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Show p m My mm SI & m w&y Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, May 15, Volume 38 Mona Lady Is Winner Stock Show Monday Was Successful A member of the Ladies Literary club of Nephi, Mrs. Elena H. Stanley of Mona, was judged first prize winner in the annual poetry contest sponsored by the Utah Federation of Womens' clubs. Mrs. Stanley's entry, a sonnet called "Desolation" tells of the entry of the pioneers into Utah ami is published in the issue of The Utah clubwoman". Mrs. Stanley has been invited to r?3d her poem at the Triennial convention of the Federation to be held in Salt Lake City M?y 19, 20 April-Ma- . A- m ' A y - - . Annual baniuet and party of The American Legion, Nephi Post No. 1, will be held in the canyon Friday evening, according to an announcement today by Fred L. Gadd, Legion commander. All Logionairos and their part-nueare expected to be present, ..nd veterans who are not now members of the Legion are invited to join the group, and attend the Friday night affair. it C l ti ,: " r Mr " - American Legion to Hold Scheduled for This Week end rs - BASEBALL Hid .'1 PLAY TO START HERE JUAB HIGH SCHOOL 4-- H GRADUATES ANNOUNCED Le-va- 4-- H Robert Sperry Number 20 Winning Animals and Owners in East Juab Show Held Monday In State Poetry Contest The Second East Juab Junior Livestock show was held at Nephi . on Monday, May 12, with 19 and A and 12 4 - H Club boysn Fifty-sevegirls participating. tat baby beet, 19 grain and milk fat lambs, ana seven ltu. uuga , shown. The grand champion fat baDy Crane teef was shown by Georgereserve of the Nephi F F A. The champion fat baby beef was shown bv Grant Worthington, Nephi club The grand champion fat hogn was shcErn by Ned Mangelson, club. The grand chamshown by pion grain fat lamb was and the Clyde Kay, Nephi F F A,lamb was grand champion milk fat ixhibited by Lynn Hall, Nephi F F A. m Fat Baby Beef division 2i Nor-A Crane Choice George man Stephensen 2, Kenneth Allen 2, Roy Ostler, Jim Harris, Dean Bowles, Norman Shaw, John Yates 2, Jack Carter Bryan 3, Dee Memmott. and Dewane Good George Crane, 3, Dean Bowles, Tim Carter, John Bryan 3 Jim Harris, Norman Shaw A Dee Yates, Jack Carter, Dewane Clair Memmott, Ray Ostler 2, Pax-ma- n Kendall, Lynn Hall, James 2. Junior Howard, Commercial 1947 ARE V The following students have been approved as candidates for graduation from the Juab High school, according to an announcement by Principal C. H. Pay. Mr. Pay stated, however, that some of the students still have work to make up and until that work is completed they will not be fully approved as graduates. Any seniors not listed are being kept from the list for that reason, it was mentioned by Mr. Pay: Kenith Allen, DeVere Barnes, Beith Bendixen, Evelyn Blackett, Jerry Bosh, Jay Bowles (GI), Newell Bryan, Patsy Carter, Er-m- a C. Braithwaite, Jeannine Cole, Joyce Cowan, Keith Cowan, Geo. Crane, Ardath Farnswofth, Lynn Francom, Nadine F. Ingram, Clarice Gowers, Helen Hansen, Bar bara Hutchings, Arley Jackman, Mary Lee Jack-maRanee Barbara Jarrett, Jones, Marilyn Knight, Romaine McPherMangelson, Margaret son, Duane Memmott, Hal Mem mott, Bonnie Morgan, Grant Neil-seMilton C. Neilsen (GI) Geor-gin- a y Ockey, Katherine Ostler, Ostler (GI), Carol Lee Pickering, Kenneth Riddle, Betty Salisbury, Cleoma Sanders, Gwen Colleen Sherwood. Earl Sperry, Dorene Sperry, s, Merlin Stephensen, Janiece Erma Tew, Ilene Thompson, Bonnie Vogt, Carl Wankier, Alma Winn, Keith Worthington. Commencement evercises will be held at the Juab high school auditorium on Friday evening. May 23rd, at 8 P. M. A complete will