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Show in Sep". 1842, emigrated with lier husband to Utah in, 1853, leaving all to cast her lot with the people of God; She was a kind and affectionate wife and mother, she lcavc3 four daughters and seventeen grandchildren. Her husband .Elder James Plcton died the 6th of May lastand thus they have left us to be united on the other si Je of the vail. When our Relief Society was organized June 23, i863 she was alld and chosen to the o,Hce of Second Coun. to Pres. Amelia Goldsbrough, which position she filled with great, satisfaction to the sisters in .he Association. When Sister Goldsbrough was called to preside over Stake organization 1878, Sister Picton was 0 gain chosen as Second Coun. which position she held until the death of Sister Goldsbrough. She was ever kind and considerate, a wise and judicious counselor, a friend r to the needy, a comforter in the hour of 'trial, rand a firm" believer uf the" Gospel as revealed, through the Prophet Joseph, Smith. She died as she had lived, beloved by all who had the a Rliort time EDeakioz intercEticdr. thought one grcat :faiiing.sre had was ingratitude1 raul may plant and Apollus water, out uou givith Hid increase. We were in possession of all try lbs if we would give them heed, and those truths would lead us to an exaltation in the kingdom of God, if we would only follow the path marked out for us. Sister lieid felt to eneourage the sisters in this great and good work, had attended Salt Lake City conference and felt greatly built up in her faith and to go forward in every duty. Sister EyGujman , . -- ic also spoke well and felt encouraged to perform the work required of her, ask an interest in of all and strive f peak-e- vil -- 4 he prayers no one. Other sisters spoke and the remainder of the afternoon was given to the W.S. A. to transact some business. President S- - Fulmer if - pleasure Ofher acquaintance. in a spirited manner addressed urging the sisters to read and strive to gain all iinformation necessary for"the"advancment of our cause. Several joined and one officer elected. MeettDgjippointccl the-meeti- - Isabella Hods ok. mm ; Farewell my dear old faithful friend, Till we shall meet again; Where pain and sorrow never come And joy shall never end. . Mas. Elizabeth Cady Stanton writes from abroad that she does not expect to return to this country before next June. RESOLUTIONS -- co-labor- The annual fair and fiower sale of the Beneficent Society ofthe New England Conservatory of Music was held Nov. 0, in the conservatory parlors. In the evening a fine concert was given in Sleeper Hall. .This-societloans to necly but talented pupils funds with which to pursue their musical education.-Contributionare solicited from friends and members of the society. y s -- RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. T: .4u$4l-CH&wes- Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. 04 26t 28; 30 and 32 East 1st South St. whose long term of service has been distinguished by modesty and earnestness tu the interest of the sick and needy: Beit furthermore will ever strive Resolved, That we her to emulate her example.'that when our summons comes we inay be able to s:y with her I have done my work:'! fellow-labore- And tis&'T'Z'-'':- rs : ,- l''''-- ''" man's Exionent. SALT LAKE CITY. The Leading 'Retail Burt, . Huntsi!le, Weber Co, Utah. C aslTFH cms e . T. :m 13 8. j : K. B. AT TEASDEL'S tlie beloved wife ol mit Co. Utah, who jue rreioa Sep. 13th Qiea at 1890, her her thughter's residence in Nephi ... hr wt- uuxn Hkase was 'AtnrAv. w,,v june me otn leai Herefordshire, England, mi baptized and erm Utter-da- and pioductioDsv LACES, RUCHES, JeMBRODERIES,. FAHS, GLOVES, PARASOLS,' RIBBONS, -C- OLLARS, TIES : r - - - And an elegant assortmenf o'' "J JDIZIT laDtShoe8Partme- -t GOODS. fr Ladie!''MSGS, and In-11- 2, East Temple Sir 116,-11- 8 It has pleased God to take from us Sister Fanny Wi'de ANOTHER LOVED QNF GONE. mAm4ihhrtfri A Special to the Ladies. 114, ' 0"RT IWdJtj) ktfist'stylss .ca"inavian papers please, copy. Pres. K. Mathews, Sec. " For we know oar little one needs no tender care or are safe, and happy there. : We would not call him back again, Our loss is his eternal gain; His short bright race on earth is run, I We weep; but say God's will be done. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on the Secretary's book and a copy of them published in the Wo Signed in behalf of the Society by " ' " A. O. - , Hannah Jones, One year ago on the i8lh day of October ult. we wre called to part by the hand of death with one of our dear friends Sister Cecelia Mortensea, beloved wife of N. W. Mortensen and daughter of Hans and Mary Schow of this place; who in the prime of her life was taken from her dear little family of five children which was very hard for her. especially to leave her dear baby Aaron, one of the sweetest little boys that ever came to earth, noble to look And now we are called again to mourn for the loss Upon. of our little boy Aaron; who left us the athdav of Ort 1 890, to join his dear mother after the affections of gaini ng an wno Knew mm, at the age of a years 3 months and 8 days. May our Father comfort the afflicted ones. t OFFICE, J. V. PARKER, . Rachel-Seaoicn7w- A.T- Main Sheet, Salt Lake City. OBITUARIES Whereas it hath pleased our Heavenly Father to call to himself our esteemed friend ancoaborerJSister: e tI)efficeriand members of this Society feel it a duty incumbent upon us, to express our appreciation, and sympathy with the bereaved family, friends and relatives especially the orphan grandchildren of our dear sister, whose brief illness and sudden death has so shocked us: " " - 15e it therefore ;'V"'7'".""TV"7 Resolved, That in the death of Sister Seamen our Society ON SALE TICKET UNION Committee, Adopted by the Officers and members of the Twenty-firs- t Ward Relief Society. To the memory of the late Mrs. Rachel Seamen, who " " 7 departed this life Sep. 2$th 1890. J EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH OF RESPECT. Therefore, be it resolved, that we recognize in the death of our sister, the loss of a wise counselor and in the Relief Society. Resolved that we esteem her goodness, patience and uncomplaining endurance, together with her life's labors of love in her family and among her many friends as worthy of our imitation. . Resolved that we extend our heart felt sympathy to the family of the deceased, and with them acknowledge the hand of God in our bereavement, and strive to emulate her noble example. Resolved that these resolutions be recorded in the Relief Society Record and also be forwarded to the Woman's ExroN'ENT for publication. Amy L. Bigler, " ' ASEJUTU R. GroVEr", . I - 1 PRINCIPAL POINTS Picton, the coming year, four practical, helpful articles on what a girl of sixteen roars can do when thrown upon her own resources, by Mrs.; Mary A. Livermore, "Jenny June," "Marion Mrs Ameiia E. Barr. and Harland," i TO JLiX. Whereas, it has pleased God our Heavenly Father to release by death from her sufferings our beloved Sister Jane Youth's Companion will give, during MSm'i (ii 4 Though loved ones dear remaining here Do mourn now thou art gone, We'll check the tear, nor dare to fear, We still in Christ are one. M. PlTCIIFORTH. J. Shut, Sec protem. Annie U. Larsen, Pres. " " The youngest, a baby girl tHee weeks old, survive her. Th little one died about two hours before its mother, and they ' were buried together in the Coalville cemetery.tk funpn! uat attended bv a larre concour nf i1! "tiveTand friendi. Deceased was for years, a teacher ia the Relief Society and was always a friend to the poor and sick. Her demise ii lamented by her husband.family and friends she suffered wi'.h Bright's disease for about three months. and finally sank to rest. ' She was a faithful Latter-da- y Saint; died in full faith "of the Gcspe!, and awaits the Resurrection Morn. ng M. " EX F 0 N EjN T j W,OMAJNT,S 83 y y ':- lomas3Vilde of CIville GtySum departed this life Aug, 18th 'go Deceased was born in Middlesex County, England "in 1846. and with her mrnf uj mma uunn came " . w . ln h married to Brother Thomas Wild in ' frtee children; and aU Wt the TI N HERS CAS.VATER &. STEAM u-ni- I "Tncewas r" reiidJaWai '6. ftimSEY-- S celebrated UFTand FORCE Um,g ?a short notice.. Orders tnm V the cocntry ' promptly responded to. " ruTti ReT i Hmntum: mnrtsr-izrrtii- i " aiiwif"""' . |