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Show PAGE SIX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933 Tremonfon Wess Service Station Local and Social Offers You First Grade Gas for Only Items 21c Per Gallon :x: The Epworth League enjoyed a party at the home of Lucille Cropley, Monday evening. Games were played after which refreshments were served to 18 members. DRIVE OUT AND SAVE 2Y2 Miles West of Tremonton Phone 5-- 3 Mr .and Mrs. Fred Lund of Salt Lake City, were guests of Mrs. Lund's mother, Mrs. Mattie Stone during the holiday. W. II. DUNN. Prop. Mrs. Murray and daughter, Delia, of Los Angeles. Calif., left Tuesday for Lehi to visit friends after fisiting for the past ten days at the home of Mrs. Mattie Stone. Hartley and Stokes Mrs. Edna Hefler and daughter, Frances, of Ogden, visited Sunday and Monday at the home of her uncle, Gilbert Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Parker returned home with them Tuesday, and spent the day. Just Home Folks JAR RINGS CERTO QVRITP UUl Ol 39C Canon Cans ma, Dark Amber TOILET TISSUE :4c Ro Si1! PORK AND BEANS a 10-l- b. a , jj , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vance of Salt Lake City, spent the holiday at Granddaddy Lakes. Mr and Mrs. L. J. Cummings and small son spent the holiday in Poca- tello. 54c 111 111! Word was received bv Mr. and Mrs R. C. Harris that their son, Charles was operated on for appendicitis at St Louis. He is recovering satisfactorily. IirilTIT L-I-B-ER-T-Y THEATRE SUNDAY . . . MONDAY . . . TUESDAY July - 30th - 31st - Aug. - 1st RAMON NO V Alt RO M M M M M M M M Also Musical Comedy "PLEASURE ISLAND" M a THURSDAY... FRIDAY... SATURDAY August - 3rd - 4th - 5th Richard BARTHELMESS Sally EILERS and Tom BROWN Vagabond daredevils of romance streaking down the speedways of the sky to M M M M M "Central Airport" SEE - - - The Crash of the Air Express! . . . The Wild Plane Diving for the Crowded Grandstand! . . The Blind Flight over the Caribean with Human Freight Lashed to the Wings ! . . . Spills, Leaps, Crack-Up- s in a Breakneck Carnival of Thrills! GREATEST STAR MERGER OF 1933 in this exciting story of two brothers who shared the dangers and the kisses of a daring girl flier! (Also) - - - COMEDY and CARTOONS Miss VernL Martin entertained at a party in the form of a treasure hunt, given in honor of Miss Marion Covey who is spending the week with her. After the treasure was found refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing. All had a wonderful time. Miss Marion Covey returned to her home in Ogden Sunday after spending tne past week with Miss VenrL Mar tin. Tribe IBairlbairnaiim HEAR HIM SING "LOVE SONGS OF THE NILE!" ..What a romantic thrill! You can't help it! It grips you! You're swept away by the beauty of the desert nights, by the love songs, by the thrilling conflict of the handsome Arab aflame with love, carrying off the girl swooning in his arms. - - - She a girl of the West, about to become a bride. - He an untamed son of the desert, who knew but one lawto take what he wanted! PRICES FOR SATURDAY, JULY 29th Sugar jar Rings Crackers fSrafiim CWv Phone Logan 49 and Reverse Charges Prompt Service IBalCO; Colorado Animal Co. 29c jOc LargePkg K39c Malt Syrup Lufia Soap Spaghetti If dead notify us at once. 10c TK. PostToasties Wanted Animals Dead or Alive cts S1 Flour at the $5.33 $1.09 iooApoudlE -- 22c .AMER..M purity Box 29c b. 4 7C LatgeT cLRUP. Pork & Beans rf;?:.CANS J. D. Frazier and family, B. M. Fra zier and family of Tulane, Calif., and Mrs. J. D. Johnson of Indio, Calif., and liuel frazter arrived here Wednes day to be with their father, J. A; Frazier who is very ill at his home. 10c Paper Bag Salt Lake City, are guests THE LEADER 1 Haight remained there to visit the remainder of the week and Mr. Haight returned the same evening. 10c FIG BARS i Lb. . Pres. Mrs. A. R. Capener presided. A paper on current events was given by Mrs. G. G. Sweeten. Two numbers given by trio, consisting of the Misses Fay Nye, Venna Kirkham and Mildred Bush, with Miss Edna Capener accompanist. A solo was rendered by Mrs. Oscar Strand of Tremonton with Miss Mildred Stone as accompanist. Lunch was served to twenty-seve- n members and eleven guests. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols visited with relatives in Brigham City, Monday. Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie and son, Mark, and daughters, Naomi and Lola Pean, spent the week end with Mrs. Caddie's mother, in St. Anthony, Idaho Miss Edna Capener came home from a trip to California last week. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. La Von Hoffs. Mrs. N. Homer Hanson and baby of Bi-Produ- Mr. and Mrs. Hector Haight motor ed to Mink Creek, Wednesday. Mrs. ,lQg 10c Large Can ROOT BEER EXTRACT SUGAR Mrs. Tom Carter and daughter, Mil dred, and Miss Jeanette Ault motored to Ogden canyon Saturday and accompanied the Epworth League members home. OUC Gallon Cans SALMON Beth, Gerald and Marcell Palmer, Wanda Peteerson and June Winchester visited during the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer at Stone, Idaho. lQe 25c Dottie ... sia-te- r, 21st home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alice Thomas returned home Wed R. Capener. nesday after visiting the past week Miss Leone Tierce came home TuesA. home L. of her aunt, Mrs. at the day evening afer spending a month Wight of Malad. with relatives in Portland, Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betensen attendMr. and Mrs. Leo Cromar of Calente ed a medical meeting in Salt Lake City Nevada, visited Friday at the home of Mrs. Cromen's uncle, Ward Schuman. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hales and famMabel Christensen visited last week ily and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0. Nye and with her sister, Mrs. Lorin Burbank family attended the Kennard family reunion held at the Girls Camp in Loat Deweyville. gan canyon Saturday and Sunday. There were seventy-fiv- e members of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Beck, Mr the family present. and Mrs. Winfred Fjeldsted and daugh Mrs. W. R. VanFleet was hostess ter, Melva, of Gunnison, visited Friday at the homes of C. T. Thompson and Roy Thompson. Mrs. Beck is a sister of Mrs. Roy Thompson. FOR SATURDAY, JULY 29th PINEAPPLE Miss Sarah Shumway came home from Brigham City Thursday after a ed to Salt Lake City Saturday, pleasant visit at the home of her Mrs. M. D. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Eames of Preston, Idaho, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Innes and family spent the twenty fourth with relatives in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkham and daughter, Verna, attended the exercises honoring the pioneers, held in Lehi en the 24th of July. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Eames, Max Beal and Miss Virginia Smith motored to Camp Keis-e- l M Miss Ruth Lundberer and Erm Hol land spent the first of last week with relatives in Logan. Moroni Lundbenr. Arson Iversnn. Allen King and Gordon CamDbell left Thursday morning for a four day fish ing trip to Yellowstone Park. GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Your Most Precious Gift YOUR EYES DON'T NEGLECT THEM We have the latest methods and equipment for examining 0ak) if a ",,u "Miim, in J 1 PRICES FOR SATURDAY, JULY 29th, 1933 Raisins Sten 1 9c Starch Lard "iSu. !. &l 25c TOMATOES 19c LEMONS 23c ORANGES igSSL 13c ORANGES lie j7Dq, 15c LETTUCE WHITE POST TOASTIES SALAD DRESSING B. P., Quart 25c Large Pkg. I 11c Picnic Per Lb. BEEF Ground 3 Lbs. BACON Sugar Cured, Lean Per Lbi nn ACT DAT 1 Ul UUrtOl Royal 39c 13c 3 Rolls SALMON Columbia River No. 1 Flat Can ... 15c 29c ICOFFEE TiT"! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PINEAPPLE gffgp, 19c PINEAPPLE c 49c RUBBERS MACARONI S. JELLO A3Xd Toilet Soap Bars TUNA FISH B-p- - 19c 5 COCOA NUT Bulk, Vi Lb. No- - Vi 15c CORN 10c K. K. 2 No. 2 Cans WHEATIESrerfkg. 10c CHEESE 25c TEA 17c Per Lb .8 to 12c 10c 19c 19c MISSION BELL MALT Meat Dept. HAMS TOILET TISSUE 29c SYRUP Blue Pine -- Pounds KIG Large Package MlmtAiMt I 1 r IOC Powdered 2 69c Uu POTATOES SUGAR 5c Beal - :x: Miss Hazel Innes arrived home this week after visiting for the past two months with friends in Arizona. Miss Norma Grover and Miss Melba Jensen of Salt Lake City, are guests at the T. W Innes home this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway motor- - them. l 9c Mild K. K. Green Vi Lb. VANILLA SODA Per Lb. WL. A & II Pkg . GRAPE FRUIT B. P., No. 2 11c 15c 12c 15c 19c 15c 9c ; |