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Show THE Thursday, December 10. 1931 TIMES-NEW- S. NEIMII. UTAH wr t.l " . Th- - mptrl lnui1 ..... pages were turned, slowly, deliberJoe gave reluctance. ately; then of a sudden,muscles "I thought you'd be glad." came of mental Jerk at the his hands t free them from their disappointedly. Joe Barry whirled and caught her white tenseness. Aa he did so. he felt warm flesh against his cold hands. "Sue." came swiftly, "If I can only flesh ; the chief had reached to the packet and flipped back the puges ! what you say work here und be to the beginning. the assistant equestrian director "No use looking at those last next year, or the worst paid canvas three or four," he said. "They're nan on the lot. I'll be the happiest It Isn't the In the world. all New York gangsters; wouldn't (WND Service.) CoDrrlcht b Courtney Rrley Cooper catch one of them out of the Big Job It's Just to be here, with you. t'lty In a hundred years." He took with you and Uncle lun and evWHAT HAS TRANSPIRED edly. "It would be beautiful I" Then the circulars from Joe's weak grasp. erybody." he finished lamely. the call to A bugle Interrupted, hurriedly: "Lets go back to the "Well." he asked, "see anybody In the dressing tents. Sue looked lot and find Uncle Dan, I can't wait there you recognized?" Jo Barry, country youth In New until tomorrow." Joe Barry reached for a cigar- with surprise at her wrist watch York, eke out a living as So It was that the performance ette, and with his fingers upou the and was gone. Joe Hurry could ttixl In a poor rooming house of the Dayton Brothers circus took and accordion player In Loul Ills no Joy An the news which she hud changed his mind. l.urnl by on an entirely new aspect within package,might Uertollnl'e restaurant. brought him. tremble. th open country, be spend a the next few days. The act went hands "1 guess I can't help you split To dress In riding clothes, and to night In th fields, near on, with Its new lights. Its festoons any rewards, oftlcer," he said and appear in "straight-face- " before the Bertollnl discharges him. and garlands of flowers. Its weav- forced a smile. The chief grunted. audience each day; this was tanta Friendless and "broke." h I ofing, swaying, pretty forms moving fered 110,000 by a man he know "Well, you never can tell. 1 al- mount to putting himself on exhibi about while Pierrot sang to his ways only as Martin" to Impersonal just take a look around when tion, where every "clown cop" In a liquor runner facing: arrest. It Pierrette, and while the apple blos- a circus comes to town." He re the audience might unconsciously means th penitentiary, but Jo soms sifted gently down upon them. the sheaf of circulars In his wntch and study him. Suppose a placed la desperate. He defers decision Kxeited, somewhat dazed by the pocket. picture had been fixed In their until the next niRht, and Is given success f lu Sue Dayton and Joe hipAfter a time, which seemed eter- minds, from long poring over re1 1.000 'on account." Next day Jo saw the circus performance Barry Joe Barry wulked away from ward circulars? A certalu hopelessdeposits 1800 In country bank, halted that they might return for nity, the marquee, alone. Yet he was ness came over him. giving his name as Joseph Bradan rare the indeed under encore, not alone, for there was a memory ley. Outside a circus tent he see But nothing hnppened, when, the an accordion and la tempted to big tops. The crowds grew stead- with him. of a man he next day, Joe Barry took his new A heavier. niece It. ily play girl. Sue Dayton, had seen pictured in that last group Job at the races. It was not work of th owner, who admires th "If you keep on this way," said of circulars, a grim, In which he could move about, he music, urge him to join th cirUncle Dan Dayton one morning as old mnn, with hollows Inprematurely his cheeks must stay at the bell in the guise cus, but Joe says ha must first Joe he halted under the marquee, and the hatred of a cornered ani- of a starter, return to New York "on business." clanging the gong for will for be "John Rlngllng sending mal In his eyes. It had not. In the start and for the halfway nnd II has decided to refuse "MarBeen to the wagon you. yet?' tin's" offer. In his room four men fact, been the resemblance which the wild ringing of the finish. But "No, sir." accost him. Bewildered, Joe sees had startled him, but the dissimnothing happened. In a Increase "You'll notice little And th men, who are detectives. ilarity; sun had tanned his skin now One day Uncle Dan came blustermaGlad to It of amount a. money, envelope. your pay give large to healthy darkness, food and sleep track and chine gun, and two revolver. to you, Joe. had filled the sunken cheeks, work ing down the hippodrome Next day. under arrest, Jo "You mean a raise? A raise?' It was called to Joe as he passed. flesh. But had the hardened men seen who had Identified by "Got that thing arranged for