heavily reinforced. Both nations consented to the neu- brought by L. G. Peterson. tral Investigation planned by the rOCATELLO, IDA Chicago exLeague of Nations council, but both change operations in future markets made reservations. Japan insisted of Idaho Russets were disapproved on a clause In the agreement, giving of nt a meeting here recently of c of the her the right to "hunt bandits" any- the Idaho northwest potato committee. where In Manchuria where It might SALT LAKE CITT, UT. Vernon be considered necessary nnd with the Japanese "bandits" Is an elastic C. Mcllrath, 32, carefully attached term China specified that "any new a garden hose to his car's exhaust Japanese aggressive operation would pipe, climbed Into the back scat, create a new situation, requiring turned on the motor and committed reconsideration of the whole ar- suicide. IDA. Buffalo in POCATELLO, rangement." steak form will be available for distribution to Idaho's unemployed MONTERO JUAN ESTEBAN was inaugurated presi- 2this winter at a cost ranging from to 4 cents per pound, it is estimatdent of Chile on Snturday, having ed at the governor's office. Forty-on- e been elected to that office by a com were slaughtered at blnatlnn of four parties and the the buffaloes farm in Yeltewstone buffalo choice of the people being ratified here for and brought park recently Senor distribution to southern Idaho disby the national congress. Mi ntero Is the son of a farmer and ortricts. The Boise has been a professor of civil law dered 18 carcasses,organizations Pocatello 10, and a practicing lawyer. He became Twin Falls 3, Idaho Falls, 2, Nam-p- a acting president Inst July. 2, and American Falls, Bancroft, Blackfoot, Downey. Lava Hot at Springs nnd Soda Springs, 1 ench. DESPITE warm competition Live Stock POCATELLO, IDA. Major highIlermnn exposition In Chicago. Trelle. a World war veteran from ways both state and federal Wembley. Alberta. Canada, won foi throughout Idaho are open to traffic the second time the title of wheal but In some places are hazardous due to ice, according to the s!af king of the world. The best oats were shown by Dr. J. K. Melnzer bureau of highways. Highway ofof La Jara. Colo.; the best hay h ficials advise use of chains on danM. V Gillett of Lexington. Neb ; gerous portions of road. BOISE, IDA. Olaf Nelson, of nnd the corn crown went to Edward N. Lux of Waldron, Ind. Briar Cliff Logan, Utah, contractor, was given marThickset, an Aberdeen Angus steer, the contract for the nine-mil- e bred by Oaklelgh Thome of Pine ket road between Meridian and Plains. N. Y., was adjudged the Kuna, it Is nnnouncpd nf the state urand champion steer of the world department of public Works. The bid price vras $15,023. 'tl IflSI W- r V. w,mn trnlon.) 1931 Honor for General Ely on His Retirement V1 A. Following a furewell review of the Sixteenth Infantry at Governor Island by MaJ. Gen. Hanson E. Ely, commander of the Second corps area, a large plaque, mounted on a boulder in front of the officers' club and Inscribed with suitable remarks, was presented by the regiment. General Ely, having reached the age limit of sixty-fouretired from the service on November 30. He Is seen at the left In the photograph. r, Scenes and Persons in the Current News n fwWB itff t j X 00 1 Japanese troops crossing a bridge over a river In Manchuria after repulsing a defending force of Chinese. 2 Marshal Franchet D'Esperey of France and Gen. Preston Brown, commandant of the Panama Canal department, U. S. A., reviewing the troops at Fort Clayton in the Canal Zone. 3 William Tyler session of Page, clerk of the house of representatives, calling the house to order for the seventy-secon- d congress. J-- FIGHTING OIL KINGS Best Boy and Girl in Club 4-- H -- ,,,? o V II X- - "U I It I 1 pC'. 'inn-shun- , Fa-eifi- -1 VKt James V. Allred, dynamic -- young attorney general of Texas, who has filed on anti-truouster suit against 15 giant oil corporations for payment of $17,000,000 In penalties. JAILED ANTI-FASCIS- T ft Vtvvv" i fC . , mi iini if f ii j; At j "Here are Charles L. Brown of Battle Ground, Tippecanoe county, Ind., and Mary Teresa Rico of Keewatin, Itasca county, Minn., who, were club. They readjudged the most outstanding boy and girl In the ceived the Sir Thomaa Lipton trophies at the club congress in 4-- 4-- Chicago. Fine Mormon Temple in Alberta - ( XA ' muii.i,iuiiu.iiiih.iI1j.ii..ii. ' utB.u.......iill. iiimn,.niii.. i. niiiiiii.i.n. n tea d Orlando Spartaco, Italian of Philadelphia, who was sentenced to serve two years in prison after trying to Incite a riot during a visit of Foreign Minister Dino urandi to the guaker city. Sprtaco Jumped on the running board of the car bearing the minister, and shouted "Down with Mussolini and Faclsm." twenty-slx-year-ol- Mmn tiim Hi ' View of the $2,000,000 Mormon temple Just completed at Cardston, Alberta, Canada, on the border of Waterton Lakes national park. The town of Cardston has a population of only 2,000, but the temple serves a large area of that Canadian Eocky mountain country. |