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Show SPECIAL LIVE STOCK TOE STATE FAI ocT.it a POST UUh State State Capital r Board Bldg-- . OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1932. VOLUME 6 A Chain Store Harvest? iAYSVILLE WINS BANK OFFICERS FARM LEAGUE DEFENDANTS IN Charge Directors With Taking Davis Team Defeats Plain City In Final Playoff Game by Deposits When Bank Was Score of 19 to 2; Kaysville Insolvent; Thomas Seeks Makes Six Runs in Fifth and To Recover $85,273.16; Six in Ninth; Worthington Ask Total of Whitmeyers A number of auita were filed in Second district court early thia week by depoaiton in the closed Ogden State bank, who seek to recover the amount of their from the directors of the defunct institution. The largest individual suit was that filed Tuesday by T. E. Thomas, who seeks Judgment in the amount of $85,272.16, together with interest since the bank suspended business in August, 198L Mr. Thomas seta forth in his complaint that the directors, knowing the Ogden State bank to be in an insolvent condition, continued to transact business and permitted false and misleading financial reports concerning the aohreney of the bank to be published. The plaintiff further sets forth that the directors personally assured him of the sound condition of the bank during the month of June, 1981, thereby causing him to make largo deposits in the institution. Defendants in the action include A. P. Bigelow, G. L. Becker, John N. Spergo, Edward G Olson, O. A. Parmley, H. M. Rowe, J. E. Stone, D. E. Davis, John K. Spiers, Jessie Florence Van Meter, Albert E. Becker, E. M. Tower, R. W. Stevens and John Doe, administrator in the eatste of John G. M. Barnes. Other suits filed Tuesday against W. H. Hadlock, state bank commis-ione- r; R. S. Jonas, examiner in charge of liquidating the bank, and the Ogden State bank, a corporation; include that of Lena Wells to recover $1,579.80; Elisabeth Nebeker, suing to recover $1,017.80, interest; and Mary G. - pins hnty who, styles Judgment against the aforementioned defendants in the amount of $800, which amount aha says was left at the bank for the purpose of purchasing four hares of preferred stock of the institution when it waa available, and which waa not to ba mingled with assets or funds of the bank. Suita filed Monday afternoon by the Whitmeyer construction interests and by individual members of the Whitmeyer family totalled its . $84,564.98. Plaintiff a in these cases and the amounts nought are: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whitmeyer, $3,424.98; George R. Whitmeyer, $14,477.60; Mr. and Mrs. G A. Whitmeyer, $18,624; George A. Whitmeyer and Sons company, $38,7486; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitmeyer, In each instance the amount sought is leas a seven per cent divident paid since the bank closed, although interest on the judgment also is asked. Defendants in these eases are A. P. Bigelow, G. L. Becker, John N. Spargo, Edward CL Olson, O. A. Parmley, H. M. Rowe, J. E. Stone, D. E. Davis, John K. Spiers, Albert E. Becker and John Doe, administrator of the estate of John G. M. Barnes, deceased, all directon when the bank closed, and E. M. Tower and R. W. Stevens, directors from 1928 to January 18, 1931. All the men who were directors when the bank dosed bad served in that capacity for several years at least with the exception of Mr. Barnes and Albert E. Becker, who took office on January 13, 1931. The complaints filed for the Whitmeyers by Attorney Arthur Woolley allege that the rank insolvent and known to be so by the directors at the time the deposits were made; that the directors caused to be published annual statements showing the bank to bo solvent, its capital unimpaired and showing a surplus when in fact it waa insolvent and that these statements were fraudulent; that defendants on divers occasions in 1931 represented to the plaintiffs that the bank waa solvent, said representations being fraudulently $14,-290.0- 4. Dr. A. A. Robinson, in suing the bank, the state banking department as liquidators, and the individual directors at the time the bank dosed, seeks to have a $2,800 deposit of August 7, 1981, declared a preferred claim payable at once or that he be given Judgment for the amount againat the several directors. He alleges that the legal loan limit of the bank, $60,000, had been exceeded; that at the time he made his deposits the capital, surplus and undivided profits of the bank were completely wiped out by loan and other losses suffered to the sum of approximately $650,-00- 0 and that this condition had existed at least 80 days prior to the banks doting; that the legal caah reserve was not maintained; test the capital had been impaired by payment of