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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 82 extermination or banishment to some other far and model citizens in every respect"..' Many .off, uninviting waste such as they found Utah more equally flattering compliments have some forty years ago. Although they have vielded one point to the power that be, no been paid them but which pf course is agonizing to their political and religious foes to hear true saint will renounce a truth or a doctrine the "Mormons" paaised for virtues that are so of this faith for which Joseph Smith and many more have laid down their lives to establish. necessary to make up a temperate and thriving community but of which they have proven Any man or woman who would stop and think a little more of the natural laws of nature if themselves so little deserving. Here is a paragraph frrm the Milwaukee they are not grossly, wicked, ignorant or blind - Wisconsin" comnWtincr anon - to the and rotten condition of corrupt present , ; i i? i i i i me. Deseret News of Oct. 15. wuicn - is sianuing in it civilizea the the wona, etc taken . from - i !I1 .' ..mi of the elevation of human kind, would be Lne great Douyoi tne . American peopio wm way . I ' ' ,1 J J! J. have no fault to find with Mormondom when silent upon ine aegrauing anu pernicious effects of Polygamy among, the "Mormons." Mormondom obeys the laws of the land, and Instead of boasting of their own superiority conforms its marriage system to the requirements of morality and modern civilization. they would see the necessity of a radical change CifinLilfiand interests Mormon Thft lhina- nf and would find a broad field for their missionary in the past will soon be forgotten. Mormon labors among some of the more popular thrift and sobriety will be recognized aMne cburchej become tainted and befouled till virtue and virtues hiclfllTey MeTaUtltTtfietemTng' from their lips and a Territory which his m long by her own social morality are'but burlesque on true civilization. perverseness stood outside the pale will be joy"The tree is known by its fruits," and the fully welcomed intothe "sisterhood of states." 'Mormons" would like to be better known by The "Mormons" have little cause at present "The great body of the American people, and to believe that "lhat the great American sisterwould the welcome them "into all other peoples, and to have them judge bepeople" hood of states" no matter how much they did tween the fruits of "Mormonism" and their . iL i I... .I it.!. iL.' boasted institutions which are held up as ex iq prove ixieir luyiiuy iu iuo juwa ui mis government. Their worst accusers and would amples for the "Mormons" to follow. No,none and public be usurpers, ajd conscience-binderwho have honored the principles of Moradvocaters of immorality, dishonesty und monism" need feel humiliated before them. ,ana c tne jo west oi vicesfathers cahndrshift their responaim tope crime, "Americnn citizens". Such are the kind that is sibilities as customary in more highly adhave been appointed and sustained in this vanced civilization, but are required to wholesale thieving scheme in Utah and in acknowledge and provide for their offspring as which they are encouraged, and assisted by honorable ,heirs to their name, and every mother who is worthy of the title is honored preachers of morality and "modem civMzriion" Of course the writer of the above article a3 wife, such as those so highly favored meant kmdly bat is unacquainted, like the anciently, who received sucb 'great promises, world in general, with the Uvea and early exand whom even the Almighty wa3 not above perience of the Latter-da'Saints, that they blessingwith llis. presence. 7ere always hated' and prsecuied from the And what of the Great Redeemer whom all cour mai, may jomea me cnurcn caueu "Mor Christians profess to worship. Did He not rnonites." There were always a few honorable come through a Polygamous lineage? Have who were -to them ith they any greater source-t- o exceptions williug credit apply "to ' for glory that they are anticipatingin the great Begenerally professers of Christianity. yond? What of the predictions of holy men The most inhuman and barborous cruelof old concerning the scenes that were to tranties that were ever inflicted upon them were spire in the last days? How about the gates and lead on instigated by sectarian ministers of Zion (America) that Isaiah said "Shall in the states of Ohio, Missouri and Illinois, lament and mourn," "And in that seven and this was before they had been, accused of women shall take hold of the skirts ofday one man practicing Polygamy. The most serious saying'we will eat our own bread, and wear accusations brought against them then was our own apparel; only let us be called by thy the teaching of perverse and blasphemous name to take away our reproach. In that day doctrines, though they were scriptural, and shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and the same as were taught by Christ and His and the fruit of the earth shall be exglorious, disciples, for which they suffered and laid cellent and comely for them that are escaped down their lives,and the same fate has befallen of Israel." so many of the Christiau reformers who have This can have no reference to "Mormon" dared to face the hatred and - fury of self-- women who have obeyed and honored the rirrlif rnne tprf ill plural