this Joe asked. Suddenly he halted and he, nevertheless, who had faced him the night before near gulped and when he tried to talk him from the shiny piece of paper. afternoon." he shouted over a shoulwhen two prohibition der. "See me right after performagain, bis voice sounded strange agent were killed and robbed. Hymle Fradke came back to life, ance. They're out here now in an and husky. "I was getting along Joe Is accused of their murder and his hands close manicured holding automobile." all right. Uncle Dan." . robbery. He realize "Martin"" to catch the light from "Sure you were." Then, as If to to the bars "What thing?" Joe called after object to have him found guilty windows brilliance the upon grated of the murders, executed, and the change the subject. "By the way, of buffed' nails. Then there was him. But Just then the chariots A man known aa case closed Joe, know anything about radio? Martin and Louie and Fullhouse came rumbling into the arena and "Fullhouse." waiter at Bertollnl'a, Think we could Joe cut put on a radio per- and this fellow whom Hytnie called the answer was lost, hurts Joe' case by his evidence. formance?" through the ring and across the In"Martin" cannot be found, Joe could. How do you "I guess-wtervening stage to the pad room. keeps silent aa to his previous mean?" he asked at last, Half the circus seemed gathered day's doings, fearing to embarrass Sue Dayton. His cellmate, Hymle "Well, I'm not sure myself. there about an automobile from Fradke. gives Joe $20. Next day That's why I asked you. The Idea's which men were lugging electrical e Fradke having secured a revolver, just been running in my head. I've team swung devices. A "shoots it out" with prison guards, heard that some of these radio staInto view, and behind It a mixed and Is killed. In the confusion tions will hook up for a fellow pretcage of Hons and tigers, with Joe escapes. Using the $20 Fradke ty cheap. It struck me that might Green, the menagerie boss. had given him, lie flees New York, a not to be bad idea, to broadcast "Where you want these cats to do draws some of the money he had something or other between the their meowing?" he shouted to a deposited and finds the Dayton afternoon show and the night perman In the automohlle. circus, looking upon It as a refIs He a formance. It'd remind people that uge. engaged as perform"Right there! We can move the was in er, playing the accordion, with the show town, and then it'd microphone over beside the cage." Sue his partner In the act. a good deal every place spread Microphone I He understood now that we were billed would get just without Uncle Dan's explanation: CHAPTER VII Continued a little more advertising. You could that radio Idea, discussed one day, do your song, the one you do with 8 wfeeks ago and then apparently forAt last It had iwnrae second na- Sue. Seems to me we could work gotten. ture to him. Now and then he out a pretty good program. Think "Better go get your accordion. thought of his true cognomen nnd It over." Joe," Uncle Dan shouted from the It sounded strange to him. Slowly "Yes, sir." Joe Barry walked on, crowd about the automobile. he had become Joe Bradley In real- his brain astir with the new idea. about ready. Tell Sue ity, and with that transition, it had That could be worked into someto hurry up. She's got to talk to seemed that some of the venom of thing worth while soloists out of her radio audience and tell 'em how his memories had departed. Like- the band, a brief interlude with the glad she Is everybody likes her act." wise, the watchfulness. Gradually side show lecturer, describing all He looked at his watch. "We've he was becoming accustomed to the the strange and people, only got three minutes more. Get sight of a policeman. Slowly, ever the sounds of the midway a move on yourself!" bo slowly. It became possible for "Oh, Joe!" It was Uncle Dan, Joe Barry thought desperately. him to walk through the crowds calling to him again from the when they gathered on the midway marquee. Barry turned to notice The radio, sending his music to before performance, or milled across that a stranger was with the showthousands upon thousands of listenthe circus lot after the show was man, a slouched being, with a ers, music which might be recogfedora hat and baggy nized over, without the feeling that was the constant price of clothing. When Joe had returned, "Didn't I tell you to hnrry?" Uncle Dan turned to the slouchy his liberty. shouted Uncle Dan. "What's the Interest In this new" man. "Joe Bradley here really matter? Scared of the microphone? life had made these things possible. knows more about the personnel Sue Dayton and Joe Barry Saw It won't bite you." I do," he said. "He'll show the Performance Halted That It was as though he had been seek- than around. A broadcaster hurried forward Joe, this is Chief Brace you They Might Return for an Encore. and caught Joe lightly by the uping this existence all his life. He of the