be printed in the program Times-New- s next week. 2. Club Grant Worthington, o,Choice McPherJimmy Ockey 2, Larry 4-- SGood Grant Worthington 1, Bobby Johnson. Cmmercial: David Bradheoad, Norman Ostler, 2. : GRAIN FAT LAMB DIVISION -- n, SUNDAY si ia,s The 1947 baseball season will get under way in Nephi on Sunday, May 18th, when American Fork invades the local ball park to meet the Nephi nine. On Wednesday, May 21st, the Nephi team will also be host to the Spanish Fork crew' in the second home game. It was originally planned lo have the Sunday game at American Fork but the change was announced Thursday. The Centennial baseball season has promise of being one of the most entertaining in years, with hard, fast and interesting play featuring every game, and with the competition more keen and tight than ever before. The Nephi nine has promise of being one of the stronger teams of the Central Utah league this year. There has been heavy turnouts during the practice sessions and with so many fine, young players interested in playing base ball a strong team can be expected. Spanish Fork is expected to come up with one of its strongest teams in many years, and Springville, American Fork, Heb-e- r, Payson, Eureka and Levan can always be depended upon to field a strong and hard fighting team. With this in view a close race can be expected in the Cen tral Utah league, and the Nephi nine has its eye on the top of the heap. Bob Howard has been selected to manage the local nine this season, and with Bob at the help the Nephi fans can be assured of get ting the most out of their tun. Bob has had many years of playing e: perience, and is well liked by both the players and the fans. It is anticipated that the Nephi baseball fans will be able to witness the local games in much more comfort this season than during The Nephi the past few years. Baseball association is endeavoring to have the grand stand painted and j repaired and new fences built, to accomodate many more fans and to add measurably to It is hoped that their comfort. these badly needed improvements can be finished as soon as possible. Two big games in Remember i hnext week. American Fork at Nephi Sunday at 4 P. M., and Sp. lurk at Nephi Wednesday at 5y ..1. Join the crowds and yourself. To Broadcast EPHRAIM PLANS STOCK SHOW Here are the top animals in Monday's East Juab Junior Stock Show . . Top left: George Crane and his prize winning Baby Beef; Below, left: Ned Mangelson of Levan with his Poland China fat hog. At right above is Clyde Kay and his Grain-fa- t lamb lamb, and the Milk-fa- t below right is being held by its owner, Lynn Hall. Ned Mangelson is youth, while other three exhibitors are members of the F F A. Photos by Chapman Studio prize-winnin- g 4-- I 2 I- . - .......... - . - . ' , f ' . - - " v. i ' I ,H n, F. F. A. High Choice: Clyde 2Kay. Choice: Clyde Kay, Good : Clyde Kay, 2 CLUB Choice: Karen Kay, 3, Bomta Le-Ro- 4-- H N GoocE Karen Kay, 3, Margaret . .Neilson, 1 Milk Fat Lambs Division: Hall A Choice: A. Lynn F. F. AFTERNOON C Sud-week- Funeral Held Last Eight Boys of Nephi eTfiTcvjinc Have Opportunity to CEHTEIi'llfiL EVENTS iday Afternoon for Attend Boys' State Current Monday through i Clifford E. Young, assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints will be the speaker at sessions of Juab Stake quarterly conference at Nephi Saturday eveMr. Young is ning and Sunday. an outstanding Church official and delivers always outstanding addresses. The conference will open Saturday evening, with a Welfare meeting, which should be attended by all ward and stake welfare workers. This meeting will begin at 6:30 p .m. At 8 p. m. Saturday