Show Placing of Monument Honoring Pioneer IronWorkers Iron Workers Monday Y Arrangement are complete for th the e placing of a Utah Trails Traits and landmarks Landmarks land marks Plaque on a monument in th the e City Park to td honor the founders b Of oj f the iron mIntS mines in this county are com plate The services will be held Monday Monday Mon day Cay at 10 a. a m. m and will be condu conducted toy iby George Albert Smith president of 01 o othe th the Utah Trails and Landmarks Ass Asso AMo- 0 elation dation I Dr Howard Ilo of New York resident president of the National Oregon Trails Trail s Association will also be present a awill as aswill aswill s will Dr vice president of th the e Utah association John D. D Giles Oties secretary secretary sec lee and some of the Board mem mem- The tAblet will be furnished by th the e State Association and will Ill be placed place d ton on a monument erected by the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce The base e Is 55 now being constructed of Iron ore or e hauled by th the pioneers and of pig iron manufactured by them An iro iron n ball furnished by E S. S OConnor O'Connor willbe willbe will willbe 1 be pi pl iced on the top of the monument nt The located In the center cente r lof of the lawn south of the log cabin Inthe in inthe the park I Is being built under the su su- su of Oeo Geo A. A Wood The table tote tobe be placed on the mar marker mark mark- cr tr will be the associations association's standard and will bear the following Inscription Inscription inscription tion The Old Iron Foundry erected by direction of Brigham Young and associates as as- in 2 one block north of this monument produced the first iron manufactured west of the Mis- Mis R RIVer Rifer er Thirty five men the founders of of Cedar City constructed and operated the 1 inset Blast furnace the they established the first mining camp In Utah a few miles miles' west of here from which they procured the Iron ore The Thet I t foundry was wu operated for lor 8 years at a s cost of Ore used in this monument was waa hauled here hire from the tte e mines mints by pioneer workers and th the e pig iron bars ban in this structure were we re made by them UTAH TRAILS AND A ND LANDMARKS ASSOCIATION THE CEDAR CITY CHAMBER OF OP COMMERCE COM MERGE MERCE The program for the willas will win be tx beas beas as follows Singing Come Come Ye Saints Congregation Invocation Invocation Rev Wm M. M Forsyth Male Quartet The Pioneer Industry Wm R R. Palmer i The Iron Industry of Today Today's John Chisholm Trumpet Solo Solo Rex Rex Christensen Talks Talu by Visitors Song I Passed Your Window Indo Singing M Mothers under direction of Mrs Hazel Oranger Granger Benediction Benediction Bp F. F B B. Wood We are fortunate In having the Utah Trails and Landmarks Association Interest in interest In- In i terest themselves in n our historical spots as they are an official organization tion and the information that goes on n tablets sponsored by them must be authenticated The Utah Association has placa i 29 markers marken and through affiliation with the Oregon Trails Association have helped to sponsor several severa hundred markers along the old historic trail When their program has hu proceeded a little farther they propose to Issue souvenir booklets showing pictures of all their monuments with historic sketches accompanying each The Th e booklets will in great neat demand amon amonI among tourists and our historic spots will wUl re receive receive receive re- re I proper recognition along with he historic places that dot the early welt wu |