municipal police. He wants went about the task of adapting per arm to give him his distance, Friday; of a sudden the five according himself to It almost feverishly, like to look around the show lot, in Big to the pantomimic comto take on a relaa man striving to make up for lost case we've got any desperate char- names seemed mands of the man at the control. tionship, Martin and Louie, time. Not the least pleasurable of acters." and Big Friday, while Hymie Joe Barry moved forward, amid a "Yes, sir," said Joe Bradley. Sudhis duties were those In the ring, blur of faces. His tongue went when the gleaming Iorio was In his denly he bit his lips, to restore the seemed to stand off at one side, swiftly over lips that had become with. which blood fled had from them. dispensed grasp, to be transformed from a "I'll be hard and dry. Then slowAfter that day, Joe Barry avoid- suddenly glad to. Uncle Dan." mere thing of pearl and silverstone e He ly, to the guidance of the man ed the crowded midway. and piano keys to the guardian him, he stepped to the microaftever. One than harder worked CHAPTER VIII. spot of all the music that was In ernoon Sue halted him as he phone. his soul. It made little difference But again, nothing happened, extwo had progressed well moved to the dressing tent from Its to him that the song was a tem- THE cept that the night crowd was a the menagerie tent before rear. poral one; it was a tribute to Sue for you for turnnway as a result of the broad"I've been Dayton, and he played It as though any word was spoken between them. more than an waiting hour." Joe bright- cast. After the matinee, Joe waitit were a classic. Perhaps that is For Joe, there was nothing to say ; ened with the knowledge that Sue ed In Clown alley, for the visit of what made the throngs applaud. he could only wait, while his heart was playfully. "I wanted men he felt sure must soon arrive. Perhaps, too. It was the earnestness beat with slow, ponderous throbs, so to tellpouting A whole twenty-fou- r hours had you something." of these two, with all the rest of heavily that It seemed he could hear Now he saw how poor had came he closer. "Yes?" elapsed. man him In beside was darkness while the It. The the circus a "Uncle Dan said he'd let me." been his selection of pseudonym ; and dragging at something flood lights played on was a hint of excitement in a child could tell, he upbraided himthem alone, upon them and the which he carried in a hip pocket. There her air. "You've got to promise self, that it had been changed from horse and the sparkling accordion At last it came forth, a sheaf of pa- me Barry to Bradley. But still nothsomething first, though." And then one night, as Joe Barry pers, bound at the top with heavy being happened. hands his Joe knew Joe clasped of Barry the that Import end Sue Dayton walked to the cars, clips. The show went on, rounding out back; he often did this the man suddenly whirled, looking packet immediately. It was the hind his now and cutting back toward the big top. chiefs file of his reward circulars. when Sue Dayton stood before him, of Virginia and snapping his fingers as if in In dark, horrible, nightmare days, unconsciously tempting him. There north, through the smaller IndustriJoe had noticed such pieces of were times when crazed thoughts al cities. Joe realized that he was abstraction. "That's ltt That's It I" he ex- printing upon a table In the pho- danced across the brain of the man, not the only man In the world who claimed. tographer's room at 240 Center urging him on and forbidding in could play an accordion and that were not look"What are you thinking about street; he had hardly realized then the same spasmodic command, hint- beyond this, police as sing that he had seen them. But now ing that he might have her if he ing for gangster-murderer- s now?" Sue said it half laughingly. Joe stood, head raised, lips mov- they stood forth as if he had been worked for her, and Jeering that he ers of circus love songs. Once more have her, that he must the world was becoming roseate, the ing silently, a clenched hand pound- familiar with them always, the could never now, glow of sun flooding the clouds being Into a palm. At last he turned. name, the alias, the descriptions of always stand as 'he stood "The act !" he exclaimed. "I've weight, height, scars, clothing, pe- dumb, wordless, because his tongue fore a storm. It was at the end of a matinee. got It worked out. All the time culiarities, occupation and hangouts. could not and must not say the The menagerie tent had suddenly things which they so longed to ut- and the flying act was done. The I've known there was something ter. become deserted. Cage tenders, liberty horse race number waited at missing. Something" that would real"Well, do - you promise?" she the flags. Joe stepped to the gong helpers, even the menagerie ly make you queen of the sawdust only to find himself staring for ring. That's the Idea of the whole punks