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Show APPLES; J The Bellflowei4 is a fine eatine: and ':fl copking.apple., .Thejratm Farmer !fl raises the objection-iha.Ut, is. nnpro- vfl ductive in some Joqalitiesrtand says,- fl e ,knpw of an,orphar.d,of them,, of H two. hundred and.fiffy ti;ees,, seven- ? teen years. old, from which pot . one ' tjH bushel of fruf has eyeren gathered, " S while, it. is immediately surrounded ' : on all sides by ether varietiesthat j H h.ave been grandly productive, with , H ,,the same soil and culture, Therefore it is one of the varillies that should nev:er .bve, planted except wher.eexper- ience has shown tliey v;ill !bear fair crops.';; The same is 'ueJf other H plesJ(the Northern, Spy, fpr. exam- fl P!6v fyt fp?5 . .variety . soil and NH cjimate.jBa?. , flfll |