illegal dividends, excess, "safe and imprudent loans; ant that the directors, knowing the con- - The Kaysville baseball team decidedly won the championship of the Weber County Farm Bureau League by defeating the Plain City team in a game played at Plain City last Saturday by a score of 19 to 2. This was the second game of the series, Kaysville winning the first game 8 to 8 the week previous. Kaysville started the scoring by making one run in the third, scored three in the fourth, six in the fifth, one in the seventh, two in the eighth and six in the ninth innings. The first ran waa scored on hits In succession by Mansell, Worthington, and Chipman. Seven hits, including Worthingtons first homer, accounted for the six rune in the fifth. Following Worthingtons clout, Neal, Plain (Sty pitcher, of out the walked box, and Singleton, who fell victim of Kaysville in the first game, took over the mound duty to fay to atop Kaysville onslaught In the remainder of that liming the Kaysville boys touched him for three hits and one run. Singleton got by fairly well until the ninth when Kaysville opened up again touching him for six hits and aa many runs. In thia inning Mansell hit a homer with two on, and Worthington hit his second homer of the game. Manager Mansell, on the mound for Kaysville, pitched a good brand of bolL He allowed the Plain City boys ten hits but kept them well scattered, allowed no free. passes and atruckout three men. Plain Citys first run came in the sixth on a hit by A. Taylor followed by an error. The second ran came in the eighth when Giles, first up, doubled, advanced to third on A. Taylors ground out, and acorsd Whew Skseirlilfa grounderr--Th- e lineup and summary Kaysville AB B H 6 Barton, cf. H. Thomas, as. 6 8 2 5 2 1 C. Perkins, If. 6 4 4 Mansell, p. Worthington, lb. 6 8 4 5 Chipman, c. D. Thomas, rf. 6 8 4 8 2 1 Linford, 2b. J. Thomas, 8b..... 5 0 1 i well-kno- home-owne- OPENJJESDAY City Teachers to Attend Insti- tute Saturday at Central Junior High School Pupils in the Ogden city schools will return to their studies Tuesday, September 6, for the opening of the first semester. All students an required to be present for registration on Tuesday morning. Teachers in the Ogden dty schools "wUl attend an institute to be held Saturday at the Central Junior high school auditorium, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Superintendent W. Karl Hopkins will be in charge of the institute, and speakers will include Mayor Ora Bundy, Jamea H. Riley, president of the board of education; Ina E. Craven, principal of the Pingree school; Dr. C. N. Jensen, state superintendent of public instruction; Dr. L. John Nuttall, new superintendent of the Salt Lake City 27 15 .47 23 19 Totals schools, and the Rev. John Edward Carver. Mark Robinson, superPis is City AB R H APO E visor rf music in the city schools, . 5 0 1 60 11 will direct the musical program. Moyes, 2b. 2 4 Teachers and principals will meet Giles, rf. 1 7 4 at their respective schools in the A. Taylor, ss. .... 4 0 1 S 4 afternoon for the purpose rf going Skeen, c. 1 0 11 over school work for the coming E. Folkman, lb... 4 1 0 2 4 C. Taylor, cf. year. 2 0 2 . 4 The first semester will end FriMaw, If. 1 8 1 4 day, January 18, 1933, and the secKnight, 8b. 0 1 0 ond semester will begin Monday, 0 0 0 2 January 16, closing Friday, May 0 0 1 26. C. Folkman, p--.. 1 Holidays for the school year in27 .87 2 10 16 clude Labor day, September 5; ArTotals mistice day, November 11; ThanksScore by innings: 128 456 789 ToL giving, November 24 and 25; Kaysville 010 860 12619 Christmas vacation, December 28 Runs, 180 270 22623 to January 4; spring vacation week, Hits 128 456 789 ToL April 8 to April 7; International Plain City 2 ...000 001 010 Good Will day, May 5. Runs . .102 201 112 10 Hits Summary: Home runs Worthington 2, ManC. Perkins, sell; Mansell, Giles 2; Sacrifice hit Innings pitched Neal Unford; Folkman 41-- 3, Singleton 41-Mansell 9; Bases on balls. Off WARREN Neal 1, Chipman; off Singleton 1, ofl none; off Folkman, C. Perkins; Mr. and Mrs. Enos Knight and Mansell none; Strackout By Neal n Single-toClarence, and IU, rf children, Perkins, Unford; By 2, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 1, J. Thomas, By Folkman none; Warren, and Anderson rf Msntsu, spent several by Mansell 2, Giles, G Taylor, at Bear lake. SinKnight; Hits off Neal 10, off off days last week Mrs. Walter Hansen and chilgleton 18, off Folkman none,ThomMansell 10; Stolen base H. dren, Rhea and David, spent last week in Clarks ton, Utah, with Mrs. as; Winning pitcher Mansell; pitchHit by Hansens father, David Thompson. Neal; Losing pitcher ed ball Linford by Singleton; Mr. and Mrs. James Marriott and Double playi Moyet to A. Taylor