had moved away without asked. course." "Of It was toneless. an instant instead of signaling for thing, to have you the queen. Then ostentation, but with efficacy; a true the race. Some one who sat in the you ought to have some subjects, circus man can spot a "clown cop" "What?" "Joe," she said earnestly, "you've second row of the grandstand shouldn't you? You see," he con- almost as far as he can see him, tinued, "You've got those girls who and avoids him from instinct. Evi got to quit working so bard. At it seemed strangely familiar. Scattered emotions struck Joe work In the grand entree and then dently the chief knew this, for once the first thing in the morning and don't do anything else but go into be had straightened the pad of re the last at night. Uncle Dan wants Barry. Some one was there whom the statue act. Then, yesterday, I ward sheets in bis own hands, be you to concentrate on the show It- be knew, and he could know only He noticed In one of the property wag- held them before him, and pausing, self. That's what I was going to those who must injure him. tell you. He's giving you a raise clanged the bell for the start of ons a lot of stringers of artificial rocked on heel and toe, the race. Then, Impulsively, as the flowers. Don't you see. Sue? We "Now, Mr Dayton says you're fa next week." "But he gave me one only a short horses passed him, moved down the could hang these stringers of flow- miliar with everybody around the ers from above the ring and then Show. You could recognize a fel time ago." track, as if to talk to a property "I know. This Isn't as much; man there, swerved suddenly and dress the girls in those new show- low's face if you saw it on paper, walked back. In the center of the girl costumes that Uncle Dan now couldn't you? Suppose people only five dollars a week." I won't hippodrome. He could see clearly "What's my new Job bought last week he said he just could look at a picture and then at now; the man In the grandstand got them because they were a bar- the man and not be quite sure. have to give up your act?" "Of course not !" She laughed, had half turned, as If to watch the Don't mind admitting I'm sort of gain." "Joe, that would be pretty I You that way myself. Point I'm getting "No, It's something in addition-Afte- r race. Joe Barry knew that this was our act's over, you're to get pretense. And Joe Barry knew mean to use the girls in a sort of at ; could you look these here over a Maypole number while I do my and tell If any of 'em's with your into riding clothes as soon as pos- those features, the flaccid, loo.se- show?" act?" sible, and come In and run tie jowled face of Fullhouse Kendall Joe Barry pulled hard at his races." "That's It. While ,you were getA gasp ran over the audience "But " The white had come like a gigantic shudder. The riders ting ready for the ring, they'd breath. "I think so." weave around in the Maypole, and suddenly about his mouth. The girl shouted, and jerked madly at the A faint smile came to the dry touched his arm. then stop and Just hold the garreins. Horses, their heads "I don't think you understand, eyes roiling and white, twisted, lands while you went through your lips of the chief. plunged "There's a reward on everybody Joe," she said. "It's really a ter- wildly In an effort to alter act Then, when I made my entheir trance, they would start to move in there," he said. "I ain't the kind rible advance. Uncle Dan says that course. A woman screamed : there you're Just a natural showman, that was the crash of Impact, Then four again, one crossing the other, just of a man that'd forget a favor." "I see." Joe felt the touch of you act like a person who's been men ran into the tent with a loose twining In and out. And then the pent up all your life and Is just bit of canvas fluttering between thing I had thought of was what the papers sgalnst his hand. Then vaguely he blossoming out Into your real self." i them. At the ring curb, they swlft- the property mnn calls a snow box. filled with hits of pink paper that realized that he was turning the She perked her pretty head and ly raised the unconscious form of would sift down over us like apple pages, staring down into the front smiled. "That's a lot for Uncle Dan i Joe Barry, and, placing him In the blossoms falling. Wouldn't it be and side views of men, men who to say. Don't you see, Joe? It tattered canvas, rushed with him to seclusion of the menag- pretty, with the colored lights and were wanted for perjury, for rolv means, next season, Joe you'll be the near-bbery, for lustful crimes and for assistant equestrian director." erie tent. everything?" , hi:-.The man mumbled his thanks and "Joe!" she bad caught excit murder. One after another the (TO Bl CONTINUED. CAGED I By Courtney Ryley Cooper n er car-tak- New-burK- thin-lippe- 1 New-burg- h, e Cat-hous- e cur-r-rio- , 1 cov-ertne- ss Full-hou- he-sid- half-turne- d multi-colore- d light-splotch- bull-me- PAGE SEVEN n, 1 ! d ! y