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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933 PAGE FOUR The banks of Cache county have agreed to subscribe to an award fund, which will be presented to Are winners as follows: first prize, 135.00; second prize, $25.00; third prize, 120.00; fourth prize. S12.50; fifth prize, $7.50. FARM ACCOUNTING CONTEST LAUNCHED Bankers Evolve Plan for Stimulating Important Aid to Farm Success r Recognition sixty per cent or more, will be awarded a special certificate Issued by tbe Clearing 'louse Association and tbe Extension Service Jointly In cooperation with the Agricultural Committee ot the Utah Bankers Association. Tbe scoring will be done on tbe following basis: Farm and borne account records 50 (accurate and complete) Success of year's operations a brought out in tbe summar) ot 25 tbe year's business General appearance ot farm and Improvements and condition ot livestock and poultry, (judging to be done during tbe summer 25 months) The contest will end December 31, 1933. The judges will be the County Agent, tbe County Key Banker, a rep resentative of the Clearing House As sociatlon, and two representatives se lected by the Extension Division ot the College. r'' TAis House of Porcelain Enamel -- Brand-Ne- w Laundry-Roo- m 7 Idea at our sacrament meeting as our speakers, Clarence and Priest quorum of Brigham City, also the following musical numbers were rendered: Cornet solo, Minnie Check-ettaccompanied on the piano by Maurine Checketts; solo. Damsel Chris tensen; piano solo, Reva Mae Andersen; solo, Florence Gardner; closing remarks, Bishop Jensen. Moroni Lundberg, Oleen King, Gordon Campbell and Orsen Iverson returned home Sunday after Beveral days outing to the Yellowstone Park. Miss LaVoy Iversen of this city, is visiting in Southern Utah with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen and family are visiting with relatives in Southern Utah, Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Ably Miller, Mrs Emma Ohman, Mrs. Sina Hansen and Miss Harriett Sorenson motored to Logan, Utah, where ther all attended the services at the Logan temple, after which they motored up Logan canyon where they enjoyed a delicious lunch. Mrs. Amanda Jensen, wife of Bishop Osey Jensen had a very narrow escape from serious injury Wednesday When on her way to town morning. something went wrong with the steering wheel and she could not control the car and it run into the river about one hundred yards east of the bridge. The car tipped over on the side and Mrs. Jensen was quite badly bruised and shook up, but is now up and s, around. Mr. and Mrs. William Winters and family of Kaysville, Utah, were the July 24th guests of Mr .and Mrs. Hy-ru- m Christensen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Storrey and family spent Sunday and Monday visiting at the home of Mrs. Sarah M. FridaL Mrs. Doris Andersen and three sons and Miss Margaret Elm of Los Angeles, California, are visiting in this city with their uncle, Axel Elm and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Que Shupe and baby of Ogden, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Jensen on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud R. Iverson of Tremonton, Mrs. Augusta Iverson of Suds-berr- When You Think LUMBER THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 This bouse U tbe same material as your bathtub. It ta porcelain enamel. A shower bath with the garden boee wUl always make tt as bright as new. It baa seven rooms, two baths, garage and roof garden, can be completed In eighteen days, and can be bought for 8.000. This innovation In housebuilding, at Chicago's World's Fair this summer. Include a laundry room so simple that many thousands of families will toe no time In adopting the Idea. Inside the front door, right and left, are a coat closet and a dressing room alcove. The staircase ascends from aearby. To the left are the living room and dining room. At the center rear la the kitchen, connecting at the right With the garage, to the rear of which the laundrrroom. This hu built-i- n laqtkdrj tuba, all necessary electric! outlets conveniently placed, ironing faculties, and. beneath the stairs, the porcelain enamel washing machine, ready to be rolled out and Instantly put Into service. Upstairs are four bedrooms, ata closets, two baths. "The designers recognised the growing interest in having clothes and linens washed at home, and so provided this roomy, modern, home washing arrangement," said J. B. Bohnan, secretary ot the American Washing Machine Manufacturers' Association. "With tbe first advance announcement of the plan we began receiving wore of homes adopting this Idea." The house has no framework. Joists or rafters. Steel sheets, none thicket than a dime, are welded or ertfnped together. The porcelain enanal exterior Is two shades f peacfc, ittV black trimmings. 3 n, relatives and friends. O. P. Bates American Petroleum Co. $2.65 Gal. Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything to Build Anything" PHONE 11 ! TREMONTON, UTAH H. G. Scott Drug Co. PHONE 47 . . . TREMONTON, UTAH Prescription Specialists KODAK FINISHING - :x: Whitney and son of Pocatello Valley, spent the week end at the home of Mr .and Mrs. S. A. Marble. Myrl Perry visited relatives at Kanesville, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer. Mr. and Mrs. Ld Wielson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Veteto. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Burbank motored to Logan on Sunday. Mrs. H. A, Lish entertained in hon or of the birthdav anniversary of hpr daughter, 'Mrs. Sid Hess of Brigham Mrs. M. A. Lish. City, on Wednesday. grandmother of Mrs. Hess, wag a spec ial guest. Bishop and Mrs. Marion G. Perrv visited relatives at Kanesville on Fri. M. L. i day. A group of people from this ulare enjoyed an over-nigcamping trip at Logan canyon. ht Naomi and Gloria Lish RDPnt n four days with their sister, Mrs. Sid Hess ALL WORK GUARANTEED ( DEVELOPING FREE ) This is your drug: store, come and make yourself at home COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN THREE SWIMS Then a FREE Swim at UD Y HOT SPRINGS ! Bsrg-slro- New Ray, returned to her home in Bountiful, Sunday, after an extenueu visit here Mr. and Mrs. Ray acconipunied her and remained until Monday evt-n-ii'- Tuesday afternoon twelve Relief So ladies met at the ward hal' for their work and business meeting. Two Quilts were made. Delicious refreshments were served by Lula Diderick-soSarah Vance and Ivy Christencic-t- n, sen. Bernice Anderson spent the week end in Ogden as the guest of her aunt, Mis. R. J. Wight. Miss Francessa Wight and Mrs. Sarah Young came up from Ogden, Sunday and spent the day with Bishop and Mrs. A. N. Wight. 5 L TIRE LIFE-SAVIN- G Rubber Company has THE B. F. Goodrich us dealers for the new Goodrich er FREE... Life-Sav- er This handaome Safety League Golden Ply is designed to overcome this hazard. Emblem with red crystal reflector to protect you if your tall light goes out. No obligation nothing to buy. It resists the most terrific, internal heat. Rubber and fabricdon't separate. Thus blisters don't form inside the tire. Blow-ouare pf even ted by overcoming their CAUSE. Just join the Safety at our League tore. ts THfSE TIRES COST THE SAME ...BUT THIS ONE IS fTS ir 3 SAFeMfl TIMES I mini 1 Vo extra charge for Golden Ply. Good-tic- k SUnrtowa blow-protection Is free. y ut , So r4 J 'if $ TREMONTON UTAH 7tt4 MW Goodrich Silvertown WITH m on Monday. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mrs. Leo Nelson visited relatives and friends in Mantua, Monday. T. E. Adanis and children visited relatives in Brigham, Monday. Mrs. Cook, mother of Mrs. Joseph Local Firm Hamad by Goodrich to sell their Prevents Blow-out- s The new Goodrich DEWEYVILLE Mrs. Thomas Ault n. PLY James P. Jensen and family. 80c Qt. visitors, Thursday. Mrs. Anton Anderson is visiting in Corinne as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cranier. Mrs. D. E. Adams went to Los Angeles last week to see her new grand-toThe little son of Dr. and Mrs. Faun L. Hunsaker. Mrs. Huns?ikr was formerly Mamie Adams. Mrs. Gean Jensen and son, Ariel returned to her home here Sunday after an extended visit in Garland. Mrs. Vivien Archibald and sons accompanie l her home for a short visit. Mrs. Bernard Stone and Vaadis Bergstrom of Ogden, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. How New Invention tua. Mrs. Sarah M. Fridal spent in Tremonton visiting with rela tives. Mrs. Cyril Funk and four children of Richmond, Utah, is visiting in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FULLER WEAR FLOOR ENAMEL Compton last week. Mr .and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom and Mrs. Roy C. Anderson, were Ogden Silvertown Tire. This is the tire with Safety Golden Ply, the remarkable the Life-SavGoodrich invention that prevents blowouts. Today's high speeds 49, 50, 60 and 70 miles an hour generate terrific heat inside your tires. This heat causes rubber and fabric to separate. A blister starts . . . and grows . . . bigger and bigger until BANG a blow-ou- t! The Goodrich And what happens then isn't pleasant to A Cavalier, A Quality at the price of "barga- think about. in-bull ts." Saturday afternoon a baseball game was played on the B. R. C. diamond between Bear River and Mantua, the score being 27 to 5 in favor of Man AUG. 3 to AUG. 16 Mr .and Mrs. Asa Nelson of Downey, Idaho, formerly of this place, visited with relatives here Tuesday. Mrs. Cean Leavitt and son, Val, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl s. ciety. FOR TWO WEEKS 1 :x: SiLVERTOWN John Cobb. Thursday evening the missionary benefit dance that was given-bthe Elders of this ward at the Crystal Hot Springs was very well attended. The KDYL Ranch Hands of Salt Lake City furnished the program and the music for the dance. Hyrum J. Hansen and two daugh ters and Loren E. Hansen returned home Sunday after several days visit to the Yellowstone National Park. Raymond Wright of Ogden, return ed to his home in Ogden, after spend