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Show With The Ladies LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS SOCIETY CLUBS Mrs. Patricia Williams, Editor Phone 150 MRS. BE DDI NG FI E LD I IS CLUB HOSTESS Invited guests at the home of Mrs. Virginia Bedding field when she entertained her card club last Wednesday evening-were evening-were Mrs. Jean Hickman, Mrs. Helene Pasborg and Mrs. Ar-lene Ar-lene Voorhees. The regular members present were Mrs. Barbara McGinn, Mrs. Mary Raines, Mrs. Dawn Miller, Mrs. Eeverly Davis and Mrs. Lois Hollis. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. McGinn received the prizes. Sandra Beard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Heard, had a very disappointing Fourth of July. She was confined to her home with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Val Thompson Thomp-son of Tooeie were in Cedar City last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hollis. " -.I-... mrs. Mcdonald entertains Mrs. Kate McDonald entertained enter-tained at her home Wednesday afternoon honoring Mrs. Merle j Carlson. Bridge was played by Mrs. Fonda Magill, Mrs. Loretta Cline, Mrs. Mildred Coon, and Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. Cline won the high prize. Mrs. McDonald served root beer floats and sponge cake for refreshments. Mrs. Virginia Beddingfield and children are in Salt Lake City where her youngest child, Doug, is receiving medical attention. at-tention. She is also visiting relatives. MRS. NETTIE KIRK ENTERTAINS LADIES Entertaining her Monday and Wednesday night club last Wednesday Wed-nesday evening was Mrs. Nettie Kirk. Members present included includ-ed Mrs. Margaret Murdock, Mrs. Gwen Smith, Mrs. Lemma Boucher, Mrs. Ardith Outzen, Mrs. Metta Weston, Mrs. Lou Moore, Mrs. Naomi Hughes, Mrs. Ethel Nielsen, Mrs. Harriet Har-riet Hutchings, Mrs. Mary Williams, Wil-liams, and a guest, Mrs. Elaine Archer. Prizes for the Monday Night club went to Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Nielsen and Mrs. Hutchings. Receiving prizes for the Wednesday Wed-nesday Night club were Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Murdock and Mrs. Boucher. Mrs. Vivian Muncey, en route to her home in Los Angeles after attending a family reunion in Idaho Falls, spent three days last week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Frazier. i Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Mrs. Gladys Banks of Lynndyl was a guest at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Miller. MRS. COLBURN IS HOST TO G I A Mrs. Robert Colburn, president presi-dent of the G I A Division 500, entertained the members with a lovely party at her home last Thursday evening. Mrs. Dave Erickson, delegate to the national na-tional convention held in Cleveland Cleve-land earlier in the month, gave a detailed and very interesting report on the proceedings of the convention. A cool, delicious salad course was served by Mrs. Colburn, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Tine Bingham of North Hollywood, Holly-wood, Calif. Mrs. George Baker was given a bundle shower and received many lovely as well as useful articles. The remainder of the evening was spent in chatting and cutting cut-ting cards for clever prizes provided pro-vided by the hostess. Mrs. Frank Sullivan drew the raffle. Other members present were Mrs. Vern Shingleton, Mrs. Del Fowles, Mrs. Gil McGinn, Mrs. James Holm, Mrs. Howard Lund, Mrs. Owen R. Smith, Mrs. Kimball Coon, Mrs. Glen Barnes, Mrs. Harry Garfield, Mrs. Art Connell and Mrs. Ethel Killam. KESLERS ATTEND FAMILY REUNION AT PANGUITCII LAKE The Kesler family reunion, being held this week at Pan-guitch Pan-guitch Lake, attracted family members from the entire state. Included in those attending the affair are Mr., and Mrs. Lorin Kesler, Marvin and Dale; Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Lake, daughter Jerry and Jerry's son Richard; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holley and three sons; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kesler, Mr. an4 Mrs. George Spainhower and two daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blackner of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Pendleton of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Del Kesler and family. Mrs. Nina Berger has returned re-turned to her duties as local chief operator for the Mountain States Telephone Co. after enjoying en-joying a three-week vacation visiting relatives and touring Idaho. In Boise she visited a sister, Mrs. Allen Shaver, and at Payette Lakes she visited another an-other sister, Mrs. Art Smith. Fourth of July holiday visitors vis-itors at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. A. T. Miller were Mr. Mil- ler's mother, Mrs. Ella Magley, and Mr. Tom Jarvis of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Bessie Bayless and son Tommy of California Mrs. Bayless brought Tommy ur. to his father, Mr. Miller, and he will now make hip home ir Milford. |