evening, the Priesthood leadership meeting will be held, with all officers of the Melchizedek Priesthood' quorums in attendance. The General Priesthood meeting of the conference will be held on Sunday at 9 a. m., with the folexpected to be present: lowing Stake presidency, high council, Patriarchs, Stake Clerk, Stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee; all presidencies and secretaries of Melchizedek Priesthood quorums; All group leaders and group secretaries; Stake mission Presidents; Stake Aaronic Priesthood committee; Stake committee for adult members of the Aaronic priesthood; Bishops and Counselors; Ward Clerks, Ward Aaronic Priesthood advisers, Seminary teachers; Y MM I A stake" and Stake Sunday School superintendency. Mothers and Daughters meeting will be held at the Third ward chapel. All mothers and daughters in the stake are urged to attend. General sessions of conference will be held in the Tabernacle at 10:30 and 2:00 Sunday. In addition to Elder Young, Ezra C. Knowlton will be in attendance, representing the Church Welfare officials. super-intendon- cy Seminary To Hold Exercises Sunday , At Tabernacle Donna Malmgren, e: Levan, Karen Kay. Bryan Neilson, A Choice until June o "Message . Commencement exercises of the Hog Division: uneral services were held at Utah Boys' State,, sponsored by Friday of the Ages'' at Salt Lake TabNed Mangelson, Levan, 7.businessJuab stake seminary will be held Mrs. for reWard Th.i'd tin; be will chapel American the Nephi Legion, ernacle. Juab County, Sunday evening at 8 p. m. at the convived this year and will hold its May 7 "Joan of Lorraine'' i iiiii v". Sidwell, who died the Juab Stake Tabernacle, according men, and interested citizens the Tuesday. at Kingsfinancing towards li'eious Judith with to an announcement today bv E. Evelyn tributed the Si i wees were directed by Bush-u- ;j the bury Hall. Contributions were inwere July 5 to 19. This will be outLV Richardson, principal of the show R. Garrett, with inler-- i v and since the Juni. first Elgin Si 7 or ne encampment Utah prizes cash of form Seminary. lie ii- in the Vine BkuI" cemetery break of the war, and . Legion May Show a! Spanish Livestock made by the follwing:Railov.Mc until the direction ol Andtrsuii The theme of the program will sponsors predict the biggest and Motor Fork. Forrest CuneP Nephi Furniture most successful camp yet held. be "A Faith Stronger than Steel" 7 Black and White day Funeral home. May who men e were young Twenty-onwith the following outlined: PreThree previous camps were held, at Richmond. Speakers at the services Commercial Bank, the Juab Al:na Tranter, Will L. lloyt and to the war, and boys who 1.V18 Art Exhibit No. 3 at Grocery, Carter Cleaners, Nepn will be graduated from were lude, selected; Processional, Joyce prior May honA. J. Gowers, witii prayers being Aliens high school next week, were privileged to attend receivDrive Inn. Downs; opening chorus, "True to ifr. Panguitch. 11. C. Nephi A. E. Sells anil ored guests at the regular ed an intensive training in practic0 the Faith" by graduates; invocaKodachrome show olt'ered by May Ca h sCe, Carters We. at the held e Kiwanis club meeting prayal citizenship and the functioning Grace, with the grave-sidtion, Milton Neilsen; violin solo, at Price. NeThI CCC Barracks Wednesday even of state, county and city governNeW,?