daughter, Dorothy, of Warren, and to E. Folkman; A. Taylor to Moyes Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cardon rf to E. Folkman; H. Thomas to Linmotored' to Morgan ford to Worthington; Left on tasea on Monday. Um-pirPlain 7; City Kaysville 5, Mrs. Jane Bullock returned SatPoulaon and Robins; Time from a throe weeks visit to urday l&O. of game, She visited McCsmmon, Idaho. Willard' and Joseph with her sons, dition of the bank, represented it and their families. to the plaintiff and the general Mrs. Nellie S. Folkman entertained the Jolly Joystera at her public as solvent. Assistant Six other complaints were filed home Thursday night. hostesses were Mrs. Elmer Rose Monday against the bank, the the directorSp and against and Mrs. Melbourne Wade. The eveE. M. Tower and R. W. Stevens, ning waa spent playing bunco. Supformer directon. They make sub- per waa served to the following stantially the same charges and guests: Mesdames Ralph Gibson, seek to have their deposits declared Parley Marriott, Jamea Marriott, preferred claims, payable at once, Frank East, W. T. Wayment, D. C. or for judgment against the several Stewart, Arthur Marriott, Rodney Wayment, Frank Stewart, Alvin directors and former directon. The amount! sought in this group East, Charley Judkins, Joseph Wayan Clifford 8. Clave, $4,546.16; Skeen, Maurice Skeen, EsraHodson, Utah-Idah- o Development company, ment, Jay Wright, Parley $1,000; G B. Cave, $3,893.11; J. Herbert East, Will Stewart, the E. Cave, $16,484.73; Alice C. Nel- Missel Haxel Knight and Norma son, $11,88344; Annie L. Plena, Stewart Mrs. Nephi Wayment Mrs. Gilbert East and Mrs. Ralph $2,160. These complaints wen filed by Gibson will entertain the Jolly J oysters on September 8. Attorney Joseph E. Evans. 14 12 ; two-base-h- 8, a 1-- 8, a West-Warre- ee liqui-dator- TOMATODAYAT well-kno- Clouts Two Homers $84,564.98 OGDEN HOST TO DELEGATES HERE HOOPER MONDAY (Editorial) Harvest time is at hand, and within the next few months farmers of thia vicinity will receive hundreds of FOR CONVENTION Arrangements Completed to thousands of dollars for their years work. Entertain Throngs at The Wall street owners of the foreign chain stores are Democrats Gather Here to Hnge Celebration anticipating the harvest just as much as the farmers. Nominate Candidates; JuComfortably seated in their luxurious office 'suites, they dicial and Cangressional speculate on the percentage of the harvest money which All arrangements have been comthey hope to receive money which to the farm represents Conventions Today; State pleted for the entertainment rf the thousands rf persons who untold hours of labor under a broiling sun. Candidates Will be Named are expected to attend the big e4 chain stores It is a fact that the foreign-ow- n tomato festival at Hooper on Labor contribute to the low prices which the farmer receives for At Sessions Tomorrow day, September 5. his produce. The farmer who comes in with the first berries The event is believed to be the or melons receives a fair price, it is true, but the chain store Ogden will be host today and first rf its kind to be held in the state the tomato, which is immediately tells the next man that they can buy all they tomorrow to Utah Democrats who one rfhonoring the principal canning crops will bo here to attend the three asks. farmer: With the than lower at far a require price at which candidates for raised on the fertile farms surthe present marketing system, the farmer must accept the conventions district, state, and national offices rounding Hooper. T. M. Jones is chairman of the price dictated by the store proprietor, or else see his produce will ba named. i waste. Delegates to the Democratic horse pulling contest which will congressional district conven- open the celebration at 9:00 oclock Farmers have complained loudly and vociferously that First tion will meet in the Hotel Bigelow Monday morning. All teams most they are unable to borrow money from the banks, and, no ballroom at 5:00 oclock this af- be weighed in before that time at fact that the foreign-owne- d ternoon to select an opponent to the Hooper canning factory. No doubt, it is true. It is a entrance fee will be charged and chain stores send their receipts back to the bulging run against Don B. Colton, Repub- cash prizes will he given for first lican in the a seat for incumbent, coffers in Wall street daily, sapping the very life blood of house three places in each three classes. rf representatives. return. in and the community giving nothing A radio win be held in the afterThe Second Judicial district cond On the other hand, the proprietor of the vention will be held at the same noon and some rf the best riders in store does all his banking in Ogden, helping. to