Show Care Urged in Shipping Livestock in Summer Lo Losses ses of ot live stock shipped In hot weather have been ben enormous enormous says Dr C. C 1 Pitch ritch chief of ot the division of veterinary medicine Minnesota agricultural agricultural agri agri- cultural experiment station and they lire are still very vry much greater than they should hould he Here lIere are some Rome suggestions suggestions for shippers shIppen recently Issued Issue by bythe bythe bythe the United States Department of Agriculture Agri- Agri culture which hl here have ve the approval of or veterinary authorities Never ever drive fat hogs or sheep fast and never ne beat heat or excite them Haul I heavy hogs to market markt even In cool weather Drive fat tat cattle slowly Load animals animal with the least possible maneuvering maneuvering ma ma- or excitement Throwing cold water ater on the backs of overheated hogs Is bad business It Is al always good always good practice to bed shipping shipping shipping ship ship- ping cars cara for tor hogs with sand and then hang a few tew bags of ot Ice In each car It Is a good plan to reduce rations considerably for tor 24 hours before shipping shipping ship ship- ping time Take no chances anI and there will be belittle belittle belittle little to worry about |