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Show at a glance .Pass. 'BITS Fu- 3vei GOSSIP OF just ask Joyce Adams what happened that night she was detained by Sometime by Ye Snoopee hear "about those "a (of all things) horse. And you also Oh, dear; last Saturday Gardner boys? might find out just how bravo Roene was to "'after. rowing to defend- the maiden in they took their girls':, and went did Pear me, you, distress Fredonia. And do you know what Fredonia or what time Sunday morning they means, got back? We wish Vivian Prince would make up her mind if it is going to be..'Parke Cox or Bill Swapp. As regards to threats of violent death to these columai&ts, LeNoro."' and Gene,! we've heard that before. Incidentally, the animal. 'journalism?, In-a-wo- of Pearl Math- -. description "'Clamorous . " too bad that tho football players rd. .eson , Its cant course, Barbara Carter, pathize with you about missing friend; from .Hurricane. t , hear the bah. 'We ' offense, Joyce.) stockings. Atfiere in the world did all the Kanab girls- learn their technique? Evidently it'hgets results, doesnt it, Nord? Does anyone know f Lester .Cottanv has 'socked Dean' Snow yet? (What': hbout? CrllOSS Dis anyone else besides the columnists f notice Sam "G."-- ' and' "Maxhl'a 'McMullin in Now . ng 3 m is- - to urn !rps-i-- b m ep we your groans of issuing started areally find bow-legg- ed .far?- iniJM . UT' SATU 00 0 MG' T 9 7t? 9 R DA Y m ia & i2& p TITLE T.rr.-- 1 . m pa pi i h A m i ' ; sym- from the gym arent Mrs. the- - girls have gym, the boys can whether--SH- near-:an- r luck, or not. is is' it that Lowell Terry is attracting certain brunette girls from out ; s NG in ctivity ; -- I that creaks-- and certainly they1 Tolmans. .. SKAT and now',' - R boned over-work- ed (No ROILE Bad Of .. in school. wish you wouldnt"'-- goes, This wecks to Joyce Adams for wearing those" red; OLD-FRIEND- Zion hike. enjoy tho boys. Sullivan for being the best nature! girl MEET YOUR couldn't hold off or -- , she .D. Claims that she doesn't go down to the temple any more. This weeks 'applause goes to Lela . if Cutest jacket of the week was worn by Miss Bu ggert', "multi-colcrochet." LeNore . even THE m i3 etf mm . . |