-S"Clair De Lune" Marilyn Thom17 Centennial Bowling er by J. E. Lunt. May a c?nfribmend i.f Musical selections consisted the total prize ing. ments which went far to equip at Paramount Bowl. Ogden as; address, George Crane, presidSub of Ashton, election by a quartet composed supervising them for actual participation in George ent of Seminary Student body; "Blossom Time" at May 17 western local and state governmental afvie Pratt, E. R. Garrett, T. D. address "Faith in Early Church O My and champion fat entries architect atwasThermona "Peg Panguitch of the the Co , Nephi, and Delia Barnes, and a pispeaker men fairs. Leaders" Helen Lunt; mixed chorat Fscalanle. Boys state encampments Heart were as follows: fe f the and young gave evening, us "Come, Come Ye Saints" James have been adopted by the Americ3 Art Exhibit No. ano solo by I'heta Sperry. May h advise. some an Legion in more than half of the 2 at Coalville. Tiir T? rm:i i no IVTa ntrnlcrtn T vnn of was in charge Tho meeting chief as of union states the Merlin the 18 Centennial . Bowling, Stephenson. co. May francom Drug b bcef the Boys and Girls committee of part Qf ion's Americanism Sal! Lake. r i rvp Hcimf"-""ouciii DcaK!tjt uvvni j ldi iiiuii, Alleys. Temple . ' inC CIUU, Willi iamva Kathleen Warner, Corrine Pax-maArt Ostler. Kodachrome show May wrist acting as chairman of the pro- program. Utah Boys' State will be mado; at Kanias. Grand champion fat hog selections musical Two 1 Address Faith Necessary for Art Exhibit No. 1 boys who are New attractions EPHPAIM May All radios of Nephi should be watch irom nVa"r;.i, fat lamb gram. and accordian with vocal-wer- e up of representative or seniors in high school, at Monlieello. guitar have been added to Today's living Beverly Jackman; juniors ,md features to KALL taned and Downs morning jtl UIIU Saturday ' given by Joyce selected on the basis of merit and Kodachrome show at Mil wbe May it 10:30 when the students of the this jcar'r Sanpete Rambouillet vocal solo. "The Lord's Prayer", Kennein niaaie, mu iwy from the various Sand champion grain fat lamb cnlna character Escalante. Show to Margene Cooper; Presentation of Man-i- h Sixth .. ... , grades of Nephi will present aul Junior Livestock wpre piven bvr , , . n 1 Uinta Basin comniuniues oi me hiaie. Legion May a program. The program is being Snake it a truly Centennial year Albert E. Sells and Elsie M. uy accompaiin.-and civic organizations will geison, of stock Show. E. Thorpe of Dr. W. posts, .states even; awards; of presentation the through t;iven cooperation Downs. be invited to select: and sponsor May 23 at Peg O My Heart" the Junior Red Cross and the Etiiu:iii. show manager. The graduates, E. LV Richardson-- ; I u t. Guests present at the meeting i. . Vernal. local . Cross chapters. The show will be held May AS ana 21 presentation oi aipiomas. memncr lied : nf"-ifT- lt supennten-R. F. com included Nilsson, and 50c s nipt le K.il;:!mL May radio time has been purchased by at Ephraim and hundreds of dol- -' of Juab Stake presidency; clos-la$U0 good, received ill. l Shove at Ephraim Each entrant ' sponsored by the local will lie awarded exhibitors of ing chorus, "The Spirit of God" Vn,itvTKlwi" Cross. Red i..h .ho May 21 ''Peg O My Heart" -Kiwni live stock. N. Mrs Salt Woods of graduates; benediction, J. R. Nel- winning JenJense Evelyn of member .Tcnspn. '. b,Kthe and of Commerce Chamber Junior f'rv I .ike i'he parade at 2 p. m. Saturday son. , , City, field representative for T sen Contractors, Miss Downs and Junior Red Cross in Utah has will have the theme of 100 Years Mr. Memmott L. D. Mangelson. are Joan Beagley, Graduates 111 !leen in Nephi for the past two in Utah and floats depicting dil- -' . V honored nnis ser introduced the following rincifm ,aUvpn tho , asscmblo af program of recreation is resried let "Hi periods or events in me Ramona N. Bendixon, Keith with the Commerce ana me Kenith assisting practicing Barnes DeVere