Week This h Dangerous days AHEAD AH 1 1 U K BH1 SHANE California's Public Schools Money, Queer Thing Young Lady for Sale Biggest Pumpkin Vine In uiowTNTsa you an J your children need reserves of irurdy resistance to ward oil those nasty cold. ScoK'i Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will help you gain thii resistance. In Vitamin A promotes growth ana fortifies against the common col . And then there' s wealth o Vitamin D liiat help build strong bones and teeth. Doctors will tell you bow good it is for run down a Jolts as well as growing children. And the pleasant flavor of Scott's Emulsion makes it easy to take. Scott & Bowne, iiloomficld, N J. Sales lUprcscnucivcs, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. i &m4aw et LarM rm SmITi IWim'i "giwaw f tkt California Is honored by its supremacy in public school education, from the lowest grade to the State University. The governor, who thanked God there was no public school in Virginia and hoped there would be uoue for one hundred years to come, would be horritW at California's school system. Formerly, in every town and city. the fluest bulliiiug was the residence of some dignitary, the next iu grandeur wan the public prison W British turi t i.i....aj. rraim.&0. &W1W.S. VI 1.nniiwi X ;i..,,rlw,.,it,uli S. .. ,, flfr f J- lllMlr. iWM ft., I .. ii f,, (,n Maronites Largest of recognized the pope, although they have a patriarch of their own. There usually. Lebanon's Cults Many are only n.iui rroiestants In the LeIu modern California, ard many Biblical Lebanon, Asia's other states, to their honor, I ho public schools surpass lu beauty and Importance all other building. High schools here are nurrouudtd by beautiful parks; each public school has its athletic Held. In California every child must be educated at public expense. Mr. Whitney, secretary of tba Barstow school board, was discussing, recently, the case of an unfortunate child, crippled by Infan tile paralysis, unable to walk up the steps of any school. Must such a child go without education or be educated at its parents' expense? Not in California. A teacher will be appointed to at tend solely to that child's educa tion, in its own home, and the cost of books and teacher will be divided between the county and the state. That will make BOine taxpayers roar "Bolshevism," but it must make the angels smile, if they ever do smile. And, more Bolshevism. Barstow, a small town on the Mojave desert, thousand dollars a spends fifty-on- e year for public education, more than for all other purposes combined, and sends school buses as far as fifty-tw- o miles, bringing children at public expense to the high school, 104 miles every day for the round trip. That costs the taxpayers for every child more than one hundred dollars a year extra. Money is a queer thing; nobody understands it. For instance, the British are forced to abandon gold after trying to force it upon India, which has been a silver country for five thousand years. The pound sterling drops lower and lower and British prosperity rises. Unemployed are fewer; cotton mills that have been closed are running on full time. Lancashire is cheerful in spite of Gandhi's boy- cott. China, boycotting Japan, send to Britain business held by Japan hitherto. One dollar is so valuable and expensive that Asia can't afford to use it and therefore can't buy from us. only Christian state nnd the smallest one In the world, has seven different confessions among Its 82(1,(118 inhabitants, according to the last census. Despite mass emigration among people of their faith, Christians agnln maintain their majority The largest group Is .he Maronites with 214,313 3 adherents In addition there are emigrants of this faith In the United States who still pay taxes to the homeland- - They form one of the oldest Chrlftlan churches. Its history goes back as far as the Fourth century, retaining Aramaic as the church language. Since the Middle ages, the Maronites have banese repnblic.Tho ancient churches such as the Syrian Jacobite and the clulm the majority of ll.fXK) church goers classed among the minorities. Next to the Maronites In strength are the Suunlte Moslems with 130,010 and the Sblltes with 113,530. Assyro-Cliuldca- 20,-44- Teachers Are Human You got a nice murk In deportment, this month. Buddy. Toung Ilopefnl Yes, Dad, I told her I liked that new hat she bought Father Every man has an Idea that others think him Important 8 8 8 8 8 drifting 8 V Yov vowed to keep 3 8 I. i . in touch with this friend and that. But you didn't. Time slips by. You're drifting farther apart each day. Renew those friendships this year with a Christmas card. Now while stocks are complete and you have the leisure select your cards and remind those friends that out of sight is not put of mind! 1 Mzirgoyzie 8 CHRISTMAS CARDS YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM Camels and Locomotives One of the biggest concrete bridges A "beautiful little lady," 