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Show P Our New Tabernacle. Loiijj lit'foto tlio lime appointed (1 o'clock )ynu could sec many hurrying In tho'dlreelloii of Hie now Tnbcrnnele, At tin close of meeting taMers were stationed it each door and over 11.M0 woro present.ntid nil sealed. W . Meeting wiih ciillqd to order by fift , Wshop A. FJeld. 'The choir, which iLar ",'T lI'lfcoinuuxeellontHlnglng, rendered the MS' '4 anthem, ''In Our Itodevtiier's Name." Bgg l'myer liy Patriarch Win. dlarl?. HflL Choir Haiitf, "The Mountain of tlio flwl& Lord'H House." WBlife' '" On the stand wcro Pies. J. F. Smith, BP1 Apostle Hoed Hiuoot, Itlshop T It JK? Cutler, tlio Bishops and Counselors of 'g. . the four wards of Lchl; visiting Priest Sca ,. , hood, including Stuko High Councilors. Hpff': - The corner stone of the new building L' ; was laid Sept. 14, 1(101. It luisco.it BK vc over flW.OOO.OO, and but llttlo remains R -, uiiiald Bgf ' f'. President S Ii Chlnman was tho first H speaker. llosoko hi glowing tonus H 'r of thu beautiful building. aBrafc, ' Jllshop Cutler, who presided over fflBht ' JajIiI for IS years, referred to tho hls- XK' , tory of Jiehl and compared our llrst P'V jneeting house with tho ouo today. KL' Congratulated all upon our butter con- Hfs, dltloiis. - BRlfe,'- M"' Quartette "Savior, Soureo or EOf ' Kvcry lllcsslng." Bffi Apostle Jlecd Suiootspoko of thesac- HuL ' r'"cc "Ul(1o In building houses of W'or-MBKf W'or-MBKf ship. Our conditions me for our ex-Klp ex-Klp porlenco; of the Joy wo receive lii doing BE? good Ho expressed his admiration HE, for thu plainness and neatness of ar- Hi rangcinciil of tho building, mm Choir sang "Oh, A wnko My Sluniber- Mf lug Minstrel". ' gal Pres. Smith wiih the ncxUspcakor HgE Jle paid a tribute to our singers, lie Bfc j spoke highly of lllshqp T. It. Cuttler K r and the hiicccsh hu had inado He V ' mild It. wus no uacrlllco to Kpeud our M? ineiiiis when he receive -hi . return. Ijm-- hucIi beautiful buildings for our use PA and our children. , .We h6utd also W provide plm-en of ailiusemeut for our Spi young. ))co)lo lie did not believe w! SJ , iihould always preach', piny and look : . .? glum buL we Hhould laugh audelijoy It J'V Sloko of the' proper use of itir rieHiidT "4vlLi, hffii Ui tett(rnwnt oLIiianWiulBiid P Ho iwre u jjkiini: tefllpiony of tho f gospel and cxlft'rk'd all to Ui Inmost, in r our expression's, 'In our deallugti, etu J. M. Anderson otl'ered tho following reKolutloiiH. "JlCHolved, 'i'liut We, ns a body of representative ')oplo of hell I, do here-by here-by ox press our approval of the lalmrH ro far In the completing of this inag- lilliecnt Htruutiirc; that wo applaud ! the committee in- the plainness, yet the neatness and duntlilonoss of the finish i which the building iircscnts; thnl we further pledge oursclve to stand bnek I of the coiiniilllee by our means to tho iid of completing the building tit the I earllext couHlHteut date possible." ' The evening ineetlng wa prenlded 8 ovqrliyl'res A J. Evans., I ' ThoHpeakers were Dr. V. M. Stookey B ' ,1'rof.K. L-NellsonandG. N. Child i Mlhsca OuloloAVebb and Pearl IJome I Hang wjIoi. |