guests: Bendixen. Kenneth M. BowmP Williams thev are recister- - out and classes lor the study rl the script, in order that the Stalls history have locn assigned ers. Glenna Francom. Bracken. Helen Marr a I Jcnderson. Extension MeS'n S?ephensen, Lynn d. t examination. of citizenand and physical duties given privileges religious organKenneth Rid .program Saturday morning will various civic U S at Brough, Bonita Mae Bowles, Marconducted under out- he without flaw. are The horse izations. pulling Animal Husbandman of the Niel-ship ton i Mi Newell die Hit Bryan, of I. Brown. Jack Carter, LaRae '",() Saturday also Students will leave Nephi early A C at Logan was judge proni'ses to be ian sen. urani iNieisen, iaiMar now, staff of directors and counselors standing educators i and other counfeatured Willi Sa'ur'Jiy morning, making the a major attraction for hundreds Cole, 7aW: Margean Cooper, Geo. selors. Each day Romaine s Duane mem-bt.;Memmott, arth. 1 club ShThe F F A and 1 Crane. Marilyn Ellertson, Shirlene a carefully planned program one or more ge.it ral ..ssernhlies. at trip via school bus. and will re-- (if iin'se lovers. Mancclson. Jay Bowie's, Hal Mem and calulated to give the which lectures and addresses are lain in Salt Lake City during the to Ellcrtson, Janice Corrine Garrett, leaders and directors towish Entertainment, in .addition Karl Sperry, Keith Cowan, is followed, the mott, Doris Deane citizens of the state prac- delivered by leading Mate and day to visit points of interest. appreciation the exhibits, will include a mam-m- Lynn Francom. Jerry Bosh, George Crane, Arley youthful Gordon Merrill Hansen. unCr Chamber in tical experience officials. it dance, each night, fast boxmunicipal and Keith Ostler Jackman, LoRoy the .Nipni As a whole, the enc in jmT nt Occupants of each barracks Mrs. James W. Beard and Mrs. ing and wrestling bouts at a Gwendolyn Harmon. Bonnie wlvcrtising done, Ingram. Beverlyn Ann Jack-maare organized as cities, and groups affords a vahi i opportunity for Frank Booth left this week fur smokeless club through their com-r- l Worthington. K wan smoker, and a stock-n- v Darlene Jones, Marie Emma of as and counties. barracks and boys and girls n assume will the A. Sin Mr. Ashton gave the graduates! ns and F. F. City tjoys who Southern California. Mrs. Beard banquet. Helen Kenner. omccrs, including poao duties of rilieiiship !i meet with will visit her daughter and son for their work soliciting a group of five guideposts The show was started eight Jones, Rowena ior:couniy nd RoColleen Mcpherson, "nd ining up prize money. l.st-- them to use in development of officers and judges, are elected af leading hoys of n thi-- enuaunit ies in law in and pro- Lunt, Mrs and by ago years enterprising Hollywood d Ruth maine Memmott, contributor Mangelson. betv manner of and ii the every ter in actual in and 'he as them .th listed He and part ii i'e city P.ooth will visit with her husband. gressive eitiens interested riser and in-- t. thier future lives. Sharlene Neilsen, county governments. Thereafter, practice of to-- , n t merit. Thi" ree. Frank Booth who is employed at tering the county's livestock. At Milton Neilsen. i.tKvc for their wrP-r- tcwbwork the guidposts: Corrine Pax-- I and a is election held state and girls Die soeiMiion 1 stale reat ion it had only tcmixirary pens Joseph Pay Nelson. - Use Your head that's what officials are rest in boys Monica. program. Santa hist LaMar E. Price. James lI m.in. w now it in chosen, legwith other lvs including on the school grounds but organi it's for. Ann Sherwood, well con- Searles. Nola ed camp and the educational