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Show Sight Page- o C 3 vi C v- - - -c ' ' -- V " r r V:- V "X 5 i PENCILS cjf x w 1 - OFf ICE r- SUPPLIES for.' 5 y 2 LOOSE LT;,AF FILTERS ERASERS TYPE PAPER E t EC Ei PjO: 1 VEWL JvCA r jRoo c. PER t '..RCuLTTLS are the biology trip wo interested in "knowing just, whom Laitra" Lytle is interested in along the male After ' line. . ; Cant with . Rudger- - his own girl age,' or does he believe in getting them-'-young and then training them to suit McArthur? him? Does he get a Vivian Brookllyj anyontb know whom' hook this year? Hands off Barbara Tweedie, That means fight where Paul came from. is. talking, about but' LeRoy Nissor-i- n are no- - , si-.... chemistry--M- ; Miles; ,E r. excused Mr'.: to:- Miles alpend a wedding. 'ahead ; ;Gjo. I will bothr.rf; you.CC. P.SClanice-- .wbpldn t go. unders'tand'y'i.hat .Blair ' excuse..,, -i , Maxfiold .has Snow.-- s ,.w jhi ac 0 . vi slhihg ;. Ghe rr 11 night' .since he met her this year. 'very Must-b-- ? love at first.. sight . Junior-i-Joilson and Maud ' Bentley are -- PORTER he! f I j iTID rNORMA ; will ''"F complete. 'i.D.i I f I j TERRY, ' bdthj .Saturday. They seem to be a very happy couple j ' ' A HARD - POHCrlir Aptpti' ! I T :5 i . jv SOiETBALL' GAI'ffi . T-- . n. ; .D. ; ! AIuTQUHGHS oclock irf j ' ; VAS PLAYED ; that Sc loncd .D. The average girl seems the jack. ai pieet ing evening at-"- building flat tiro is all right has a U ;:lg. waSil-,tA i holdtfie.next ..Wednesday twill 1 : the Dixie and Hurricane F.P.A. with the Hurricane boys wi lining Thd; scvOre THM u I A ! . h ee-- I' students of the Dixie college,; '.'aiereLCmarrlad o in the St. George tempi taking up anything important in class today? If not, I would like to bo you fby aEJigcfc widiow - former clubs, . one sees? . LMRIH betv;eon Sullivan ' often ho-pe- arid.- :C$pe.hdy boys. Does anyone challenge hiitiC th'p boy 4 Donna Lou is always bo irig.-- m ...spider lednescTay "nigHf., "his : recovery,-It is-- ,, - will Jresult'j of E-- E ; the Cnatter-- lVhatTs i ; to think that he prov-idin-g V .D. E-i- 1 : . . voted the j2utest couple in" schoblv a h to-- .why Jeanne Vvy.IlfC;'-- hro ' , Taint er much. that : . - Is s got-- -- real"- ' he-iha- n- it just the you I e anno? , -- c s ' ; so w.ehtorn'istpiid r. i j |