Show TO THE LADIES OF SALT LAKE MRS A E TAYLOR has opened an acif ar studio at S main axa and would be pleased to have the ladies of the city call and inspect her work mrs taylor is a student of the art institute of chicago she comes to this city with the following references mrs james S campbell miss jessie boyd mrs joseph thour mrs john H hansen of fargo N W D of chicago the following mrs john hamilton mrs M D wheeler miss ida page mrs R kneefel Kue efel mrs mrs z A hi humphrey amp hrey and prof bof AI A J rupert jp ert one of the most noted artists artiste in america his masterpiece master piece the last pays days of pompeii was finished in munich the professor has been offered for this magnificent painting 91 ay by tanker banker hutchison of chicago mrs taylor was wail a private student of prof while in chicago af JO salt lake city the follo following wing Ms mr and mrs C F v mitchell mr and mrs J X L gavegan and A C keeli keeley py all 0 of whom w knew of taylor in fargo X D mrs towi wm give private lessons on reasonable terms for particulars see herbard her card in n this t h t fr aue issue or call aelier studio A A i 47 |