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Show Thursday, May THE 1947 15, LEVAN NEWS TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Page Five Social News LOCAL HAPPENINGS 4 OFF 25 BASEBALL 2i0FF Mrs. John G. Connelly of Salt Lake City is visiting at the home Mrs. Dulcia Francom was hostof Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey. LEAGUE GAME ess last Friday to a group of relMr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelson of atives and friends, on the occasion Salt Lake City were in Nephi for of her birthday anniversary. A Mothers Day as guests of Mr. and SPANISH FORK delicious luncheon was served. WGMENS AND MISSES SPRING Mrs. Harry Beagley and Mrs. J. Her daughter, Martha Brotherson C. Kelson. of Salt Lake City carnj down for VS I1EFH1 ihe occasion and remained until Jack Vickers who is attending MAY 2 1 ST Sunday for Mothers day. WED. U. of U. spent Mothers day the Airs. Sadie Bowers and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lesthe at 5 P. M. Hughgene Painter visited in Salt Time Game B. Belliston. ter Lake City last Wednesday at the homes of Mrs. Bowers son in law' ,, ,r Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jensen and Wi and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rayot Salt Lake City visited family mond Brass and Mr. and Mrs. been visiting at the home of his over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Katie Aagard. U mother, H. Belliston. Wesley Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ligman Wm. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Miss Phyllis Mrs, Wanda Burridge spent and son Elden went to Fillmore and children and where they were guests at the Beard of Provo spent Mothers day Mothers day in Salt Lake City m; at the home of Mrs. Annie Beard. with her family. home of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wankier n. and Gadd Earl Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson had as week end guests Mr. and of Salt Lake City were in of Woods Cross spent Mother? day Mrs. Var Buchanan and Mrs. Os- family over Id- Nephi the week end. of Buchanan mond Blackfoot, here with his mother, Mrs. Mary aho, and Mrs. Raymond Arave of Anderson and other relatives. Guests tor Mothers Day of Mr. DISCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Dty and Ogden. Mrs. A. V. Gadd were Air. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosh an- and Mrs. Mr. nd Mrs. Jack Dpy of and Mr. and Gadd John and at the Mrs. Victor Gadd and were dinner guests on Sun- nounce the birth oi a son family of 81 h. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Payson hospital on May Provo. SELECT EARLY BEFORE SIZES ARE Christensen. Lyman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns and ' Mr. and Mrs. Norris Christensen of Frovo visited ovc the family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and V GONE Mrs. Thomas Kendall and Mr. and week end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Hairy Burton and families and Mrs. E. N. Christensen. were dinner euests Sundav of Mrs. V) Mr. and Mrs. Darral Childs and 4 William Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Salt Lake City were guests over the of Milton Mr. and Mrs. Ockey week end at the home of Mrs. S. The Wasatch ChapPROVO Lake City spent Sunday with to P. Christensen. ter No. 1, Disabled American Vet- Salt W. J. Mrs. Ockey. Mrs. W. .Lleyellwn went to erans is lor their an- their mother, Price Monday to attend the fun- nual race preparing meet which will be held Mr. and Mrs. John Ord of Lake iltady-t-Yra- r of Quality eral services on Tuesday for her in Provo on May L'9, 30 and 31. Shore spent Sunday in Nephi with at sister in law, Ida Llewellyn. i'rivvs Roland Jensen, chairman of the Mr and Mrs. Geo. V. Ord. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Davis of Salt Veterans Racing committee Luke City spent Mothers day hfre Garth Tolley of the University that purses ..totaling $4,000 OFF at the home of her parents, Mr. will be paid the owners of the win-rin- g of Utah visited Sunday with his Mrs. and Mrj. Preston Christensen. Delia horses. There will be sev- mother, Tolley. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Guymon and May Taylor and children Bon- en races daily with purses ranging nie and Lynn were guests ov?r from $125.00 to $300.00 added for son of Provo visited Sunday at Mrs. Marvin Anderson was in the week end at the home of Mr. the feature races. the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. and Mrs. David Hone in Spanish Spring City Sunday to spend the It is planned to conduct this Winn, parents of Mrs. Guymon. Mrs. Clifton A. Talboe of Pro- Mothers Day with her mother, Fork. race meet under the same rules Bishop James P. Christensen as are used by the Thoroughbred vo visited a few days last week, Mrs. Elizabeth Larson. and Counselor Clark S. Wo.d Association of America. Each day including Mothers day, at the were in Salt Lake City Monday there will be two feature races home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. en business for the ward. where entry fees will be charged. Ralph Brough. V A Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Dan M'Ttensen These entry fees will be distributand family of Salt Lake City en- ed a mens (he-- winners in addition Mrs. Jack Wright were in Salt joyed Mothers day with his par to the purses donated by the Dis- Lake City a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Ord and ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Morten-se- abled Veterans' organization. John W. Ord of Sandy were in Dan was the speaker at the -- c Salt Lake City during u,e week. Sacrament meeting in Levan ward y Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Winn and IF YOU SEND NOW Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morgan were Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Mortensen Southern California, Colorado and Ruel Mortensen of Ogdcn puists last week of Mr. and Mrs. Parks, the National Parks, Boulder in Lake came down Paul Francom Salt to City. FOR Saturday night Oam, as well as all the Eastern B Mrs. Slack of Stella Mothers Mrs. with Superspend day Floy Vacationlands are described and ior. Arizona is visiting with her Mortensen. colorful these free, picturedYouincan mo her, Mrs. D. K. Prown. Mr .and Mrs. R. H. Gardner had folders. go Greyhound for Lee Chritison of Salt Lake City as guests over the week end Mr. of the cost driving. Take your GRADUATION j and Mrs. George Connelly and spent Mothers Day with his moth choice of expense paid tours, or f travel D. son. Mrs. Mabel Christ vacation er, of . Lake Salt Conelly City. Gary -Mrs. Orson Ca'ier will visit for with stop-over- s Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mangelson anywhere. Plan -the next two weeks with her famvouc vacation early. tiaii and family of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mangelson and family NAVE ARRIVED ily in Salt Lake City. coupon now! Mr. and Mrs. Clarer.ce Warner of Salt Lake City spent Sunday ' and son Robert, and Mrs. Orson here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. pensy FREE Paste this eaupon tn Cezier have returned from a two C. A. Mangelson. and postal eard and mall ta TravelOmaweeks vacation in Alhambra, CalMrs. James Sorenson of Scipio Tour Dept., 2116 Leavenwerth, pew ter Oreyhound'p ha, Nebr., ifornia with Mr. ai'd Mrs. D. Z. visited on Sunday with her 'Son in Literature. Travel Plan and FREE law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bigler amy s to NEPHI JEWELRY Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eager, Miss Arlin Stephensen. (name deitiutloa) Marion Llackett, Mrf. Lola C. Mr. and Mrs. Christian ChrisJenson. Mr. and Mrs. Fdwin Bai- Addrots tensen motored to Payson SaturAND APPLIANCE i BUte . ley ?nd son David were guests ntv day to see J. A. Earley who is in Caz-ier. J.ist week end of Mrs. Orson the hospital follwine an accident. . ,41 ORDERS . . They also visited with Mrs. Earley Mrs. That'i w!.at we supply at jspnngvme. Mr. and Mrs. Ear- Harry Foote is visiting in Salt Lake City with her son in law filled proicriptions, first ley recently became parents of a Operated by INTERSTATE TRANSIT LINE8 and daughter daughter. all sickk and aid needs, LaMar Winter met with a nain- bed comforts. When you ful accident Friday while nullinc need drug service call u.. posts out of the ground with a truck. One post broke off and struck Mr. Winter on the head. NEPHI DRUG CO. causing cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mrtensen and son of Casper. Wvominc have Final Clearance! To all outward the SELLS appearances FURNITURE COMPANY Is just like any other furniture and appliance store . much more. TheRaccoon Dog nc but it's really It's the store with the friendliest service - lmu 16 IN ALL OUTWARD APPEARANCES A RACCOON. BUT ITS FEET ARE DIGITI- UKAUb, NOT FLAKfTlGRADE, ANO IT IS A TRUE DOG. ;SEE OUR . and most reasonable . . . prices drop in, anytime. Suits, Miliinerv - Kill-mo- All Merchandise in these Categories ; An-der- st WALLPAPER TODAY NEW Coats, subject to re Provo Veterans Plan Race Meet For Last of Month Exclusive S.(adivs" &hp Your Milk Filter Needs can now be X Taken care of by using x ! x PERFECTION NEW DU8L - Popular 2o FREE GHEM - FACED BULO n. COTTON FILTER DISCS MILK 100 j - 612 inch Discs in Carton 80c m 30 DAYS TO FISHING SEASON See our LIGHT - WEIGHT CONVERSE BOOTS j Nephi Motor Co. j WATCHES . First West and Center Phone 66 krA v,Ah J k Remember GET MORE FOR YOUR VACATION DOLLARS ' ai."?i ; k on - J f: sooo - oa:c . - ...and 1 u 00c QUALITY R AT LOWEST COST 4UWKw - " ' BIG-CA- only Chevrolet gives you only value like this need satisfy you! 1 Naturally, you and your family want the highest motoring enjoyment at the lowest possible price; and you'll find these advantages in the new 1947 Chevrolet the only car giving Big-Cquality at lowest cost as the following facts prove. ar a ify SANTA o When you save money on transportation you're economizing on the major expense item of vour vacation budget. It means more money for vacation clothing, sightseeing, accommodations and entertainment. Call your friendly Santa Fe Trailways agent today for schedule information and fares. You'll find that it pays to travel by Santa Fe Trailways bus. ' "AlakeltTeii Gallons! You're Not Going to Pull That Gag About Running Out of Gas!" Whether it' one 01 (en gallons, you get clean, here tuperior tervice too! A on oil, tire, quick, efficient cheerful check-u- p carburator, and motor all for the price of one (or 10) gallon of gat. For happy motoring, drive In here firitf knock-fre- e go Richmond Auto Service Second North and Main Phone 419 j .j -, H Chevrolot Qives you the Big-Cstyling and luxury of Body by Fisher at lowest prices and it's the only car that does I ar ' Ask about Trailways bus service to Mexico City via the famous PAN AMERICAN ROUTE. StI- TRAILWAYS BUS ' i ' FE Panguitch Kanab Flagstaff Phoenix . L Chevrolet gives you the Big-Cperformance and reliability of a ( fc i ? V; Valve-in-Hea- d Thrift-Mast- together with Chevrolet's low upketip oos's and it's the only car that doesl Engine Chevrolet gives you the combined Big-Cn comfort anil safety of the Hide and Positive-Actio- n Hydraulic Brakes-toget- her with exceptional gas and oil economy and it's the only car that dotsl ar Knee-Actio- TA"J OL $3.55 4.cK) $8.80 1210 SANTA FE TRAILVAYS BUS DEPOT PHONE CARTER CAFE 264 Ys, only Chvrolai givas you and only this need satisfy you. R QUALITY AT LOWEST COST; Visit our showroom, and pUico and your ordor with us for a now 1947 Chevrolet. BIG-CA- kp NEW 1947 CHEVROLET NEBO CHEVROLET COMPANY 'S |