pro Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson of with 2 Cultivate your vision to see. islators and a supreme court. a five-acr- e plat In addition to organizing and cram combine to make it an inter- - Payson spent Mothers day with structed show barns adjacent to Charles Lee Sperry, Jay Morris 3- - Schooling pays dividends. Engagement of Young Donna Sperry, 4 - Be Honest. farm at the Sperry. JoPeenMerlin operating the machinery of state esting and piolu ihie emnenee her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell the Snow College Announced I Steele. Couple Stephenson. and local governments, a varied for every liov who attends. 5 Have faith. Douglas. notth edge of Ephraim. Pcrman-- . Marie Stowell. Ardith Mae Desma Five " made by Mrs. lit rodeo chutes have been built (inrrment Sudveeks Elaine Taylor, Ilene Under guidpost number 1, he of f v this show., of the en.u'.-ment 'idle years I.nRne that never in all hisThompson l1h Tolley. i,;r rt;mi!htor. Miss Nadir.o sonJonesoi Kintodhasoutthere Kathbeen such a detory Contest- Voct. Lois Yvonna Walker, l St, Iv.in, II. Blackett t'te impede Queen Thomas L. Wolf, n. Howard. The mnr- - mand for men who know how to I. .V-at a leen Warner. Gordon i honored ants guests wire Neil WorElaine Wood, as there is today. will nine piace Suturday, think and plan (taken flintier at the Nelx View thington. He pointed out several instances the with in evening, Tii'li.v '.',' where the basic planning was the ft" 'nnipedc Committee and theaclinsr only real genius in huge projects. queen committee Stampede numupon guidpost The South W;ird Trekkers were IS nests To show Tourney Pictures berCommenting two. Mr. Ashton pointed out It vv.'s announced that on May entertained by their teachers. Mrs see to National a how of the knowledge person's and Mrs. Mildred Moving pictures "t the S'rmpede Queen would T.iKille Warner was IJeymid the horizon, to forsee ' 1M ted. in he T rder to give her Greenhak-h- , nt 1he park last Fri- naketball tournament which P. work would month how last today's plans The bovs played ! war'lrOhC, d iv eftei noon. held in New York City life t.i high out. is a fundamental of success. et their logs. lx f iri the big '.hew. hall and completed will be shown at the Juab on M. 3 P. out 19. at figures specific Pointing r, i k vhn were honored glli st Then thev were served a hot dinm.hMfl Morula. May varthe with of the as income Peterson compared Conrh Vadal he aff or rursclav tiiglit were ner and ice cream. I'ooks of Morattendance. ious school levels reached. Mr I Gobvti 111 t'nivrritv of Utahwasin won Joyce Covvn. mon were presented to Larry to by the Ashton urged the graduates i i n le and Brian Nielsen for outstandColic. r. The tn'irnam"nt it), (' fn,i-.rsitvand it is under continue their schooling and to Sore knees and kunckles . . . Sure, but we all enjoy Above left MePh' r in, Pii'y and inrbles tournaments. Bert a Je;in Bailey, ing reverence in the house of the f" - c. monrshin that the films rontinually strive for a better are the Jacks contestants: Carol Strong. Doris Wh1 Pa Colren Worwood (Levan). At the I.eedl. Howard and Voneal In- - Lord, and to Bruce Bryan for a are life in the Marbles ixwition Clark Worwood., Shrm,.n Kfndjll, Goble and Don Francom, right . attendance record. players will lw sho'.vn here. gram. C1iH-Choic- iid: 4-- 1 13-1- GRADUATES ENTERTAINED 13-1- 15-1- aT 16-2- Sari mSsfof en-jo- 18-2- down-to-eart- 19-2- -- -- n. 20-2- l!)-2- 2 . Live-Verna- 20-2- Bel-listo- l. --- . S.ThorwTsed I I 1 mj ... 23-2- 1 rs d?lof,Sclr;h . " Er-bar- dt :f -- 1 4-- it Hal-verso- n. et g De-lor- es agn-Mur- al n. x, -- s t ii- v ; C.n-P'- Larry ' perfect |