wile order, there, will be no "reproach" to this. them. They have proven the principle,and Another bitter accusation against the Latter-da- y upon kpow it to be a promoter of virtue, and a Saints wa3 their gathering and together higher type of purity and true civilization, and seeking to be one, etc,, alter the pattern laid that it would overturn and crush out of exdowa bX Redeemer. All those things were istence the pet institutions that modern society condemned as the most heinous of delusions and ' permits upholds, and. which they know and which must be renounced or the people would be jeopardized by the practice of plural suffer the penalties that were then and, there marriage. There are religious restraints upon proaounced upon.thcm. riBut, how long-wa- s must it beforeHbose "heinous delusions" were picked themembefCorthisT abide or lose their membership, and the reup and taught as "new lights by some of the spect, and confidence of the people. They professed ministers who had rejected the same have higher aims and aspirations, and too and joined in the hueand cry against "old Joe a reverence for virtue and Godliness and great and his deluded follower? Whf their vows to marriage been laid to them that has not been followed accept of anything the old and crooked auer in one way or another by their 'Chriniau' P?HS oLnoraneeanddegradaaonfromtwhich-the- y -neighbori-l am - a tHbo---irarjwTb"rthave mado a happy escape. and other reasons we may look for a reaction Abe Christian professors, or the unbelieving upon this polygamous gxmlion, the among are all at ardent will ba found those who have liberty to deride and deny, and past made it me xioiy iJioie teaches, and .gatuit appear such a W and heinous da in. the Ol.mons and brought up them the wrath sustains, but they will have to yield the palm when they see the predictions of the if this nation, with the hope of ancient 5al -- , ' the-"Mormo- n3," . i " . - -- by-wor- l.n 1 s -- y H ds of the American people" be influenced by the truth as easily a they are by the Jahehoodi that are sent broadcast by the traducers of the "Mnrmons" thev michtlearn that the relin quishing of their was a more bitter disappointment to the religious, political clique that have gathered up their forces to pluuder the ".Mormons" than it has been to those whom they are seeking to wat victimize. And that this ''scare-crow- " nd which -their great stronghold-behithey '.of. the outthe could best work upon feejings side public and gain their assistance to carry darkn trick out their thieving scheme and other t t "... or not stand the suniignt truth. that would Had this not been their only plausible excuse to offer the world they would not have clung to it as with a death grip, but would have thrown it to the dogs long ago. . vff cJtighrbyevery meana fair arid beya "Mormons", to follow in foul to lead the young their paths of vice and corruption, all of which they have boasted over, doing after Hadei familiar and most approved patterns. It would be wonderful indeed to be mingled with the characters that Utah and other Territories hfttrA hspn Ks ..-- wo i theirpeedy opUe4efolnlletfr-a- Innc nnrsftd with Kn ' if all came oat unfeathed. ... old of all that was It predicted by prophets nations would unite against Zion and say; 'Let her be defiled." The Prophet Joseph Smith made similar predictions, and, this people ought to be prepared to meet these things and to unite together aB one man and let the wicked rail against it as this is their mission. They have put it in black and white that man's first allegiance is to earthly powers. But they will soon find out who rules the universe. And that the religion called "Mormonism" ii the erana stepping stone to nonor, lame, ana all the glory that is to be obtained upon this crlnhp. find in "IKa orpat. fnltirA lavincr rhtfuea ; : them where progression and power will hm no end. Though floods of falsehood and blasphemy against it and those who have rendered 6bediehceToW of hate have howled and rolled mountains high threatening to overwhelm the lone Ark, they have but borne it up while those who assailed it have been swallowed up, and forever lost in the dark floods of death and oblivion. The Pharaohs of to day are performing similar acts and they will find thatthe same ... disastrous . 1 itltL i rt t fi t enecis win iohow inem, wnne ine iauniui wno hold to the promises of H'm who ha3 borne them onward and upward, and is still standing at the Helm,will find He will take them safely . into harbor. :JIelek : 31. .Whitk ey." : ; m -- NOTM fti-la- Smu' . AN0-NEW- S; Rosa Bonhenr has finished a fine picture of a Scottish shepherd taking shelter under a tree. It has been engraved by Mr. B. Pratt, and will be published by Mr. Lefevre. x - - T." " ' " " " There are two ladies in this year's iunior law elass at Michigan Uni versity,- - Miss Emma R Lee, of Salt Lake City. Utah, and Miss Julia R. Jenney, of Syracuse, N. Y. Pcndita Ramabai ba3 lately published a book in ;.Marathi .. on her expsrience in the United States. The longest chapter is devoted to th e status of women in this 1 conn try? Ramabiais about to move her school to Poena, - : where she firs llneanlTf6neitoblUtr7" Mrs. Elizabeth Chamnnev has written hef ninth Vassar girl book. The scene i3 laid in Switzerland. Mrs. Champney has just co:ne uuuitj jioni a Bummer in me lyroi, so n three throDgh that beautiful region. |