Show yie te broad fx X bublis PUBLISHED WEEKLY WM will promulgate and at all times uphold the true principles of democracy but farmer fadem catholics aitho protestants knights ot of labor infidels infidels cormons mormons Mor mons priests or any one else can have their say sa yd so MO long as 08 their language is proper an and responsibility la Is fixed THE BROAD ax is a me newspaper W oni a whose platform is broad en enough a tor all ever C claiming 1 41 MR the editorial right uh t to speak its own mind local will have attention write only on one side of the paper subscription one year 2 six months 00 three mona mon months 50 in any quantity at the following rates bates one Hu hundred ildred 30 3 0 five hundred 1250 one thousand 2000 single copies 05 advertising rates made known on application kcf address all communications to THE BROAD AX 66 man main street salt lake city utah JULIUS P F TAYLOR PUBLISHER A AND EDITOR entered at post office oa as second class matter democratic TICKET TICK PT for united states Sen senator sra JOSEPHS JOSEPH L RAWLIN rawlinson salt lake MOSES THATCHER THAT CHERof of cache for Gover governor vior JOHN T CAINE of salt lake for congressman B H ROBERTS of davis por for Jud jade of the supreme court coarts THOMAS MA MALONEY ONEY of weber RICHARD W YOUNG of salt lake SAMUEL IL THURMAN of utah por secretary of FISHER S HARRIS of salt lake por for attorney A J WEBER of weber por for ert ALMA AT A GREENWOOD of millard for auditor GUY C WILSON of kupet sanpete San pete for superintendent or of bublie clon KARL G of utah SALT LAKE COUNTY for members member or the state senate j PARLEY L WILLIAMS GEORGE A WHITTAKER W el I 1 MARVA JOSEPH S CHARLES R SAVAGE A OSCAR W MOYLE por members or of the tae mouse hoose or of depre enta DAVID R ALLEN RULON S WELLS JOHNH JOHN H MURPHY HEBER BENNION HENRY HEMY WALLACE WALLAC CHARLES W PENROSE 1 ORRIN ORBIN P MILLER charlesi CHARLES J PERCE PENCE JOSEPH E R TAYLOR ADAM SPIERS for super delit or OSCAR VAN DOTT COTT for judy Jad lelal OGDEN HILES HILVA of salt icke ake ANDREW LB IS GRAND YOUNG of salt lake vote tor hr moses Mool meter hatcher and ama buy bay your shoes of la diw shoes from to fo 60 childrens from 60 80 cents tc to 2 0 main st opposite V to IN IT R TJ C T to itt art an needlework i 0 rk t A 0 OIL 1 L ifa T tfx R S kle my BY at V W sa ars P ii RT 0 student of th e 99 Stud oi math Ss ya L LIVE av E WHILE 2 YOU MA MAY and live A jeby we vre tut thae 1 loyld VV MELONS meloa MELO 6 S V FRUITS S vegetables S and all other good things that P people e 0 P e 0 t to t to o i take r for their health an d stomach ach s sd sake ke 7 41 Y L I 1 VV T j 5 GALL CALL AND AN D SEE FOR yourselves YO S 4 1 I 1 is y s y A r V r SW RZ 4 t 1 t i ya mk R h lisl ll f k yx 3 SK U g Z zag JT jf y g r git i J V J s V T jre ete sj X 4 x s J aws ell c s 44 is aa |