ing a week in this city with his cous in, Glade Hansen, Mrs. Sina Thorsen and daughter. Evelyn and Mrs. Anna Zinck motored to Salt Lake City on Thursday. Miss Winona Christensen spent Thursday m Ogden, shopping. Friday, the young ladies of the ward under the directions of Mrs. Elvina Christensen, Mrs. La Vera Jensen and Wanda Jensen, cleaned the meeting house, and the scouts, deacons and teachers under the direction of Har vey Hansen, cleaned the yard and all rubbish was hauled away. All those who were working was treated to their dinner by members of the Relief So Mrs. Davis. Mrs. B. A. Sears and daughter Virginia Sears, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brain were week end guests of Mr and Mrs. Nelse Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson are leavMcCam-moing Wednesday morning for Idaho, for a week's visit with GOLDEN THATCHER t Mrs. Ezra Harris W. L. Adams was bloated so with :x: gas that his heart often missed beats after eating. Adlerika rid him of all Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins were gas, and now he eats anything and feels fine. Scott Drug Company, Tre- pleasantly surprised Saturday evening when their son, Wm. Hawkins and monton, Utah. (Adv.) wife and two children of Stockton, California, and their daughter, Mrs. at Brigham. Menton Moody and baby daughter arMr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser and rived by auto. They will visit with son Raymond were visiting Mr. and their parents and friends for ten days. Mrs. Charles Dewey at Ogden, FriThe genealogical society of the ward day. had charge of the program at SacraS. A. Marble and son, Hyrum, just service Sunday evening. The fol returned from a trip to the Yellow- ment program was rendered. Floyd lowing stone National Park. Tremonton and Elder Quist of Stohl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood and related their experiences Lake Salt of children came up from Salt Lake City the in people of Sweden to helping Friday evening and visited Mrs. M. A. genealogy while serving as mis Lish, Saturday morning. They left gather in that country. A trombone sionaries for Burley, Idaho, to visit their parwas solo given by Seaman Mills. A ents. They were accompanied to the Swedish language by Mrs. American Falls by Mrs. M. A. Lish solo in of Tremonton and a talk Strand Oscar and Mrs. T. R. Ault, who were guests of Stockton, on "preHawkins Wm. by of Judge Will Howard and Mrs. How-an- d future for responsibility. There and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Clarson, paring and all enjoyattendance was a large while at the Falls. ed the meeting very much. Mr .and Mrs. D. F. Loveland and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Harris and y children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter little daughter of Rosel, were guests and children spent Sunday and and Mrs. Ezra Harris, Monday. Mr. of at Monday Logan canyon. A number of our community attendMrs. Emma Sorensen and Mrs. Lined the celebration at the Crystal Hot coln Hansen and little son, of Salt Springs, July 24th, and also at Calls Lake City, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins last week. Fort. Andrew Gardner of Idaho, is visitJohn Hawkins entertained at a ing his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. swimming party at the Crystal Hot Joseph Gardner. Springs Tuesday evening. After the Mrs. Percy Burbank visited relatives swim all did justice to a fine lunch. in Salt Lake City, Monday. Mrs. Marion Summers and two chilMrs. Fred C. Farmer of CcCammon, dren returned from Salt Lake City Idaho, were calling on friends here, Monday evening after spending two Saturday. weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and this city spent Sunday afternoon in Perry, Utah, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. f BOTHWELL . la addition to the cash prizes, every Ernest Horsley, members of the high who scores C&cb Has - :x: we had farmer customer enrolled, county, CUb, bankers recently added s stimulus to banker-farme- r cooperatlre work by launching a farm accounting contest At a meeting ot the Clearing House Association the project was put before the bankers, and methods and plans formulated. Each bank In the county agreed to enroll a minimum ot Are farmers in the farm accounting project. The names ot the farmers when enrolled will be sent to the Secretary ot the Clearing House, and also to the Extension Division ot the Utah State Agricultural College. The bankers agree to cooperate and keep In close touch with each farmer they enroll so as to Insure the completion of a maximum number. The bank which succeeds at the conclusion of the contest la enrolling the largest number of farmers completing the project will be given a special recognition at the annual meeting. . ) Mrs. C. W. Brailsford Sunday for Good Farmin MAN'S HEART STOPPED, STOMACH GAS CAUSE BEAR RIVER CITY LIFE-SAVE- GOLDEN PUT O. P. BATES American Petroleum Co. TREMONTON, UTAH NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS d fr" |