21 years In the world Is along the new railway old, height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 130 pounds, hair blonde (natural l, lines being built through Turkey. Aleyes brown, wishes $10,000 for her though only a little over COO miles parents and will marry "any re- long, the two lines penetrate difficult spectable white man, deaf, dumb, country, necessitating the building of crippled or blind," it he will provide about 2,000 bridges, large and small, and many tunnels. In Angora an the $10,000 and can support her. A visitor from Mars would learn average of 8,000 blasts of dynamite day are used to dislodge the rocky that such a bargain awastes. More than 18,000 peasants could be carried out "quite respectand shepherds are employed on the a sale bo and such would ably" work besides thousands of peasant very different from transactions women who labor as stone breakers. ordinarily carried on in "the oldest An oriental touch Is given to the picprofession." ture by thousands of camels used to with-intere- transport supplies "regular American boy" who has examined pumpkin vines in his progresses. The father's corn field before frost, musing on Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, remembers a vine, a few yards long, with perhaps as many as ten greenish yellow pumpkins attached. J. R. Plummer, of Winchester, Ohio, had this fall a pumpkin vine fifteen hundred feet long, that produced a big wagon load of pumpkins. It covered the entire garden, was three and a half inches thick, climbed a cherry tree, covered part of a high fence and spread over an adjoining field. Good soil and fertilizer explain as the building and was returned to Delmar Yon Gahn, Yosemite council Boy Scout executive, who returned It to the Jeweler that originally sold it to bis father. The jeweler cleaned the watch, replaced a few parts and now It keeps good time. Stokes by Push Button One man, by merely pressing push buttons, stokes all the boilers In a New York hotel. The boilers burn pulverised coal, and when a button is pushed exactly the right amount of coal to keep the fire at proper heat Is automatically released from the bunkers of the fire coal-burnin- g box. Confident Watch Runs "I want you to sell this property B. H. Von Glahn bought a watch for what it will bring." of a Stockton (Calif.) Jeweler in 1878 "I can get a better bid than that?" and lost it in a plowed field. Last A woman scorned hunts tip sonu spring the watch was found where It had been burled In the field 43 years, other man and proceeds to get even Long-Burie- d : that '.f Stainless "Rub Inland inhalant unsurpassed,, ;in preventing and relieving cold congestions l There is no need to worry about SOID AT Alta, quality;? surplus population for the next McKesson gRobbins V DRUG .SINCE 1833 STOIHS thousand years. Texas alone, with intensive cultiPIac for the Amateur for us In that way, another centurj vation, could feed easily all the There is a current tendency fos- will find us with nothing of common eighteen or nineteen hundred million people on earth, and have room tered, I regret to say, by many of our interest to say to each other and ne clever writers? to scoff at the "ama- means by which to say it Conver left for more oil fields. teur" and the "dilettante." This is satlon Is already becoming a lost art. Lord Robert Cecil, intelligent and an attitude with which I have very An evening of talk Is a rarity. One sincere worker for world peace, little sympathy. We might as well plays bridge. Harold Bauer, In the Bays, "Unless the world disarms, it take our food by sniffing at another Etude. will perish." person's plate as to confine our muThere are two ways of doing n The day is coming when war, sical activities to an admission fee at which is wholesale murder, will somebody else's performance. If we thing even three, four or five, whe-i- t comes to making friends. disappear from earth as cannibal- keep on letting other people do things ism and slavery have practically disappeared. But the world will not disarm yet and it will not "perish." . 1 s t 1 The world stood the One Hundred Years' War, the Seven Years' War, and the Dark Ages that folfatlcinSlI Just a shake or two of this fragrant, antiseptic lowed the Inrush of barbarians gives that finishing touch to your after the downiall of Home. 1 1 powder toilet. Pure and delicately medicated, it It endured the "black death" that absorbs excessive perspiration and cools the of all the people killed in Europe, equal, in proportion, to skin. five times as many as were killed Price 25c. Sold everywhere. Proprietors: Potter Drug & Chemical Corp, In the Great War. This world is Alan. maiaen, ' able to stand a great deal in the Try the new Cutlcara t.j IweotAimtifW fc. 4 I atwk a Wt I bnavlnu Cream. way of brutality and suffering. mfZT W 1 ML mM '"3 M? iT r - : , W t rfml A3 IISJ.SSi For Milady's Toilet ' one-quart- er EM (O 1931, br King Fnturu Syndicate, Inc.) ' Et VII I |