build the place immediately following the this part rf the West will participate. The committee has secured congressional convention. farms, the homes, and the industries of this vicinity. over the state 30 head rf wild range hones, and from all Delegates foreign-owned Certainly the farmer ia welcomed by the will be here tomorrow morning to thia part rf the program ia ached chain store men when they hear the jingle of silver in his attend the state nominating ec uled to get underway at 2:00 chain store extend any vention at the Orphenm theatre. oclock. Lee Fowers la the rodeo jeans, but does the foreign-owne- d lean before the harvest? The sessions will open at 10:00 chairman. months help to the farmer during the The tomato display will be under d stores are the finest to be oclock. among Ogdens The First congressional district the direction rf T. A. Lowe in the found in a dty thia size anywhere in the country. Patronize comprises all of the counties of Hooper amusement halL All Weber the state with the exception rf and Davis county farmers are inthem youll get honest weight and honest value. Salt Lake, Davis, Tooele, and Utah. vited to make individual displays Chairman S. P. Dobbs will preside and Mr. Lowe has also sounded a MUTUALS MEET OGDEN SCHOOLS at the gathering rf about 400 dele- call for community displays. Rib' CHAMPIONSHIP MANY NEW SUITS NUMBER 41 SAFEWAYPLANS NEW BATTLE TO EVADE PENALTY fluch Discussed Chicken Case to be Aired Again in Second District Court at September term; Fined $125 In City Court on Conviction Of Short Weight Safeway Stores, Inc., convicted ia June rf selling a chicken weighing one pound and two ounces as one weighing one pound and six ounces, will again face the charge in the Second district court in the September term. Judge Simon E. Barlow, rf City court, fined the foreign-owne- d chain store corporation $125 for the offense, and the company immediately filed notice rf appeal to the district court. The offense is alleged to have home-ownebeen committed on May 14, when Safeway Stores, Inc., sold the chicken to Mrs. Vivian Hunt; in the office rf LeRoy darah, district agricultural inspector, who ia also connected with the enforcement rf weights and measures. Mrs. Hunt had previously purchased a chicken from the Safeway Stores, Inc., weighing two pounds and fourteen ounces which was represented to be a four and one-ha- lf pound bird. Guy Coates, district superintendent rf meats debons will Three names are four or each class. ba in gates. given for the corporation, partments nominabe to in be Containers furnished will at the expected placed pleaded guilty to thia charge in TABERNACLE tion at the congressional conven- hall for all individual displays. court on May 5, and waa the tion: Mayor Ora Bundy rf Ogden; Free tomatoes will be furnished finedcity $10. MurRirie rf Ogden; Abe everyone. The Weber County CanAnnual Conference Scheduled Joseph In the case which will be tried in dock rf Beaver, and possibly J. L. ning Crops association, the Utah Boyden rf Coalville. Canners association and service the district court before Judge EuFor September 18 to County Attorney John A. Hen- clubs rf Ogden are back rf this gene E. Pratt, the foreign-owne- d dricks, Democratic chairman rf the movement, sponsored by the Hooper chain store corporation will be repPerfect Plans Howell A Second judicial district, will pre- farm bureau as an annual festivaL resented by DeVine, side at the judicial convention which Miss Florence Spaulding, as queen, Stine, while the prosecution will be Officers rf the i Weber, North will be attended by delegates from will reign in splendor with her in the hands rf District Attorney Weber, Ogden, and Mt. Ogden Weber, Morgan, ana Davis counties. four maids rf honor, the Misses David J. Wilson. MuIX S. ehureh stakes for the U It ia generally conceded that Judge Rets Herrick, Bessie Evans, Fawn The criminal easea on the docket tual Improvement arsociationa Eugene E. Pratt will be nominated Olsen and Fern Thompson. for September S, which will follow have set Sunday, Ejeptember 18, as to succeed himself as one rf the The flower show, under the direc- in order, are: the date for the annual conference two judges, and L. A. Wade, asof Florence Naisbitt and Olive State againat B. E. Walker; rf the organisations to be held at sistant county attorney, may ba tion Beasley, will be held in the Hooper state against Earl Laws; state the' Ogden tabernacle.' M. the other candidate. Wade amusement halL Ribbons will be All stake and ward officers and Johnson rf Ogden is considered a given for first, second and third in- against Frank Newman; state Joseph Coleman; state well as as stake presiteachers, strong possibility for the nomina- dividual