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Show LOCAL AMD GENERAL. "W"c shall deem it a favor if our friends and patrons in Southern Utah will send us local items transpiring, in their vicinity. We also invite . Postal Card Correspondence from all parts of the Territory, ori items of interest, local and general. Books. The Book of Mormon, Doctrine ai.d Covenants, and Pearl of Great i'rice. New Edition are for s;.lc at the Prat Office. The two former books are one dollar each and the latt.r fifty c nts. They are neatly pr.nt- d and bound in cloth. I 4 1 j--F0R THE HOUSE-. I Send to J.unes Vick, Rochester, X; Y. for Catalogue. Cata-logue. vick's Illustrated Momhlv Magazine, 32 pages. $1.25 a year. Five copies for $5. . t Get the best. 1 3000 Engravings ; 1840 Pages'Quarto. EOUR PAGES COLOrteO PLATES Published by G. &,Ci' IVIjERHl Ml, Spring, j field, MasR. " " WARMLY INUURSKD BY Bancroft, . ' Prescott, Motley, George P. Marsh, FiU-Grecne Halleck, John (1. Whitticr, N. P. Willis, John (J. Saxe, Elihu Bufrit, Daniel Webster, ttufus Choatc, H. Coleridge, Smart, Horace Mann, More than fifty College Presidents, and the best American and European Schbllars. Webster "is the Dictionary used in the Government Govern-ment Printing Office." August 1877. Every School and Family should have it for constant con-stant use and reference. BntiT family help in training children to become intelligent men and women. Several vears later, and has one-fifth more matter than any other Dictionary. The authorized authority in Courts of Justice, for the meaning of words. Etymologies and definitions far in advance of any t other Dictionary. r J ' 1 , Recommended by U. S. Chief Justice Waite as the highest authority for definitions." j THE BEST' Tor Schools. recommended by State Superintend J" dentsof 35 different States & 50 College Prcsts. About 32,000have been placed in Public Schools bv l iw or School Officers. Contains 3,00 Hustrations, nearly three times as manv as anv other Dictionary. Three pictures of a ship, on page i7Si illustrates the meaning df more than XOO words. . Sale of Webster in 20 times as great as that of any other Dictionaries. Webstev's Natiouatl Pictorial 100 Pasros Ovo. 600 Etigravlnffs. Is it, not richt.1v claimed that Webstkw is THE NATIONAL STANDARD? .-.,. .., )S. mVr ican system of fl INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE BODIES. WARDER, LUSE & GO,Kr" TYPE FOUNDERS, CHICAGO & SAN FRANCISCO, Manufacture TYPE BORDERS &Brnris Rulo 'M on the COMMON SENSE PLAN. Also Dealcrsin Primers' Sui)lie8 ill (icnci'iil. , H yzroun system t&ty . ) H Briefly ot plained, is a follows. The unit uf iiieitMircflinnt Tor all Typo liodics, is -mf)vrai, wlncli is exactly one-t welfth o( . ,, -' Pica.. Thu is tho binailcst nml iipplicd only to Loads and Rulei. All the other hodics lio,r exiict relations tn tins ns in. dieatcd ly nuinhers. From Amrrlitm to Nonj)areil. which is numheredC, they incrc.isft irorcMlvely liy ono-lmlf Ihehody of tho first. Heyoml thu, to Prn. Ity rtn increnktt the sircol H Amtrican. There aro no trifmv or irregular bizes. 4 XST 'Each the U a actor. Three Nonpareil (Ojnre a fircat :H Primer (18); three Brevier (8) nro a Douhlo Pica (2-J). u0Il 1 . .H tmreil (G) and a Brevier (Si aro tin Enalish (14). or Two-lino -H jmren (0) anu a ure.vicr (i aro tin minimi (i, or jwo-uhu -Minion; a I'ica(I2i nnd an Excelsior (4) - twp 6-tn Pica Leads nro a Coluinhuii (16); ti Douhlo EnL'liih (28) and -a Broker (8) t t aro a Double flreat Primer (30); so with allof thootlier sues, nndcing tho combination oft wo or more sues of typo in.aword ';y H or line, the simplest thing iiOAuinnblo in fonipobitioji Tint M od.d body, Bourgeois (0), i now n rcspcctriblosizc, lemg a Tion- jH jiareil (li).nnd one-lmlfosiictly. " 1 Look over the fiKUrcs uud test tho simplicity of tli9 now ayp H tem of Typo bodies, American 2 Saxon nw njii hwiiiiiwi'iii mo jjl DW. Paragon , IH 8 Nonpareil HHHHHSS iH 8 Brovler flH HHHHBHHHMHR 44 oanon HE 8 MKjfli S H THlb rArtli mm |