displays and for artistic against Stores, Inc.; state Safeway against bisand ward dents, high councils, tion ss district attorney. bouquets, nine and eighteen inches Odell. The greatest interest will ha respectively, and for table bou- against J. hoprics, are asked to attend the Other settings are aa follows: open session to be held at 10:80 centered about the state nominat- quets. O. H. Bybee, rf West Point, oclock that morning. A special ing convention at the Orpheum will act aa judge. Individual dis- Helen E. Price against Harry I session will be held earlier for theatre tomorrow. Supporten rf plays must contain at least three Price, September 6, Glenallen Minmembers rf the general boards and Henry H. Blood rf Kaysville and specimens. Vases will be furnish- ing company againat Joseph F. the four stake boards. C. Clarence Neslen rf Salt Lake ed by the committee at the halL Featherstone and other, September In the afternoon the various de- City are waging an intensive cam- All displays must be in by not later 27; Haxel A. Ranson against George E. Ranson, October 21, a. m. partments will assemble in the paign for the gubernatorial nomin- than third esse; Anna F. Hiss against Second Third of the there is ward. and a chapels ation, possibility that The baby show under the same Aloysius A. Hiss, September 7; JoFourth ward and Sixth be will other several names ward, ward, placed direction will start at eleven oclock seph E. Sherwood against Gladys Pioneer hall on Tabernacle park. in nomination. with cash prises for the best September 7, second The various departmental activiand Sherwood, Visiting Democrats will be enbaby toby, ties will be discussed at the after- tertained Friday night at a dance the baby with the redest hair. All case; Elisabeth Bell against ClifWilliams and others, Septemnoon meetings. at the White City hall by the Demo- babies must be dressed in sun suits. ford ber 9; Bert Thatcher against Wayne Members rf the general boards cratic Junior league rf Ogden. will The literary program begin R. Barker, September 20; Ladle will attend all rf the sessions rf the at eleven a. m. and will consist rf Doxey against Freeman F. Gunn, convention and will give instrucConnole readings, songs, music and a page- etc., September 23; Y. Taniguchi tions on the work to be carried on and ant composed by Mrs. Maude Jones against BaMairo Nakagswa ' by the Mutual Improvement assoRigby and Mrs. Marietta Parker. others, October 4, second case; ciations during the fall and winter The Hooper brass band, under the lone E. Overfield against Ruth S. season. Funeral services for Martin F. direction of Leo Lambert, will fur- Hull and others, September 26; Opening socials are to be held ia the day. The cele- Service Collection company against each rf the wards rf the four stakes Connole, building manager for the nish music for close with a dance at Edward Woods and others, October on Tuesday, September IS. Ward Fred J. Kiesel estate, who died bration will 7; William H. Thompson against J. officers are now working upon the Tuesday evening, will be held at night 10:00 oclock Saturday morning in An entrance fee of 50c per car O. Read, October 7, second case; J. programs for the opening socials. Paramount-Publi- x St Josephs Catholic church. The will be charged. There will be Clair Anderson againstOctober 11; corporation, The Weber county schools will Rev. Patrick F. Kennedy will of- charge for pedestrians, adults 25c All George W. Terry against Federal open September 19 with two days ficiate and interment in the Moun- children rf school age 10c. and rf institute at the Weber County tain View cemetery will he directed money taken in will be returned to Bond and Finance corporation mortu- the pnblie in prises, according to others, September 12; Genevieve High school. Registration rf stu- by the Kirkendau-Darlin- g dents will be hold September 2L Roy Beasley and T. M. Jones, rf A. Fotos against Harry Fotos, Separy. tember 20; Ellen S. Skeen against the publicity committee. Charles W. Skeen and others, October 11, second case; Glen WheelWEST wright by guardian, etc., against George Poulos, October 18; Alice Friends rf Bishop Loren xo Taylor T. Parker against Paul J. Parker, will assist him in rebuilding the October 18, second case; Thomas Ocby Blake against Louise Blake, LilTheo Wayment, ld and different parts rf the state at- chicken coop recently destroyed alMattson John tober against 21; were son rf Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Way- tended. Gamn and athletic sports fire. About 800 chickens lie Ray Mattson, October 21, second ment escaped aeriona injury to his comprised the afternoons amuse- so burned. case; Ogden State bank, etc., on from home when Brown he is A ran Miss Nona in eye was ments. served Thursday right banquet Jacob Greenband and otha stick into it while playing. It the evening, at which Herbert Maw the Dee hospital where she recent- against ers, October 25. was necessary for two stiches to be was toast master. A program, ly underwent a major operation. taken in the bottom lid. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hunter of consisting rf musical numbers and Mias Lucille Hodson will be hon- talks, was given in the evening in Provo are visiting relatives and ored at a farewell party tonight the ward hall, and officers for the friends in Farr West. From (September 2) at the Warren coming year were elected. The famMr. and Mrs. Almon Brown and amusement halL A program will ilies will hold another reunion at an mall and HarBeverly, daughter, be given at 8 oclock and dancing early date. Services will be held as usual at old Brown, rf Lyman, Wyo., are will follow. Miss Hodson is the Church of the Good Shepherd the and Mr. of home the at evevisiting A Mother and Daughters on Sunday, the rector, the Rev. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Brown. D. A.' Mrs. M. Hodson and will leave September ning will he given by the Y. L. W. Hyslop, having returned Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Greaves and John 15 for the California L. D. S. L A. in the ward recreational hall three weeks motor trip. from a of and Helen, Friday evening. An appropriate children, Stewart mission. was accompanied by Mr. Hyslop the guests has been arranged and re- Preston, Idaho, are also Funeral services for Javis East program Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brown this his wife and family and in the of he served will freshments were held Wednesday afternoon at course rf their vacation traveled week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Green of 1:80 p. m. in the Warren meeting more than three thousand miles Mr. and son rf Wilburn house, with Thomas Barrows pre- Idaho are visiting relatives in Plain Mrs. Ernest West, through Wyoming, South Dakota, is who studying West, siding. Invocation was offered by City this week. Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, law in Washington, D. G, ia home and Idaho. They made the trip Henry T. Maw. Benediction waa who recently for a short visit with his parents. Melba Miss Skeen, without the slightest mishap, find-- , pronounced by Ernest HipwelL C. returned from the Central states of J. A. Lindquist dedicated the grave. mission, was the special speaker at Mr. and Mrs. Claudius Brown ing both the roads and the weathMich., have been visit- er conditions excellent. Singers included: Mrs. Irene Bose, the sacrament meeting Sunday eve- Ann Arbor, ing at the home rf Mr. Brown: Mrs. Lola Wright, Min Maurice While on the trip they visited Musical numbers were given parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jettro D. Skeen, Elds Skeen, Maud Way- ning. friends rf former years in Casper, Orval England. by teacher Brown is Mr. a Brown. ment, Earl Eut and Herbert East. and Minneapolis, and alThe Plain City branch of the in the department rf biological sci Wyoming, Speakers were: President Frank so made an extended visit st Aberence is at the Michigan University. Stratford, W. T. Wayment, Bishop North Ogden Canning company Folkman Brown is in Burley, deen, South Dakota, their former Joseph Skeen, Willard Carver, receiving tomatoes from this vicinhome, where they wen greeted by Ernest Cardon, Samuel Knight, ity and tracking them to North Idaho, viaiting at the home rf Mr. hundreds rf acquaintances. and Mrs. J. S. Painter. Heber Hawkea and Thomas Ogden for canning. A series of dances is They returned home through the given Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barnett and in the ward recreational being hall every Black Hills of South Dakota and daughters, Lu Jeanne, and Ruth, Wednesday evening. spent two days in Yellowstone park. with relatives spent the week-en- d CITY The officers rf the Farr West Mr. Hyslop stated upon his rein Ogden. Mutual Improvement associations turn that things seem fairly prosMrs. Leland Bodily rf Syracuse have arranged an outing for mem- perous in the states through which The annual reunion rf the Warner and Maw families waa held in is at the home of her parents, Mr. bers of their society at Crystal they passed, but that he waa glad Plain City Friday, August 26. Mem- and Mrs. William Knight, con- Spring! Tuesday evening, Septem- to be home again in the land rf ber & fruits and flowers. bers of both families from Idaho valescing from a recent illness. em-tloy- ed AT ten-thir- ty best-looki- Martin F. Funeral Saturday Weber County Correspondence : PARR eight-year-o- Rector Returns Vacation Bar-row- PLAIN s. |